blob: 120f1f1fd0c570d42f50bf65dfcd008f5c752ae3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2011, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Contributed by: Giesecke & Devrient GmbH.
package org.simalliance.openmobileapi.service;
import android.content.Context;
import org.simalliance.openmobileapi.service.ISmartcardServiceCallback;
import org.simalliance.openmobileapi.service.SmartcardService.SmartcardServiceSession;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Random;
* Smartcard service base class for terminal resources.
public abstract class Terminal implements ITerminal {
/** Random number generator used for handle creation. */
static Random mRandom = new Random();
protected Context mContext;
private final Map<Long, IChannel> mChannels = new HashMap<Long, IChannel>();
private final Object mLock = new Object();
protected final String mName;
public volatile boolean mIsConnected;
protected byte[] mSelectResponse;
protected boolean mDefaultApplicationSelectedOnBasicChannel = true;
* For each Terminal there will be one AccessController object.
private AccessControlEnforcer mAccessControlEnforcer;
* Returns a concatenated response.
* @param r1 the first part of the response.
* @param r2 the second part of the response.
* @param length the number of bytes of the second part to be appended.
* @return a concatenated response.
static byte[] appendResponse(byte[] r1, byte[] r2, int length) {
byte[] rsp = new byte[r1.length + length];
System.arraycopy(r1, 0, rsp, 0, r1.length);
System.arraycopy(r2, 0, rsp, r1.length, length);
return rsp;
* Creates a formatted exception message.
* @param commandName the name of the command. <code>null</code> if not
* specified.
* @param sw the response status word.
* @return a formatted exception message.
static String createMessage(String commandName, int sw) {
StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer();
if (commandName != null) {
message.append(commandName).append(" ");
message.append("SW1/2 error: ");
message.append(Integer.toHexString(sw | 0x10000).substring(1));
return message.toString();
* Creates a formatted exception message.
* @param commandName the name of the command. <code>null</code> if not
* specified.
* @param message the message to be formatted.
* @return a formatted exception message.
static String createMessage(String commandName, String message) {
if (commandName == null) {
return message;
return commandName + " " + message;
public Terminal(String name, Context context) {
this.mContext = context;
this.mName = name;
* This method is called in SmartcardService:onDestroy
* to clean up all open channels
public synchronized void closeChannels() {
Collection<IChannel> col = mChannels.values();
IChannel[] channelList = col.toArray(new IChannel[col.size()]);
for (IChannel channel : channelList) {
try {
} catch (Exception ignore) {
* Closes the specified channel.
* @param channel the channel to be closed.
* @throws CardException if closing the channel failed.
public void closeChannel(Channel channel) throws CardException {
synchronized(mLock) {
try {
} finally {
if (mIsConnected && mChannels.isEmpty()) {
try {
} catch (Exception ignore) {
* Creates a channel instance.
* @param channelNumber the channel number according to ISO 7816-4.
* @param callback the callback used to detect the death of the client.
* @return a channel instance.
protected Channel createChannel(SmartcardServiceSession session, int channelNumber, ISmartcardServiceCallback callback) {
return new Channel(session, this, channelNumber, callback);
private IChannel getBasicChannel() {
for (IChannel channel : mChannels.values()) {
if (channel.getChannelNumber() == 0) {
return channel;
return null;
public synchronized IChannel getChannel(long hChannel) {
return mChannels.get(hChannel);
public String getName() {
return mName;
* Implements the terminal specific connect operation.
* @throws CardException if connecting the card failed.
protected abstract void internalConnect() throws CardException;
* Implements the terminal specific disconnect operation.
* @throws CardException if disconnecting from the card failed.
protected abstract void internalDisconnect() throws CardException;
* Implementation of the SELECT command.
* @return the number of the logical channel according to ISO 7816-4.
* @throws CardException
abstract protected int internalOpenLogicalChannel() throws Exception;
* Implementation of the MANAGE CHANNEL open and SELECT commands.
* @return the number of the logical channel according to ISO 7816-4.
* @throws CardException
abstract protected int internalOpenLogicalChannel(byte[] aid) throws Exception;
* Implementation of the MANAGE CHANNEL close command.
* @param channelNumber
* @throws CardException
abstract protected void internalCloseLogicalChannel(int channelNumber) throws CardException;
* Implements the terminal specific transmit operation.
* @param command the command APDU to be transmitted.
* @return the response APDU received.
* @throws CardException if the transmit operation failed.
protected abstract byte[] internalTransmit(byte[] command) throws CardException;
* Performs a select command on the basic channel without an AID parameter. <br>
* The card manager will be selected.
public void select() {
mSelectResponse = null;
byte[] selectCommand = new byte[5];
selectCommand[0] = 0x00;
selectCommand[1] = (byte) 0xA4;
selectCommand[2] = 0x04;
selectCommand[3] = 0x00;
selectCommand[4] = 0x00;
try {
mSelectResponse = transmit(selectCommand, 2, 0x9000, 0xFFFF, "SELECT");
} catch (Exception exp) {
throw new NoSuchElementException(exp.getMessage());
* Returns the ATR of the connected card or null if the ATR is not
* available.
* @return the ATR of the connected card or null if the ATR is not
* available.
public byte[] getAtr() {
return null;
* Performs a select command on the basic channel
* @param aid the aid which should be selected.
public void select(byte[] aid) {
if (aid == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("aid must not be null");
mSelectResponse = null;
byte[] selectCommand = new byte[aid.length + 6];
selectCommand[0] = 0x00;
selectCommand[1] = (byte) 0xA4;
selectCommand[2] = 0x04;
selectCommand[3] = 0x00;
selectCommand[4] = (byte) aid.length;
System.arraycopy(aid, 0, selectCommand, 5, aid.length);
try {
mSelectResponse = transmit(selectCommand, 2, 0x9000, 0xFFFF, "SELECT");
} catch (Exception exp) {
throw new NoSuchElementException(exp.getMessage());
public Channel openBasicChannel(SmartcardServiceSession session, ISmartcardServiceCallback callback) throws CardException {
if (callback == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("callback must not be null");
synchronized (mLock) {
if(!mDefaultApplicationSelectedOnBasicChannel) {
throw new CardException("default application is not selected");
if (getBasicChannel() != null) {
throw new CardException("basic channel in use");
if (mChannels.isEmpty()) {
Channel basicChannel = createChannel(session, 0, callback);
basicChannel.hasSelectedAid(false, null);
return basicChannel;
public Channel openBasicChannel(SmartcardServiceSession session, byte[] aid, ISmartcardServiceCallback callback) throws Exception {
if (callback == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("callback must not be null");
if (aid == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("aid must not be null");
synchronized (mLock) {
if (getBasicChannel() != null) {
throw new CardException("basic channel in use");
if (mChannels.isEmpty()) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (mIsConnected && mChannels.isEmpty()) {
throw e;
Channel basicChannel = createChannel(session, 0, callback);
basicChannel.hasSelectedAid(true, aid);
mDefaultApplicationSelectedOnBasicChannel = false;
return basicChannel;
public Channel openLogicalChannel(SmartcardServiceSession session, ISmartcardServiceCallback callback) throws Exception {
if (callback == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("callback must not be null");
synchronized (mLock) {
if (mChannels.isEmpty()) {
int channelNumber = 0;
try {
channelNumber = internalOpenLogicalChannel();
} catch (Exception e) {
if (mIsConnected && mChannels.isEmpty()) {
throw e;
Channel logicalChannel = createChannel(session, channelNumber, callback);
logicalChannel.hasSelectedAid(false, null);
return logicalChannel;
public Channel openLogicalChannel(SmartcardServiceSession session, byte[] aid, ISmartcardServiceCallback callback) throws Exception {
if (callback == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("callback must not be null");
if (aid == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("aid must not be null");
synchronized (mLock) {
if (mChannels.isEmpty()) {
int channelNumber = 0;
try {
channelNumber = internalOpenLogicalChannel(aid);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (mIsConnected && mChannels.isEmpty()) {
throw e;
Channel logicalChannel = createChannel(session, channelNumber, callback);
logicalChannel.hasSelectedAid(true, aid);
return logicalChannel;
public boolean isConnected() {
return mIsConnected;
* Protocol specific implementation of the transmit operation. This method
* is synchronized in order to handle GET RESPONSE and command repetition
* without interruption by other commands.
* @param cmd the command to be transmitted.
* @return the response received.
* @throws CardException if the transmit operation failed.
protected synchronized byte[] protocolTransmit(byte[] cmd) throws CardException {
byte[] command = cmd;
byte[] rsp = null;
synchronized (mLock) {
rsp = internalTransmit(command);
if (rsp.length >= 2) {
int sw1 = rsp[rsp.length - 2] & 0xFF;
int sw2 = rsp[rsp.length - 1] & 0xFF;
if (sw1 == 0x6C) {
command[cmd.length - 1] = rsp[rsp.length - 1];
rsp = internalTransmit(command);
} else if (sw1 == 0x61) {
byte[] getResponseCmd = new byte[] {
command[0], (byte) 0xC0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
byte[] response = new byte[rsp.length - 2];
System.arraycopy(rsp, 0, response, 0, rsp.length - 2);
while (true) {
getResponseCmd[4] = rsp[rsp.length - 1];
rsp = internalTransmit(getResponseCmd);
if (rsp.length >= 2 && rsp[rsp.length - 2] == 0x61) {
response = appendResponse(response, rsp, rsp.length - 2);
} else {
response = appendResponse(response, rsp, rsp.length);
rsp = response;
} else if (rsp.length == 2 && sw1 == 0x63 && sw2 == 0x10) {
byte[] getResponseCmd = new byte[] {
(byte)(command[0] & 0x03), (byte) 0xC0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
byte[] response = new byte[rsp.length - 2];
System.arraycopy(rsp, 0, response, 0, rsp.length - 2);
rsp[rsp.length - 1] = 0x00;
while (true) {
getResponseCmd[4] = rsp[rsp.length - 1];
rsp = internalTransmit(getResponseCmd);
if (rsp.length >= 2 && rsp[rsp.length - 2] == 0x61) {
response = appendResponse(response, rsp, rsp.length - 2);
} else {
response = appendResponse(response, rsp, rsp.length);
rsp = response;
return rsp;
* Creates a handle for the specified channel instances and adds the channel
* instance to the channel list.
* @param channel
* @return the channel handle.
private long registerChannel(Channel channel) {
long hChannel = mRandom.nextInt();
hChannel <<= 32;
hChannel |= (((long) channel.hashCode()) & 0xFFFFFFFFL);
mChannels.put(hChannel, channel);
return hChannel;
* Transmits the specified command and returns the response. Optionally
* checks the response length and the response status word. The status word
* check is implemented as follows (sw = status word of the response):
* <p>
* if ((sw & swMask) != (swExpected & swMask)) throw new CardException();
* </p>
* @param cmd the command APDU to be transmitted.
* @param minRspLength the minimum length of received response to be
* checked.
* @param swExpected the response status word to be checked.
* @param swMask the mask to be used for response status word comparison.
* @param commandName the name of the smart card command for logging
* purposes. May be <code>null</code>.
* @return the response received.
* @throws CardException if the transmit operation or the minimum response
* length check or the status word check failed.
public byte[] transmit(byte[] cmd, int minRspLength, int swExpected, int swMask,
String commandName) throws CardException {
byte[] rsp = null;
try {
rsp = protocolTransmit(cmd);
} catch (CardException e) {
if (commandName == null) {
throw e;
} else {
throw new CardException(createMessage(commandName, "transmit failed"), e);
if (minRspLength > 0) {
if (rsp == null || rsp.length < minRspLength) {
throw new CardException(createMessage(commandName, "response too small"));
if (swMask != 0) {
if (rsp == null || rsp.length < 2) {
throw new CardException(createMessage(commandName, "SW1/2 not available"));
int sw1 = rsp[rsp.length - 2] & 0xFF;
int sw2 = rsp[rsp.length - 1] & 0xFF;
int sw = (sw1 << 8) | sw2;
if ((sw & swMask) != (swExpected & swMask)) {
throw new CardException(createMessage(commandName, sw));
return rsp;
* Returns the data as received from the application select command inclusively the status word.
* The returned byte array contains the data bytes in the following order:
* [<first data byte>, ..., <last data byte>, <sw1>, <sw2>]
* @return The data as returned by the application select command inclusively the status word.
* @return Only the status word if the application select command has no returned data.
* @return null if an application select command has not been performed or the selection response can not
* be retrieved by the reader implementation.
public byte[] getSelectResponse()
return mSelectResponse;
* Exchanges APDU (SELECT, READ/WRITE) to the
* given EF by File ID and file path via iccIO.
* The given command is checked and might be rejected.
* @param fileID
* @param filePath
* @param cmd
* @return
public byte[] simIOExchange(int fileID, String filePath, byte[] cmd)
throws Exception {
throw new Exception("SIM IO error!");
public ChannelAccess setUpChannelAccess(
PackageManager packageManager,
byte[] aid,
String packageName,
ISmartcardServiceCallback callback){
if( mAccessControlEnforcer == null ){
throw new AccessControlException("Access Control Enforcer not properly set up");
return mAccessControlEnforcer.setUpChannelAccess(aid, packageName, callback);
public synchronized boolean initializeAccessControl(boolean loadAtStartup, ISmartcardServiceCallback callback ){
if( mAccessControlEnforcer == null ){
mAccessControlEnforcer = new AccessControlEnforcer(this);
return mAccessControlEnforcer.initialize( loadAtStartup, callback );
public AccessControlEnforcer getAccessControlEnforcer(){
return mAccessControlEnforcer;
public synchronized void resetAccessControl() {
if(mAccessControlEnforcer != null ) mAccessControlEnforcer.reset();
* Implementation of the SmartcardService Reader interface according to OMAPI.
final class SmartcardServiceReader extends ISmartcardServiceReader.Stub {
protected final SmartcardService mService;
private final ArrayList<SmartcardServiceSession> mSessions = new ArrayList<SmartcardServiceSession>();
private final Object mLock = new Object();
public SmartcardServiceReader( SmartcardService service ){
this.mService = service;
public byte[] getAtr(){
return Terminal.this.getAtr();
public String getName(SmartcardError error) throws RemoteException {
return Terminal.this.getName();
public boolean isSecureElementPresent(SmartcardError error)
throws RemoteException {
try {
return Terminal.this.isCardPresent();
} catch (Exception e) {
SmartcardService.setError(error, e);
return false;
public ISmartcardServiceSession openSession(SmartcardError error)
throws RemoteException {
try {
if (!Terminal.this.isCardPresent()){
SmartcardService.setError(error,new IOException("Secure Element is not presented."));
return null;
} catch (CardException e) {
return null;
synchronized (mLock) {
try {
mService.initializeAccessControl(Terminal.this.getName(), null);
} catch (Exception e ){
return null; // Reader.openSession() will throw an IOException when session is null
SmartcardServiceSession session = SmartcardServiceSession(this);
return session;
public void closeSessions(SmartcardError error) throws RemoteException {
synchronized (mLock) {
for (SmartcardServiceSession session : mSessions) {
if (session != null && !session.isClosed()) {
* Closes the defined Session and all its allocated resources. <br>
* After calling this method the Session can not be used for the
* communication with the Secure Element any more.
* @param session the Session that should be closed
* @throws RemoteException
* @throws CardException
* @throws NullPointerException if Session is null
void closeSession(SmartcardServiceSession session) throws RemoteException, CardException {
if (session == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("session is null");
synchronized (mLock) {
if (!session.isClosed()) {
SmartcardError error = new SmartcardError();
Terminal getTerminal() {
return Terminal.this;
public void dump(PrintWriter writer, String prefix) {
writer.println(prefix + "SMARTCARD SERVICE TERMINAL: " + mName);
prefix += " ";
writer.println(prefix + "mIsConnected:" + mIsConnected);
/* Dump the list of currunlty openned channels */
writer.println(prefix + "List of open channels:");
for(IChannel channel: mChannels.values()) {
writer.println(prefix + " channel " + channel.getChannelNumber() + ": ");
writer.println(prefix + " package : " + channel.getChannelAccess().getPackageName());
writer.println(prefix + " pid : " + channel.getChannelAccess().getCallingPid());
writer.println(prefix + " aid selected : " + channel.hasSelectedAid());
writer.println(prefix + " basic channel: " + channel.isBasicChannel());
/* Dump ACE data */
if(mAccessControlEnforcer != null) mAccessControlEnforcer.dump(writer, prefix);