blob: 6439489e8c919870bff2937b0eb122d272d2546a [file] [log] [blame]
#! /bin/sh
# filter the output of gdb.
dir=`dirname $0`
$dir/filter_stderr |
# Anonymise addresses
$dir/../tests/filter_addresses |
# memcheck stuff
$dir/filter_memcheck_monitor |
# Anonymise or remove :
# delete the initial lines between the launch of vgdb and the
# output of the echo command telling it is launched.
# This removes a whole lot of uninteresting lines varying
# with OS/glibc/gdb dep
# initial tty control character sent by gdb 7.0
# remove missing debuginfos
# vgdb message
# pid numbers
# Thread numbers
# delete thread switches
# info threads output (e.g. which thread is running and syscall)
# delete Reading symbols file lines
# delete Loaded symbols file lines
# delete language switch messages.
# remove gdb prompts.
# remove gdb continuation prompts.
# remove gdb done prompts.
# a 'general' system calls stack trace part
# a more specialised system call select stack trace part
# (on 32 bits, we have an int_80, on 64 bits, directly select)
# and yet another (gdb 7.0 way) to get a system call
# and yet another (gdb 7.0 arm way) to get a system call
# and cleanup some lines for a system call (on ubuntu 10 64 bits)
# (pay attention : there are tab characters there in)
# + yet another way to get a select system call
# which registers can't be modified
# special transform for arm/ppc watchpoints which have an additional address
# at the beginning
# SIGFPE backtrace is varying so much that we just remove all lines
# after the signal trapping using an expr in this sed, followed by another sed.
# transform info thread of 7.3 into the layout of 7.2 and before.
# delete lines telling that some memory can't be accessed: this is
# a.o. produced by gdb 7.2 on arm (same with standard gdbserver)
# delete empty lines (the last line (only made of prompts) sometimes
# finishes with a new line, sometimes not ???).
sed -e '/Remote debugging using/,/vgdb launched process attached/d' \
-e 's/^\[?1034hReading symbols/Reading symbols/' \
-e '/^Missing separate debuginfo/d' \
-e '/^Try: zypper install -C/d' \
-e 's/\(relaying data between gdb and process \)[0-9][0-9]*/\1..../' \
-e 's/pid [0-9][0-9]*/pid ..../g' \
-e 's/Thread [0-9][0-9]*/Thread ..../g' \
-e '/\[Switching to Thread ....\]/d' \
-e 's/\(\[Switching to thread [1234] (Thread ....)\]\)#0/\1\n#0/' \
-e 's/^\([ \* ] [0-9] Thread .... (tid [0-9] VgTs_WaitSys) 0x........ in\).*$/\1 syscall .../' \
-e 's/#[0-9]\( 0x........ in sleeper_or_burner\)/#.\1/' \
-e '/^Reading symbols from .*\.\.\.done\./d' \
-e '/^Loaded symbols for .*$/d' \
-e '/^Current language.*/d' \
-e '/^The current source language is.*/d' \
-e 's/(gdb) //g' \
-e 's/^>[> ]*//' \
-e '/^done\.$/d' \
-e 's/in _dl_sysinfo_int80 () from \/lib\/*/in syscall .../' \
-e 's/in _dl_sysinfo_int80 ()/in syscall .../' \
-e '/^ from \/lib\/*$/d' \
-e 's/\(0x........\) in ?? () from \/lib.*$/\1 in syscall .../' \
-e 's/\(0x........\) in ?? ()$/\1 in syscall .../' \
-e 's/in \(.__\)\{0,1\}select () from \/.*$/in syscall .../' \
-e '/^ from \/lib\/*$/d' \
-e '/^ from \/lib64\/*$/d' \
-e '/^ from \/lib64\/tls\/*$/d' \
-e 's/in select ()$/in syscall .../' \
-e 's/in \.__select ()$/in syscall .../' \
-e 's/in select () at \.\.\/sysdeps\/unix\/syscall-template\.S.*$/in syscall .../' \
-e '/^[ ]*at \.\.\/sysdeps\/unix\/syscall-template\.S/d' \
-e '/^[ ]*in \.\.\/sysdeps\/unix\/syscall-template\.S/d' \
-e '/^[1-9][0-9]*[ ]*\.\.\/sysdeps\/unix\/syscall-template\.S/d' \
-e '/^[1-9][0-9]*[ ]in *\.\.\/sysdeps\/unix\/syscall-template\.S/d' \
-e 's/\(Could not write register \)".*"/\1 "xxx"/' \
-e 's/\(ERROR changing register \).*$/\1 xxx regno y/' \
-e 's/0x........ in \(main (argc=1, argv=0x........) at watchpoints.c:[24][3689]\)/\1/' \
-e 's/0x........ in \(main () at clean_after_fork.c:32\)/\1/' \
-e 's/\(^.*signal SIGFPE.*$\)/\1\nafter trap SIGFPE/' \
-e '/Id Target Id Frame/d' \
-e 's/^\([ \*] [1234] \) *Thread /\1Thread /' \
-e 's/VgTs_WaitSys) 0x/VgTs_WaitSys) 0x/' \
-e '/Cannot access memory at address 0x......../d' \
-e '/^$/d' |
# remove all the lines telling where the SIGFPE was trapped.
sed -e '/after trap SIGFPE/,/after continue SIGFPE/d' |
# join together two lines that gdb 7.1 splits in two (???)
# (in a separate sed, as the below influences the behaviour of the other expressions)
sed -e :a -e '$!N;s/\n at sleepers.c:39/ at sleepers.c:39/;ta' -e 'P;D'