blob: 81f56db1a1cc36709c8c1b57744356fb58b8f1bd [file] [log] [blame]
/* A test program to check whether the type-traversal functions in
mpiwrap.c (walk_type, walk_type_array) are correct. It does this
by sending a message to itself, thereby discovering what areas of
memory the MPI implementation itself believe constitute the type.
It then gets walk_type to enumerate the type, and compares the
results. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include "mpi.h"
#include "../memcheck/memcheck.h"
typedef MPI_Datatype Ty;
typedef unsigned char Bool;
#define False ((Bool)0)
#define True ((Bool)1)
static Ty tycon_Contiguous ( int count, Ty t )
Ty t2;
int r = MPI_Type_contiguous( count, t, &t2 );
assert(r == MPI_SUCCESS);
return t2;
static Ty tycon_Struct2 ( int d1, int copies1, Ty t1,
int d2, int copies2, Ty t2 )
int blocklens[2];
MPI_Aint disps[2];
Ty tys[2];
Ty tres;
int r;
blocklens[0] = copies1;
blocklens[1] = copies2;
disps[0] = d1;
disps[1] = d2;
tys[0] = t1;
tys[1] = t2;
r = MPI_Type_struct( 2, blocklens, disps, tys, &tres );
assert(r == MPI_SUCCESS);
return tres;
static Ty tycon_Vector ( int count, int blocklen, int stride, Ty t )
Ty tres;
int r;
r = MPI_Type_vector( count, blocklen, stride, t, &tres );
assert(r == MPI_SUCCESS);
return tres;
static Ty tycon_HVector ( int count, int blocklen, MPI_Aint stride, Ty t )
Ty tres;
int r;
r = MPI_Type_hvector( count, blocklen, stride, t, &tres );
assert(r == MPI_SUCCESS);
return tres;
static Ty tycon_Indexed2 ( int d1, int copies1,
int d2, int copies2, Ty t )
int blocklens[2];
int disps[2];
Ty tres;
int r;
blocklens[0] = copies1;
blocklens[1] = copies2;
disps[0] = d1;
disps[1] = d2;
r = MPI_Type_indexed( 2, blocklens, disps, t, &tres );
assert(r == MPI_SUCCESS);
return tres;
static Ty tycon_HIndexed2 ( MPI_Aint d1, int copies1,
MPI_Aint d2, int copies2, Ty t )
int blocklens[2];
MPI_Aint disps[2];
Ty tres;
int r;
blocklens[0] = copies1;
blocklens[1] = copies2;
disps[0] = d1;
disps[1] = d2;
r = MPI_Type_hindexed( 2, blocklens, disps, t, &tres );
assert(r == MPI_SUCCESS);
return tres;
char characterise ( unsigned char b )
if (b == 0x00) return 'D';
if (b == 0xFF) return '.';
return '?';
void sendToMyself_callback( void* v, long n )
long i;
unsigned char* p = (unsigned char*)v;
if (0) printf("callback: %p %ld\n", v, n);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
p[i] = 0x00;
void sendToMyself ( Bool commit_free, Ty* tyP, char* name )
int i;
MPI_Aint lb, ub, ex;
MPI_Request req;
MPI_Status status;
char* sbuf;
char* rbuf;
char* rbuf_walk;
int r;
void* dl_handle = NULL;
/* C: what a fabulous functional programming language :-) */
void(*dl_walk_type)(void(*)(void*,long),char*,MPI_Datatype) = NULL;
/* NULL: gives a handle which is RTLD_GLOBAL syms in current
process image */
dl_handle = dlopen(NULL, RTLD_LAZY);
if (!dl_handle) {
printf("sendToMyself: can't dlopen current process image\n");
dl_walk_type = dlsym(dl_handle, "mpiwrap_walk_type_EXTERNALLY_VISIBLE");
if (!dl_walk_type) {
printf("sendToMyself: can't find mpiwrap_walk_type_EXTERNALLY_VISIBLE"
" in current process image\n");
printf("\nsendToMyself: trying %s\n", name);
if (commit_free) {
r = MPI_Type_commit( tyP );
assert(r == MPI_SUCCESS);
r = MPI_Type_lb( *tyP, &lb );
assert(r == MPI_SUCCESS);
r = MPI_Type_ub( *tyP, &ub );
assert(r == MPI_SUCCESS);
r = MPI_Type_extent( *tyP, &ex );
assert(r == MPI_SUCCESS);
printf("sendToMyself: ex=%d (%d,%d)\n", (int)ex, (int)lb, (int)ub);
assert(lb >= 0);
/* Fill send buffer with zeroes */
sbuf = malloc(ub);
for (i = 0; i < ub; i++)
sbuf[i] = 0;
r = MPI_Isend( sbuf,1,*tyP, 0,99,MPI_COMM_WORLD, &req);
assert(r == MPI_SUCCESS);
/* Fill recv buffer with 0xFFs */
rbuf = malloc(ub);
for (i = 0; i < ub; i++)
rbuf[i] = 0xFF;
r = MPI_Recv( rbuf,1,*tyP, 0,99,MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
assert(r == MPI_SUCCESS);
/* Now: rbuf should contain 0x00s where data was transferred and
undefined 0xFFs where data was not transferred. Get to walk the transferred type, using the callback
to set to 0x00 all parts of rbuf_walk it considers part of the
type. */
rbuf_walk = malloc(ub);
for (i = 0; i < ub; i++)
rbuf_walk[i] = 0xFF;
dl_walk_type( sendToMyself_callback, rbuf_walk, *tyP );
if (commit_free) {
r = MPI_Type_free( tyP );
assert(r == MPI_SUCCESS);
for (i = 0; i < ub; i++) {
if (rbuf_walk[i] == rbuf[i])
continue; /* ok */
break; /* discrepancy */
if (i == ub)
for (i = 0; i < ub; i++)
printf("%c", characterise(rbuf_walk[i]));
for (i = 0; i < ub; i++)
printf("%c", characterise(rbuf[i]));
typedef char* Nm;
int main ( int argc, char** argv )
int rank, size;
printf("error: this program must be run on valgrind\n");
return 1;
MPI_Init( &argc, &argv );
MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size );
MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank );
if (rank == 0) {
Ty t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13;
Nm n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n9, n10, n11, n12, n13;
t2 = tycon_Contiguous(3, MPI_INT);
n2 = "Contig{3xINT}";
t3 = tycon_Struct2(3,2,MPI_CHAR, 8,1,MPI_DOUBLE);
n3 = "Struct{h3:2xCHAR, h8:1xDOUBLE}";
t4 = tycon_Struct2(0,1,MPI_CHAR, 8,1,tycon_Contiguous(4, MPI_DOUBLE));
n4 = "Struct{h0:1xCHAR, h8:1xContig{4xDOUBLE}}";
t5 = tycon_Contiguous(10, tycon_Struct2(1,1,MPI_CHAR, 4,1,MPI_FLOAT));
n5 = "Contig{10xStruct{h1:1xCHAR, h4:1xFLOAT}}";
t6 = tycon_Vector(5, 2,3,MPI_DOUBLE);
n6 = "Vector{5x(2,3)xDOUBLE}";
t7 = tycon_Vector(3, 1,2,MPI_LONG_DOUBLE);
n7 = "Vector{3x(1,2)xLONG_DOUBLE}";
t8 = tycon_HVector(4, 1,3,MPI_SHORT);
n8 = "HVector{4x(1,h3)xSHORT}";
t9 = tycon_Indexed2(1,3, 5,2, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR);
n9 = "Indexed{1:3x,5:2x,UNSIGNED_CHAR}";
t10 = tycon_HIndexed2(1,2, 6,3, MPI_UNSIGNED_SHORT);
n10 = "HIndexed{h1:2x,h6:3x,UNSIGNED_SHORT}";
n11 = "LONG_INT";
n12 = "DOUBLE_INT";
n13 = "SHORT_INT";
sendToMyself(True, &t2, n2);
sendToMyself(True, &t3, n3);
sendToMyself(True, &t4, n4);
sendToMyself(True, &t5, n5);
sendToMyself(True, &t6, n6);
sendToMyself(True, &t7, n7);
sendToMyself(True, &t8, n8);
sendToMyself(True, &t9, n9);
sendToMyself(True, &t10, n10);
sendToMyself(False, &t11, n11);
sendToMyself(False, &t12, n12);
sendToMyself(False, &t13, n13);
return 0;