blob: 3c2e8a7217627e4422f1cfed9be818ce7debad9d [file] [log] [blame]
/*--- A header file for various private parts of Valgrind's core. ---*/
/*--- core.h ---*/
This file is part of Valgrind, a dynamic binary instrumentation
Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Julian Seward
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307, USA.
The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.
#ifndef __CORE_H
#define __CORE_H
#include "tool.h" // tool stuff
#include "core_arch.h" // arch-specific stuff, eg. x86/core_arch.h
#include "core_os.h" // OS-specific stuff, eg. linux/core_os.h
#include <setjmp.h> // for jmp_buf
#include "pub_core_mallocfree.h" // for type 'ArenaId'
#include "pub_core_scheduler.h" // for types 'ThreadState', 'ThreadArchState'
#include "pub_core_stacktrace.h" // for type 'StackTrace'
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Global macros.
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Max length of a text fragment used to construct error messages. */
#define VG_ERRTXT_LEN 4096
/* The maximum number of calls we're prepared to save in a
backtrace. */
/* Useful macros */
/* a - alignment - must be a power of 2 */
#define ROUNDDN(p, a) ((Addr)(p) & ~((Addr)(a)-1))
#define ROUNDUP(p, a) ROUNDDN((p)+(a)-1, (a))
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Environment variables
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* The directory we look for all our auxillary files in */
/* Additional command-line arguments; they are overridden by actual
command-line option. Each argument is separated by spaces. There
is no quoting mechanism.
/* If this variable is present in the environment, then valgrind will
not parse the command line for options at all; all options come
from this variable. Arguments are terminated by ^A (\001). There
is no quoting mechanism.
This variable is not expected to be set by anything other than
Valgrind itself, as part of its handling of execve with
--trace-children=yes. This variable should not be present in the
client environment.
/* Application-visible file descriptor limits */
extern Int VG_(fd_soft_limit);
extern Int VG_(fd_hard_limit);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Profiling stuff
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
extern void VG_(init_profiling) ( void );
extern void VG_(done_profiling) ( void );
#undef VGP_POPCC
#define VGP_PUSHCC(x) if (VG_(clo_profile)) VG_(pushcc)(x)
#define VGP_POPCC(x) if (VG_(clo_profile)) VG_(popcc)(x)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Exports of vg_intercept.c
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* These are the internal client request codes. The publically-visible
request codes are also defined in valgrind.h, and similar headers for
some tools. */
/* Get the tool's malloc-wrapping functions */
/* Internal equivalent of VALGRIND_PRINTF . */
/* Denote the finish of __libc_freeres_wrapper().
A synonym for exit. */
/* Intercept prefix stuff. See
coregrind/m_replace_malloc/vg_replace_malloc.c for details.
Unfortunately the "_vgi_" literal is also hardcoded in that file, so if
you change this one you must also change the other one. */
#define VG_INTERCEPT_PREFIX "_vgi_"
/* Not sure what these are for. Todo: clarify */
#define VG_WRAPPER_PREFIX "_vgw_"
#define VG_WRAPPER(name) _vgw_##name
#define VG_WRAPPER_ALIAS(name) "_vgw_" #name
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Exports of vg_mylibc.c
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// Useful for making failing stubs, when certain things haven't yet been
// implemented.
#define I_die_here \
VG_(assert_fail) (/*isCore*//*BOGUS*/True, \
"Unimplemented functionality", \
"valgrind", VG_BUGS_TO, "")
#define vg_assert(expr) \
((void) ((expr) ? 0 : \
(VG_(assert_fail) (/*isCore*/True, VG_STRINGIFY(expr), \
""), \
#define vg_assert2(expr, format, args...) \
((void) ((expr) ? 0 : \
(VG_(assert_fail) (/*isCore*/True, VG_STRINGIFY(expr), \
format, ##args), \
__attribute__ ((__noreturn__))
extern void VG_(core_panic) ( Char* str );
__attribute__ ((__noreturn__))
extern void VG_(core_panic_at) ( Char* str, StackTrace ips );
/* Called when some unhandleable client behaviour is detected.
Prints a msg and aborts. */
extern void VG_(unimplemented) ( Char* msg )
/* Tell the logging mechanism whether we are logging to a file
descriptor or a socket descriptor. */
extern Bool VG_(logging_to_socket);
/* Tools use VG_(strdup)() which doesn't expose ArenaId */
extern Char* VG_(arena_strdup) ( ArenaId aid, const Char* s);
extern Int VG_(fcntl) ( Int fd, Int cmd, Int arg );
extern Int VG_(poll)( struct vki_pollfd *, UInt nfds, Int timeout);
/* system/mman.h */
extern void* VG_(mmap) ( void* start, SizeT length, UInt prot, UInt flags,
UInt sf_flags, UInt fd, OffT offset );
extern void* VG_(mmap_native)( void* start, SizeT length, UInt prot, UInt flags,
UInt fd, OffT offset );
extern Int VG_(munmap) ( void* start, SizeT length );
extern Int VG_(mprotect) ( void *start, SizeT length, UInt prot );
extern Int VG_(mprotect_native)( void *start, SizeT length, UInt prot );
/* Move an fd into the Valgrind-safe range */
Int VG_(safe_fd)(Int oldfd);
extern Int VG_(write_socket)( Int sd, void *msg, Int count );
/* --- Connecting over the network --- */
extern Int VG_(connect_via_socket)( UChar* str );
/* Environment manipulations */
extern Char **VG_(env_setenv) ( Char ***envp, const Char* varname,
const Char *val );
extern void VG_(env_unsetenv) ( Char **env, const Char *varname );
extern void VG_(env_remove_valgrind_env_stuff) ( Char** env );
extern void VG_(nanosleep)(struct vki_timespec *);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Exports of vg_syscall.S
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// We use a full prototype rather than "..." here to ensure that all
// arguments get converted to a UWord appropriately. Not doing so can
// cause problems when passing 32-bit integers on 64-bit platforms, because
// the top 32-bits might not be zeroed appropriately, eg. as would happen
// with the 6th arg on AMD64 which is passed on the stack.
extern Word VG_(do_syscall) ( UInt, UWord, UWord, UWord, UWord, UWord, UWord );
// Macros make life easier.
#define vgPlain_do_syscall0(s) VG_(do_syscall)((s),0,0,0,0,0,0)
#define vgPlain_do_syscall1(s,a) VG_(do_syscall)((s),(a),0,0,0,0,0)
#define vgPlain_do_syscall2(s,a,b) VG_(do_syscall)((s),(a),(b),0,0,0,0)
#define vgPlain_do_syscall3(s,a,b,c) VG_(do_syscall)((s),(a),(b),(c),0,0,0)
#define vgPlain_do_syscall4(s,a,b,c,d) VG_(do_syscall)((s),(a),(b),(c),(d),0,0)
#define vgPlain_do_syscall5(s,a,b,c,d,e) VG_(do_syscall)((s),(a),(b),(c),(d),(e),0)
#define vgPlain_do_syscall6(s,a,b,c,d,e,f) VG_(do_syscall)((s),(a),(b),(c),(d),(e),(f))
extern void VG_(sigreturn)(void);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Exports of vg_helpers.S
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Information about trampoline code (for signal return and syscalls) */
extern const Char VG_(trampoline_code_start);
extern const Int VG_(trampoline_code_length);
extern const Int VG_(tramp_sigreturn_offset);
extern const Int VG_(tramp_rt_sigreturn_offset);
extern const Int VG_(tramp_syscall_offset);
extern const Int VG_(tramp_gettimeofday_offset);
extern const Int VG_(tramp_time_offset);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Architecture-specific things defined in eg. x86/*.c
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the architecture and subarchitecture, or indicates
// that this subarchitecture is unable to run Valgrind
// Returns False to indicate we cannot proceed further.
extern Bool VGA_(getArchAndSubArch)( /*OUT*/VexArch*,
/*OUT*/VexSubArch* );
// Accessors for the ThreadArchState
#define INSTR_PTR(regs) ((regs).vex.VGA_INSTR_PTR)
#define STACK_PTR(regs) ((regs).vex.VGA_STACK_PTR)
#define FRAME_PTR(regs) ((regs).vex.VGA_FRAME_PTR)
#define CLREQ_ARGS(regs) ((regs).vex.VGA_CLREQ_ARGS)
#define CLREQ_RET(regs) ((regs).vex.VGA_CLREQ_RET)
// Offsets for the Vex state
#define O_STACK_PTR (offsetof(VexGuestArchState, VGA_STACK_PTR))
#define O_FRAME_PTR (offsetof(VexGuestArchState, VGA_FRAME_PTR))
#define O_CLREQ_RET (offsetof(VexGuestArchState, VGA_CLREQ_RET))
// Setting up the initial thread (1) state
extern void
VGA_(init_thread1state) ( Addr client_eip,
Addr esp_at_startup,
/*MOD*/ ThreadArchState* arch );
// OS/Platform-specific thread clear (after thread exit)
extern void VGO_(os_state_clear)(ThreadState *);
// OS/Platform-specific thread init (at scheduler init time)
extern void VGO_(os_state_init)(ThreadState *);
// Run a thread from beginning to end.
extern VgSchedReturnCode VGO_(thread_wrapper)(Word /*ThreadId*/ tid);
// Call here to exit the entire Valgrind system.
extern void VGO_(terminate_NORETURN)(ThreadId tid, VgSchedReturnCode src);
// Allocates a stack for the first thread, then runs it,
// as if the thread had been set up by clone()
extern void VGP_(main_thread_wrapper_NORETURN)(ThreadId tid);
// Return how many bytes of a thread's Valgrind stack are unused
extern SSizeT VGA_(stack_unused)(ThreadId tid);
// wait until all other threads are dead
extern void VGA_(reap_threads)(ThreadId self);
// handle an arch-specific client request
extern Bool VGA_(client_request)(ThreadId tid, UWord *args);
// Pointercheck
extern Bool VGA_(setup_pointercheck) ( Addr client_base, Addr client_end );
// For attaching the debugger
extern Int VGA_(ptrace_setregs_from_tst) ( Int pid, ThreadArchState* arch );
// Used by leakcheck
extern void VGA_(mark_from_registers)(ThreadId tid, void (*marker)(Addr));
// Set up the libc freeres wrapper
extern void VGA_(intercept_libc_freeres_wrapper)(Addr);
// Clean up the client by calling before the final reports
extern void VGA_(final_tidyup)(ThreadId tid);
// Arch-specific client requests
extern Bool VGA_(client_requests)(ThreadId tid, UWord *args);
///* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Thread modelling
// ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
//extern void VG_(tm_thread_create) (ThreadId creator, ThreadId tid, Bool detached);
//extern void VG_(tm_thread_exit) (ThreadId tid);
//extern Bool VG_(tm_thread_exists) (ThreadId tid);
//extern void VG_(tm_thread_detach) (ThreadId tid);
//extern void VG_(tm_thread_join) (ThreadId joiner, ThreadId joinee);
//extern void VG_(tm_thread_switchto)(ThreadId tid);
//extern void VG_(tm_mutex_init) (ThreadId tid, Addr mutexp);
//extern void VG_(tm_mutex_destroy)(ThreadId tid, Addr mutexp);
//extern void VG_(tm_mutex_trylock)(ThreadId tid, Addr mutexp);
//extern void VG_(tm_mutex_giveup) (ThreadId tid, Addr mutexp);
//extern void VG_(tm_mutex_acquire)(ThreadId tid, Addr mutexp);
//extern void VG_(tm_mutex_tryunlock)(ThreadId tid, Addr mutexp);
//extern void VG_(tm_mutex_unlock) (ThreadId tid, Addr mutexp);
//extern Bool VG_(tm_mutex_exists) (Addr mutexp);
//extern UInt VG_(tm_error_update_extra) (Error *err);
//extern Bool VG_(tm_error_equal) (VgRes res, Error *e1, Error *e2);
//extern void VG_(tm_error_print) (Error *err);
//extern void VG_(tm_init) ();
//extern void VG_(tm_cond_init) (ThreadId tid, Addr condp);
//extern void VG_(tm_cond_destroy) (ThreadId tid, Addr condp);
//extern void VG_(tm_cond_wait) (ThreadId tid, Addr condp, Addr mutexp);
//extern void VG_(tm_cond_wakeup) (ThreadId tid, Addr condp, Addr mutexp);
//extern void VG_(tm_cond_signal) (ThreadId tid, Addr condp);
///* ----- pthreads ----- */
//extern void VG_(pthread_init) ();
//extern void VG_(pthread_startfunc_wrapper)(Addr wrapper);
//struct vg_pthread_newthread_data {
// void *(*startfunc)(void *arg);
// void *arg;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Finally - autoconf-generated settings
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
#include "config.h"
#endif /* ndef __CORE_H */
/*--- end ---*/