blob: 26de5ac3faf1cd1aac3e9abd6faaf6b0b0ee08c4 [file] [log] [blame]
Invalid write of size 1
at 0x........: test (mempool.c:124)
by 0x........: main (mempool.c:148)
Address 0x........ is 1 bytes before a block of size 10 client-defined
at 0x........: allocate (mempool.c:99)
by 0x........: test (mempool.c:115)
by 0x........: main (mempool.c:148)
Invalid write of size 1
at 0x........: test (mempool.c:125)
by 0x........: main (mempool.c:148)
Address 0x........ is 0 bytes after a block of size 10 client-defined
at 0x........: allocate (mempool.c:99)
by 0x........: test (mempool.c:115)
by 0x........: main (mempool.c:148)
Invalid write of size 1
at 0x........: test (mempool.c:129)
by 0x........: main (mempool.c:148)
Address 0x........ is 70 bytes inside a mempool of size 100000 client-defined
at 0x........: make_pool (mempool.c:43)
by 0x........: test (mempool.c:111)
by 0x........: main (mempool.c:148)
Invalid write of size 1
at 0x........: test (mempool.c:130)
by 0x........: main (mempool.c:148)
Address 0x........ is 96 bytes inside a mempool of size 100000 client-defined
at 0x........: make_pool (mempool.c:43)
by 0x........: test (mempool.c:111)
by 0x........: main (mempool.c:148)
20 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 2 of 3
at 0x........: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:...)
by 0x........: make_pool (mempool.c:37)
by 0x........: test (mempool.c:111)
by 0x........: main (mempool.c:148)