msm7630: Get around boot up issue on some v2 hardware

On some v2 hardware, we see Scorpion aborts execution.  Additional delay
after cache amp settings helps these hardware to continue to boot up.

This is the current workaround until we find the root cause.

Change-Id: I98be2d6301e81fa4e6994bde3966cfb30189651a
diff --git a/platform/msm7x30/arch_init.S b/platform/msm7x30/arch_init.S
index fd7bf28..52c5f61 100644
--- a/platform/msm7x30/arch_init.S
+++ b/platform/msm7x30/arch_init.S
@@ -289,6 +289,13 @@
         //;WCP15_L2VR3F1  r0
         MCR     p15, 0x3, r0, c15, c15, 0x1     //;write r0 to L2VR3F1
+        LDR     r0, =0x20              //;additional delay for amp setting
+        LDR     r1, =0x0
+        SUBS    r0, r0, #0x1
+        CMP     r0, r1
+        BNE     loop
         LDR     r0, =0                   //;make sure the registers we touched
         LDR     r1, =0                   //;are cleared when we return
         LDR     r2, =0