blob: 8af07b4788a8f30ae3a52460743a9f624ffd3f7f [file] [log] [blame]
* An interface which defines the orientation manager.
public interface OrientationManager {
public static enum DeviceOrientation {
private final int mDegrees;
private DeviceOrientation(int degrees) {
mDegrees = degrees;
* Returns the degree in clockwise.
public int getDegrees() {
return mDegrees;
public interface OnOrientationChangeListener {
* Called when the orientation changes.
* @param orientationManager The orientation manager detects the change.
* @param orientation The new rounded orientation.
public void onOrientationChanged(OrientationManager orientationManager,
DeviceOrientation orientation);
* Adds the
* {@link}.
public void addOnOrientationChangeListener(OnOrientationChangeListener listener);
* Removes the listener.
public void removeOnOrientationChangeListener(OnOrientationChangeListener listener);
* Returns the current rounded device orientation.
public DeviceOrientation getDeviceOrientation();
* Returns whether the device is in landscape based on the natural orientation
* and rotation from natural orientation.
public boolean isInLandscape();
* Returns whether the device is in portrait based on the natural orientation
* and rotation from natural orientation.
public boolean isInPortrait();
* Lock the framework orientation to the current device orientation
* rotates. No effect if the system setting of auto-rotation is off.
void lockOrientation();
* Unlock the framework orientation, so it can change when the device
* rotates. No effect if the system setting of auto-rotation is off.
void unlockOrientation();
* Return whether the orientation is locked by the app or the system.
boolean isOrientationLocked();