blob: dc132f608972b72fc30f073f1f48a771f3896080 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.math.BigInteger;
import com.hp.creals.CR;
* Rational numbers that may turn to null if they get too big.
* For many operations, if the length of the nuumerator plus the length of the denominator exceeds
* a maximum size, we simply return null, and rely on our caller do something else.
* We currently never return null for a pure integer or for a BoundedRational that has just been
* constructed.
* We also implement a number of irrational functions. These return a non-null result only when
* the result is known to be rational.
public class BoundedRational {
// TODO: Consider returning null for integers. With some care, large factorials might become
// much faster.
// TODO: Maybe eventually make this extend Number?
private static final int MAX_SIZE = 800; // total, in bits
private final BigInteger mNum;
private final BigInteger mDen;
public BoundedRational(BigInteger n, BigInteger d) {
mNum = n;
mDen = d;
public BoundedRational(BigInteger n) {
mNum = n;
mDen = BigInteger.ONE;
public BoundedRational(long n, long d) {
mNum = BigInteger.valueOf(n);
mDen = BigInteger.valueOf(d);
public BoundedRational(long n) {
mNum = BigInteger.valueOf(n);
mDen = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
* Convert to String reflecting raw representation.
* Debug or log messages only, not pretty.
public String toString() {
return mNum.toString() + "/" + mDen.toString();
* Convert to readable String.
* Intended for output output to user. More expensive, less useful for debugging than
* toString(). Not internationalized.
public String toNiceString() {
BoundedRational nicer = reduce().positiveDen();
String result = nicer.mNum.toString();
if (!nicer.mDen.equals(BigInteger.ONE)) {
result += "/" + nicer.mDen;
return result;
public static String toString(BoundedRational r) {
if (r == null) {
return "not a small rational";
return r.toString();
* Return a double approximation.
* Primarily for debugging.
public double doubleValue() {
return mNum.doubleValue() / mDen.doubleValue();
public CR CRValue() {
return CR.valueOf(mNum).divide(CR.valueOf(mDen));
// Approximate number of bits to left of binary point.
public int wholeNumberBits() {
return mNum.bitLength() - mDen.bitLength();
private boolean tooBig() {
if (mDen.equals(BigInteger.ONE)) {
return false;
return (mNum.bitLength() + mDen.bitLength() > MAX_SIZE);
* Return an equivalent fraction with a positive denominator.
private BoundedRational positiveDen() {
if (mDen.signum() > 0) {
return this;
return new BoundedRational(mNum.negate(), mDen.negate());
* Return an equivalent fraction in lowest terms.
* Denominator sign may remain negative.
private BoundedRational reduce() {
if (mDen.equals(BigInteger.ONE)) {
return this; // Optimization only
final BigInteger divisor = mNum.gcd(mDen);
return new BoundedRational(mNum.divide(divisor), mDen.divide(divisor));
* Return a possibly reduced version of this that's not tooBig().
* Return null if none exists.
private BoundedRational maybeReduce() {
if (!tooBig()) {
return this;
BoundedRational result = positiveDen();
result = result.reduce();
if (!result.tooBig()) {
return this;
return null;
public int compareTo(BoundedRational r) {
// Compare by multiplying both sides by denominators, invert result if denominator product
// was negative.
return mNum.multiply(r.mDen).compareTo(r.mNum.multiply(mDen)) * mDen.signum()
* r.mDen.signum();
public int signum() {
return mNum.signum() * mDen.signum();
public boolean equals(BoundedRational r) {
return compareTo(r) == 0;
// We use static methods for arithmetic, so that we can easily handle the null case. We try
// to catch domain errors whenever possible, sometimes even when one of the arguments is null,
// but not relevant.
* Returns equivalent BigInteger result if it exists, null if not.
public static BigInteger asBigInteger(BoundedRational r) {
if (r == null) {
return null;
final BigInteger[] quotAndRem = r.mNum.divideAndRemainder(r.mDen);
if (quotAndRem[1].signum() == 0) {
return quotAndRem[0];
} else {
return null;
public static BoundedRational add(BoundedRational r1, BoundedRational r2) {
if (r1 == null || r2 == null) {
return null;
final BigInteger den = r1.mDen.multiply(r2.mDen);
final BigInteger num = r1.mNum.multiply(r2.mDen).add(r2.mNum.multiply(r1.mDen));
return new BoundedRational(num,den).maybeReduce();
public static BoundedRational negate(BoundedRational r) {
if (r == null) {
return null;
return new BoundedRational(r.mNum.negate(), r.mDen);
static BoundedRational subtract(BoundedRational r1, BoundedRational r2) {
return add(r1, negate(r2));
static BoundedRational multiply(BoundedRational r1, BoundedRational r2) {
// It's tempting but marginally unsound to reduce 0 * null to 0. The null could represent
// an infinite value, for which we failed to throw an exception because it was too big.
if (r1 == null || r2 == null) {
return null;
final BigInteger num = r1.mNum.multiply(r2.mNum);
final BigInteger den = r1.mDen.multiply(r2.mDen);
return new BoundedRational(num,den).maybeReduce();
public static class ZeroDivisionException extends ArithmeticException {
public ZeroDivisionException() {
super("Division by zero");
* Return the reciprocal of r (or null).
static BoundedRational inverse(BoundedRational r) {
if (r == null) {
return null;
if (r.mNum.signum() == 0) {
throw new ZeroDivisionException();
return new BoundedRational(r.mDen, r.mNum);
static BoundedRational divide(BoundedRational r1, BoundedRational r2) {
return multiply(r1, inverse(r2));
static BoundedRational sqrt(BoundedRational r) {
// Return non-null if numerator and denominator are small perfect squares.
if (r == null) {
return null;
r = r.positiveDen().reduce();
if (r.mNum.signum() < 0) {
throw new ArithmeticException("sqrt(negative)");
final BigInteger num_sqrt = BigInteger.valueOf(Math.round(Math.sqrt(r.mNum.doubleValue())));
if (!num_sqrt.multiply(num_sqrt).equals(r.mNum)) {
return null;
final BigInteger den_sqrt = BigInteger.valueOf(Math.round(Math.sqrt(r.mDen.doubleValue())));
if (!den_sqrt.multiply(den_sqrt).equals(r.mDen)) {
return null;
return new BoundedRational(num_sqrt, den_sqrt);
public final static BoundedRational ZERO = new BoundedRational(0);
public final static BoundedRational HALF = new BoundedRational(1,2);
public final static BoundedRational MINUS_HALF = new BoundedRational(-1,2);
public final static BoundedRational ONE = new BoundedRational(1);
public final static BoundedRational MINUS_ONE = new BoundedRational(-1);
public final static BoundedRational TWO = new BoundedRational(2);
public final static BoundedRational MINUS_TWO = new BoundedRational(-2);
public final static BoundedRational THIRTY = new BoundedRational(30);
public final static BoundedRational MINUS_THIRTY = new BoundedRational(-30);
public final static BoundedRational FORTY_FIVE = new BoundedRational(45);
public final static BoundedRational MINUS_FORTY_FIVE = new BoundedRational(-45);
public final static BoundedRational NINETY = new BoundedRational(90);
public final static BoundedRational MINUS_NINETY = new BoundedRational(-90);
private static BoundedRational map0to0(BoundedRational r) {
if (r == null) {
return null;
if (r.mNum.signum() == 0) {
return ZERO;
return null;
private static BoundedRational map0to1(BoundedRational r) {
if (r == null) {
return null;
if (r.mNum.signum() == 0) {
return ONE;
return null;
private static BoundedRational map1to0(BoundedRational r) {
if (r == null) {
return null;
if (r.mNum.equals(r.mDen)) {
return ZERO;
return null;
// Throw an exception if the argument is definitely out of bounds for asin or acos.
private static void checkAsinDomain(BoundedRational r) {
if (r == null) {
if (r.mNum.abs().compareTo(r.mDen.abs()) > 0) {
throw new ArithmeticException("inverse trig argument out of range");
public static BoundedRational sin(BoundedRational r) {
return map0to0(r);
private final static BigInteger BIG360 = BigInteger.valueOf(360);
public static BoundedRational degreeSin(BoundedRational r) {
final BigInteger r_BI = asBigInteger(r);
if (r_BI == null) {
return null;
final int r_int = r_BI.mod(BIG360).intValue();
if (r_int % 30 != 0) {
return null;
switch (r_int / 10) {
case 0:
return ZERO;
case 3: // 30 degrees
return HALF;
case 9:
return ONE;
case 15:
return HALF;
case 18: // 180 degrees
return ZERO;
case 21:
return MINUS_HALF;
case 27:
return MINUS_ONE;
case 33:
return MINUS_HALF;
return null;
public static BoundedRational asin(BoundedRational r) {
return map0to0(r);
public static BoundedRational degreeAsin(BoundedRational r) {
final BigInteger r2_BI = asBigInteger(multiply(r, TWO));
if (r2_BI == null) {
return null;
final int r2_int = r2_BI.intValue();
// Somewhat surprisingly, it seems to be the case that the following covers all rational
// cases:
switch (r2_int) {
case -2: // Corresponding to -1 argument
case -1: // Corresponding to -1/2 argument
case 0:
return ZERO;
case 1:
return THIRTY;
case 2:
return NINETY;
throw new AssertionError("Impossible asin arg");
public static BoundedRational tan(BoundedRational r) {
// Unlike the degree case, we cannot check for the singularity, since it occurs at an
// irrational argument.
return map0to0(r);
public static BoundedRational degreeTan(BoundedRational r) {
final BoundedRational degSin = degreeSin(r);
final BoundedRational degCos = degreeCos(r);
if (degCos != null && degCos.mNum.signum() == 0) {
throw new ArithmeticException("Tangent undefined");
return divide(degSin, degCos);
public static BoundedRational atan(BoundedRational r) {
return map0to0(r);
public static BoundedRational degreeAtan(BoundedRational r) {
final BigInteger r_BI = asBigInteger(r);
if (r_BI == null) {
return null;
if (r_BI.abs().compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) > 0) {
return null;
final int r_int = r_BI.intValue();
// Again, these seem to be all rational cases:
switch (r_int) {
case -1:
case 0:
return ZERO;
case 1:
return FORTY_FIVE;
throw new AssertionError("Impossible atan arg");
public static BoundedRational cos(BoundedRational r) {
return map0to1(r);
public static BoundedRational degreeCos(BoundedRational r) {
return degreeSin(add(r, NINETY));
public static BoundedRational acos(BoundedRational r) {
return map1to0(r);
public static BoundedRational degreeAcos(BoundedRational r) {
final BoundedRational asin_r = degreeAsin(r);
return subtract(NINETY, asin_r);
private static final BigInteger BIG_TWO = BigInteger.valueOf(2);
* Compute an integral power of this.
private BoundedRational pow(BigInteger exp) {
if (exp.signum() < 0) {
return inverse(pow(exp.negate()));
if (exp.equals(BigInteger.ONE)) {
return this;
if (exp.and(BigInteger.ONE).intValue() == 1) {
return multiply(pow(exp.subtract(BigInteger.ONE)), this);
if (exp.signum() == 0) {
return ONE;
BoundedRational tmp = pow(exp.shiftRight(1));
if (Thread.interrupted()) {
throw new CR.AbortedException();
return multiply(tmp, tmp);
public static BoundedRational pow(BoundedRational base, BoundedRational exp) {
if (exp == null) {
return null;
if (exp.mNum.signum() == 0) {
// Questionable if base has undefined value. Java.lang.Math.pow() returns 1 anyway,
// so we do the same.
return new BoundedRational(1);
if (base == null) {
return null;
exp = exp.reduce().positiveDen();
if (!exp.mDen.equals(BigInteger.ONE)) {
return null;
return base.pow(exp.mNum);
public static BoundedRational ln(BoundedRational r) {
if (r != null && r.signum() <= 0) {
throw new ArithmeticException("log(non-positive)");
return map1to0(r);
public static BoundedRational exp(BoundedRational r) {
return map0to1(r);
* Return the base 10 log of n, if n is a power of 10, -1 otherwise.
* n must be positive.
private static long b10Log(BigInteger n) {
// This algorithm is very naive, but we doubt it matters.
long count = 0;
while (n.mod(BigInteger.TEN).signum() == 0) {
if (Thread.interrupted()) {
throw new CR.AbortedException();
n = n.divide(BigInteger.TEN);
if (n.equals(BigInteger.ONE)) {
return count;
return -1;
public static BoundedRational log(BoundedRational r) {
if (r == null) {
return null;
if (r.signum() <= 0) {
throw new ArithmeticException("log(non-positive)");
r = r.reduce().positiveDen();
if (r == null) {
return null;
if (r.mDen.equals(BigInteger.ONE)) {
long log = b10Log(r.mNum);
if (log != -1) {
return new BoundedRational(log);
} else if (r.mNum.equals(BigInteger.ONE)) {
long log = b10Log(r.mDen);
if (log != -1) {
return new BoundedRational(-log);
return null;
* Generalized factorial.
* Compute n * (n - step) * (n - 2 * step) * etc. This can be used to compute factorial a bit
* faster, especially if BigInteger uses sub-quadratic multiplication.
private static BigInteger genFactorial(long n, long step) {
if (n > 4 * step) {
BigInteger prod1 = genFactorial(n, 2 * step);
if (Thread.interrupted()) {
throw new CR.AbortedException();
BigInteger prod2 = genFactorial(n - step, 2 * step);
if (Thread.interrupted()) {
throw new CR.AbortedException();
return prod1.multiply(prod2);
} else {
if (n == 0) {
return BigInteger.ONE;
BigInteger res = BigInteger.valueOf(n);
for (long i = n - step; i > 1; i -= step) {
res = res.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(i));
return res;
* Factorial function.
* Always produces non-null (or exception) when called on non-null r.
public static BoundedRational fact(BoundedRational r) {
if (r == null) {
return null;
final BigInteger rAsInt = asBigInteger(r);
if (rAsInt == null) {
throw new ArithmeticException("Non-integral factorial argument");
if (rAsInt.signum() < 0) {
throw new ArithmeticException("Negative factorial argument");
if (rAsInt.bitLength() > 30) {
// Will fail. LongValue() may not work. Punt now.
throw new ArithmeticException("Factorial argument too big");
return new BoundedRational(genFactorial(rAsInt.longValue(), 1));
private static final BigInteger BIG_FIVE = BigInteger.valueOf(5);
private static final BigInteger BIG_MINUS_ONE = BigInteger.valueOf(-1);
* Return the number of decimal digits to the right of the decimal point required to represent
* the argument exactly.
* Return Integer.MAX_VALUE if that's not possible. Never returns a value less than zero, even
* if r is a power of ten.
static int digitsRequired(BoundedRational r) {
if (r == null) {
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int powersOfTwo = 0; // Max power of 2 that divides denominator
int powersOfFive = 0; // Max power of 5 that divides denominator
// Try the easy case first to speed things up.
if (r.mDen.equals(BigInteger.ONE)) {
return 0;
r = r.reduce();
BigInteger den = r.mDen;
if (den.bitLength() > MAX_SIZE) {
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
while (!den.testBit(0)) {
den = den.shiftRight(1);
while (den.mod(BIG_FIVE).signum() == 0) {
den = den.divide(BIG_FIVE);
// If the denominator has a factor of other than 2 or 5 (the divisors of 10), the decimal
// expansion does not terminate. Multiplying the fraction by any number of powers of 10
// will not cancel the demoniator. (Recall the fraction was in lowest terms to start
// with.) Otherwise the powers of 10 we need to cancel the denominator is the larger of
// powersOfTwo and powersOfFive.
if (!den.equals(BigInteger.ONE) && !den.equals(BIG_MINUS_ONE)) {
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
return Math.max(powersOfTwo, powersOfFive);