blob: 2851d5cb83f902172a75caae9491b6c981bf1753 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:android=""
<string name="app_name" msgid="4699090302771328296">"Podmiot obsługujący urządzenie administracyjnie"</string>
<!-- no translation found for provisioning_error_title (6320515739861578118) -->
<skip />
<string name="setup_work_space" msgid="216766502284671082">"Skonfiguruj profil do pracy"</string>
<!-- no translation found for separate_work_spaces (3496001079642966876) -->
<skip />
<string name="company_controls_workspace" msgid="7634429976877738142">"Twoja firma kontroluje profil do pracy na tym urządzeniu i dba o jego bezpieczeństwo. Ty masz kontrolę nad profilem osobistym. Twoja firma nie ma do niego dostępu."</string>
<string name="set_up" msgid="7012862095553564169">"Skonfiguruj"</string>
<!-- no translation found for setting_up_workspace (6116976629983614927) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for default_managed_profile_name (5370257687074907055) -->
<skip />
<string name="managed_profile_already_present" msgid="6388446722470410655">"Możesz mieć tylko jedną pamięć do pracy w urządzeniu. Wygląda na to, że już masz jedną. Chcesz ją usunąć, by kontynuować?"</string>
<string name="sure_you_want_to_delete_profile" msgid="3760648900665438655">"Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć swoją dotychczasową pamięć do pracy? Spowoduje to usunięcie wszystkich związanych z nią danych."</string>
<string name="delete_profile" msgid="2299218578684663459">"Usuń"</string>
<string name="cancel_delete_profile" msgid="5155447537894046036">"Anuluj"</string>
<string name="encrypt_device_text" msgid="1823426228543576774">"Aby kontynuować konfigurowanie, musisz zaszyfrować swoje urządzenie. Może to zająć trochę czasu."</string>
<string name="encrypt_device_cancel" msgid="5644516574936584926">"Anuluj"</string>
<!-- no translation found for encrypt_device_launch_settings (3483935402696018405) -->
<skip />
<string name="continue_provisioning_notify_title" msgid="7359305958955371977">"Zarządzana obsługa administracyjna"</string>
<string name="continue_provisioning_notify_text" msgid="2358591444954987744">"Kontynuuj z zarządzaną obsługą administracyjną"</string>
<!-- no translation found for managed_provisioning_error_text (7063621174570680890) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for managed_provisioning_not_supported (8610434563811973345) -->
<skip />
<string name="default_owned_device_username" msgid="7518518266589187045">"Użytkownik urządzenia zarządzanego"</string>
<!-- no translation found for setup_device (6725265673245816366) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for progress_data_process (7099462614425874283) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for progress_connect_to_wifi (9214694010080838763) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for progress_download (4995057798189799156) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for progress_install (9169411715762296097) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for progress_set_owner (1292946927202510987) -->
<skip />
<string name="device_owner_cancel_title" msgid="3161144418010058328">"Czy zatrzymać obsługę administracyjną?"</string>
<!-- no translation found for device_owner_cancel_message (7928007377743469904) -->
<skip />
<string name="device_owner_cancel_cancel" msgid="1052951540909389275">"Anuluj"</string>
<string name="device_owner_error_ok" msgid="2002250763093787051">"OK"</string>
<string name="device_owner_error_reset" msgid="1609782972753569267">"Zresetuj"</string>
<!-- no translation found for device_owner_error_general (5962462955470123776) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for device_owner_error_already_provisioned (3429027298074299155) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for device_owner_error_already_owned (284435773504860369) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for device_owner_error_wifi (8060331878518019151) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for device_owner_error_hash_mismatch (184518450016295596) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for device_owner_error_download_failed (6098001002861024838) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for device_owner_error_package_invalid (3816725179069202140) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for device_owner_error_installation_failed (2357889137021529369) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for device_owner_error_package_not_installed (4853853793546318775) -->
<skip />