blob: c60711dd247528f02435957e13807c61cdff8793 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#pragma version(1)
#pragma stateVertex(PVSky)
#pragma stateFragment(PFBackground)
#pragma stateStore(PFSBackground)
#define LEAF_SIZE 0.55f
#define REFRACTION 1.333f
#define DAMP 3
#define DROP_RADIUS 2
// The higher, the smaller the ripple
#define RIPPLE_HEIGHT 10.0f
float skyOffsetX;
float skyOffsetY;
struct vert_s {
float x;
float y;
float z;
float s;
float t;
float nx;
float ny;
float nz;
int offset(int x, int y, int width) {
return x + 1 + (y + 1) * (width + 2);
void initLeaves() {
struct Leaves_s *leaf = Leaves;
int leavesCount = State->leavesCount;
float height = State->glHeight;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < leavesCount; i ++) {
int sprite = randf(LEAVES_TEXTURES_COUNT);
leaf->x = randf2(-1.0f, 1.0f);
leaf->y = randf2(-height / 2.0f, height / 2.0f);
leaf->scale = randf2(0.4f, 0.5f);
leaf->angle = randf2(0.0f, 360.0f);
leaf->spin = degf(randf2(-0.02f, 0.02f)) / 4.0f;
leaf->u1 = sprite / (float) LEAVES_TEXTURES_COUNT;
leaf->u2 = (sprite + 1) / (float) LEAVES_TEXTURES_COUNT;
leaf->altitude = -1.0f;
leaf->rippled = 1.0f;
leaf->deltaX = randf2(-0.02f, 0.02f) / 60.0f;
leaf->deltaY = -0.08f * randf2(0.9f, 1.1f) / 60.0f;
void dropWithStrength(int x, int y, int r, int s) {
int width = State->meshWidth;
int height = State->meshHeight;
if (x < r) x = r;
if (y < r) y = r;
if (x >= width - r) x = width - r - 1;
if (y >= height - r) y = height - r - 1;
x = width - x;
int rippleMapSize = State->rippleMapSize;
int index = State->rippleIndex;
int origin = offset(0, 0, width);
int* current = loadArrayI32(RSID_RIPPLE_MAP, index * rippleMapSize + origin);
int sqr = r * r;
float invs = 1.0f / s;
int h = 0;
for ( ; h < r; h += 1) {
int sqv = h * h;
int yn = origin + (y - h) * (width + 2);
int yp = origin + (y + h) * (width + 2);
int w = 0;
for ( ; w < r; w += 1) {
int squ = w * w;
if (squ + sqv < sqr) {
int v = -sqrtf((sqr - (squ + sqv)) << 16) * invs;
current[yn + x + w] = v;
current[yp + x + w] = v;
current[yn + x - w] = v;
current[yp + x - w] = v;
void drop(int x, int y, int r) {
dropWithStrength(x, y, r, 1);
void updateRipples() {
int rippleMapSize = State->rippleMapSize;
int width = State->meshWidth;
int height = State->meshHeight;
int index = State->rippleIndex;
int origin = offset(0, 0, width);
int* current = loadArrayI32(RSID_RIPPLE_MAP, index * rippleMapSize + origin);
int* next = loadArrayI32(RSID_RIPPLE_MAP, (1 - index) * rippleMapSize + origin);
State->rippleIndex = 1 - index;
int a = 1;
int b = width + 2;
int h = height;
while (h) {
int w = width;
while (w) {
int droplet = ((current[-b] + current[b] + current[-a] + current[a]) >> 1) - *next;
*next = droplet - (droplet >> DAMP);
current += 1;
next += 1;
w -= 1;
current += 2;
next += 2;
h -= 1;
int refraction(int d, int wave, int *map) {
int i = d;
if (i < 0) i = -i;
if (i > 512) i = 512;
int w = (wave + 0x10000) >> 8;
w &= ~(w >> 31);
int r = (map[i] * w) >> 3;
if (d < 0) {
return -r;
return r;
void generateRipples() {
int rippleMapSize = State->rippleMapSize;
int width = State->meshWidth;
int height = State->meshHeight;
int index = State->rippleIndex;
int origin = offset(0, 0, width);
int b = width + 2;
int* current = loadArrayI32(RSID_RIPPLE_MAP, index * rippleMapSize + origin);
int *map = loadArrayI32(RSID_REFRACTION_MAP, 0);
float *vertices = loadSimpleMeshVerticesF(NAMED_WaterMesh, 0);
struct vert_s *vert = (struct vert_s *)vertices;
float fw = 1.0f / width;
float fh = 1.0f / height;
float fy = (1.0f / 512.0f) * (1.0f / RIPPLE_HEIGHT);
int h = height - 1;
while (h >= 0) {
int w = width - 1;
int wave = *current;
int offset = h * width;
struct vert_s *vtx = vert + offset + w;
while (w >= 0) {
int nextWave = current[1];
int dx = nextWave - wave;
int dy = current[b] - wave;
int offsetx = refraction(dx, wave, map) >> 16;
int u = (width - w) + offsetx;
u &= ~(u >> 31);
if (u >= width) u = width - 1;
int offsety = refraction(dy, wave, map) >> 16;
int v = (height - h) + offsety;
v &= ~(v >> 31);
if (v >= height) v = height - 1;
vtx->s = u * fw;
vtx->t = v * fh;
vtx->z = dy * fy;
vtx --;
w -= 1;
current += 1;
wave = nextWave;
h -= 1;
current += 2;
// Compute the normals for lighting
int y = 0;
for ( ; y < (height-1); y += 1) {
int x = 0;
int yOffset = y * width;
struct vert_s *v = vert;
v += y * width;
for ( ; x < (width-1); x += 1) {
struct vec3_s n1, n2, n3;
vec3Sub(&n1, (struct vec3_s *)&(v+1)->x, (struct vec3_s *)&v->x);
vec3Sub(&n2, (struct vec3_s *)&(v+width)->x, (struct vec3_s *)&v->x);
vec3Cross(&n3, &n1, &n2);
// Average of previous normal and N1 x N2
vec3Sub(&n1, (struct vec3_s *)&(v+width+1)->x, (struct vec3_s *)&v->x);
vec3Cross(&n2, &n1, &n2);
vec3Add(&n3, &n3, &n2);
v->nx = n3.x;
v->ny = n3.y;
v->nz = -n3.z;
v += 1;
// reset Z
//vertices[(yOffset + x) << 3 + 7] = 0.0f;
void drawLeaf(struct Leaves_s *leaf, int meshWidth, int meshHeight, float glWidth, float glHeight) {
float x = leaf->x;
float x1 = x - LEAF_SIZE;
float x2 = x + LEAF_SIZE;
float y = leaf->y;
float y1 = y - LEAF_SIZE;
float y2 = y + LEAF_SIZE;
float u1 = leaf->u1;
float u2 = leaf->u2;
float z1 = 0.0f;
float z2 = 0.0f;
float z3 = 0.0f;
float z4 = 0.0f;
float a = leaf->altitude;
float s = leaf->scale;
float r = leaf->angle;
float tz = 0.0f;
if (a > 0.0f) {
tz = -a;
x1 -= x;
x2 -= x;
y1 -= y;
y2 -= y;
float matrix[16];
if (a > 0.0f) {
color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.15f);
matrixTranslate(matrix, x, y, 0.0f);
matrixScale(matrix, s, s, 1.0f);
matrixRotate(matrix, r, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
drawQuadTexCoords(x1, y1, z1, u1, 1.0f,
x2, y1, z2, u2, 1.0f,
x2, y2, z3, u2, 0.0f,
x1, y2, z4, u1, 0.0f);
float alpha = 1.0f;
if (a >= 0.4f) alpha = 1.0f - (a - 0.5f) / 0.1f;
color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, alpha);
} else {
color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
matrixTranslate(matrix, x, y, tz);
matrixScale(matrix, s, s, 1.0f);
matrixRotate(matrix, r, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
drawQuadTexCoords(x1, y1, z1, u1, 1.0f,
x2, y1, z2, u2, 1.0f,
x2, y2, z3, u2, 0.0f,
x1, y2, z4, u1, 0.0f);
float spin = leaf->spin;
if (a <= 0.0f) {
float rippled = leaf->rippled;
if (rippled < 0.0f) {
drop(((x + glWidth * 0.5f) / glWidth) * meshWidth,
meshHeight - ((y + glHeight * 0.5f) / glHeight) * meshHeight, 1);
spin /= 4.0f;
leaf->spin = spin;
leaf->rippled = 1.0f;
leaf->x = x + leaf->deltaX;
leaf->y = y + leaf->deltaY;
r += spin;
leaf->angle = r;
} else {
a -= 0.005f;
leaf->altitude = a;
r += spin * 2.0f;
leaf->angle = r;
if (-LEAF_SIZE * s + x > glWidth / 2.0f || LEAF_SIZE * s + x < -glWidth / 2.0f ||
LEAF_SIZE * s + y < -glHeight / 2.0f) {
int sprite = randf(LEAVES_TEXTURES_COUNT);
leaf->x = randf2(-1.0f, 1.0f);
leaf->y = randf2(-glHeight / 2.0f, glHeight / 2.0f);
leaf->scale = randf2(0.4f, 0.5f);
leaf->spin = degf(randf2(-0.02f, 0.02f)) / 4.0f;
leaf->u1 = sprite / (float) LEAVES_TEXTURES_COUNT;
leaf->u2 = (sprite + 1) / (float) LEAVES_TEXTURES_COUNT;
leaf->altitude = 0.6f;
leaf->rippled = -1.0f;
leaf->deltaX = randf2(-0.02f, 0.02f) / 60.0f;
leaf->deltaY = -0.08f * randf2(0.9f, 1.1f) / 60.0f;
void drawLeaves() {
bindTexture(NAMED_PFSky, 0, NAMED_TLeaves);
color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
int leavesCount = State->leavesCount;
int width = State->meshWidth;
int height = State->meshHeight;
float glWidth = State->glWidth;
float glHeight = State->glHeight;
struct Leaves_s *leaf = Leaves;
int i = 0;
for ( ; i < leavesCount; i += 1) {
drawLeaf(leaf, width, height, glWidth, glHeight);
leaf += 1;
float matrix[16];
void drawRiverbed() {
bindTexture(NAMED_PFBackground, 0, NAMED_TRiverbed);
void drawSky() {
color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.8f);
bindTexture(NAMED_PFSky, 0, NAMED_TSky);
float x = skyOffsetX + State->skySpeedX;
float y = skyOffsetY + State->skySpeedY;
if (x > 1.0f) x = 0.0f;
if (x < -1.0f) x = 0.0f;
if (y > 1.0f) y = 0.0f;
skyOffsetX = x;
skyOffsetY = y;
float matrix[16];
matrixLoadTranslate(matrix, x, y, 0.0f);
void drawLighting() {
ambient(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
diffuse(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
specular(0.44f, 0.44f, 0.44f, 1.0f);
void drawNormals() {
int width = State->meshWidth;
int height = State->meshHeight;
float *vertices = loadSimpleMeshVerticesF(NAMED_WaterMesh, 0);
color(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
float scale = 1.0f / 10.0f;
int y = 0;
for ( ; y < height; y += 1) {
int yOffset = y * width;
int x = 0;
for ( ; x < width; x += 1) {
int offset = (yOffset + x) << 3;
float vx = vertices[offset + 5];
float vy = vertices[offset + 6];
float vz = vertices[offset + 7];
float nx = vertices[offset + 0];
float ny = vertices[offset + 1];
float nz = vertices[offset + 2];
drawLine(vx, vy, vz, vx + nx * scale, vy + ny * scale, vz + nz * scale);
int main(int index) {
if (Drop->dropX != -1) {
drop(Drop->dropX, Drop->dropY, DROP_RADIUS);
Drop->dropX = -1;
Drop->dropY = -1;
return 1;