[msm7x30]: Disable predecode repair cache for Halcyon V1

Change-Id: I46aca21f36d2fb6735ec3be9a1a3eecc49f78e36
diff --git a/platform/msm7x30/arch_init.S b/platform/msm7x30/arch_init.S
index e49d529..86949ff 100644
--- a/platform/msm7x30/arch_init.S
+++ b/platform/msm7x30/arch_init.S
@@ -190,6 +190,20 @@
         //;WCP15_PVR2F0   r2
         MCR     p15, 0x2, r2, c15, c15, 0x0   //; write R2 to PVR2F0
+        // Disable predecode repair cache on certain Scorpion revisions
+        // (Raptor V2 and earlier, or Halcyon V1)
+        MRC    p15, 0, r1, c0, c0, 0      //; MIDR
+        BIC    r2, r1, #0xf0              //; check for Halcyon V1
+        LDR    r3, =0x511f0000
+        CMP    r2, r3
+        BNE    PVR2F1
+        MRC    p15, 0, r1, c15, c15, 2    //; PVR0F2
+        ORR    r1, r1, #0x10              //; enable bit 4
+        MCR    p15, 0, r1, c15, c15, 2    //; disable predecode repair cache
         //;WCP15_PVR2F1   r3
         MCR     p15, 0x2, r3, c15, c15, 0x1   //; write R3 to PVR2F1
@@ -429,23 +443,6 @@
         //; Make sure UTLB request has been presented to macro before continuing
-        // Disable predecode repair cache on certain Scorpion revisions
-        // (Raptor V2 and earlier, or Halcyon V1)
-        MRC    p15, 0, r1, c0, c0, 0      //; MIDR
-        BIC    r2, r1, #0xf7              //; check for Raptor2 or below
-        LDR    r3, =0x510f0000
-        CMP    r2, r3
-        BEQ    DPRC
-        BIC    r2, r1, #0xf0              //; check for Halcyon V1
-        LDR    r3, =0x511f0000
-        CMP    r2, r3
-        BNE    SYSI2
-        MRC    p15, 0, r1, c15, c15, 2    //; PVR0F2
-        ORR    r1, r1, #0x10              //; enable bit 4
-        MCR    p15, 0, r1, c15, c15, 2    //; disable predecode repair cache
         //; setup L2CR1 to some default Instruction and data prefetching values
         //; Users may want specific settings for various performance enhancements