blob: e887f1bab33a11b57a2bd79d1072fedeac7a5582 [file] [log] [blame]
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
##--- The cache simulator generator ---##
##--- vg_cachegen ---##
# This file is part of Valgrind, an x86 protected-mode emulator
# designed for debugging and profiling binaries on x86-Unixes.
# Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Julian Seward
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# 02111-1307, USA.
# The GNU General Public License is contained in the file LICENSE.
# Cache simulator generator, creates files vg_cachesim_{I1,D1,L2}.c to be
# #included in vg_cachesim.c.
# Notes:
# - simulates a write-allocate cache
# - (block --> set) hash function uses simple bit selection
# - handling references straddling two cache blocks:
# - counts as only one cache access (not two)
# - both blocks hit --> one hit
# - one block hits, the other misses --> one miss
# - both blocks miss --> one miss (not two)
use strict;
# Global variables
my %log2 =
( 1 => 0,
2 => 1,
4 => 2,
8 => 3,
16 => 4,
32 => 5,
64 => 6,
128 => 7,
256 => 8,
512 => 9,
1024 => 10,
2048 => 11,
4096 => 12,
8192 => 13,
16384 => 14,
32768 => 15,
65536 => 16,
131072 => 17,
262144 => 18,
524288 => 19,
1048576 => 20,
2097152 => 21,
4194304 => 22,
8388608 => 23,
16777216 => 24,
33554432 => 25,
67108864 => 26,
134217728 => 27,
268435456 => 28,
536870912 => 29,
1073741824 => 30);
my @valid_types =
("I1", "D1", "L2");
my @valid_sizes =
(1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536, 131072, 262144, 524288,
1048576, 2097152, 4194304, 8388608, 16777216, 67108864, 134217728);
my @valid_linesizes =
(8, 16, 32, 64, 128);
my @valid_ways =
(1, 2, 4, 8, 256);
my %valid_types; for my $i (@valid_types) { $valid_types{$i} = 1; }
my %valid_sizes; for my $i (@valid_sizes) { $valid_sizes{$i} = 1; }
my %valid_linesizes; for my $i (@valid_linesizes) { $valid_linesizes{$i} = 1; }
my %valid_ways; for my $i (@valid_ways) { $valid_ways{$i} = 1; }
my ($L, $size, $line_size, $n_ways);
my @caches;
# Argument and option handling
sub process_cmd_line ()
my $usage = <<END
usage: cachegen [options]
options are:
size is one of @valid_sizes
line_size is one of @valid_linesizes
number_of_ways is one of @valid_ways
Valgrind is Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Julian Seward
and licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2.
Bug reports, feedback, admiration, abuse, etc, to: jseward\
(@ARGV > 0) or die($usage);
for my $arg (@ARGV) {
if ($arg =~ /--(I1|D1|L2)=(\d+),(\d+),(\d+)/) {
my ($L, $size, $line_size, $n_ways) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
(defined $valid_sizes{$size} &&
defined $valid_linesizes{$line_size} &&
defined $valid_ways{$n_ways}) or die($usage);
# Remember cache type too, and save
push(@caches, [ $L, $size, $line_size, $n_ways ]);
else { # -h and --help fall under this case
# Printing machinery (I)
sub shiftSequence ($$$)
my $s = "";
my ($i, $n, $L) = @_;
while ($i > 0) {
$s .= " ${L}_tags[set$n][$i] = ";
$s .= "${L}_tags[set$n][$i];\n"
return $s;
sub trySet ($$$$$)
my $s = "";
my ($k, $n, $L, $hit_ending, $miss_ending) = @_;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $k; $i++) {
$s .= " "
. (0 == $i ? "if" : "else if")
. " (tag == ${L}_tags[set$n][$i]) {\n"
. shiftSequence($i, $n, $L)
. (0 == $i ? "" : " ${L}_tags[set$n][0] = tag;\n")
. ("" eq $hit_ending ? "" : " $hit_ending\n")
. " }\n";
$s .= " else {\n"
. " /* A miss */\n"
. shiftSequence($k - 1, $n, $L) # not if exclusive
. " ${L}_tags[set$n][0] = tag;\n" # not if exclusive
. "\n"
. " $miss_ending\n"
. " }\n";
return $s;
sub print_cache_simulator (@)
my ($L, $size, $line_size, $n_ways) = @_;
my $n_lines = $size / $line_size;
my $n_sets = $n_lines / $n_ways;
my $n_line_bits = $log2{$line_size};
my $n_set_bits = $log2{$n_sets};
my $assoc = (1 == $n_ways ? "direct-mapped" : "$n_ways-way associative");
my $L1_args = "Addr a, UChar size, ULong* m1, ULong *m2";
my $L2_args = "Addr a, UChar size, ULong *m2";
my $L_args = ($L ne "L2" ? $L1_args : $L2_args);
my $comments_cache_init_desc_and_doref_start = <<END
/* $L cache simulator, generated by vg_cachegen.
* total size = $size bytes
* line size = $line_size bytes
* associativity = $assoc
* This file should be #include-d into vg_cachesim.c
static char ${L}_desc_line[] =
"desc: ${L} cache: $size B, $line_size B, $assoc\\n";
static UInt ${L}_tags[$n_sets][$n_ways];
static void cachesim_${L}_initcache(void)
UInt set, way;
for (set = 0; set < $n_sets; set++)
for (way = 0; way < $n_ways; way++)
${L}_tags[set][way] = 0;
static __inline__
void cachesim_${L}_doref($L_args)
register UInt set1 = ( a >> $n_line_bits) & ($n_sets-1);
register UInt set2 = ((a + size) >> $n_line_bits) & ($n_sets-1);
register UInt tag = a >> ($n_line_bits + $n_set_bits);
if (set1 == set2) {
my $doref_middle = <<END
} else if ((set1 + 1) % $n_sets == set2) {
Bool is_${L}_miss = False;
my $L1_miss_treatment = "(*m1)++;\n" .
" cachesim_L2_doref(a, size, m2);";
my $L2_miss_treatment = "(*m2)++;";
my $L_miss_treatment =
( $L ne "L2" ? $L1_miss_treatment : $L2_miss_treatment );
my $straddle_case_miss_treatment = <<END
/* Miss treatment */
if (is_${L}_miss) {
my $doref_end = <<END
} else {
VG_(printf)("\\nERROR: Data item 0x%x of size %u bytes is in two non-adjacent\\n", a, size);
VG_(printf)("sets %d and %d.\\n", set1, set2);
VG_(panic)("$L cache set mismatch");
my $outfile = "vg_cachesim_${L}.c";
open(OUTFILE, "> $outfile") or die("Couldn't open $outfile for writing\n");
print(OUTFILE $comments_cache_init_desc_and_doref_start);
print(OUTFILE trySet($n_ways, 1, $L, "return;", $L_miss_treatment));
print(OUTFILE $doref_middle);
print(OUTFILE " /* Block one */\n");
print(OUTFILE trySet($n_ways, 1, $L, "", "is_${L}_miss = True;"));
print(OUTFILE "\n");
print(OUTFILE " /* Block two */\n");
print(OUTFILE trySet($n_ways, 2, $L, "", "is_${L}_miss = True;"));
print(OUTFILE "\n");
print(OUTFILE $straddle_case_miss_treatment);
print(OUTFILE $doref_end);
# main()
foreach my $cache (@caches) {