blob: de9b5762203713ce209464e9436e991ff9bd57e4 [file] [log] [blame]
/*--- A header file for all private parts of Valgrind's core. ---*/
/*--- Include no other! (more or less...) ---*/
/*--- core.h ---*/
This file is part of Valgrind, a dynamic binary instrumentation
Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Julian Seward
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307, USA.
The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.
#ifndef __CORE_H
#define __CORE_H
Header hierarchy:
- core C files include core.h
- core asm files include core_asm.h
- tool C files include tool.h
- tool asm files include tool_asm.h
- The hierarchy of the header files themselves is based around the
following rules:
- core headers include tool headers
- generic headers include arch/OS/platform headers
- C headers include asm headers
This gives the following hierarchy (only showing 'arch' headers, not
'os' or 'platform' headers), where arrows indicate inclusion, and
(include/x86/tool_arch_asm.h?) <----- coregrind/x86/core_arch_asm.h
^ ^ ^ ^
/ \ / \
/ \ / \
/ \ / \
include/tool_asm.h <-\---- coregrind/core_asm.h \
^ \ ^ \
\ include/x86/tool_arch.h <--------coregrind/x86/core_arch.h
\ ^ \ ^
\ / \ /
\ / \ /
\ / \ /
include/tool.h <------------ coregrind/core.h
Note that core.h contains the *declarations* of arch-specific functions
and variables, which can be used by the core_arch.h file of any
architecture. (The functions/variables are *defined* within arch/.)
However, arch-specific macros and types cannot go into core.h, because
there is no separation between declaration and definition for
macros/types, so they instead go into $VG_ARCH/core_arch.h.
The tool-specific headers are all in include/ so they can be seen by any
external tools.
/* For system call numbers __NR_... */
#include "vki_unistd.h"
#include "core_asm.h" // asm stuff
#include "tool.h" // tool stuff
#include "core_arch.h" // arch-specific stuff, eg. x86/core_arch.h
// Ugly: this is needed by linux/core_os.h
typedef struct _ThreadState ThreadState;
#include "core_os.h" // OS-specific stuff, eg. linux/core_os.h
#include "core_platform.h" // platform-specific stuff,
// eg. x86-linux/core_platform.h
#include "valgrind.h"
#undef TL_
#define TL_(x) vgToolInternal_##x
/* ToDo: nuke */
#define INVALID_OFFSET (-1)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Build options and table sizes. You should be able to change these
options or sizes, recompile, and still have a working system.
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Constants for the slow translation lookup cache. */
/* Size of a buffer used for creating messages. */
#define M_VG_MSGBUF 10000
/* Size of a smallish table used to read /proc/self/map entries. */
#define M_PROCMAP_BUF 50000
/* Max length of pathname to a .so/executable file. */
#define M_VG_LIBNAMESTR 100
/* Max length of a text fragment used to construct error messages. */
#define M_VG_ERRTXT 4096
/* Max length of the string copied from env var VG_ARGS at startup. */
#define M_VG_CMDLINE_STRLEN 1000
/* Max number of options for Valgrind which we can handle. */
#define M_VG_CMDLINE_OPTS 100
/* After this many different unsuppressed errors have been observed,
be more conservative about collecting new ones. */
/* After this many different unsuppressed errors have been observed,
stop collecting errors at all, and tell the user their program is
evidently a steaming pile of camel dung. */
/* After this many total errors have been observed, stop collecting
errors at all. Counterpart to M_VG_COLLECT_NO_ERRORS_AFTER_SHOWN. */
/* The maximum number of calls we're prepared to save in a
backtrace. */
/* Number of lists in which we keep track of ExeContexts. Should be
prime. */
#define VG_N_EC_LISTS 4999 /* a prime number */
/* Defines the thread-scheduling timeslice, in terms of the number of
basic blocks we attempt to run each thread for. Smaller values
give finer interleaving but much increased scheduling overheads. */
/* Number of file descriptors that Valgrind tries to reserve for
it's own use - two per thread plues a small number of extras. */
/* Stack size for a thread. We try and check that they do not go
beyond it. */
#define VG_PTHREAD_STACK_SIZE (1 << 20)
/* Number of entries in each thread's cleanup stack. */
/* Number of entries in each thread's fork-handler stack. */
/* Max number of callers for context in a suppression. */
/* Numer of entries in each thread's signal queue. */
/* Useful macros */
/* a - alignment - must be a power of 2 */
#define ROUNDDN(p, a) ((Addr)(p) & ~((a)-1))
#define ROUNDUP(p, a) ROUNDDN((p)+(a)-1, (a))
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Environment variables
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* The directory we look for all our auxillary files in */
/* Additional command-line arguments; they are overridden by actual
command-line option. Each argument is separated by spaces. There
is no quoting mechanism.
/* If this variable is present in the environment, then valgrind will
not parse the command line for options at all; all options come
from this variable. Arguments are terminated by ^A (\001). There
is no quoting mechanism.
This variable is not expected to be set by anything other than
Valgrind itself, as part of its handling of execve with
--trace-children=yes. This variable should not be present in the
client environment.
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Command-line-settable options
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Default destination port to be used in logging over a network, if
none specified. */
/* The max number of suppression files. */
#define VG_CLO_MAX_SFILES 10
/* Default debugger command. */
/* Describes where logging output is to be sent. */
enum {
} VgLogTo;
/* pid of main process */
extern Int VG_(main_pid);
/* pgrp of process (global to all threads) */
extern Int VG_(main_pgrp);
/* Application-visible file descriptor limits */
extern Int VG_(fd_soft_limit);
extern Int VG_(fd_hard_limit);
/* Vex iropt control */
extern VexControl VG_(clo_vex_control);
/* Should we stop collecting errors if too many appear? default: YES */
extern Bool VG_(clo_error_limit);
/* Enquire about whether to attach to a debugger at errors? default: NO */
extern Bool VG_(clo_db_attach);
/* The debugger command? default: whatever gdb ./configure found */
extern Char* VG_(clo_db_command);
/* Enquire about generating a suppression for each error? default: NO */
extern Bool VG_(clo_gen_suppressions);
/* Sanity-check level: 0 = none, 1 (default), > 1 = expensive. */
extern Int VG_(clo_sanity_level);
/* Automatically attempt to demangle C++ names? default: YES */
extern Bool VG_(clo_demangle);
/* Simulate child processes? default: NO */
extern Bool VG_(clo_trace_children);
/* Where logging output is to be sent to.
When log_to == VgLogTo_Fd, clo_log_fd holds the file id, and is
taken from the command line. clo_log_name is irrelevant.
When log_to == VgLogTo_File, clo_log_name holds the log-file
name, and is taken from the command line. clo_log_fd is then
made to hold the relevant file id, by opening clo_log_name
(concatenated with the process ID) for writing.
When log_to == VgLogTo_Socket, clo_log_name holds the
hostname:portnumber pair, and is taken from the command line.
clo_log_fd is then made to hold the relevant file handle, by
opening a connection to said hostname:portnumber pair.
Global default is to set log_to == VgLogTo_Fd and log_fd == 2
(stderr). */
extern VgLogTo VG_(clo_log_to);
extern Int VG_(clo_log_fd);
extern Char* VG_(clo_log_name);
/* Add timestamps to log messages? default: NO */
extern Bool VG_(clo_time_stamp);
/* The file descriptor to read for input. default: 0 == stdin */
extern Int VG_(clo_input_fd);
/* The number of suppression files specified. */
extern Int VG_(clo_n_suppressions);
/* The names of the suppression files. */
extern Char* VG_(clo_suppressions)[VG_CLO_MAX_SFILES];
/* PROFILE: collect bb profiling data? default: NO */
extern Bool VG_(clo_bbprofile);
/* DEBUG: print generated code? default: 00000000 ( == NO ) */
extern Bool VG_(clo_trace_codegen);
/* DEBUG: if tracing codegen, be quiet until after this bb ( 0 ) */
extern Int VG_(clo_trace_notbelow);
/* DEBUG: print system calls? default: NO */
extern Bool VG_(clo_trace_syscalls);
/* DEBUG: print signal details? default: NO */
extern Bool VG_(clo_trace_signals);
/* DEBUG: print symtab details? default: NO */
extern Bool VG_(clo_trace_symtab);
/* DEBUG: print thread scheduling events? default: NO */
extern Bool VG_(clo_trace_sched);
/* DEBUG: print pthread (mutex etc) events? default: 0 (none), 1
(some), 2 (all) */
extern Int VG_(clo_trace_pthread_level);
/* Display gory details for the k'th most popular error. default:
Infinity. */
extern Int VG_(clo_dump_error);
/* Number of parents of a backtrace. Default: 8. */
extern Int VG_(clo_backtrace_size);
/* Engage miscellaneous weird hacks needed for some progs. */
extern Char* VG_(clo_weird_hacks);
/* How often we should poll for signals, assuming we need to poll for
signals. */
extern Int VG_(clo_signal_polltime);
/* Low latency syscalls and signals */
extern Bool VG_(clo_lowlat_syscalls);
extern Bool VG_(clo_lowlat_signals);
/* Track open file descriptors? */
extern Bool VG_(clo_track_fds);
/* Should we run __libc_freeres at exit? Sometimes causes crashes.
Default: YES. Note this is subservient to VG_(needs).libc_freeres;
if the latter says False, then the setting of VG_(clo_weird_hacks)
is ignored. Ie if a tool says no, I don't want this to run, that
cannot be overridden from the command line. */
extern Bool VG_(clo_run_libc_freeres);
/* Generate branch-prediction hints? */
extern Bool VG_(clo_branchpred);
/* Continue stack traces below main()? Default: NO */
extern Bool VG_(clo_show_below_main);
/* Test each client pointer dereference to check it's within the
client address space bounds */
extern Bool VG_(clo_pointercheck);
/* Set up the libc freeres wrapper */
extern void VG_(intercept_libc_freeres_wrapper)(Addr);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Profiling stuff
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
extern void VGP_(init_profiling) ( void );
extern void VGP_(done_profiling) ( void );
#undef VGP_POPCC
#define VGP_PUSHCC(x) if (VG_(clo_profile)) VGP_(pushcc)(x)
#define VGP_POPCC(x) if (VG_(clo_profile)) VGP_(popcc)(x)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Tool-related types
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* These structs are not exposed to tools to mitigate possibility of
binary-incompatibilities when the core/tool interface changes. Instead,
set functions are provided (see include/tool.h). */
struct {
Char* name;
Char* version;
Char* description;
Char* copyright_author;
Char* bug_reports_to;
UInt avg_translation_sizeB;
extern VgDetails VG_(details);
/* If new fields are added to this type, update:
* - vg_main.c:initialisation of VG_(needs)
* - vg_main.c:sanity_check_needs()
* If the name of this type or any of its fields change, update:
* - dependent comments (just search for "VG_(needs)").
struct {
Bool libc_freeres;
Bool core_errors;
Bool tool_errors;
Bool basic_block_discards;
Bool no_longer_used_1; // for backwards compatibility
Bool command_line_options;
Bool client_requests;
Bool no_longer_used_0; // for backwards compatibility
Bool syscall_wrapper;
Bool sanity_checks;
Bool data_syms;
Bool shadow_memory;
extern VgNeeds VG_(needs);
extern void VG_(tool_init_dlsym)(void *dlhandle);
#include "vg_toolint.h"
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Exports of vg_needs.c
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
void VG_(sanity_check_needs)(void);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Exports of vg_malloc2.c
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Allocation arenas.
CORE for the core's general use.
TOOL for the tool to use (and the only one it uses).
SYMTAB for Valgrind's symbol table storage.
JITTER for small storage during translation.
CLIENT for the client's mallocs/frees, if the tool replaces glibc's
malloc() et al -- redzone size is chosen by the tool.
DEMANGLE for the C++ demangler.
EXECTXT for storing ExeContexts.
ERRORS for storing CoreErrors.
TRANSIENT for very short-term use. It should be empty in between uses.
When adding a new arena, remember also to add it to ensure_mm_init().
typedef Int ArenaId;
#define VG_N_ARENAS 9
#define VG_AR_CORE 0
#define VG_AR_TOOL 1
#define VG_AR_SYMTAB 2
#define VG_AR_JITTER 3
#define VG_AR_CLIENT 4
#define VG_AR_DEMANGLE 5
#define VG_AR_EXECTXT 6
#define VG_AR_ERRORS 7
// This is both the minimum payload size of a malloc'd block, and its
// minimum alignment. Must be a power of 2 greater than 4, and should be
// greater than 8.
// Round-up size for --sloppy-malloc=yes.
extern void* VG_(arena_malloc) ( ArenaId arena, SizeT nbytes );
extern void VG_(arena_free) ( ArenaId arena, void* ptr );
extern void* VG_(arena_calloc) ( ArenaId arena, SizeT alignment,
SizeT nmemb, SizeT nbytes );
extern void* VG_(arena_realloc) ( ArenaId arena, void* ptr, SizeT alignment,
SizeT size );
extern void* VG_(arena_malloc_aligned) ( ArenaId aid, SizeT req_alignB,
SizeT req_pszB );
extern SizeT VG_(arena_payload_szB) ( ArenaId aid, void* payload );
extern void VG_(sanity_check_malloc_all) ( void );
extern void VG_(print_all_arena_stats) ( void );
extern Bool VG_(is_empty_arena) ( ArenaId aid );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Exports of vg_intercept.c
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* This doesn't export code or data that needs to link
against. However, the scheduler does need to know the following
request codes. A few, publically-visible, request codes are also
defined in valgrind.h, and similar headers for some tools. */
#define VG_USERREQ__MALLOC 0x2001
#define VG_USERREQ__FREE 0x2002
/* (Fn, Arg): Create a new thread and run Fn applied to Arg in it. Fn
MUST NOT return -- ever. Eventually it will do either __QUIT or
/* ( no-args ): calling thread disappears from the system forever.
Reclaim resources. */
#define VG_USERREQ__QUIT 0x3002
/* ( void* ): calling thread waits for joiner and returns the void* to
it. */
#define VG_USERREQ__WAIT_JOINER 0x3003
/* ( ThreadId, void** ): wait to join a thread. */
/* Set cancellation state and type for this thread. */
/* ( no-args ): Test if we are at a cancellation point. */
/* ( ThreadId, &thread_exit_wrapper is the only allowable arg ): call
with this arg to indicate that a cancel is now pending for the
specified thread. */
/* Set/get detach state for this thread. */
#define VG_USERREQ__SIGWAIT 0x3019 /* unused */
#define VG_USERREQ__CLEANUP_POP 0x3021
#define VG_USERREQ__GET_KEY_D_AND_S 0x3022
/* Ask how many signal handler returns have happened to this
thread. */
#define VG_USERREQ__GET_N_SIGS_RETURNED 0x3024 /* unused */
/* Get/set entries for a thread's pthread_atfork stack. */
/* Denote the finish of __libc_freeres_wrapper(). */
/* Allocate RT signals */
/* Hook for replace_malloc.o to get malloc functions */
/* Get stack information for a thread. */
/* Cosmetic ... */
/* Log a pthread error from client-space. Cosmetic. */
/* Internal equivalent of VALGRIND_PRINTF . */
/* Internal equivalent of VALGRIND_PRINTF_BACKTRACE . */
In core_asm.h:
#define VG_INTERCEPT_PREFIX "_vgi__"
#define VG_INTERCEPT(name) _vgi__##name
#define VG_INTERCEPT_ALIAS(name) "_vgi__" #name
#define VG_WRAPPER_PREFIX "_vgw__"
#define VG_WRAPPER(name) _vgw__##name
#define VG_WRAPPER_ALIAS(name) "_vgw__" #name
struct vg_mallocfunc_info {
/* things vg_replace_malloc.o needs to know about */
Addr tl_malloc;
Addr tl_calloc;
Addr tl_realloc;
Addr tl_memalign;
Addr tl___builtin_new;
Addr tl___builtin_vec_new;
Addr tl_free;
Addr tl___builtin_delete;
Addr tl___builtin_vec_delete;
Addr arena_payload_szB;
Bool clo_sloppy_malloc;
Bool clo_trace_malloc;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Exports of vg_defaults.c
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
extern Bool VG_(tl_malloc_called_by_scheduler);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Exports of vg_libpthread.c
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Replacements for pthread types, shared between vg_libpthread.c and
vg_scheduler.c. See comment in vg_libpthread.c above the other
vg_pthread_*_t types for a description of how these are used. */
struct _vg_pthread_fastlock
long int __vg_status; /* "Free" or "taken" or head of waiting list */
int __vg_spinlock; /* Used by compare_and_swap emulation. Also,
adaptive SMP lock stores spin count here. */
typedef struct
int __vg_m_reserved; /* Reserved for future use */
int __vg_m_count; /* Depth of recursive locking */
/*_pthread_descr*/ void* __vg_m_owner; /* Owner thread (if recursive or errcheck) */
int __vg_m_kind; /* Mutex kind: fast, recursive or errcheck */
struct _vg_pthread_fastlock __vg_m_lock; /* Underlying fast lock */
} vg_pthread_mutex_t;
typedef struct
struct _vg_pthread_fastlock __vg_c_lock; /* Protect against concurrent access */
/*_pthread_descr*/ void* __vg_c_waiting; /* Threads waiting on this condition */
// Nb: the following padding removed because it was missing from an
// earlier glibc, so the size test in the CONVERT macro was failing.
// --njn
// Padding ensures the size is 48 bytes
/*char __vg_padding[48 - sizeof(struct _vg_pthread_fastlock)
- sizeof(void*) - sizeof(long long)];
long long __vg_align;*/
} vg_pthread_cond_t;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Exports of vg_scheduler.c
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
enum ThreadStatus {
VgTs_Empty, /* this slot is not in use */
VgTs_Runnable, /* waiting to be scheduled */
VgTs_WaitJoiner, /* waiting for someone to do join on me */
VgTs_WaitJoinee, /* waiting for the thread I did join on */
VgTs_WaitMX, /* waiting on a mutex */
VgTs_WaitCV, /* waiting on a condition variable */
VgTs_WaitSys, /* waiting for a syscall to complete */
VgTs_Sleeping, /* sleeping for a while */
enum CleanupType {
VgCt_None, /* this cleanup entry is not initialised */
VgCt_Function, /* an old-style function pointer cleanup */
VgCt_Longjmp /* a new-style longjmp based cleanup */
/* Information on a thread's stack. */
struct {
Addr base;
UInt size;
UInt guardsize;
/* An entry in a threads's cleanup stack. */
struct {
CleanupType type;
union {
struct {
void (*fn)(void*);
void* arg;
} function;
struct {
void *ub;
int ctype;
} longjmp;
} data;
/* An entry in a thread's fork-handler stack. */
struct {
void (*prepare)(void);
void (*parent)(void);
void (*child)(void);
typedef struct ProxyLWP ProxyLWP;
struct _ThreadState {
/* ThreadId == 0 (and hence vg_threads[0]) is NEVER USED.
The thread identity is simply the index in vg_threads[].
ThreadId == 1 is the root thread and has the special property
that we don't try and allocate or deallocate its stack. For
convenience of generating error message, we also put the
ThreadId in this tid field, but be aware that it should
ALWAYS == the index in vg_threads[]. */
ThreadId tid;
/* Current scheduling status.
Complications: whenever this is set to VgTs_WaitMX, you
should also set .m_edx to whatever the required return value
is for pthread_mutex_lock / pthread_cond_timedwait for when
the mutex finally gets unblocked. */
ThreadStatus status;
/* When .status == WaitMX, points to the mutex I am waiting for.
When .status == WaitCV, points to the mutex associated with
the condition variable indicated by the .associated_cv field.
In all other cases, should be NULL. */
vg_pthread_mutex_t* associated_mx;
/* When .status == WaitCV, points to the condition variable I am
waiting for. In all other cases, should be NULL. */
void* /*pthread_cond_t* */ associated_cv;
/* If VgTs_Sleeping, this is when we should wake up, measured in
milliseconds as supplied by VG_(read_millisecond_timer).
If VgTs_WaitCV, this indicates the time at which
pthread_cond_timedwait should wake up. If == 0xFFFFFFFF,
this means infinitely far in the future, viz,
pthread_cond_wait. */
UInt awaken_at;
/* If VgTs_WaitJoiner, return value, as generated by joinees. */
void* joinee_retval;
/* If VgTs_WaitJoinee, place to copy the return value to, and
the identity of the thread we're waiting for. */
void** joiner_thread_return;
ThreadId joiner_jee_tid;
/* If VgTs_WaitSys, this is the syscall we're currently running */
Int syscallno;
/* If VgTs_WaitSys, this is the syscall flags */
UInt sys_flags;
/* Details about this thread's proxy LWP */
ProxyLWP *proxy;
/* Whether or not detached. */
Bool detached;
/* Cancelability state and type. */
Bool cancel_st; /* False==PTH_CANCEL_DISABLE; True==.._ENABLE */
Bool cancel_ty; /* False==PTH_CANC_ASYNCH; True==..._DEFERRED */
/* Pointer to fn to call to do cancellation. Indicates whether
or not cancellation is pending. If NULL, not pending. Else
should be &thread_exit_wrapper(), indicating that
cancallation is pending. */
void (*cancel_pend)(void*);
/* The cleanup stack. */
Int custack_used;
CleanupEntry custack[VG_N_CLEANUPSTACK];
/* A pointer to the thread's-specific-data. This is handled almost
entirely from vg_libpthread.c. We just provide hooks to get and
set this ptr. This is either NULL, indicating the thread has
read/written none of its specifics so far, OR points to a
void*[VG_N_THREAD_KEYS], allocated and deallocated in
vg_libpthread.c. */
void** specifics_ptr;
/* This thread's blocked-signals mask. Semantics is that for a
signal to be delivered to this thread, the signal must not be
blocked by this signal mask. If more than one thread accepts a
signal, then it will be delivered to one at random. If all
threads block the signal, it will remain pending until either a
thread unblocks it or someone uses sigwaitsig/sigtimedwait.
sig_mask reflects what the client told us its signal mask should
be, but isn't necessarily the current signal mask of the proxy
LWP: it may have more signals blocked because of signal
handling, or it may be different because of sigsuspend.
vki_sigset_t sig_mask;
/* Effective signal mask. This is the mask which currently
applies; it may be different from sig_mask while a signal
handler is running.
vki_sigset_t eff_sig_mask;
/* Signal queue. This is used when the kernel doesn't route
signals properly in order to remember the signal information
while we are routing the signal. It is a circular queue with
insertions performed at the head and removals at the tail.
vki_siginfo_t sigqueue[VG_N_SIGNALQUEUE];
Int sigqueue_head;
Int sigqueue_tail;
/* Stacks. When a thread slot is freed, we don't deallocate its
stack; we just leave it lying around for the next use of the
slot. If the next use of the slot requires a larger stack,
only then is the old one deallocated and a new one
For the main thread (threadid == 0), this mechanism doesn't
apply. We don't know the size of the stack since we didn't
allocate it, and furthermore we never reallocate it. */
/* The allocated size of this thread's stack (permanently zero
if this is ThreadId == 0, since we didn't allocate its stack) */
UInt stack_size;
/* Address of the lowest word in this thread's stack. NULL means
not allocated yet.
Addr stack_base;
/* The allocated size of this thread's stack's guard area (permanently
zero if this is ThreadId == 0, since we didn't allocate its stack) */
UInt stack_guard_size;
/* Address of the highest legitimate word in this stack. This is
used for error messages only -- not critical for execution
correctness. Is is set for all stacks, specifically including
ThreadId == 0 (the main thread). */
Addr stack_highest_word;
/* Alternate signal stack */
vki_stack_t altstack;
/* Architecture-specific thread state */
ThreadArchState arch;
/* The thread table. */
extern ThreadState VG_(threads)[VG_N_THREADS];
/* Check that tid is in range and denotes a non-Empty thread. */
extern Bool VG_(is_valid_tid) ( ThreadId tid );
/* Get the ThreadState for a particular thread */
extern ThreadState *VG_(get_ThreadState)(ThreadId tid);
/* Nuke all threads except tid. */
extern void VG_(nuke_all_threads_except) ( ThreadId me );
/* Give a hint to the scheduler that it may be a good time to find a
new runnable thread. If prefer_sched != VG_INVALID_THREADID, then
try to schedule that thread.
extern void VG_(need_resched) ( ThreadId prefer_sched );
/* Return codes from the scheduler. */
enum {
VgSrc_Deadlock, /* no runnable threads and no prospect of any
even if we wait for a long time */
VgSrc_ExitSyscall, /* client called exit(). This is the normal
route out. */
VgSrc_FatalSig /* Killed by the default action of a fatal
signal */
// The scheduler. 'fatal_sigNo' is only set if VgSrc_FatalSig is returned.
extern VgSchedReturnCode VG_(scheduler)
( Int* exit_code, ThreadId* last_run_thread, Int* fatal_sigNo );
extern void VG_(scheduler_init) ( void );
extern void VG_(pp_sched_status) ( void );
// Longjmp back to the scheduler and thus enter the sighandler immediately.
extern void VG_(resume_scheduler) ( Int sigNo, vki_siginfo_t *info );
// Longjmp, ending the scheduler, when a fatal signal occurs in the client.
extern void VG_(scheduler_handle_fatal_signal)( Int sigNo );
/* The red-zone size which we put at the bottom (highest address) of
thread stacks, for paranoia reasons. This can be arbitrary, and
doesn't really need to be set at compile time. */
// Write a value to a client's thread register, and shadow (if necessary).
// Note that there are some further similar macros in the arch- and
// platform-specific parts; these ones are the totally generic ones.
#define SET_THREAD_REG( zztid, zzval, zzGETREG, zzevent, zzargs... ) \
do { zzGETREG(VG_(threads)[zztid].arch) = (zzval); \
VG_TRACK( zzevent, ##zzargs ); \
} while (0)
#define SET_CLREQ_RETVAL(zztid, zzval) \
SET_THREAD_REG(zztid, zzval, CLREQ_RET, post_reg_write, \
Vg_CoreClientReq, zztid, O_CLREQ_RET, sizeof(UWord))
#define SET_CLCALL_RETVAL(zztid, zzval, f) \
SET_THREAD_REG(zztid, zzval, CLREQ_RET, post_reg_write_clientcall_return, \
zztid, O_CLREQ_RET, sizeof(UWord), f)
#define SET_PTHREQ_ESP(zztid, zzval) \
SET_THREAD_REG(zztid, zzval, STACK_PTR, post_reg_write, \
Vg_CorePThread, zztid, O_STACK_PTR, sizeof(Addr))
#define SET_PTHREQ_RETVAL(zztid, zzval) \
SET_THREAD_REG(zztid, zzval, PTHREQ_RET, post_reg_write, \
Vg_CorePThread, zztid, O_PTHREQ_RET, sizeof(UWord))
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Exports of vg_signals.c
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
extern Bool VG_(do_signal_routing); /* whether scheduler LWP has to route signals */
/* RT signal allocation */
extern Int VG_(sig_rtmin);
extern Int VG_(sig_rtmax);
extern Int VG_(sig_alloc_rtsig) ( Int high );
extern void VG_(sigstartup_actions) ( void );
extern void VG_(deliver_signal) ( ThreadId tid, const vki_siginfo_t *, Bool async );
extern void VG_(unblock_host_signal) ( Int sigNo );
extern Bool VG_(is_sig_ign) ( Int sigNo );
/* Route pending signals from the scheduler LWP to the appropriate
thread LWP. */
extern void VG_(route_signals) ( void );
/* Fake system calls for signal handling. */
extern void VG_(do_sys_sigaltstack) ( ThreadId tid );
extern void VG_(do_sys_sigaction) ( ThreadId tid );
extern void VG_(do_sys_sigprocmask) ( ThreadId tid, Int how,
vki_sigset_t* set,
vki_sigset_t* oldset );
extern void VG_(do_pthread_sigmask_SCSS_upd) ( ThreadId tid, Int how,
vki_sigset_t* set,
vki_sigset_t* oldset );
/* Modify the current thread's state once we have detected it is
returning from a signal handler. */
extern Bool VG_(signal_returns) ( ThreadId tid );
/* Handy utilities to block/restore all host signals. */
extern void VG_(block_all_host_signals)
( /* OUT */ vki_sigset_t* saved_mask );
extern void VG_(restore_all_host_signals)
( /* IN */ vki_sigset_t* saved_mask );
extern void VG_(kill_self)(Int sigNo);
/* These function synthesize a fault, as if the running instruction
had had a fault. These functions do not return - they longjmp back
into the scheduler so the signal can be delivered. */
extern void VG_(synth_fault) (ThreadId tid);
extern void VG_(synth_fault_mapping)(ThreadId tid, Addr addr);
extern void VG_(synth_fault_perms) (ThreadId tid, Addr addr);
extern void VG_(get_sigstack_bounds)( Addr* low, Addr* high );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Exports of vg_mylibc.c
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// Useful for making failing stubs, when certain things haven't yet been
// implemented.
#define I_die_here \
VG_(core_assert_fail) ("Unimplemented functionality", \
#define vg_assert(expr) \
((void) ((expr) ? 0 : \
(VG_(core_assert_fail) (VG__STRING(expr), \
__FILE__, __LINE__, \
__attribute__ ((__noreturn__))
extern void VG_(core_assert_fail) ( const Char* expr, const Char* file,
Int line, const Char* fn );
__attribute__ ((__noreturn__))
extern void VG_(core_panic) ( Char* str );
__attribute__ ((__noreturn__))
extern void VG_(core_panic_at) ( Char* str, ExeContext *ec );
/* Tools use VG_(strdup)() which doesn't expose ArenaId */
extern Char* VG_(arena_strdup) ( ArenaId aid, const Char* s);
extern Int VG_(fcntl) ( Int fd, Int cmd, Int arg );
extern Int VG_(poll)( struct vki_pollfd *, UInt nfds, Int timeout);
/* system/mman.h */
extern void* VG_(mmap)( void* start, SizeT length, UInt prot, UInt flags,
UInt sf_flags, UInt fd, OffT offset );
extern Int VG_(munmap)( void* start, SizeT length );
extern Int VG_(mprotect)( void *start, SizeT length, UInt prot );
/* Move an fd into the Valgrind-safe range */
Int VG_(safe_fd)(Int oldfd);
extern Int VG_(write_socket)( Int sd, void *msg, Int count );
/* --- Connecting over the network --- */
extern Int VG_(connect_via_socket)( UChar* str );
/* Environment manipulations */
extern Char **VG_(env_setenv) ( Char ***envp, const Char* varname,
const Char *val );
extern void VG_(env_unsetenv) ( Char **env, const Char *varname );
extern void VG_(env_remove_valgrind_env_stuff) ( Char** env );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Exports of vg_message.c
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Low-level -- send bytes directly to the message sink. Do not
use. */
extern void VG_(send_bytes_to_logging_sink) ( Char* msg, Int nbytes );
// Functions for printing from code within Valgrind, but which runs on the
// sim'd CPU. Defined here because needed for vg_libpthread.c,
// vg_replace_malloc.c, plus the rest of the core. The weak attribute
// ensures the multiple definitions are not a problem. They must be functions
// rather than macros so that va_list can be used.
UWord _qzz_res = 0;
va_list vargs;
va_start(vargs, format);
(UWord)format, (UWord)vargs, 0, 0);
return _qzz_res;
UWord _qzz_res = 0;
va_list vargs;
va_start(vargs, format);
(UWord)format, (UWord)vargs, 0, 0);
return _qzz_res;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Exports of vg_demangle.c
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
extern void VG_(demangle) ( Char* orig, Char* result, Int result_size );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Exports of vg_to_ucode.c
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
Bool VG_(cpu_has_feature)(UInt feat);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Exports of vg_translate.c
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
extern Bool VG_(translate) ( ThreadId tid, Addr orig_addr, Bool debugging );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Exports of vg_execontext.c.
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Records the PC and a bit of the call chain. The first 4 IP
values are used in comparisons do remove duplicate errors, and for
comparing against suppression specifications. The rest are purely
informational (but often important). */
struct _ExeContext {
struct _ExeContext * next;
/* Variable-length array. The size is VG_(clo_backtrace_size); at
least 1, at most VG_DEEPEST_BACKTRACE. [0] is the current IP,
[1] is its caller, [2] is the caller of [1], etc. */
Addr ips[0];
/* Print stats (informational only). */
extern void VG_(print_ExeContext_stats) ( void );
/* Like VG_(get_ExeContext), but with a slightly different type */
extern ExeContext* VG_(get_ExeContext2) ( Addr ip, Addr fp,
Addr fp_min, Addr fp_max );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Exports of vg_errcontext.c.
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
extern void VG_(load_suppressions) ( void );
extern void VG_(record_pthread_error) ( ThreadId tid, Char* msg );
extern void VG_(show_all_errors) ( void );
extern Bool VG_(is_action_requested) ( Char* action, Bool* clo );
extern UInt VG_(get_n_errs_found) ( void );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Exports of vg_procselfmaps.c
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Reads /proc/self/maps into a static buffer which can be parsed by
VG_(parse_procselfmaps)(). */
extern void VG_(read_procselfmaps) ( void );
/* Parses /proc/self/maps, calling `record_mapping' for each entry. If
`read_from_file' is True, /proc/self/maps is read directly, otherwise
it's read from the buffer filled by VG_(read_procselfmaps_contents)(). */
void VG_(parse_procselfmaps) (
void (*record_mapping)( Addr addr, SizeT len, Char rr, Char ww, Char xx,
UInt dev, UInt ino, ULong foff,
const UChar *filename ) );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Exports of vg_symtab2.c
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
typedef struct _Segment Segment;
extern Bool VG_(is_object_file) ( const void *hdr );
extern void VG_(mini_stack_dump) ( Addr ips[], UInt n_ips );
extern SegInfo * VG_(read_seg_symbols) ( Segment *seg );
extern void VG_(symtab_incref) ( SegInfo * );
extern void VG_(symtab_decref) ( SegInfo *, Addr a );
extern Bool VG_(get_fnname_nodemangle)( Addr a, Char* fnname, Int n_fnname );
/* Set up some default redirects */
extern void VG_(setup_code_redirect_table) ( void );
/* Redirection machinery */
extern Addr VG_(code_redirect) ( Addr orig );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Exports of vg_main.c
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Tell the logging mechanism whether we are logging to a file
descriptor or a socket descriptor. */
extern Bool VG_(logging_to_filedes);
/* Sanity checks which may be done at any time. The scheduler decides when. */
extern void VG_(sanity_check_general) ( Bool force_expensive );
/* Address space */
extern Addr VG_(client_base); /* client address space limits */
extern Addr VG_(client_end);
extern Addr VG_(client_mapbase); /* base of mappings */
extern Addr VG_(clstk_base); /* client stack range */
extern Addr VG_(clstk_end);
extern Addr VG_(client_trampoline_code);
extern Addr VG_(brk_base); /* start of brk */
extern Addr VG_(brk_limit); /* current brk */
extern Addr VG_(shadow_base); /* tool's shadow memory */
extern Addr VG_(shadow_end);
extern Addr VG_(valgrind_base); /* valgrind's address range */
extern Addr VG_(valgrind_last); // Nb: last byte, rather than one past the end
extern struct vki_rlimit VG_(client_rlimit_data); /* client's original rlimit data */
extern struct vki_rlimit VG_(client_rlimit_stack); /* client's original rlimit stack */
/* client executable file descriptor */
extern Int VG_(clexecfd);
// Help set up the child used when doing execve() with --trace-children=yes
Char* VG_(build_child_VALGRINDCLO) ( Char* exename );
Char* VG_(build_child_exename) ( void );
/* Called when some unhandleable client behaviour is detected.
Prints a msg and aborts. */
extern void VG_(unimplemented) ( Char* msg )
/* Something of a function looking for a home ... start up debugger. */
extern void VG_(start_debugger) ( ThreadId tid );
/* Counts downwards in vg_run_innerloop. */
extern UInt VG_(dispatch_ctr);
/* Instruction pointer guest state offset, used by $VG_ARCH/dispatch.S. */
extern OffT VG_(instr_ptr_offset);
/* Stats ... */
extern void VG_(print_scheduler_stats) ( void );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Exports of vg_memory.c
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* A Segment is mapped piece of client memory. This covers all kinds
of mapped memory (exe, brk, mmap, .so, shm, stack, etc)
We try to encode everything we know about a particular segment here.
#define SF_FIXED (1 << 0) // client asked for MAP_FIXED
#define SF_SHARED (1 << 1) // shared
#define SF_SHM (1 << 2) // SYSV SHM (also SF_SHARED)
#define SF_MMAP (1 << 3) // mmap memory
#define SF_FILE (1 << 4) // mapping is backed by a file
#define SF_STACK (1 << 5) // is a stack
#define SF_GROWDOWN (1 << 6) // segment grows down
#define SF_GROWUP (1 << 7) // segment grows up
#define SF_EXEC (1 << 8) // segment created by exec
#define SF_DYNLIB (1 << 9) // mapped from dynamic library
#define SF_NOSYMS (1 << 10) // don't load syms, even if present
#define SF_BRK (1 << 11) // brk segment
#define SF_CORE (1 << 12) // allocated by core on behalf of the client
#define SF_VALGRIND (1 << 13) // a valgrind-internal mapping - not in client
#define SF_CODE (1 << 14) // segment contains cached code
struct _Segment {
UInt prot; // VKI_PROT_*
UInt flags; // SF_*
Addr addr; // mapped addr (page aligned)
SizeT len; // size of mapping (page aligned)
// These are valid if (flags & SF_FILE)
OffT offset; // file offset
const Char* filename; // filename (NULL if unknown)
UInt dev; // device
UInt ino; // inode
SegInfo* symtab; // symbol table
/* segment mapped from a file descriptor */
extern void VG_(map_fd_segment) (Addr addr, SizeT len, UInt prot, UInt flags,
Int fd, ULong off, const Char *filename);
/* segment mapped from a file */
extern void VG_(map_file_segment)(Addr addr, SizeT len, UInt prot, UInt flags,
UInt dev, UInt ino, ULong off, const Char *filename);
/* simple segment */
extern void VG_(map_segment) (Addr addr, SizeT len, UInt prot, UInt flags);
extern void VG_(unmap_range) (Addr addr, SizeT len);
extern void VG_(mprotect_range)(Addr addr, SizeT len, UInt prot);
extern Addr VG_(find_map_space)(Addr base, SizeT len, Bool for_client);
extern Segment *VG_(find_segment)(Addr a);
extern Segment *VG_(first_segment)(void);
extern Segment *VG_(next_segment)(Segment *);
extern Bool VG_(seg_contains)(const Segment *s, Addr ptr, SizeT size);
extern Bool VG_(seg_overlaps)(const Segment *s, Addr ptr, SizeT size);
extern void VG_(pad_address_space) (void);
extern void VG_(unpad_address_space)(void);
extern REGPARM(2)
void VG_(unknown_SP_update) ( Addr old_SP, Addr new_SP );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Exports of vg_proxylwp.c
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Issue a syscall for thread tid */
extern Int VG_(sys_issue)(ThreadId tid);
extern void VG_(proxy_init) ( void );
extern void VG_(proxy_create) ( ThreadId tid );
extern void VG_(proxy_delete) ( ThreadId tid, Bool force );
extern void VG_(proxy_results) ( void );
extern void VG_(proxy_sendsig) ( ThreadId fromTid, ThreadId toTid, Int signo );
extern void VG_(proxy_setsigmask)(ThreadId tid);
extern void VG_(proxy_sigack) ( ThreadId tid, const vki_sigset_t *);
extern void VG_(proxy_abort_syscall) ( ThreadId tid );
extern void VG_(proxy_waitsig) ( void );
extern void VG_(proxy_wait_sys) (ThreadId tid, Bool restart);
extern void VG_(proxy_shutdown) ( void ); // shut down the syscall workers
extern Int VG_(proxy_resfd) ( void ); // FD something can select on to know
// a syscall finished
/* Sanity-check the whole proxy-LWP machinery */
void VG_(sanity_check_proxy)(void);
/* Send a signal from a thread's proxy to the thread. This longjmps
back into the proxy's main loop, so it doesn't return. */
__attribute__ ((__noreturn__))
extern void VG_(proxy_handlesig)( const vki_siginfo_t *siginfo,
Addr ip, Int sysnum );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Exports of vg_syscalls.c
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
extern Char *VG_(resolve_filename)(Int fd);
extern Bool VG_(pre_syscall) ( ThreadId tid );
extern void VG_(post_syscall)( ThreadId tid, Bool restart );
extern Bool VG_(is_kerror) ( Word res );
/* Internal atfork handlers */
typedef void (*vg_atfork_t)(ThreadId);
extern void VG_(atfork)(vg_atfork_t pre, vg_atfork_t parent, vg_atfork_t child);
/* fd leakage calls. */
extern void VG_(init_preopened_fds) ( void );
extern void VG_(show_open_fds) ( void );
// Return true if address range entirely contained within client
// address space.
Bool VG_(valid_client_addr)(Addr start, SizeT size, ThreadId tid,
const Char *syscallname);
// Return true if we're allowed to use or create this fd.
Bool VG_(fd_allowed)(Int fd, const Char *syscallname, ThreadId tid, Bool soft);
void VG_(record_fd_open)(ThreadId tid, Int fd, char *pathname);
// Flags describing syscall wrappers
#define Special (1 << 0)
#define MayBlock (1 << 1)
#define NBRunInLWP (1 << 2) // non-blocking, but must run in LWP context
#define PostOnFail (1 << 3)
// Templates for generating the PRE and POST macros. For ones that must be
// publically visible, use an empty 'qual', 'prefix' should start with
// "vgArch_", and there should be corresponding global declarations (like
// the GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER ones below). Otherwise, use "static" for 'qual',
// and "vgArch_" should not be in the 'prefix'.
#define PRE_TEMPLATE(qual, prefix, name, f) \
qual UInt prefix##_##name##_flags = f; \
qual void prefix##_##name##_before(ThreadId tid, ThreadState *tst)
#define POST_TEMPLATE(qual, prefix, name) \
qual void prefix##_##name##_after (ThreadId tid, ThreadState *tst)
// This macro is used to write other macros which making writing syscall
// tables easier.
#define SYS_WRAPPER_ENTRY_X_(prefix, const, name) \
[const] = { &prefix##_##name##_flags, \
prefix##_##name##_before, NULL }
#define SYS_WRAPPER_ENTRY_XY(prefix, const, name) \
[const] = { &prefix##_##name##_flags, \
prefix##_##name##_before, \
prefix##_##name##_after }
// Macros for adding generic wrappers to a syscall table.
#define GENX_(const, name) SYS_WRAPPER_ENTRY_X_(vgArch_gen, const, name)
#define GENXY(const, name) SYS_WRAPPER_ENTRY_XY(vgArch_gen, const, name)
// Space-saving macros for syscall wrappers
#define SYSNO SYSCALL_NUM(tst->arch) // in PRE(x)
#define RES SYSCALL_RET(tst->arch) // in POST(x)
#define ARG1 SYSCALL_ARG1(tst->arch)
#define ARG2 SYSCALL_ARG2(tst->arch)
#define ARG3 SYSCALL_ARG3(tst->arch)
#define ARG4 SYSCALL_ARG4(tst->arch)
#define ARG5 SYSCALL_ARG5(tst->arch)
#define ARG6 SYSCALL_ARG6(tst->arch)
#define SET_RESULT(val) PLATFORM_SET_SYSCALL_RESULT(tst->arch, (val))
#define PRINT(format, args...) \
if (VG_(clo_trace_syscalls)) \
VG_(printf)(format, ## args)
// Generic (platform-independent) syscall wrappers. These are generally
// POSIX or something like that; those that are not POSIX are annotated
// with what standards they are part of, as stated in the Linux man pages.
// For many of them, it's unclear if they are generic, or Linux-specific, or
// x86/Linux-specific, or something else again.
// Nb: This list may change over time... ones thought at first to be generic
// may turn out not to be, and so be moved into OS-specific or
// platform-specific files. If there's any doubt, I'm leaving them in here.
// Nb 2: if porting to a new OS, you should really check all these generic
// wrappers to make sure they match your OS, painful as it might be.
// For each generic ("gen") wrapper, we declare the pre-wrapper, the
// post-wrapper (which is actually not always needed), and the associated
// flags.
extern UInt VGA_(gen_##x##_flags); \
extern void VGA_(gen_##x##_before)(ThreadId tid, ThreadState *tst); \
extern void VGA_(gen_##x##_after) (ThreadId tid, ThreadState *tst)
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_ni_syscall); // * P -- unimplemented
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_execve); // (*??) P
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_fcntl); // POSIX (but complicated)
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_mremap); // POSIX, but Linux arg order may be odd
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_timer_create); // Linux: varies across archs?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_setgroups); // SVr4, SVID, X/OPEN, 4.3BSD
// These ones aren't POSIX, but are in some standard and look reasonably
// generic, and are the same for all architectures under Linux.
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_chroot); // SVr4, SVID, 4.4BSD, X/OPEN
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_readlink); // X/OPEN, 4.4BSD
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_getdents); // SVr4,SVID
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_select); // 4.4BSD
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_flock); // 4.4BSD
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_getrusage); // SVr4, 4.3BSD
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_settimeofday); // SVr4, 4.3BSD (non-POSIX)
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_getpriority); // SVr4, 4.4BSD
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_setpriority); // SVr4, 4.4BSD
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_setitimer); // SVr4, 4.4BSD
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_getitimer); // SVr4, 4.4BSD
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_setreuid); // 4.3BSD
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_setregid); // 4.3BSD
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_fchown); // SVr4,4.3BSD
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_utimes); // 4.3BSD
// These ones may be Linux specific... not sure. They use 16-bit gid_t and
// uid_t types. The similarly named (minus the "16" suffix) ones below use
// 32-bit versions of these types.
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_setuid16); // ## P
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_getuid16); // ## P
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_setgid16); // ## SVr4,SVID
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_getgid16); // ## P
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_geteuid16); // ## P
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_getegid16); // ## P
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_setreuid16); // ## BSD4.3
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_setregid16); // ## BSD4.3
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_getgroups16); // ## P
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_setgroups16); // ## SVr4, SVID, X/OPEN, 4.3BSD
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_fchown16); // ## SVr4,BSD4.3
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_chown16); // ## P
// Linux's funny many-in-one socketcall is certainly not generic, but I
// didn't want to move it until necessary because it's big and has a lot of
// associated junk.
// Some archs on Linux do not match the generic wrapper for sys_pipe().
// May not be generic for every architecture under Linux.
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_sigaction); // (x86) P
// Funny names, not sure...
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_newstat); // * P
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_newlstat); // *
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_newfstat); // * P (SVr4,BSD4.3)
// For the remainder, not really sure yet
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(old_mmap); // x86, weird arg passing
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_ptrace); // (x86?) (almost-P)
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_sigsuspend); // POSIX, but L (proto varies across archs)
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_setrlimit); // SVr4, 4.3BSD
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_ioctl); // x86? (various)
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_old_getrlimit); // SVr4, 4.3BSD L?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_statfs); // * L?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_fstatfs); // * L?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_iopl); // (x86/amd64) L
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_ipc); // (x86) L
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_newuname); // * P
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_init_module); // * L?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_quotactl); // * (?)
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_rt_sigaction); // (x86) ()
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_rt_sigprocmask); // * ?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_rt_sigpending); // * ?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_rt_sigtimedwait); // * ?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_rt_sigqueueinfo); // * ?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_rt_sigsuspend); // () ()
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_pread64); // * (Unix98?)
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_pwrite64); // * (Unix98?)
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_capget); // * L?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_capset); // * L?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_sigaltstack); // (x86) (XPG4-UNIX)
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_getpmsg); // (?) (?)
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_putpmsg); // (?) (?)
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_getrlimit); // * (?)
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_mmap2); // (x86?) P?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_truncate64); // %% (P?)
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_ftruncate64); // %% (P?)
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_stat64); // %% (?)
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_lstat64); // %% (?)
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_fstat64); // %% (?)
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_lchown); // * (L?)
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_mincore); // * L?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_getdents64); // * (SVr4,SVID?)
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_fcntl64); // * P?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_setxattr); // * L?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_lsetxattr); // * L?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_fsetxattr); // * L?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_getxattr); // * L?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_lgetxattr); // * L?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_fgetxattr); // * L?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_listxattr); // * L?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_llistxattr); // * L?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_flistxattr); // * L?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_removexattr); // * L?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_lremovexattr); // * L?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_fremovexattr); // * L?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_sched_setaffinity); // * L?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_sched_getaffinity); // * L?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_exit_group); // * ?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_lookup_dcookie); // (*/32/64) L
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_set_tid_address); // * ?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_statfs64); // * (?)
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_fstatfs64); // * (?)
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_mq_open); // * P?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_mq_unlink); // * P?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_mq_timedsend); // * P?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_mq_timedreceive); // * P?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_mq_notify); // * P?
GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_mq_getsetattr); // * P?
// Macros used in syscall wrappers
/* PRRAn == "pre-register-read-argument"
PRRSN == "pre-register-read-syscall"
#define PRRSN \
TL_(pre_reg_read)(Vg_CoreSysCall, tid, "(syscallno)", \
O_SYSCALL_NUM, sizeof(UWord));
#define PRRAn(n,s,t,a) \
TL_(pre_reg_read)(Vg_CoreSysCall, tid, s"("#a")", \
O_SYSCALL_ARG##n, sizeof(t));
#define PRE_REG_READ0(tr, s) \
if (VG_(defined_pre_reg_read)()) { \
#define PRE_REG_READ1(tr, s, t1, a1) \
if (VG_(defined_pre_reg_read)()) { \
PRRAn(1,s,t1,a1); \
#define PRE_REG_READ2(tr, s, t1, a1, t2, a2) \
if (VG_(defined_pre_reg_read)()) { \
PRRAn(1,s,t1,a1); PRRAn(2,s,t2,a2); \
#define PRE_REG_READ3(tr, s, t1, a1, t2, a2, t3, a3) \
if (VG_(defined_pre_reg_read)()) { \
PRRAn(1,s,t1,a1); PRRAn(2,s,t2,a2); PRRAn(3,s,t3,a3); \
#define PRE_REG_READ4(tr, s, t1, a1, t2, a2, t3, a3, t4, a4) \
if (VG_(defined_pre_reg_read)()) { \
PRRAn(1,s,t1,a1); PRRAn(2,s,t2,a2); PRRAn(3,s,t3,a3); \
PRRAn(4,s,t4,a4); \
#define PRE_REG_READ5(tr, s, t1, a1, t2, a2, t3, a3, t4, a4, t5, a5) \
if (VG_(defined_pre_reg_read)()) { \
PRRAn(1,s,t1,a1); PRRAn(2,s,t2,a2); PRRAn(3,s,t3,a3); \
PRRAn(4,s,t4,a4); PRRAn(5,s,t5,a5); \
#define PRE_REG_READ6(tr, s, t1, a1, t2, a2, t3, a3, t4, a4, t5, a5, t6, a6) \
if (VG_(defined_pre_reg_read)()) { \
PRRAn(1,s,t1,a1); PRRAn(2,s,t2,a2); PRRAn(3,s,t3,a3); \
PRRAn(4,s,t4,a4); PRRAn(5,s,t5,a5); PRRAn(6,s,t6,a6); \
#define PRE_MEM_READ(zzname, zzaddr, zzlen) \
VG_TRACK( pre_mem_read, Vg_CoreSysCall, tid, zzname, zzaddr, zzlen)
#define PRE_MEM_RASCIIZ(zzname, zzaddr) \
VG_TRACK( pre_mem_read_asciiz, Vg_CoreSysCall, tid, zzname, zzaddr)
#define PRE_MEM_WRITE(zzname, zzaddr, zzlen) \
VG_TRACK( pre_mem_write, Vg_CoreSysCall, tid, zzname, zzaddr, zzlen)
#define POST_MEM_WRITE(zzaddr, zzlen) \
VG_TRACK( post_mem_write, Vg_CoreSysCall, tid, zzaddr, zzlen)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Exports of vg_transtab.c
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* The fast-cache for tt-lookup. */
extern Addr VG_(tt_fast)[VG_TT_FAST_SIZE];
extern void VG_(init_tt_tc) ( void );
extern void VG_(add_to_trans_tab) ( Addr orig_addr, Int orig_size,
Addr trans_addr, Int trans_size );
extern Addr VG_(search_transtab) ( Addr original_addr );
extern void VG_(invalidate_translations) ( Addr start, UInt range );
extern void VG_(sanity_check_tt_tc) ( Char* caller );
extern void VG_(print_tt_tc_stats) ( void );
extern Int VG_(get_bbs_translated) ( void );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Exports of vg_syscall.S
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// We use a full prototype rather than "..." here to ensure that all
// arguments get converted to a UWord appropriately. Not doing so can
// cause problems when passing 32-bit integers on 64-bit platforms, because
// the top 32-bits might not be zeroed appropriately, eg. as would happen
// with the 6th arg on AMD64 which is passed on the stack.
extern Word VG_(do_syscall) ( UInt, UWord, UWord, UWord, UWord, UWord, UWord );
// Macros make life easier.
#define vgPlain_do_syscall0(s) VG_(do_syscall)((s),0,0,0,0,0,0)
#define vgPlain_do_syscall1(s,a) VG_(do_syscall)((s),(a),0,0,0,0,0)
#define vgPlain_do_syscall2(s,a,b) VG_(do_syscall)((s),(a),(b),0,0,0,0)
#define vgPlain_do_syscall3(s,a,b,c) VG_(do_syscall)((s),(a),(b),(c),0,0,0)
#define vgPlain_do_syscall4(s,a,b,c,d) VG_(do_syscall)((s),(a),(b),(c),(d),0,0)
#define vgPlain_do_syscall5(s,a,b,c,d,e) VG_(do_syscall)((s),(a),(b),(c),(d),(e),0)
#define vgPlain_do_syscall6(s,a,b,c,d,e,f) VG_(do_syscall)((s),(a),(b),(c),(d),(e),(f))
extern Int VG_(clone) ( Int (*fn)(void *), void *stack, Int flags, void *arg,
Int *child_tid, Int *parent_tid);
extern void VG_(sigreturn)(void);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Exports of vg_dispatch.S
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* This subroutine is called from the C world. It is passed
a pointer to the VEX guest state (arch.vex). It must run code
from the instruction pointer in the guest state, and exit when
VG_(dispatch_ctr) reaches zero, or we need to defer to the scheduler.
The return value must indicate why it returned back to the scheduler.
It can also be exited if the executing code throws a non-resumable
signal, for example SIGSEGV, in which case control longjmp()s back past
This code simply handles the common case fast -- when the translation
address is found in the translation cache. For anything else, the
scheduler does the work.
extern UInt VG_(run_innerloop) ( void* guest_state );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Exports of vg_helpers.S
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Information about trampoline code (for signal return and syscalls) */
extern const Char VG_(trampoline_code_start);
extern const Int VG_(trampoline_code_length);
extern const Int VG_(tramp_sigreturn_offset);
extern const Int VG_(tramp_syscall_offset);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Things relating to the used tool
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
#define VG_TRACK(fn, args...) \
do { \
if (VG_(defined_##fn)()) \
TL_(fn)(args); \
} while(0)
__attribute__ ((noreturn))
extern void VG_(missing_tool_func) ( const Char* fn );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Architecture-specific things defined in eg. x86/*.c
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Accessors for the ThreadArchState
#define INSTR_PTR(regs) ((regs).vex.ARCH_INSTR_PTR)
#define STACK_PTR(regs) ((regs).vex.ARCH_STACK_PTR)
#define FRAME_PTR(regs) ((regs).vex.ARCH_FRAME_PTR)
#define CLREQ_ARGS(regs) ((regs).vex.ARCH_CLREQ_ARGS)
#define PTHREQ_RET(regs) ((regs).vex.ARCH_PTHREQ_RET)
#define CLREQ_RET(regs) ((regs).vex.ARCH_CLREQ_RET)
// Offsets for the Vex state
#define O_STACK_PTR (offsetof(VexGuestArchState, ARCH_STACK_PTR))
#define O_FRAME_PTR (offsetof(VexGuestArchState, ARCH_FRAME_PTR))
#define O_CLREQ_RET (offsetof(VexGuestArchState, ARCH_CLREQ_RET))
#define O_PTHREQ_RET (offsetof(VexGuestArchState, ARCH_PTHREQ_RET))
// Setting up the initial thread (1) state
extern void
VGA_(init_thread1state) ( Addr client_eip,
Addr esp_at_startup,
/*MOD*/ ThreadArchState* arch );
// Thread stuff
extern void VGA_(clear_thread) ( ThreadArchState* );
extern void VGA_(cleanup_thread) ( ThreadArchState* );
extern void VGA_(setup_child) ( ThreadArchState*, ThreadArchState* );
extern void VGA_(set_arg_and_bogus_ret) ( ThreadId tid, UWord arg, Addr ret );
extern void VGA_(thread_initial_stack) ( ThreadId tid, UWord arg, Addr ret );
// Symtab stuff
extern UInt* VGA_(reg_addr_from_tst) ( Int regno, ThreadArchState* );
// Pointercheck
extern Bool VGA_(setup_pointercheck) ( void );
// For attaching the debugger
extern Int VGA_(ptrace_setregs_from_tst) ( Int pid, ThreadArchState* arch );
// Signal stuff
extern void VGA_(push_signal_frame) ( ThreadId tid, Addr sp_top_of_frame,
const vki_siginfo_t *siginfo,
void *handler, UInt flags,
const vki_sigset_t *mask);
extern Int VGA_(pop_signal_frame) ( ThreadId tid );
// libpthread stuff
typedef struct _ThreadArchAux ThreadArchAux;
void VGA_(thread_create) ( ThreadArchAux *aux );
void VGA_(thread_wrapper)( ThreadArchAux *aux );
void VGA_(thread_exit) ( void );
Bool VGA_(has_tls) ( void );
#define MY__STRING(__str) #__str
// Assertion to use in code running on the simulated CPU.
#define my_assert(expr) \
((void) ((expr) ? 0 : \
(VG_(user_assert_fail) (MY__STRING(expr), \
__FILE__, __LINE__, \
extern void VG_(user_assert_fail) ( const Char* expr, const Char* file,
Int line, const Char* fn );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Platform-specific things defined in eg. x86/*.c
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Accessors for the ThreadArchState
#define SYSCALL_NUM(regs) ((regs).vex.PLATFORM_SYSCALL_NUM)
#define SYSCALL_ARG1(regs) ((regs).vex.PLATFORM_SYSCALL_ARG1)
#define SYSCALL_ARG2(regs) ((regs).vex.PLATFORM_SYSCALL_ARG2)
#define SYSCALL_ARG3(regs) ((regs).vex.PLATFORM_SYSCALL_ARG3)
#define SYSCALL_ARG4(regs) ((regs).vex.PLATFORM_SYSCALL_ARG4)
#define SYSCALL_ARG5(regs) ((regs).vex.PLATFORM_SYSCALL_ARG5)
#define SYSCALL_ARG6(regs) ((regs).vex.PLATFORM_SYSCALL_ARG6)
#define SYSCALL_RET(regs) ((regs).vex.PLATFORM_SYSCALL_RET)
// Offsets for the shadow state
#define O_SYSCALL_NUM (offsetof(VexGuestArchState, PLATFORM_SYSCALL_NUM))
#define O_SYSCALL_ARG1 (offsetof(VexGuestArchState, PLATFORM_SYSCALL_ARG1))
#define O_SYSCALL_ARG2 (offsetof(VexGuestArchState, PLATFORM_SYSCALL_ARG2))
#define O_SYSCALL_ARG3 (offsetof(VexGuestArchState, PLATFORM_SYSCALL_ARG3))
#define O_SYSCALL_ARG4 (offsetof(VexGuestArchState, PLATFORM_SYSCALL_ARG4))
#define O_SYSCALL_ARG5 (offsetof(VexGuestArchState, PLATFORM_SYSCALL_ARG5))
#define O_SYSCALL_ARG6 (offsetof(VexGuestArchState, PLATFORM_SYSCALL_ARG6))
#define O_SYSCALL_RET (offsetof(VexGuestArchState, PLATFORM_SYSCALL_RET))
struct SyscallTableEntry {
UInt *flags_ptr;
void (*before)(ThreadId tid, ThreadState *tst);
void (*after) (ThreadId tid, ThreadState *tst);
/* This table is the mapping from __NR_xxx syscall numbers to the PRE/POST
wrappers for the relevant syscalls used in the OS kernel for that number.
Note that the constant names don't always match the wrapper names in a
straightforward way. For example, on x86/Linux:
__NR_lchown --> sys_lchown16()
__NR_lchown32 --> sys_lchown()
__NR_select --> old_select()
__NR__newselect --> sys_select()
extern const struct SyscallTableEntry VGA_(syscall_table)[];
extern const UInt VGA_(syscall_table_size);
extern void VGA_(restart_syscall)(ThreadArchState* arch);
/* We need our own copy of VG_(do_syscall)() to handle a special
race-condition. If we've got signals unblocked, and we take a
signal in the gap either just before or after the syscall, we may
end up not running the syscall at all, or running it more than
The solution is to make the signal handler derive the proxy's
precise state by looking to see which eip it is executing at
exception time.
VGA_(sys_before) ... VGA_(sys_restarted):
Setting up register arguments and running state. If
interrupted, then the syscall should be considered to return
If interrupted and eip==VGA_(sys_restarted), then either the syscall
was about to start running, or it has run, was interrupted and
the kernel wants to restart it. eax still contains the
syscall number. If interrupted, then the syscall return value
should be ERESTARTSYS.
If interrupted and eip==VGA_(sys_after), the syscall either just
finished, or it was interrupted and the kernel doesn't want to
restart it. Either way, eax equals the correct return value
(either the actual return value, or EINTR).
VGA_(sys_after) ... VGA_(sys_done):
System call is complete, but the state hasn't been updated,
nor has the result been written back. eax contains the return
Freakin' horrible...
extern const Addr VGA_(sys_before), VGA_(sys_restarted),
VGA_(sys_after), VGA_(sys_done);
extern void VGA_(do_thread_syscall)(UWord sys,
UWord arg1, UWord arg2, UWord arg3,
UWord arg4, UWord arg5, UWord arg6,
UWord *result, /*enum PXState*/Int *statep,
/*enum PXState*/Int poststate);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Finally - autoconf-generated settings
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
#include "config.h"
#endif /* ndef __CORE_H */
/*--- end ---*/