blob: b9e6b23c6a59e9cc4dfd16090d53cbe3ff8efb59 [file] [log] [blame]
@ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
@ **
@ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
@ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
@ **
@ **
@ **
@ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
@ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
@ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
@ ** limitations under the License.
@ */
@void Residu (
@ Word16 a[], /* (i) : prediction coefficients */
@ Word16 x[], /* (i) : speech signal */
@ Word16 y[], /* (o) : residual signal */
@ Word16 lg /* (i) : size of filtering */
@a[] RN r0
@x[] RN r1
@y[] RN r2
@lg RN r3
.section .text
.global Residu_opt
STMFD r13!, {r4 - r12, r14}
SUB r7, r3, #4 @i = lg - 4
VLD1.S16 {D0, D1, D2, D3}, [r0]! @get all a[]
VLD1.S16 {D4}, [r0]!
VMOV.S32 Q8, #0x8000
ADD r9, r1, r7, LSL #1 @copy the address
ADD r10, r2, r7, LSL #1
MOV r8, r9
VLD1.S16 D5, [r8]! @get x[i], x[i+1], x[i+2], x[i+3]
VQDMULL.S16 Q10, D5, D0[0] @finish the first L_mult
SUB r8, r9, #2 @get the x[i-1] address
VLD1.S16 D5, [r8]!
VQDMLAL.S16 Q10, D5, D0[1]
SUB r8, r9, #4 @load the x[i-2] address
VLD1.S16 D5, [r8]!
VQDMLAL.S16 Q10, D5, D0[2]
SUB r8, r9, #6 @load the x[i-3] address
VLD1.S16 D5, [r8]!
VQDMLAL.S16 Q10, D5, D0[3]
SUB r8, r9, #8 @load the x[i-4] address
VLD1.S16 D5, [r8]!
VQDMLAL.S16 Q10, D5, D1[0]
SUB r8, r9, #10 @load the x[i-5] address
VLD1.S16 D5, [r8]!
VQDMLAL.S16 Q10, D5, D1[1]
SUB r8, r9, #12 @load the x[i-6] address
VLD1.S16 D5, [r8]!
VQDMLAL.S16 Q10, D5, D1[2]
SUB r8, r9, #14 @load the x[i-7] address
VLD1.S16 D5, [r8]!
VQDMLAL.S16 Q10, D5, D1[3]
SUB r8, r9, #16 @load the x[i-8] address
VLD1.S16 D5, [r8]!
VQDMLAL.S16 Q10, D5, D2[0]
SUB r8, r9, #18 @load the x[i-9] address
VLD1.S16 D5, [r8]!
VQDMLAL.S16 Q10, D5, D2[1]
SUB r8, r9, #20 @load the x[i-10] address
VLD1.S16 D5, [r8]!
VQDMLAL.S16 Q10, D5, D2[2]
SUB r8, r9, #22 @load the x[i-11] address
VLD1.S16 D5, [r8]!
VQDMLAL.S16 Q10, D5, D2[3]
SUB r8, r9, #24 @load the x[i-12] address
VLD1.S16 D5, [r8]!
VQDMLAL.S16 Q10, D5, D3[0]
SUB r8, r9, #26 @load the x[i-13] address
VLD1.S16 D5, [r8]!
VQDMLAL.S16 Q10, D5, D3[1]
SUB r8, r9, #28 @load the x[i-14] address
VLD1.S16 D5, [r8]!
VQDMLAL.S16 Q10, D5, D3[2]
SUB r8, r9, #30 @load the x[i-15] address
VLD1.S16 D5, [r8]!
VQDMLAL.S16 Q10, D5, D3[3]
SUB r8, r9, #32 @load the x[i-16] address
VLD1.S16 D5, [r8]!
VQDMLAL.S16 Q10, D5, D4[0]
SUB r7, r7, #4 @i-=4
VQSHL.S32 Q10, Q10, #4
VQADD.S32 Q10, Q10, Q8
VSHRN.S32 D5, Q10, #16
VST1.S16 D5, [r10]!
CMP r7, #0
LDMFD r13!, {r4 - r12, r15}