blob: 6d7696f012cb4d2d522f97ead84a6b5dcb7b1805 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
// Do a test comparison. By default memcheck does not use the
// expensive EQ/NE scheme as it would be too expensive. The
// assignment to *hack is a trick to fool memcheck's bogus-literal
// spotter into thinking this is a bb which needs unusually careful
// attention, and therefore the expensive EQ/NE scheme is used.
__attribute__((noinline)) // keep your grubby hands off this fn
void foo ( int* p1, int* p2, unsigned int * hack )
*hack = 0x80808080;
if (*p1 == *p2)
int main ( void )
unsigned int hack;
int* junk1 = malloc(sizeof(int));
int* junk2 = malloc(sizeof(int));
short* ps1 = (short*)junk1;
short* ps2 = (short*)junk2;
int* pi1 = (int*)junk1;
int* pi2 = (int*)junk2;
// both words completely undefined. This should give an error.
foo(pi1,pi2, &hack);
// set half of the words, but to different values; so this should
// not give an error, since inspection of the defined parts
// shows the two values are not equal, and so the definedness of
// the conclusion is unaffected by the undefined halves.
*ps1 = 41;
*ps2 = 42;
foo(pi1,pi2, &hack);
// set half of the words, but to the same value, so this forces the
// result of the comparison to depend on the undefined halves.
// should give an error
*ps1 = 42;
*ps2 = 42;
foo(pi1,pi2, &hack);
return 0;