blob: 1cb3a99a7f89ad1d6d24c4cb162f09ab2f71ecee [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/*! \mainpage notitle
* Renderscript is a high-performance runtime that provides graphics rendering and
* compute operations at the native level. Renderscript code is compiled on devices
* at runtime to allow platform-independence as well.
* This reference documentation describes the Renderscript runtime APIs, which you
* can utilize to write Renderscript code in C99. The Renderscript header
* files are automatically included for you, except for the rs_graphics.rsh header. If
* you are doing graphics rendering, include the graphics header file like this:
* <code>#include "rs_graphics.rsh"</code>
* To use Renderscript, you need to utilize the Renderscript runtime APIs documented here
* as well as the Android framework APIs for Renderscript.
* For documentation on the Android framework APIs, see the <a href=
* "">
* android.renderscript</a> package reference.
* For more information on how to develop with Renderscript and how the runtime and
* Android framework APIs interact, see the <a href=
* "">Renderscript
* developer guide</a> and the <a href=
* "">
* Renderscript samples</a>.
/** @file rs_allocation.rsh
* \brief Allocation routines
* Returns the Allocation for a given pointer. The pointer should point within
* a valid allocation. The results are undefined if the pointer is not from a
* valid allocation.
extern rs_allocation __attribute__((overloadable))
rsGetAllocation(const void *);
* Query the dimension of an allocation.
* @return uint32_t The X dimension of the allocation.
extern uint32_t __attribute__((overloadable))
* Query the dimension of an allocation.
* @return uint32_t The Y dimension of the allocation.
extern uint32_t __attribute__((overloadable))
* Query the dimension of an allocation.
* @return uint32_t The Z dimension of the allocation.
extern uint32_t __attribute__((overloadable))
* Query an allocation for the presence of more than one LOD.
* @return uint32_t Returns 1 if more than one LOD is present, 0 otherwise.
extern uint32_t __attribute__((overloadable))
* Query an allocation for the presence of more than one face.
* @return uint32_t Returns 1 if more than one face is present, 0 otherwise.
extern uint32_t __attribute__((overloadable))
#if (defined(RS_VERSION) && (RS_VERSION >= 14))
* Copy part of an allocation from another allocation.
* @param dstAlloc Allocation to copy data into.
* @param dstOff The offset of the first element to be copied in
* the destination allocation.
* @param dstMip Mip level in the destination allocation.
* @param count The number of elements to be copied.
* @param srcAlloc The source data allocation.
* @param srcOff The offset of the first element in data to be
* copied in the source allocation.
* @param srcMip Mip level in the source allocation.
extern void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsAllocationCopy1DRange(rs_allocation dstAlloc,
uint32_t dstOff, uint32_t dstMip,
uint32_t count,
rs_allocation srcAlloc,
uint32_t srcOff, uint32_t srcMip);
* Copy a rectangular region into the allocation from another
* allocation.
* @param dstAlloc allocation to copy data into.
* @param dstXoff X offset of the region to update in the
* destination allocation.
* @param dstYoff Y offset of the region to update in the
* destination allocation.
* @param dstMip Mip level in the destination allocation.
* @param dstFace Cubemap face of the destination allocation,
* ignored for allocations that aren't cubemaps.
* @param width Width of the incoming region to update.
* @param height Height of the incoming region to update.
* @param srcAlloc The source data allocation.
* @param srcXoff X offset in data of the source allocation.
* @param srcYoff Y offset in data of the source allocation.
* @param srcMip Mip level in the source allocation.
* @param srcFace Cubemap face of the source allocation,
* ignored for allocations that aren't cubemaps.
extern void __attribute__((overloadable))
rsAllocationCopy2DRange(rs_allocation dstAlloc,
uint32_t dstXoff, uint32_t dstYoff,
uint32_t dstMip,
rs_allocation_cubemap_face dstFace,
uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
rs_allocation srcAlloc,
uint32_t srcXoff, uint32_t srcYoff,
uint32_t srcMip,
rs_allocation_cubemap_face srcFace);
#endif //defined(RS_VERSION) && (RS_VERSION >= 14)
* Extract a single element from an allocation.
extern const void * __attribute__((overloadable))
rsGetElementAt(rs_allocation, uint32_t x);
* \overload
extern const void * __attribute__((overloadable))
rsGetElementAt(rs_allocation, uint32_t x, uint32_t y);
* \overload
extern const void * __attribute__((overloadable))
rsGetElementAt(rs_allocation, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z);