blob: 45d2f8e94f7347268e094a61d894e4b774cf4762 [file] [log] [blame]
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<book id="cl-docs" xreflabel="Callgrind Documentation">
<title>Callgrind Documentation</title>
<subtitle>A call-graph generating Cache Simulator and Profiler</subtitle>
<releaseinfo>Release &cl-version; &cl-date;</releaseinfo>
<link linkend="dist.authors" endterm="dist.authors.title"></link>
<email><ulink url="mailto:&cl-email;">&cl-email;</ulink></email>
<para>Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License,
Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover
Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled
<xref linkend="dist.license-gfdl"/>.</para>
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xmlns:xi="" />
<xi:include href="cl-format.xml" parse="xml"
xmlns:xi="" />
<chapter id="man-annotate" xreflabel="Callgrind Annotate (1)">
<title>Callgrind Annotate (1)</title>
<xi:include href="man-annotate.xml" parse="xml"
xmlns:xi="" />
<chapter id="man-control" xreflabel="Callgrind Control (1)">
<title>Callgrind Control (1)</title>
<xi:include href="man-control.xml" parse="xml"
xmlns:xi="" />
<!-- included for the sake of completeness -->
<chapter id="man-callgrind" xreflabel="Callgrind (1)">
<title>Callgrind (1)</title>
<xi:include href="man-callgrind.xml" parse="xml"
xmlns:xi="" />
<!-- Because these are all text files, we have to wrap -->
<!-- them in suitable XML. Hence the chapter/title stuff -->
<chapter id="dist.authors" xreflabel="Authors">
<title id="dist.authors.title">AUTHORS</title>
<xi:include href="../../AUTHORS" parse="text"
xmlns:xi="" />
<chapter id="dist.readme" xreflabel="Readme">
<xi:include href="../../README" parse="text"
xmlns:xi="" />
<chapter id="dist.changelog" xreflabel="ChangeLog">
<xi:include href="../../ChangeLog" parse="text"
xmlns:xi="" />
<!-- NEWS is empty, so comment it out -->
<chapter id="" xreflabel="News">
<xi:include href="../../NEWS" parse="text"
xmlns:xi="" />
<chapter id="dist.install" xreflabel="Install">
<xi:include href="../../INSTALL" parse="text"
xmlns:xi="" />
<chapter id="dist.license-gpl" xreflabel=" The GNU General Public License">
<title>The GNU General Public License</title>
<xi:include href="../../COPYING" parse="text"
xmlns:xi="" />
<chapter id="dist.license-gfdl" xreflabel=" The GNU Free Documentation License">
<title>The GNU Free Documentation License</title>
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xmlns:xi="" />