blob: 473ed58e39cc459320875fadeb4de601d98f4e70 [file] [log] [blame]
<integer name="config_allAppsFadeInTime">700</integer>
<integer name="config_allAppsFadeOutTime">700</integer>
<integer name="config_allAppsBatchLoadDelay">0</integer>
<integer name="config_allAppsBatchSize">0</integer>
<bool name="config_hardwareAccelerated">false</bool>
<integer name="config_crosshairsFadeInTime">600</integer>
<!-- When dragging an item on the workspace, how much bigger (in pixels) the dragged view
should be, as compared to the original view. If 0, it will not be scaled at all.
Should be an even number, for pixel alignment. -->
<integer name="config_dragViewExtraPixels">40</integer>
<!-- When dragging items on the workspace, the number of pixels by which the position of
the drag view should be offset from the position of the original view.
Setting to 1/2 of config_dragViewExtraPixels keeps it centered on its old position. -->
<integer name="config_dragViewOffsetX">20</integer>
<integer name="config_dragViewOffsetY">20</integer>
<!-- The duration (in ms) of the fade animation on the object outlines, used when
we are dragging objects around on the home screen. -->
<integer name="config_dragOutlineFadeTime">900</integer>
<!-- The alpha value at which to show the most recent drop visualization outline. -->
<integer name="config_dragOutlineMaxAlpha">128</integer>
<!-- Parameters controlling the animation for when an item is dropped on the home screen,
and it animates from its old position to the new one. -->
<integer name="config_dropAnimMaxDuration">400</integer>
<!-- The distance at which the animation should take the max duration -->
<integer name="config_dropAnimMaxDist">800</integer>
<style name="config_orientation">
<item name="@android:screenOrientation">nosensor</item>