blob: 372415115484289fd3329bf220fab4377e6b24e4 [file] [log] [blame]
Building and not installing it
To run Valgrind without having to install it, run coregrind/valgrind
with the VALGRIND_LIB environment variable set, where <dir> is the root
of the source tree (and must be an absolute path). Eg:
VALGRIND_LIB=~/grind/head4/.in_place ~/grind/head4/coregrind/valgrind
This allows you to compile and run with "make" instead of "make install",
saving you time.
I recommend compiling with "make --quiet" to further reduce the amount of
output spewed out during compilation, letting you actually see any errors,
warnings, etc.
Running the regression tests
To build and run all the regression tests, run "make [--quiet] regtest".
To run a subset of the regression tests, execute:
perl tests/vg_regtest <name>
where <name> is a directory (all tests within will be run) or a single
.vgtest test file, or the name of a program which has a like-named .vgtest
file. Eg:
perl tests/vg_regtest memcheck
perl tests/vg_regtest memcheck/tests/badfree.vgtest
perl tests/vg_regtest memcheck/tests/badfree
Debugging Valgrind with GDB
To debug stage 1 just run it under GDB in the normal way.
To debug Valgrind proper (stage 2) with GDB, start Valgrind like this:
valgrind --tool=none --wait-for-gdb=yes <prog>
Then start gdb like this in another terminal:
gdb /usr/lib/valgrind/stage2 <pid>
Where <pid> is the pid valgrind printed. Then set whatever breakpoints
you want and do this in gdb:
jump *$eip
To run Valgrind under Valgrind:
(1) Check out 2 trees, "inner" and "outer". "inner" runs the app
directly and is what you will be profiling. "outer" does the
(2) Configure inner with --enable-inner and build/install as
(3) Configure outer normally and build/install as usual.
(4) Choose a very simple program (date) and try
outer/.../bin/valgrind --weird-hacks=enable-outer \
--tool=cachegrind -v inner/.../bin/valgrind --tool=none -v prog
It's fragile, confusing and slow, but it does work well enough for
you to get some useful performance data. The inner Valgrind has most of
its output (ie. those lines beginning with "==<pid>==") prefixed with a
'>', which helps a lot.
At the time of writing the allocator is not annotated with client requests
so Memcheck is not as useful as it could be. It also has not been tested
much, so don't be surprised if you hit problems.