blob: 727962fa670f7042b31b548e733fb6d5c724dc51 [file] [log] [blame]
<!-- callgrind release + version stuff -->
<!ENTITY cl-version "0.10.1">
<!ENTITY cl-date "November 25 2005">
<!-- copyright length of years -->
<!ENTITY cl-lifespan "2000-2005">
<!-- website + email -->
<!ENTITY cl-email "">
<!ENTITY cl-url "">
<!-- external urls used in the docs. kept in here because when -->
<!-- they change it's a real pain tracking them down in the docs -->
<!ENTITY vg-url "">
<!ENTITY cg-doc-url "">
<!ENTITY cg-tool-url "">
<!ENTITY cl-gui "">
<!-- path/to/callgrind/docs in valgrind install tree -->
<!-- only used in the manpages -->
<!ENTITY cl-doc-path "/usr/share/doc/valgrind/html/callgrind.html">
<!ENTITY cl-doc-url "">