blob: b2e36e44cf15b2ee7123a329b5994ab150a31d3f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.animation.Animator;
import android.animation.ValueAnimator;
import android.content.Context;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.animation.DecelerateInterpolator;
import android.view.animation.LinearInterpolator;
import android.widget.Scroller;
public class FilmStripView extends ViewGroup {
private static final String TAG = FilmStripView.class.getSimpleName();
private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 5;
// Horizontal padding of children.
private static final int H_PADDING = 100;
// Duration to go back to the first.
private static final int DURATION_BACK_ANIM = 500;
private static final int DURATION_SCROLL_TO_FILMSTRIP = 350;
private static final int DURATION_GEOMETRY_ADJUST = 200;
private static final float FILM_STRIP_SCALE = 0.6f;
private static final float MAX_SCALE = 1f;
private Context mContext;
private FilmStripGestureRecognizer mGestureRecognizer;
private DataAdapter mDataAdapter;
private final Rect mDrawArea = new Rect();
private final int mCurrentInfo = (BUFFER_SIZE - 1) / 2;
private float mScale;
private GeometryAnimator mGeometryAnimator;
private LinearInterpolator mLinearInterpolator;
private int mCenterX = -1;
private ViewInfo[] mViewInfo = new ViewInfo[BUFFER_SIZE];
private Listener mListener;
private View mCameraView;
private ImageData mCameraData;
// This is used to resolve the misalignment problem when the device
// orientation is changed. If the current item is in fullscreen, it might
// be shifted because mCenterX is not adjusted with the orientation.
// Set this to true when onSizeChanged is called to make sure we adjust
// mCenterX accordingly.
private boolean mAnchorPending;
public interface ImageData {
public static final int TYPE_NONE = 0;
public static final int TYPE_CAMERA_PREVIEW = 1;
public static final int TYPE_PHOTO = 2;
public static final int TYPE_VIDEO = 3;
public static final int TYPE_PHOTOSPHERE = 4;
// The actions are defined bit-wise so we can use bit operations like
// | and &.
public static final int ACTION_NONE = 0;
public static final int ACTION_PROMOTE = 1;
public static final int ACTION_DEMOTE = (1 << 1);
public static final int ACTION_PLAY = (1 << 2);
// SIZE_FULL means disgard the width or height when deciding the view size
// of this ImageData, just use full screen size.
public static final int SIZE_FULL = -2;
// The values returned by getWidth() and getHeight() will be used for layout.
public int getWidth();
public int getHeight();
public int getType();
public boolean isActionSupported(int action);
// prepare() should be called first time before using it.
public void prepare();
// recycle() should be called before we nullify the reference to this
// data.
public void recycle();
public interface DataAdapter {
public interface UpdateReporter {
public boolean isDataRemoved(int id);
public boolean isDataUpdated(int id);
public interface Listener {
// Called when the whole data loading is done. No any assumption
// on previous data.
public void onDataLoaded();
// Only some of the data is changed. The listener should check
// if any thing needs to be updated.
public void onDataUpdated(UpdateReporter reporter);
public void onDataInserted(int dataID, ImageData data);
public void onDataRemoved(int dataID, ImageData data);
public int getTotalNumber();
public View getView(Context context, int id);
public ImageData getImageData(int id);
public void suggestDecodeSize(int w, int h);
public void setListener(Listener listener);
public interface Listener {
public void onDataPromoted(int dataID);
public void onDataDemoted(int dataID);
// A helper class to tract and calculate the view coordination.
private static class ViewInfo {
private int mDataID;
// the position of the left of the view in the whole filmstrip.
private int mLeftPosition;
private View mView;
public ViewInfo(int id, View v) {
mDataID = id;
mView = v;
mLeftPosition = -1;
public int getID() {
return mDataID;
public void setID(int id) {
mDataID = id;
public void setLeftPosition(int pos) {
mLeftPosition = pos;
public int getLeftPosition() {
return mLeftPosition;
public float getTranslationY(float scale) {
return mView.getTranslationY() / scale;
public float getTranslationX(float scale) {
return mView.getTranslationX();
public void setTranslationY(float transY, float scale) {
mView.setTranslationY(transY * scale);
public void setTranslationX(float transX, float scale) {
mView.setTranslationX(transX * scale);
public void translateXBy(float transX, float scale) {
mView.setTranslationX(mView.getTranslationX() + transX * scale);
public int getCenterX() {
return mLeftPosition + mView.getWidth() / 2;
public int getMeasuredCenterX(float scale) {
return mLeftPosition + (int) (mView.getMeasuredWidth() * scale / 2);
public View getView() {
return mView;
private void layoutAt(int left, int top) {
mView.layout(left, top, left + mView.getMeasuredWidth(),
top + mView.getMeasuredHeight());
public void layoutIn(Rect drawArea, int refCenter, float scale) {
// drawArea is where to layout in.
// refCenter is the absolute horizontal position of the center of drawArea.
int left = (int) (drawArea.centerX() + (mLeftPosition - refCenter) * scale);
int top = (int) (drawArea.centerY() - (mView.getMeasuredHeight() / 2) * scale);
layoutAt(left, top);
public FilmStripView(Context context) {
public FilmStripView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
public FilmStripView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
super(context, attrs, defStyle);
private void init(Context context) {
// This is for positioning camera controller at the same place in
// different orientations.
mContext = context;
mScale = 1.0f;
mGeometryAnimator = new GeometryAnimator(context);
mLinearInterpolator = new LinearInterpolator();
mGestureRecognizer =
new FilmStripGestureRecognizer(context, new MyGestureReceiver());
public void setListener(Listener l) {
mListener = l;
public float getScale() {
return mScale;
public boolean isAnchoredTo(int id) {
if (mViewInfo[mCurrentInfo].getID() == id
&& mViewInfo[mCurrentInfo].getCenterX() == mCenterX) {
return true;
return false;
public int getCurrentType() {
if (mDataAdapter == null) return ImageData.TYPE_NONE;
ViewInfo curr = mViewInfo[mCurrentInfo];
if (curr == null) return ImageData.TYPE_NONE;
return mDataAdapter.getImageData(curr.getID()).getType();
public void onDraw(Canvas c) {
if (mGeometryAnimator.hasNewGeometry()) {
protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
int boundWidth = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec);
int boundHeight = MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec);
if (mDataAdapter != null) {
mDataAdapter.suggestDecodeSize(boundWidth / 2, boundHeight / 2);
int wMode = View.MeasureSpec.EXACTLY;
int hMode = View.MeasureSpec.EXACTLY;
for (int i = 0; i < mViewInfo.length; i++) {
ViewInfo info = mViewInfo[i];
if (mViewInfo[i] == null) continue;
int imageWidth = mDataAdapter.getImageData(info.getID()).getWidth();
int imageHeight = mDataAdapter.getImageData(info.getID()).getHeight();
if (imageWidth == ImageData.SIZE_FULL) {
imageWidth = boundWidth;
if (imageHeight == ImageData.SIZE_FULL) {
imageHeight = boundHeight;
int scaledWidth = boundWidth;
int scaledHeight = boundHeight;
if (imageWidth * scaledHeight > scaledWidth * imageHeight) {
scaledHeight = imageHeight * scaledWidth / imageWidth;
} else {
scaledWidth = imageWidth * scaledHeight / imageHeight;
View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(scaledWidth, wMode)
, View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(scaledHeight, hMode));
setMeasuredDimension(boundWidth, boundHeight);
private int findTheNearestView(int pointX) {
int nearest = 0;
// find the first non-null ViewInfo.
for (; nearest < BUFFER_SIZE
&& (mViewInfo[nearest] == null || mViewInfo[nearest].getLeftPosition() == -1);
// no existing available ViewInfo
if (nearest == BUFFER_SIZE) return -1;
int min = Math.abs(pointX - mViewInfo[nearest].getCenterX());
for (int infoID = nearest + 1;
infoID < BUFFER_SIZE && mViewInfo[infoID] != null; infoID++) {
// not measured yet.
if (mViewInfo[infoID].getLeftPosition() == -1) continue;
int c = mViewInfo[infoID].getCenterX();
int dist = Math.abs(pointX - c);
if (dist < min) {
min = dist;
nearest = infoID;
return nearest;
private ViewInfo buildInfoFromData(int dataID) {
ImageData data = mDataAdapter.getImageData(dataID);
if (data == null) return null;
View v = mDataAdapter.getView(mContext, dataID);
if (v == null) return null;
ViewInfo info = new ViewInfo(dataID, v);
v = info.getView();
if (v != mCameraView) {
} else {
return info;
private void removeInfo(int infoID) {
if (infoID >= mViewInfo.length || mViewInfo[infoID] == null) return;
ImageData data = mDataAdapter.getImageData(mViewInfo[infoID].getID());
checkForRemoval(data, mViewInfo[infoID].getView());
mViewInfo[infoID] = null;
// We try to keep the one closest to the center of the screen at position mCurrentInfo.
private void stepIfNeeded() {
int nearest = findTheNearestView(mCenterX);
// no change made.
if (nearest == -1 || nearest == mCurrentInfo) return;
int adjust = nearest - mCurrentInfo;
if (adjust > 0) {
for (int k = 0; k < adjust; k++) {
for (int k = 0; k + adjust < BUFFER_SIZE; k++) {
mViewInfo[k] = mViewInfo[k + adjust];
for (int k = BUFFER_SIZE - adjust; k < BUFFER_SIZE; k++) {
mViewInfo[k] = null;
if (mViewInfo[k - 1] != null) {
mViewInfo[k] = buildInfoFromData(mViewInfo[k - 1].getID() + 1);
} else {
for (int k = BUFFER_SIZE - 1; k >= BUFFER_SIZE + adjust; k--) {
for (int k = BUFFER_SIZE - 1; k + adjust >= 0; k--) {
mViewInfo[k] = mViewInfo[k + adjust];
for (int k = -1 - adjust; k >= 0; k--) {
mViewInfo[k] = null;
if (mViewInfo[k + 1] != null) {
mViewInfo[k] = buildInfoFromData(mViewInfo[k + 1].getID() - 1);
// Don't go beyond the bound.
private void adjustCenterX() {
ViewInfo curr = mViewInfo[mCurrentInfo];
if (curr == null) return;
if (curr.getID() == 0 && mCenterX < curr.getCenterX()) {
mCenterX = curr.getCenterX();
if (mGeometryAnimator.isScrolling()) {
if (getCurrentType() == ImageData.TYPE_CAMERA_PREVIEW
&& !mGeometryAnimator.isScalling()
&& mScale != MAX_SCALE) {
mGeometryAnimator.scaleTo(MAX_SCALE, DURATION_GEOMETRY_ADJUST, false);
if (curr.getID() == mDataAdapter.getTotalNumber() - 1
&& mCenterX > curr.getCenterX()) {
mCenterX = curr.getCenterX();
if (!mGeometryAnimator.isScrolling()) {
private void layoutChildren() {
if (mAnchorPending) {
mCenterX = mViewInfo[mCurrentInfo].getCenterX();
mAnchorPending = false;
if (mGeometryAnimator.hasNewGeometry()) {
mCenterX = mGeometryAnimator.getNewPosition();
mScale = mGeometryAnimator.getNewScale();
mViewInfo[mCurrentInfo].layoutIn(mDrawArea, mCenterX, mScale);
// images on the left
for (int infoID = mCurrentInfo - 1; infoID >= 0; infoID--) {
ViewInfo curr = mViewInfo[infoID];
if (curr != null) {
ViewInfo next = mViewInfo[infoID + 1];
next.getLeftPosition() - curr.getView().getMeasuredWidth() - H_PADDING);
curr.layoutIn(mDrawArea, mCenterX, mScale);
// images on the right
for (int infoID = mCurrentInfo + 1; infoID < BUFFER_SIZE; infoID++) {
ViewInfo curr = mViewInfo[infoID];
if (curr != null) {
ViewInfo prev = mViewInfo[infoID - 1];
prev.getLeftPosition() + prev.getView().getMeasuredWidth() + H_PADDING);
curr.layoutIn(mDrawArea, mCenterX, mScale);
protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) {
if (mViewInfo[mCurrentInfo] == null) return;
mDrawArea.left = l; = t;
mDrawArea.right = r;
mDrawArea.bottom = b;
// Keeps the view in the view hierarchy if it's camera preview.
// Remove from the hierarchy otherwise.
private void checkForRemoval(ImageData data, View v) {
if (data.getType() != ImageData.TYPE_CAMERA_PREVIEW) {
} else {
if (mCameraView != null && mCameraView != v) {
mCameraData = null;
mCameraView = v;
mCameraData = data;
private void slideViewBack(View v) {
private void updateRemoval(int removedInfo, final ImageData data) {
final View removedView = mViewInfo[removedInfo].getView();
final int offsetX = (int) (removedView.getMeasuredWidth() + H_PADDING);
for (int i = removedInfo + 1; i < BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
if (mViewInfo[i] != null) {
mViewInfo[i].setID(mViewInfo[i].getID() - 1);
mViewInfo[i].setLeftPosition(mViewInfo[i].getLeftPosition() - offsetX);
if (removedInfo >= mCurrentInfo
&& mViewInfo[removedInfo].getID() < mDataAdapter.getTotalNumber()) {
// fill the removed info by left shift when the current one or anyone on the
// right is removed, and there's more data on the right available.
for (int i = removedInfo; i < BUFFER_SIZE - 1; i++) {
mViewInfo[i] = mViewInfo[i + 1];
// pull data out from the DataAdapter for the last one.
int curr = BUFFER_SIZE - 1;
int prev = curr - 1;
if (mViewInfo[prev] != null) {
mViewInfo[curr] = buildInfoFromData(mViewInfo[prev].getID() + 1);
for (int i = removedInfo; i < BUFFER_SIZE - 1; i++) {
if (mViewInfo[i] != null) {
mViewInfo[i].setTranslationX(offsetX, mScale);
// The end of the filmstrip might have been changed.
// The mCenterX might be out of the bound.
ViewInfo currInfo = mViewInfo[mCurrentInfo];
if (currInfo.getID() == mDataAdapter.getTotalNumber() - 1
&& mCenterX > currInfo.getCenterX()) {
int adjustDiff = currInfo.getCenterX() - mCenterX;
mCenterX = currInfo.getCenterX();
for (int i = 0; i < BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
if (mViewInfo[i] != null) {
mViewInfo[i].translateXBy(adjustDiff, mScale);
} else {
// fill the removed place by right shift
mCenterX -= offsetX;
for (int i = removedInfo; i > 0; i--) {
mViewInfo[i] = mViewInfo[i - 1];
if (mViewInfo[i] != null) {
mViewInfo[i].setTranslationX(-offsetX, mScale);
// pull data out from the DataAdapter for the first one.
int curr = 0;
int next = curr + 1;
if (mViewInfo[next] != null) {
mViewInfo[curr] = buildInfoFromData(mViewInfo[next].getID() - 1);
// Now, slide every one back.
for (int i = 0; i < BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
if (mViewInfo[i] != null
&& mViewInfo[i].getTranslationX(mScale) != 0f) {
int transY = getHeight() / 8;
if (removedView.getTranslationY() < 0) {
transY = -transY;
.withEndAction(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
checkForRemoval(data, removedView);
public void setDataAdapter(DataAdapter adapter) {
mDataAdapter = adapter;
mDataAdapter.suggestDecodeSize(getMeasuredWidth(), getMeasuredHeight());
mDataAdapter.setListener(new DataAdapter.Listener() {
public void onDataLoaded() {
public void onDataUpdated(DataAdapter.UpdateReporter reporter) {
public void onDataInserted(int dataID, ImageData data) {
public void onDataRemoved(int dataID, ImageData data) {
int removedInfo = 0;
for (; removedInfo < BUFFER_SIZE; removedInfo++) {
if (mViewInfo[removedInfo] != null
&& mViewInfo[removedInfo].getID() == dataID) break;
if (removedInfo == BUFFER_SIZE) return;
updateRemoval(removedInfo, data);
public boolean isInCameraFullscreen() {
return (isAnchoredTo(0) && mScale == 1f
&& getCurrentType() == ImageData.TYPE_CAMERA_PREVIEW);
public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
if (isInCameraFullscreen()) return false;
return true;
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
return true;
private void updateViewInfo(int infoID) {
ViewInfo info = mViewInfo[infoID];
mViewInfo[infoID] = buildInfoFromData(info.getID());
// Some of the data is changed.
private void update(DataAdapter.UpdateReporter reporter) {
// No data yet.
if (mViewInfo[mCurrentInfo] == null) {
// Check the current one.
ViewInfo curr = mViewInfo[mCurrentInfo];
int dataID = curr.getID();
if (reporter.isDataRemoved(dataID)) {
mCenterX = -1;
if (reporter.isDataUpdated(dataID)) {
// Check left
for (int i = mCurrentInfo - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
curr = mViewInfo[i];
if (curr != null) {
dataID = curr.getID();
if (reporter.isDataRemoved(dataID) || reporter.isDataUpdated(dataID)) {
} else {
ViewInfo next = mViewInfo[i + 1];
if (next != null) {
mViewInfo[i] = buildInfoFromData(next.getID() - 1);
// Check right
for (int i = mCurrentInfo + 1; i < BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
curr = mViewInfo[i];
if (curr != null) {
dataID = curr.getID();
if (reporter.isDataRemoved(dataID) || reporter.isDataUpdated(dataID)) {
} else {
ViewInfo prev = mViewInfo[i - 1];
if (prev != null) {
mViewInfo[i] = buildInfoFromData(prev.getID() + 1);
// The whole data might be totally different. Flush all and load from the start.
private void reload() {
int dataNumber = mDataAdapter.getTotalNumber();
if (dataNumber == 0) return;
mViewInfo[mCurrentInfo] = buildInfoFromData(0);
if (getCurrentType() == ImageData.TYPE_CAMERA_PREVIEW) {
// we are in camera mode by default.
for (int i = 1; mCurrentInfo + i < BUFFER_SIZE || mCurrentInfo - i >= 0; i++) {
int infoID = mCurrentInfo + i;
if (infoID < BUFFER_SIZE && mViewInfo[infoID - 1] != null) {
mViewInfo[infoID] = buildInfoFromData(mViewInfo[infoID - 1].getID() + 1);
infoID = mCurrentInfo - i;
if (infoID >= 0 && mViewInfo[infoID + 1] != null) {
mViewInfo[infoID] = buildInfoFromData(mViewInfo[infoID + 1].getID() - 1);
private void promoteData(int infoID, int dataID) {
if (mListener != null) {
private void demoteData(int infoID, int dataID) {
if (mListener != null) {
private void swipeHorizontally(float velocityX) {
float scaledVelocityX = velocityX / mScale;
if (isInCameraFullscreen() && scaledVelocityX < 0) {
ViewInfo info = mViewInfo[mCurrentInfo];
if (info == null) return;
int w = getWidth();
mGeometryAnimator.fling((int) -scaledVelocityX,
// Estimation of possible length on the left. To ensure the
// velocity doesn't become too slow eventually, we add a huge number
// to the estimated maximum.
info.getLeftPosition() - (info.getID() + 100) * (w + H_PADDING),
// Estimation of possible length on the right. Likewise, exaggerate
// the possible maximum too.
+ (mDataAdapter.getTotalNumber() - info.getID() + 100)
* (w + H_PADDING));
// GeometryAnimator controls all the geometry animations. It passively
// tells the geometry information on demand.
private class GeometryAnimator implements
Animator.AnimatorListener {
private ValueAnimator mScaleAnimator;
private boolean mHasNewScale;
private float mNewScale;
private Scroller mScroller;
private boolean mHasNewPosition;
private DecelerateInterpolator mDecelerateInterpolator;
private boolean mCanStopScroll;
private boolean mCanStopScale;
private boolean mIsPositionLocked;
private int mLockedViewInfo;
GeometryAnimator(Context context) {
mScroller = new Scroller(context);
mHasNewPosition = false;
mScaleAnimator = new ValueAnimator();
mDecelerateInterpolator = new DecelerateInterpolator();
mCanStopScroll = true;
mCanStopScale = true;
mHasNewScale = false;
boolean isScrolling() {
return !mScroller.isFinished();
boolean isScalling() {
return mScaleAnimator.isRunning();
boolean isFinished() {
return (!isScrolling() && !isScalling());
boolean hasNewGeometry() {
mHasNewPosition = mScroller.computeScrollOffset();
if (!mHasNewPosition) {
mCanStopScroll = true;
// If the position is locked, then we always return true to force
// the position value to use the locked value.
return (mHasNewPosition || mHasNewScale || mIsPositionLocked);
// Always call hasNewGeometry() before getting the new scale value.
float getNewScale() {
if (!mHasNewScale) return mScale;
mHasNewScale = false;
return mNewScale;
// Always call hasNewGeometry() before getting the new position value.
int getNewPosition() {
if (mIsPositionLocked) {
if (mViewInfo[mLockedViewInfo] == null) return mCenterX;
return mViewInfo[mLockedViewInfo].getCenterX();
if (!mHasNewPosition) return mCenterX;
return mScroller.getCurrX();
void lockPositionAtViewInfo(int infoID) {
mIsPositionLocked = true;
mLockedViewInfo = infoID;
void unlockPosition() {
if (mIsPositionLocked) {
// only when the position is previously locked we set the current
// position to make it consistent.
if (mViewInfo[mLockedViewInfo] != null) {
mCenterX = mViewInfo[mLockedViewInfo].getCenterX();
mIsPositionLocked = false;
void fling(int velocityX, int minX, int maxX) {
if (!stopScroll() || mIsPositionLocked) return;
mScroller.fling(mCenterX, 0, velocityX, 0, minX, maxX, 0, 0);
boolean stopScroll() {
if (!mCanStopScroll) return false;
mHasNewPosition = false;
return true;
boolean stopScale() {
if (!mCanStopScale) return false;
mHasNewScale = false;
return true;
void stop() {
void scrollTo(int position, int duration, boolean interruptible) {
if (!stopScroll() || mIsPositionLocked) return;
mCanStopScroll = interruptible;
mScroller.startScroll(mCenterX, 0, position - mCenterX,
0, duration);
void scrollTo(int position, int duration) {
scrollTo(position, duration, true);
void scaleTo(float scale, int duration, boolean interruptible) {
if (!stopScale()) return;
mCanStopScale = interruptible;
mScaleAnimator.setFloatValues(mScale, scale);
mHasNewScale = true;
void scaleTo(float scale, int duration) {
scaleTo(scale, duration, true);
public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {
mHasNewScale = true;
mNewScale = (Float) animation.getAnimatedValue();
public void onAnimationStart(Animator anim) {
public void onAnimationEnd(Animator anim) {
ViewInfo info = mViewInfo[mCurrentInfo];
if (info != null && mCenterX == info.getCenterX()) {
if (mScale == 1f) {
} else if (mScale == FILM_STRIP_SCALE) {
mCanStopScale = true;
public void onAnimationCancel(Animator anim) {
public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator anim) {
private class MyGestureReceiver implements FilmStripGestureRecognizer.Listener {
// Indicating the current trend of scaling is up (>1) or down (<1).
private float mScaleTrend;
public boolean onSingleTapUp(float x, float y) {
return false;
public boolean onDoubleTap(float x, float y) {
return false;
public boolean onDown(float x, float y) {
return true;
public boolean onUp(float x, float y) {
float halfH = getHeight() / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
if (mViewInfo[i] == null) continue;
float transY = mViewInfo[i].getTranslationY(mScale);
if (transY == 0) continue;
int id = mViewInfo[i].getID();
if (mDataAdapter.getImageData(id)
&& transY > halfH) {
demoteData(i, id);
} else if (mDataAdapter.getImageData(id)
&& transY < -halfH) {
promoteData(i, id);
} else {
// put the view back.
return false;
public boolean onScroll(float x, float y, float dx, float dy) {
if (Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy)) {
int deltaX = (int) (dx / mScale);
if (deltaX > 0 && isInCameraFullscreen()) {
mCenterX += deltaX;
} else {
// Vertical part. Promote or demote.
//int scaledDeltaY = (int) (dy * mScale);
int hit = 0;
Rect hitRect = new Rect();
for (; hit < BUFFER_SIZE; hit++) {
if (mViewInfo[hit] == null) continue;
if (hitRect.contains((int) x, (int) y)) break;
if (hit == BUFFER_SIZE) return false;
ImageData data = mDataAdapter.getImageData(mViewInfo[hit].getID());
float transY = mViewInfo[hit].getTranslationY(mScale) - dy / mScale;
if (!data.isActionSupported(ImageData.ACTION_DEMOTE) && transY > 0f) {
transY = 0f;
if (!data.isActionSupported(ImageData.ACTION_PROMOTE) && transY < 0f) {
transY = 0f;
mViewInfo[hit].setTranslationY(transY, mScale);
return true;
public boolean onFling(float velocityX, float velocityY) {
if (Math.abs(velocityX) > Math.abs(velocityY)) {
} else {
// ignore horizontal fling.
return true;
public boolean onScaleBegin(float focusX, float focusY) {
if (isInCameraFullscreen()) return false;
mScaleTrend = 1f;
return true;
public boolean onScale(float focusX, float focusY, float scale) {
if (isInCameraFullscreen()) return false;
mScaleTrend = mScaleTrend * 0.3f + scale * 0.7f;
mScale *= scale;
if (mScale <= FILM_STRIP_SCALE) {
if (mScale >= MAX_SCALE) {
mScale = MAX_SCALE;
return true;
public void onScaleEnd() {
if (mScaleTrend >= 1f) {
if (mScale != 1f) {
mGeometryAnimator.scaleTo(1f, DURATION_GEOMETRY_ADJUST, false);
if (getCurrentType() == ImageData.TYPE_CAMERA_PREVIEW) {
if (isAnchoredTo(0)) {
} else {
} else {
// Scale down to film strip mode.
if (mScale == FILM_STRIP_SCALE) {