blob: 1b3c98c5553ff2eb68d95122ad5dbbc2f8e8b8b5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.os.Build;
public class Log {
* All Camera logging using this class will use this tag prefix.
* Additionally, the prefix itself is checked in isLoggable and
* serves as an override. So, to toggle all logs allowed by the
* current {@link Configuration}, you can set properties:
* adb shell setprop log.tag.CAM_ VERBOSE
* adb shell setprop log.tag.CAM_ ""
public static final String CAMERA_LOGTAG_PREFIX = "CAM_";
private static final Log.Tag TAG = new Log.Tag("Log");
* This class restricts the length of the log tag to be less than the
* framework limit and also prepends the common tag prefix defined by
public static final class Tag {
// The length limit from Android framework is 23.
private static final int MAX_TAG_LEN = 23 - CAMERA_LOGTAG_PREFIX.length();
final String mValue;
public Tag(String tag) {
final int lenDiff = tag.length() - MAX_TAG_LEN;
if (lenDiff > 0) {
w(TAG, "Tag " + tag + " is " + lenDiff + " chars longer than limit.");
mValue = CAMERA_LOGTAG_PREFIX + (lenDiff > 0 ? tag.substring(0, MAX_TAG_LEN) : tag);
public String toString() {
return mValue;
public static void d(Tag tag, String msg) {
if (isLoggable(tag, android.util.Log.DEBUG)) {
android.util.Log.d(tag.toString(), msg);
public static void d(Tag tag, String msg, Throwable tr) {
if (isLoggable(tag, android.util.Log.DEBUG)) {
android.util.Log.d(tag.toString(), msg, tr);
public static void e(Tag tag, String msg) {
if (isLoggable(tag, android.util.Log.ERROR)) {
android.util.Log.e(tag.toString(), msg);
public static void e(Tag tag, String msg, Throwable tr) {
if (isLoggable(tag, android.util.Log.ERROR)) {
android.util.Log.e(tag.toString(), msg, tr);
public static void i(Tag tag, String msg) {
if (isLoggable(tag, android.util.Log.INFO)) {
android.util.Log.i(tag.toString(), msg);
public static void i(Tag tag, String msg, Throwable tr) {
if (isLoggable(tag, android.util.Log.INFO)) {
android.util.Log.i(tag.toString(), msg, tr);
public static void v(Tag tag, String msg) {
if (isLoggable(tag, android.util.Log.VERBOSE)) {
android.util.Log.v(tag.toString(), msg);
public static void v(Tag tag, String msg, Throwable tr) {
if (isLoggable(tag, android.util.Log.VERBOSE)) {
android.util.Log.v(tag.toString(), msg, tr);
public static void w(Tag tag, String msg) {
if (isLoggable(tag, android.util.Log.WARN)) {
android.util.Log.w(tag.toString(), msg);
public static void w(Tag tag, String msg, Throwable tr) {
if (isLoggable(tag, android.util.Log.WARN)) {
android.util.Log.w(tag.toString(), msg, tr);
private static boolean isLoggable(Tag tag, int level) {
try {
if (LogHelper.getOverrideLevel() != 0) {
// Override system log level and output. VERBOSE is smaller than
// ERROR, so the comparison checks that the override value is smaller
// than the desired output level. This applies to all tags.
return LogHelper.getOverrideLevel() <= level;
} else {
return ReleaseHelper.shouldLogVerbose() ||
isDebugOsBuild() || shouldLog(tag, level);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
e(TAG, "Tag too long:" + tag);
return false;
private static boolean shouldLog(Tag tag, int level) {
// The prefix can be used as an override tag to see all camera logs
return android.util.Log.isLoggable(CAMERA_LOGTAG_PREFIX, level)
|| android.util.Log.isLoggable(tag.toString(), level);
private static boolean isDebugOsBuild() {
return "userdebug".equals(Build.TYPE) || "eng".equals(Build.TYPE);