blob: 38d5ec96491495766039b6bf4ba359ef8185d4a4 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright 2008, Google Inc.
** Copyright (c) 2009-2010, Code Aurora Forum. All rights reserved.
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
#include <camera/CameraHardwareInterface.h>
#include <binder/MemoryBase.h>
#include <binder/MemoryHeapBase.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <ui/Overlay.h>
extern "C" {
#include <linux/android_pmem.h>
#include <media/msm_camera.h>
#include <camera.h>
#include <camera_defs_i.h>
#include <mm_camera_interface.h>
struct str_map {
const char *const desc;
int val;
typedef enum {
typedef enum {
struct target_map {
const char *targetStr;
targetType targetEnum;
struct board_property{
targetType target;
unsigned int previewSizeMask;
bool hasSceneDetect;
bool hasSelectableZoneAf;
namespace android {
class QualcommCameraHardware : public CameraHardwareInterface {
virtual sp<IMemoryHeap> getPreviewHeap() const;
virtual sp<IMemoryHeap> getRawHeap() const;
virtual void setCallbacks(notify_callback notify_cb,
data_callback data_cb,
data_callback_timestamp data_cb_timestamp,
void* user);
virtual void enableMsgType(int32_t msgType);
virtual void disableMsgType(int32_t msgType);
virtual bool msgTypeEnabled(int32_t msgType);
virtual status_t dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args) const;
virtual status_t startPreview();
virtual void stopPreview();
virtual bool previewEnabled();
virtual status_t startRecording();
virtual void stopRecording();
virtual bool recordingEnabled();
virtual void releaseRecordingFrame(const sp<IMemory>& mem);
virtual status_t autoFocus();
virtual status_t cancelAutoFocus();
virtual status_t takePicture();
virtual status_t takeLiveSnapshot();
void set_liveshot_exifinfo();
virtual status_t cancelPicture();
virtual status_t setParameters(const CameraParameters& params);
virtual CameraParameters getParameters() const;
virtual status_t sendCommand(int32_t command, int32_t arg1, int32_t arg2);
virtual status_t getBufferInfo( sp<IMemory>& Frame, size_t *alignedSize);
virtual void encodeData( );
virtual void release();
virtual bool useOverlay();
virtual status_t setOverlay(const sp<Overlay> &overlay);
static sp<CameraHardwareInterface> createInstance();
static sp<QualcommCameraHardware> getInstance();
void receivePreviewFrame(struct msm_frame *frame);
void receiveLiveSnapshot(uint32_t jpeg_size);
void receiveCameraStats(camstats_type stype, camera_preview_histogram_info* histinfo);
void receiveRecordingFrame(struct msm_frame *frame);
void receiveJpegPicture(void);
void jpeg_set_location();
void receiveJpegPictureFragment(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t size);
void notifyShutter(common_crop_t *crop, bool mPlayShutterSoundOnly);
void receive_camframe_error_timeout();
virtual ~QualcommCameraHardware();
status_t startPreviewInternal();
status_t setHistogramOn();
status_t setHistogramOff();
void stopPreviewInternal();
friend void *auto_focus_thread(void *user);
void runAutoFocus();
status_t cancelAutoFocusInternal();
bool native_set_dimension (int camfd);
bool native_jpeg_encode (void);
bool native_set_parms(mm_camera_parm_type_t type, uint16_t length, void *value);
bool native_set_parms( mm_camera_parm_type_t type, uint16_t length, void *value, int *result);
bool native_zoom_image(int fd, int srcOffset, int dstOffset, common_crop_t *crop);
static wp<QualcommCameraHardware> singleton;
/* These constants reflect the number of buffers that libmmcamera requires
for preview and raw, and need to be updated when libmmcamera
static const int kPreviewBufferCount = NUM_PREVIEW_BUFFERS;
static const int kRawBufferCount = 1;
static const int kJpegBufferCount = 1;
int jpegPadding;
CameraParameters mParameters;
unsigned int frame_size;
bool mCameraRunning;
Mutex mCameraRunningLock;
bool mPreviewInitialized;
// This class represents a heap which maintains several contiguous
// buffers. The heap may be backed by pmem (when pmem_pool contains
// the name of a /dev/pmem* file), or by ashmem (when pmem_pool == NULL).
struct MemPool : public RefBase {
MemPool(int buffer_size, int num_buffers,
int frame_size,
const char *name);
virtual ~MemPool() = 0;
void completeInitialization();
bool initialized() const {
return mHeap != NULL && mHeap->base() != MAP_FAILED;
virtual status_t dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args) const;
int mBufferSize;
int mAlignedBufferSize;
int mNumBuffers;
int mFrameSize;
sp<MemoryHeapBase> mHeap;
sp<MemoryBase> *mBuffers;
const char *mName;
struct AshmemPool : public MemPool {
AshmemPool(int buffer_size, int num_buffers,
int frame_size,
const char *name);
struct PmemPool : public MemPool {
PmemPool(const char *pmem_pool,
int control_camera_fd, int flags, int pmem_type,
int buffer_size, int num_buffers,
int frame_size, int cbcr_offset,
int yoffset, const char *name);
virtual ~PmemPool();
int mFd;
int mPmemType;
int mCbCrOffset;
int myOffset;
int mCameraControlFd;
uint32_t mAlignedSize;
struct pmem_region mSize;
sp<PmemPool> mPreviewHeap;
sp<PmemPool> mRecordHeap;
sp<PmemPool> mThumbnailHeap;
sp<PmemPool> mRawHeap;
sp<PmemPool> mDisplayHeap;
sp<AshmemPool> mJpegHeap;
sp<AshmemPool> mStatHeap;
sp<PmemPool> mRawSnapShotPmemHeap;
sp<PmemPool> mPostViewHeap;
bool startCamera();
bool initPreview();
bool initRecord();
void deinitPreview();
bool initRaw(bool initJpegHeap);
bool initLiveSnapshot(int videowidth, int videoheight);
bool initRawSnapshot();
void deinitRaw();
void deinitRawSnapshot();
bool mFrameThreadRunning;
Mutex mFrameThreadWaitLock;
Condition mFrameThreadWait;
friend void *frame_thread(void *user);
void runFrameThread(void *data);
//720p recording video thread
bool mVideoThreadExit;
bool mVideoThreadRunning;
Mutex mVideoThreadWaitLock;
Condition mVideoThreadWait;
friend void *video_thread(void *user);
void runVideoThread(void *data);
// For Histogram
int mStatsOn;
int mCurrent;
bool mSendData;
Mutex mStatsWaitLock;
Condition mStatsWait;
bool mShutterPending;
Mutex mShutterLock;
bool mSnapshotThreadRunning;
Mutex mSnapshotThreadWaitLock;
Condition mSnapshotThreadWait;
friend void *snapshot_thread(void *user);
void runSnapshotThread(void *data);
Mutex mRawPictureHeapLock;
bool mJpegThreadRunning;
Mutex mJpegThreadWaitLock;
Condition mJpegThreadWait;
bool mInSnapshotMode;
Mutex mInSnapshotModeWaitLock;
Condition mInSnapshotModeWait;
bool mEncodePending;
Mutex mEncodePendingWaitLock;
Condition mEncodePendingWait;
void debugShowPreviewFPS() const;
void debugShowVideoFPS() const;
int mSnapshotFormat;
bool mFirstFrame;
void hasAutoFocusSupport();
void filterPictureSizes();
void filterPreviewSizes();
void storeTargetType();
bool supportsSceneDetection();
bool supportsSelectableZoneAf();
void initDefaultParameters();
void findSensorType();
status_t setPreviewSize(const CameraParameters& params);
status_t setJpegThumbnailSize(const CameraParameters& params);
status_t setPreviewFrameRate(const CameraParameters& params);
status_t setPreviewFrameRateMode(const CameraParameters& params);
status_t setRecordSize(const CameraParameters& params);
status_t setPictureSize(const CameraParameters& params);
status_t setJpegQuality(const CameraParameters& params);
status_t setAntibanding(const CameraParameters& params);
status_t setEffect(const CameraParameters& params);
status_t setExposureCompensation(const CameraParameters &params);
status_t setAutoExposure(const CameraParameters& params);
status_t setWhiteBalance(const CameraParameters& params);
status_t setFlash(const CameraParameters& params);
status_t setGpsLocation(const CameraParameters& params);
status_t setRotation(const CameraParameters& params);
status_t setZoom(const CameraParameters& params);
status_t setFocusMode(const CameraParameters& params);
status_t setBrightness(const CameraParameters& params);
status_t setSkinToneEnhancement(const CameraParameters& params);
status_t setOrientation(const CameraParameters& params);
status_t setLensshadeValue(const CameraParameters& params);
status_t setISOValue(const CameraParameters& params);
status_t setPictureFormat(const CameraParameters& params);
status_t setSharpness(const CameraParameters& params);
status_t setContrast(const CameraParameters& params);
status_t setSaturation(const CameraParameters& params);
status_t setSceneMode(const CameraParameters& params);
status_t setContinuousAf(const CameraParameters& params);
status_t setTouchAfAec(const CameraParameters& params);
status_t setSceneDetect(const CameraParameters& params);
status_t setStrTextures(const CameraParameters& params);
status_t setPreviewFormat(const CameraParameters& params);
status_t setSelectableZoneAf(const CameraParameters& params);
void setGpsParameters();
bool storePreviewFrameForPostview();
bool isValidDimension(int w, int h);
Mutex mLock;
Mutex mCamframeTimeoutLock;
bool camframe_timeout_flag;
bool mReleasedRecordingFrame;
bool receiveRawPicture(void);
bool receiveRawSnapshot(void);
Mutex mCallbackLock;
Mutex mOverlayLock;
Mutex mRecordLock;
Mutex mRecordFrameLock;
Condition mRecordWait;
Condition mStateWait;
/* mJpegSize keeps track of the size of the accumulated JPEG. We clear it
when we are about to take a picture, so at any time it contains either
zero, or the size of the last JPEG picture taken.
uint32_t mJpegSize;
unsigned int mPreviewFrameSize;
unsigned int mRecordFrameSize;
int mRawSize;
int mCbCrOffsetRaw;
int mJpegMaxSize;
int32_t mStatSize;
void *libmmcamera;
int mCameraControlFd;
struct msm_camsensor_info mSensorInfo;
cam_ctrl_dimension_t mDimension;
bool mAutoFocusThreadRunning;
Mutex mAutoFocusThreadLock;
Mutex mAfLock;
pthread_t mFrameThread;
pthread_t mVideoThread;
pthread_t mSnapshotThread;
common_crop_t mCrop;
bool mInitialized;
int mBrightness;
int mSkinToneEnhancement;
int mHJR;
struct msm_frame frames[kPreviewBufferCount];
struct msm_frame *recordframes;
bool *record_buffers_tracking_flag;
bool mInPreviewCallback;
bool mUseOverlay;
sp<Overlay> mOverlay;
int32_t mMsgEnabled; // camera msg to be handled
notify_callback mNotifyCallback;
data_callback mDataCallback;
data_callback_timestamp mDataCallbackTimestamp;
void *mCallbackCookie; // same for all callbacks
int mDebugFps;
int kPreviewBufferCountActual;
int previewWidth, previewHeight;
bool mSnapshotDone;
bool mSnapshotPrepare;
bool mHasAutoFocusSupport;
mm_camera_config mCfgControl;
int videoWidth, videoHeight;
bool mDisEnabled;
int mRotation;
bool mResetOverlayCrop;
int mThumbnailWidth, mThumbnailHeight;
status_t setVpeParameters();
status_t setDIS();
}; // namespace android