blob: 93c80d98f29f2589b854168fef36249cc41837b0 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "llvm/ADT/OwningPtr.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/IntrusiveRefCntPtr.h"
#include "clang/Basic/TargetOptions.h"
#include "slang_pragma_recorder.h"
#include "slang_diagnostic_buffer.h"
namespace llvm {
class raw_ostream;
namespace clang {
class Diagnostic;
class FileManager;
class SourceManager;
class LangOptions;
class Preprocessor;
class TargetOptions;
class CodeGenOptions;
class ASTContext;
class ASTConsumer;
class Backend;
class TargetInfo;
namespace slang {
class Slang {
static clang::LangOptions LangOpts;
static clang::CodeGenOptions CodeGenOpts;
static bool GlobalInitialized;
static void GlobalInitialization();
static void LLVMErrorHandler(void *UserData, const std::string &Message);
typedef enum {
OT_Default = OT_Bitcode
} OutputType;
// The diagnostics engine instance (for status reporting during compilation)
llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<clang::Diagnostic> mDiagnostics;
// The clients of diagnostics engine. The ownership is taken by the
// mDiagnostics after creation.
DiagnosticBuffer *mDiagClient;
void createDiagnostic();
// The target being compiled for
clang::TargetOptions mTargetOpts;
llvm::OwningPtr<clang::TargetInfo> mTarget;
void createTarget(const char *Triple, const char *CPU, const char **Features);
// Below is for parsing and code generation
// The file manager (for prepocessor doing the job such as header file search)
llvm::OwningPtr<clang::FileManager> mFileMgr;
void createFileManager();
// The source manager (responsible for the source code handling)
llvm::OwningPtr<clang::SourceManager> mSourceMgr;
void createSourceManager();
// The preprocessor (source code preprocessor)
llvm::OwningPtr<clang::Preprocessor> mPP;
void createPreprocessor();
// The AST context (the context to hold long-lived AST nodes)
llvm::OwningPtr<clang::ASTContext> mASTContext;
void createASTContext();
// The AST consumer, responsible for code generation
llvm::OwningPtr<clang::ASTConsumer> mBackend;
// Input file name
std::string mInputFileName;
std::string mOutputFileName;
std::string mDepOutputFileName;
std::string mDepTargetBCFileName;
OutputType mOT;
// Output stream
llvm::OwningPtr<llvm::raw_ostream> mOS;
// Dependency output stream
llvm::OwningPtr<llvm::raw_ostream> mDOS;
std::vector<std::string> mIncludePaths;
PragmaList mPragmas;
inline clang::Diagnostic &getDiagnostics() { return *mDiagnostics; }
inline const clang::TargetInfo &getTargetInfo() const { return *mTarget; }
inline clang::FileManager &getFileManager() { return *mFileMgr; }
inline clang::SourceManager &getSourceManager() { return *mSourceMgr; }
inline clang::Preprocessor &getPreprocessor() { return *mPP; }
inline clang::ASTContext &getASTContext() { return *mASTContext; }
inline const clang::TargetOptions &getTargetOptions() const
{ return mTargetOpts; }
virtual void initDiagnostic() {}
virtual void initPreprocessor() {}
virtual void initASTContext() {}
virtual clang::ASTConsumer
*createBackend(const clang::CodeGenOptions& CodeGenOpts,
llvm::raw_ostream *OS,
OutputType OT);
static const std::string TargetDescription;
static const llvm::StringRef PragmaMetadataName;
Slang(const char *Triple, const char *CPU, const char **Features);
bool setInputSource(llvm::StringRef InputFile, const char *Text,
size_t TextLength);
bool setInputSource(llvm::StringRef InputFile);
inline const std::string &getInputFileName() const { return mInputFileName; }
inline void addIncludePath(const char *Path) {
inline void setOutputType(OutputType OT) { mOT = OT; }
bool setOutput(const char *OutputFile);
inline const std::string &getOutputFileName() const {
return mOutputFileName;
bool setDepOutput(const char *OutputFile);
bool setDepTargetBC(const char *TargetBCFile);
int generateDepFile();
int compile();
inline const char *getErrorMessage() { return mDiagClient->str().c_str(); }
// Reset the slang compiler state such that it can be reused to compile
// another file
virtual void reset();
virtual ~Slang();