blob: 9b1bc0d1391385a30cad446fa41e7f7c38578b35 [file] [log] [blame]
<!-- NOTE: Many of the all apps values here are also used for the customization drawer -->
<!-- Duration in milliseconds of the all apps zoom-in animation. -->
<!-- NB: This should be less than the workspaceShrinkTime as they happen together. -->
<integer name="config_allAppsZoomInTime">350</integer>
<!-- Duration in milliseconds of the all apps zoom-out animation -->
<!-- NB: This should be less than the workspaceUnshrinkTime as they happen together. -->
<integer name="config_allAppsZoomOutTime">350</integer>
<!-- Scaling factor used in the all apps zooming animations -->
<integer name="config_allAppsZoomScaleFactor">5</integer>
<!-- The extra distance off-screen that all apps appears from -->
<integer name="config_allAppsVerticalOffset">200</integer>
<!-- Duration in milliseconds of the animations between all apps, customize, & home.
NOTE: If these are changed, the toolbar animation times below should also be. -->
<integer name="config_allAppsCameraPanTime">700</integer>
<integer name="config_workspaceShrinkTime">700</integer>
<integer name="config_workspaceUnshrinkTime">700</integer>
<!-- Duration in milliseconds toolbar fade in and fade out animations.
NOTE: Fade in and fade out time should together be less the transition
animations between all apps, customize, & the workspace. -->
<integer name="config_toolbarButtonFadeInTime">350</integer>
<integer name="config_toolbarButtonFadeOutTime">350</integer>