blob: b75b3ef89e26e7fdcb08dd8ef39f33ca7589a1f3 [file] [log] [blame]
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
* The alphabetically sorted list of applications.
public class AlphabeticalAppsList {
public static final String TAG = "AlphabeticalAppsList";
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
* Info about a section in the alphabetic list
public static class SectionInfo {
// The number of applications in this section
public int numApps;
// The section break AdapterItem for this section
public AdapterItem sectionBreakItem;
// The first app AdapterItem for this section
public AdapterItem firstAppItem;
* Info about a fast scroller section, depending if sections are merged, the fast scroller
* sections will not be the same set as the section headers.
public static class FastScrollSectionInfo {
// The section name
public String sectionName;
// To map the touch (from 0..1) to the index in the app list to jump to in the fast
// scroller, we use the fraction in range (0..1) of the app index / total app count.
public float appRangeFraction;
// The AdapterItem to scroll to for this section
public AdapterItem appItem;
public FastScrollSectionInfo(String sectionName, float appRangeFraction) {
this.sectionName = sectionName;
this.appRangeFraction = appRangeFraction;
* Info about a particular adapter item (can be either section or app)
public static class AdapterItem {
/** Common properties */
// The index of this adapter item in the list
public int position;
// The type of this item
public int viewType;
/** Section & App properties */
// The section for this item
public SectionInfo sectionInfo;
/** App-only properties */
// The section name of this app. Note that there can be multiple items with different
// sectionNames in the same section
public String sectionName = null;
// The index of this app in the section
public int sectionAppIndex = -1;
// The associated AppInfo for the app
public AppInfo appInfo = null;
// The index of this app not including sections
public int appIndex = -1;
public static AdapterItem asSectionBreak(int pos, SectionInfo section) {
AdapterItem item = new AdapterItem();
item.viewType = AppsGridAdapter.SECTION_BREAK_VIEW_TYPE;
item.position = pos;
item.sectionInfo = section;
section.sectionBreakItem = item;
return item;
public static AdapterItem asPredictionBarSpacer(int pos) {
AdapterItem item = new AdapterItem();
item.viewType = AppsGridAdapter.PREDICTION_BAR_SPACER_TYPE;
item.position = pos;
return item;
public static AdapterItem asApp(int pos, SectionInfo section, String sectionName,
int sectionAppIndex, AppInfo appInfo, int appIndex) {
AdapterItem item = new AdapterItem();
item.viewType = AppsGridAdapter.ICON_VIEW_TYPE;
item.position = pos;
item.sectionInfo = section;
item.sectionName = sectionName;
item.sectionAppIndex = sectionAppIndex;
item.appInfo = appInfo;
item.appIndex = appIndex;
return item;
* A filter interface to limit the set of applications in the apps list.
public interface Filter {
boolean retainApp(AppInfo info, String sectionName);
* Callback to notify when the set of adapter items have changed.
public interface AdapterChangedCallback {
void onAdapterItemsChanged();
* Common interface for different merging strategies.
private interface MergeAlgorithm {
boolean continueMerging(int sectionAppCount, int numAppsPerRow, int mergeCount);
* The logic we use to merge sections on tablets.
private static class TabletMergeAlgorithm implements MergeAlgorithm {
public boolean continueMerging(int sectionAppCount, int numAppsPerRow, int mergeCount) {
return true;
* The logic we use to merge sections on phones.
private static class PhoneMergeAlgorithm implements MergeAlgorithm {
private int mMinAppsPerRow;
private int mMinRowsInMergedSection;
private int mMaxAllowableMerges;
public PhoneMergeAlgorithm(int minAppsPerRow, int minRowsInMergedSection, int maxNumMerges) {
mMinAppsPerRow = minAppsPerRow;
mMinRowsInMergedSection = minRowsInMergedSection;
mMaxAllowableMerges = maxNumMerges;
public boolean continueMerging(int sectionAppCount, int numAppsPerRow, int mergeCount) {
// Continue merging if the number of hanging apps on the final row is less than some
// fixed number (ragged), the merged rows has yet to exceed some minimum row count,
// and while the number of merged sections is less than some fixed number of merges
int rows = sectionAppCount / numAppsPerRow;
int cols = sectionAppCount % numAppsPerRow;
return (0 < cols && cols < mMinAppsPerRow) &&
rows < mMinRowsInMergedSection &&
mergeCount < mMaxAllowableMerges;
private static final int MIN_ROWS_IN_MERGED_SECTION_PHONE = 3;
private static final int MAX_NUM_MERGES_PHONE = 2;
private Context mContext;
// The set of apps from the system not including predictions
private List<AppInfo> mApps = new ArrayList<>();
// The set of filtered apps with the current filter
private List<AppInfo> mFilteredApps = new ArrayList<>();
// The current set of adapter items
private List<AdapterItem> mAdapterItems = new ArrayList<>();
// The set of sections for the apps with the current filter
private List<SectionInfo> mSections = new ArrayList<>();
// The set of sections that we allow fast-scrolling to (includes non-merged sections)
private List<FastScrollSectionInfo> mFastScrollerSections = new ArrayList<>();
// The set of predicted app component names
private List<ComponentName> mPredictedAppComponents = new ArrayList<>();
// The set of predicted apps resolved from the component names and the current set of apps
private List<AppInfo> mPredictedApps = new ArrayList<>();
private HashMap<CharSequence, String> mCachedSectionNames = new HashMap<>();
private RecyclerView.Adapter mAdapter;
private Filter mFilter;
private AlphabeticIndexCompat mIndexer;
private AppNameComparator mAppNameComparator;
private MergeAlgorithm mMergeAlgorithm;
private AdapterChangedCallback mAdapterChangedCallback;
private int mNumAppsPerRow;
private int mNumPredictedAppsPerRow;
public AlphabeticalAppsList(Context context, int numAppsPerRow, int numPredictedAppsPerRow) {
mContext = context;
mIndexer = new AlphabeticIndexCompat(context);
mAppNameComparator = new AppNameComparator(context);
setNumAppsPerRow(numAppsPerRow, numPredictedAppsPerRow);
* Sets the apps updated callback.
public void setAdapterChangedCallback(AdapterChangedCallback cb) {
mAdapterChangedCallback = cb;
* Sets the number of apps per row. Used only for AppsContainerView.SECTIONED_GRID_COALESCED.
public void setNumAppsPerRow(int numAppsPerRow, int numPredictedAppsPerRow) {
// Update the merge algorithm
DeviceProfile grid = LauncherAppState.getInstance().getDynamicGrid().getDeviceProfile();
if (grid.isPhone()) {
mMergeAlgorithm = new PhoneMergeAlgorithm((int) Math.ceil(numAppsPerRow / 2f),
} else {
mMergeAlgorithm = new TabletMergeAlgorithm();
mNumAppsPerRow = numAppsPerRow;
mNumPredictedAppsPerRow = numPredictedAppsPerRow;
* Sets the adapter to notify when this dataset changes.
public void setAdapter(RecyclerView.Adapter adapter) {
mAdapter = adapter;
* Returns sections of all the current filtered applications.
public List<SectionInfo> getSections() {
return mSections;
* Returns fast scroller sections of all the current filtered applications.
public List<FastScrollSectionInfo> getFastScrollerSections() {
return mFastScrollerSections;
* Returns the current filtered list of applications broken down into their sections.
public List<AdapterItem> getAdapterItems() {
return mAdapterItems;
* Returns the number of applications in this list.
public int getSize() {
return mFilteredApps.size();
* Returns whether there are is a filter set.
public boolean hasFilter() {
return (mFilter != null);
* Returns whether there are no filtered results.
public boolean hasNoFilteredResults() {
return (mFilter != null) && mFilteredApps.isEmpty();
* Sets the current filter for this list of apps.
public void setFilter(Filter f) {
if (mFilter != f) {
mFilter = f;
* Sets the current set of predicted apps. Since this can be called before we get the full set
* of applications, we should merge the results only in onAppsUpdated() which is idempotent.
public void setPredictedApps(List<ComponentName> apps) {
* Returns the current set of predicted apps.
public List<AppInfo> getPredictedApps() {
return mPredictedApps;
* Sets the current set of apps.
public void setApps(List<AppInfo> apps) {
* Adds new apps to the list.
public void addApps(List<AppInfo> apps) {
// We add it in place, in alphabetical order
for (AppInfo info : apps) {
* Updates existing apps in the list
public void updateApps(List<AppInfo> apps) {
for (AppInfo info : apps) {
int index = mApps.indexOf(info);
if (index != -1) {
mApps.set(index, info);
} else {
* Removes some apps from the list.
public void removeApps(List<AppInfo> apps) {
for (AppInfo info : apps) {
int removeIndex = findAppByComponent(mApps, info);
if (removeIndex != -1) {
* Finds the index of an app given a target AppInfo.
private int findAppByComponent(List<AppInfo> apps, AppInfo targetInfo) {
ComponentName targetComponent = targetInfo.intent.getComponent();
int length = apps.size();
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
AppInfo info = apps.get(i);
if (info.user.equals(targetInfo.user)
&& info.intent.getComponent().equals(targetComponent)) {
return i;
return -1;
* Updates internals when the set of apps are updated.
private void onAppsUpdated() {
// Sort the list of apps
Collections.sort(mApps, mAppNameComparator.getAppInfoComparator());
// As a special case for some languages (currently only Simplified Chinese), we may need to
// coalesce sections
Locale curLocale = mContext.getResources().getConfiguration().locale;
TreeMap<String, ArrayList<AppInfo>> sectionMap = null;
boolean localeRequiresSectionSorting = curLocale.equals(Locale.SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE);
if (localeRequiresSectionSorting) {
// Compute the section headers. We use a TreeMap with the section name comparator to
// ensure that the sections are ordered when we iterate over it later
sectionMap = new TreeMap<>(mAppNameComparator.getSectionNameComparator());
for (AppInfo info : mApps) {
// Add the section to the cache
String sectionName = getAndUpdateCachedSectionName(info.title);
// Add it to the mapping
ArrayList<AppInfo> sectionApps = sectionMap.get(sectionName);
if (sectionApps == null) {
sectionApps = new ArrayList<>();
sectionMap.put(sectionName, sectionApps);
// Add each of the section apps to the list in order
List<AppInfo> allApps = new ArrayList<>(mApps.size());
for (Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<AppInfo>> entry : sectionMap.entrySet()) {
mApps = allApps;
} else {
// Just compute the section headers for use below
for (AppInfo info : mApps) {
// Add the section to the cache
// Recompose the set of adapter items from the current set of apps
* Updates the set of filtered apps with the current filter. At this point, we expect
* mCachedSectionNames to have been calculated for the set of all apps in mApps.
private void updateAdapterItems() {
SectionInfo lastSectionInfo = null;
String lastSectionName = null;
FastScrollSectionInfo lastFastScrollerSectionInfo = null;
int position = 0;
int appIndex = 0;
// Prepare to update the list of sections, filtered apps, etc.
// Process the predicted app components
if (mPredictedAppComponents != null && !mPredictedAppComponents.isEmpty() && !hasFilter()) {
for (ComponentName cn : mPredictedAppComponents) {
for (AppInfo info : mApps) {
if (cn.equals(info.componentName)) {
// Stop at the number of predicted apps
if (mPredictedApps.size() == mNumPredictedAppsPerRow) {
if (!mPredictedApps.isEmpty()) {
// Create a new spacer for the prediction bar
AdapterItem sectionItem = AdapterItem.asPredictionBarSpacer(position++);
// Recreate the filtered and sectioned apps (for convenience for the grid layout) from the
// ordered set of sections
int numApps = mApps.size();
for (int i = 0; i < numApps; i++) {
AppInfo info = mApps.get(i);
String sectionName = getAndUpdateCachedSectionName(info.title);
// Check if we want to retain this app
if (mFilter != null && !mFilter.retainApp(info, sectionName)) {
// Create a new section if the section names do not match
if (lastSectionInfo == null || !sectionName.equals(lastSectionName)) {
lastSectionName = sectionName;
lastSectionInfo = new SectionInfo();
lastFastScrollerSectionInfo = new FastScrollSectionInfo(sectionName,
(float) appIndex / numApps);
// Create a new section item to break the flow of items in the list
if (!hasFilter()) {
AdapterItem sectionItem = AdapterItem.asSectionBreak(position++, lastSectionInfo);
// Create an app item
AdapterItem appItem = AdapterItem.asApp(position++, lastSectionInfo, sectionName,
lastSectionInfo.numApps++, info, appIndex++);
if (lastSectionInfo.firstAppItem == null) {
lastSectionInfo.firstAppItem = appItem;
lastFastScrollerSectionInfo.appItem = appItem;
// Merge multiple sections together as requested by the merge strategy for this device
// Refresh the recycler view
if (mAdapter != null) {
if (mAdapterChangedCallback != null) {
* Merges multiple sections to reduce visual raggedness.
private void mergeSections() {
// Go through each section and try and merge some of the sections
if (AppsContainerView.GRID_MERGE_SECTIONS && !hasFilter()) {
int sectionAppCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mSections.size(); i++) {
SectionInfo section = mSections.get(i);
sectionAppCount = section.numApps;
int mergeCount = 1;
// Merge rows based on the current strategy
while (mMergeAlgorithm.continueMerging(sectionAppCount, mNumAppsPerRow, mergeCount) &&
(i + 1) < mSections.size()) {
SectionInfo nextSection = mSections.remove(i + 1);
// Remove the next section break
int pos = mAdapterItems.indexOf(section.firstAppItem);
// Point the section for these new apps to the merged section
int nextPos = pos + section.numApps;
for (int j = nextPos; j < (nextPos + nextSection.numApps); j++) {
AdapterItem item = mAdapterItems.get(j);
item.sectionInfo = section;
item.sectionAppIndex += section.numApps;
// Update the following adapter items of the removed section item
pos = mAdapterItems.indexOf(nextSection.firstAppItem);
for (int j = pos; j < mAdapterItems.size(); j++) {
AdapterItem item = mAdapterItems.get(j);
section.numApps += nextSection.numApps;
sectionAppCount += nextSection.numApps;
if (DEBUG) {
Log.d(TAG, "Merging: " + nextSection.firstAppItem.sectionName +
" to " + section.firstAppItem.sectionName +
" mergedNumRows: " + (sectionAppCount / mNumAppsPerRow));
* Returns the cached section name for the given title, recomputing and updating the cache if
* the title has no cached section name.
private String getAndUpdateCachedSectionName(CharSequence title) {
String sectionName = mCachedSectionNames.get(title);
if (sectionName == null) {
sectionName = mIndexer.computeSectionName(title);
mCachedSectionNames.put(title, sectionName);
return sectionName;