blob: dfee4c9034743fae40a6cd645b3357a458e3d3e9 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "slang.h"
namespace slang {
class RSContext;
class SlangRS : public Slang {
// Context for RenderScript
RSContext *mRSContext;
bool mAllowRSPrefix;
virtual void initDiagnostic();
virtual void initPreprocessor();
virtual void initASTContext();
virtual clang::ASTConsumer
*createBackend(const clang::CodeGenOptions& CodeGenOpts,
llvm::raw_ostream *OS,
Slang::OutputType OT);
static bool IsRSHeaderFile(const char *File);
SlangRS(const std::string &Triple, const std::string &CPU,
const std::vector<std::string> &Features);
// The package name that's really applied will be filled in RealPackageName.
bool reflectToJava(const std::string &OutputPathBase,
const std::string &OutputPackageName,
std::string *RealPackageName);
virtual void reset();
inline void allowRSPrefix(bool V = true) { mAllowRSPrefix = V; }
virtual ~SlangRS();