blob: 356eca78a95d94aa2bd6781f904f9972850835dd [file] [log] [blame]
/*--- A simple parser for /proc/self/maps on Linux 2.4.X ---*/
/*--- vg_procselfmaps.c ---*/
This file is part of Valgrind, an extensible x86 protected-mode
emulator for monitoring program execution on x86-Unixes.
Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Julian Seward
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307, USA.
The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.
#include "vg_include.h"
/* static ... to keep it out of the stack frame. */
static Char procmap_buf[M_PROCMAP_BUF];
/* Records length of /proc/self/maps read into procmap_buf. */
static Int buf_n_tot;
/* Helper fns. */
static Int hexdigit ( Char c )
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return (Int)(c - '0');
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') return 10 + (Int)(c - 'a');
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') return 10 + (Int)(c - 'A');
return -1;
static Int decdigit ( Char c )
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return (Int)(c - '0');
return -1;
static Int readchar ( Char* buf, Char* ch )
if (*buf == 0) return 0;
*ch = *buf;
return 1;
static Int readhex ( Char* buf, UInt* val )
Int n = 0;
*val = 0;
while (hexdigit(*buf) >= 0) {
*val = (*val << 4) + hexdigit(*buf);
n++; buf++;
return n;
static Int readdec ( Char* buf, UInt* val )
Int n = 0;
*val = 0;
while (hexdigit(*buf) >= 0) {
*val = (*val * 10) + decdigit(*buf);
n++; buf++;
return n;
/* Read /proc/self/maps, store the contents in a static buffer. If there's
a syntax error or other failure, just abort. */
void VG_(read_procselfmaps)(void)
Int n_chunk, fd;
/* Read the initial memory mapping from the /proc filesystem. */
fd = VG_(open) ( "/proc/self/maps", VKI_O_RDONLY, 0 );
if (fd < 0) {
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "FATAL: can't open /proc/self/maps");
buf_n_tot = 0;
do {
n_chunk = VG_(read) ( fd, &procmap_buf[buf_n_tot],
M_PROCMAP_BUF - buf_n_tot );
buf_n_tot += n_chunk;
} while ( n_chunk > 0 && buf_n_tot < M_PROCMAP_BUF );
if (buf_n_tot >= M_PROCMAP_BUF-5) {
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "FATAL: M_PROCMAP_BUF is too small; "
"increase it and recompile");
if (buf_n_tot == 0) {
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "FATAL: I/O error on /proc/self/maps" );
procmap_buf[buf_n_tot] = 0;
/* Parse /proc/self/maps. For each map entry, call
record_mapping, passing it, in this order:
start address in memory
r permissions char; either - or r
w permissions char; either - or w
x permissions char; either - or x
offset in file, or zero if no file
filename, zero terminated, or NULL if no file
So the sig of the called fn might be
void (*record_mapping)( Addr start, UInt size,
Char r, Char w, Char x,
UInt foffset, UChar* filename )
Note that the supplied filename is transiently stored; record_mapping
should make a copy if it wants to keep it.
Nb: it is important that this function does not alter the contents of
void VG_(parse_procselfmaps) (
void (*record_mapping)( Addr addr, UInt len, Char rr, Char ww, Char xx,
UInt dev, UInt ino, ULong foff, const UChar* filename )
Int i, j, i_eol;
Addr start, endPlusOne;
UChar* filename;
UInt foffset;
UChar rr, ww, xx, pp, ch, tmp;
UInt maj, min, ino;
sk_assert( '\0' != procmap_buf[0] && 0 != buf_n_tot);
if (0)
VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "raw:\n%s", procmap_buf );
/* Ok, it's safely aboard. Parse the entries. */
i = 0;
while (True) {
if (i >= buf_n_tot) break;
/* Read (without fscanf :) the pattern %8x-%8x %c%c%c%c %8x %2x:%2x %d */
j = readhex(&procmap_buf[i], &start);
if (j > 0) i += j; else goto syntaxerror;
j = readchar(&procmap_buf[i], &ch);
if (j == 1 && ch == '-') i += j; else goto syntaxerror;
j = readhex(&procmap_buf[i], &endPlusOne);
if (j > 0) i += j; else goto syntaxerror;
j = readchar(&procmap_buf[i], &ch);
if (j == 1 && ch == ' ') i += j; else goto syntaxerror;
j = readchar(&procmap_buf[i], &rr);
if (j == 1 && (rr == 'r' || rr == '-')) i += j; else goto syntaxerror;
j = readchar(&procmap_buf[i], &ww);
if (j == 1 && (ww == 'w' || ww == '-')) i += j; else goto syntaxerror;
j = readchar(&procmap_buf[i], &xx);
if (j == 1 && (xx == 'x' || xx == '-')) i += j; else goto syntaxerror;
/* This field is the shared/private flag */
j = readchar(&procmap_buf[i], &pp);
if (j == 1 && (pp == 'p' || pp == '-' || pp == 's'))
i += j; else goto syntaxerror;
j = readchar(&procmap_buf[i], &ch);
if (j == 1 && ch == ' ') i += j; else goto syntaxerror;
j = readhex(&procmap_buf[i], &foffset);
if (j > 0) i += j; else goto syntaxerror;
j = readchar(&procmap_buf[i], &ch);
if (j == 1 && ch == ' ') i += j; else goto syntaxerror;
j = readhex(&procmap_buf[i], &maj);
if (j > 0) i += j; else goto syntaxerror;
j = readchar(&procmap_buf[i], &ch);
if (j == 1 && ch == ':') i += j; else goto syntaxerror;
j = readhex(&procmap_buf[i], &min);
if (j > 0) i += j; else goto syntaxerror;
j = readchar(&procmap_buf[i], &ch);
if (j == 1 && ch == ' ') i += j; else goto syntaxerror;
j = readdec(&procmap_buf[i], &ino);
if (j > 0) i += j; else goto syntaxerror;
goto read_line_ok;
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "FATAL: syntax error reading /proc/self/maps");
{ Int k;
VG_(printf)("last 50 chars: `");
for (k = i-50; k <= i; k++) VG_(printf)("%c", procmap_buf[k]);
/* Try and find the name of the file mapped to this segment, if
it exists. */
while (procmap_buf[i] != '\n' && i < M_PROCMAP_BUF-1) i++;
i_eol = i;
while (!VG_(isspace)(procmap_buf[i]) && i >= 0) i--;
if (i < i_eol-1 && procmap_buf[i] == '/') {
/* Minor hack: put a '\0' at the filename end for the call to
`record_mapping', then restore the old char with `tmp'. */
filename = &procmap_buf[i];
tmp = filename[i_eol - i];
filename[i_eol - i] = '\0';
} else {
tmp = '\0';
filename = NULL;
foffset = 0;
(*record_mapping) ( start, endPlusOne-start,
rr, ww, xx, maj * 256 + min, ino,
foffset, filename );
if ('\0' != tmp) {
filename[i_eol - i] = tmp;
i = i_eol + 1;
/*--- end vg_procselfmaps.c ---*/