blob: 1ac603ee2838572b085351a27e2414fd95f85d81 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
* only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "msm8909-mtp.dtsi"
#include "8909-pm8916.dtsi"
#include "msm8909-pm8916-mtp.dtsi"
/ {
model = "Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. APQ8009 Dragon Board";
compatible = "qcom,apq8009-mtp", "qcom,apq8009", "qcom,mtp";
qcom,msm-id = <265 2>;
qcom,board-id = <32 0x0>;
&soc {
cdc_dmic_gpios: cdc_dmic_pinctrl {
compatible = "qcom,msm-cdc-pinctrl";
pinctrl-names = "aud_active", "aud_sleep";
pinctrl-0 = <&cdc_dmic0_clk_act &cdc_dmic0_data_act>;
pinctrl-1 = <&cdc_dmic0_clk_sus &cdc_dmic0_data_sus>;
cdc_prim_mi2s_gpios: msm_cdc_pinctrl_pri {
compatible = "qcom,msm-cdc-pinctrl";
pinctrl-names = "aud_active", "aud_sleep";
pinctrl-0 = <&pri_mi2s_sleep &pri_mi2s_ws_sleep
&pri_mi2s_dout_sleep &pri_mi2s_din_sleep
&ext_amp_ctrl_sleep &amp_mute_sleep>;
pinctrl-1 = <&pri_mi2s_active &pri_mi2s_ws_active
&pri_mi2s_dout_active &pri_mi2s_din_active
&ext_amp_ctrl_active &amp_mute_active>;
audio_codec_mtp: sound {
status = "ok";
qcom,msm-hs-micbias-type = "internal";
qcom,model = "msm8909-212-som-snd-card";
qcom,msm-mbhc-hphl-swh = <0>;
qcom,audio-routing =
"MIC BIAS Internal1", "Handset Mic",
"MIC BIAS Internal2", "Headset Mic",
"MIC BIAS Internal1", "Secondary Mic",
"AMIC1", "MIC BIAS Internal1",
"AMIC2", "MIC BIAS Internal2",
"AMIC3", "MIC BIAS Internal1",
"DIGITAL_REGULATOR", "Digital Mic1",
"DIGITAL_REGULATOR", "Digital Mic2";
qcom,pri-mi2s-gpios = <&cdc_prim_mi2s_gpios>;
qcom,cdc-dmic-gpios = <&cdc_dmic_gpios>;
asoc-platform = <&pcm0>, <&pcm1>, <&pcm2>, <&voip>, <&voice>,
<&loopback>, <&compress>, <&hostless>,
<&afe>, <&lsm>, <&routing>, <&pcm_noirq>;
asoc-platform-names = "msm-pcm-dsp.0", "msm-pcm-dsp.1",
"msm-pcm-dsp.2", "msm-voip-dsp",
"msm-pcm-voice", "msm-pcm-loopback",
"msm-compress-dsp", "msm-pcm-hostless",
"msm-pcm-afe", "msm-lsm-client",
"msm-pcm-routing", "msm-pcm-dsp-noirq";
asoc-cpu = <&dai_pri_auxpcm>,
<&dai_mi2s0>, <&dai_mi2s1>,
<&dai_mi2s2>, <&dai_mi2s3>,
<&dai_mi2s4>, <&dai_mi2s5>,
<&sb_0_rx>, <&sb_0_tx>, <&sb_1_rx>, <&sb_1_tx>,
<&sb_3_rx>, <&sb_3_tx>, <&sb_4_rx>, <&sb_4_tx>,
<&bt_sco_rx>, <&bt_sco_tx>,
<&int_fm_rx>, <&int_fm_tx>,
<&afe_pcm_rx>, <&afe_pcm_tx>,
<&afe_proxy_rx>, <&afe_proxy_tx>,
<&incall_record_rx>, <&incall_record_tx>,
<&incall_music_rx>, <&incall_music_2_rx>,
<&bt_a2dp_rx>, <&afe_loopback_tx>;
asoc-cpu-names = "msm-dai-q6-auxpcm.1",
"msm-dai-q6-mi2s.0", "msm-dai-q6-mi2s.1",
"msm-dai-q6-mi2s.2", "msm-dai-q6-mi2s.3",
"msm-dai-q6-mi2s.4", "msm-dai-q6-mi2s.6",
"msm-dai-q6-dev.16384", "msmdai-q6-dev.16385",
"msm-dai-q6-dev.16386", "msm-dai-q6-dev.16387",
"msm-dai-q6-dev.16390", "msm-dai-q6-dev.16391",
"msm-dai-q6-dev.16392", "msm-dai-q6-dev.16393",
"msm-dai-q6-dev.12288", "msm-dai-q6-dev.12289",
"msm-dai-q6-dev.12292", "msm-dai-q6-dev.12293",
"msm-dai-q6-dev.224", "msm-dai-q6-dev.225",
"msm-dai-q6-dev.241", "msm-dai-q6-dev.240",
"msm-dai-q6-dev.32771", "msm-dai-q6-dev.32772",
"msm-dai-q6-dev.32773", "msm-dai-q6-dev.32770",
"msm-dai-q6-dev.12290", "msm-dai-q6-dev.24577";
asoc-codec = <&stub_codec>, <&msm_digital_codec>,
asoc-codec-names = "msm-stub-codec.1", "msm-dig-codec",
sound-9335 {
status = "disabled";
i2c@78b8000 {
wcd9xxx_codec@d {
status = "disabled";
vph_pwr_vreg: vph_pwr_vreg {
compatible = "regulator-fixed";
status = "ok";
regulator-name = "vph_pwr";
mdss_mdp: qcom,mdss_mdp@1a00000 {
status = "disabled";
bluetooth: bt_qca9379 {
compatible = "qca,qca9379";
qca,bt-reset-gpio = <&msm_gpio 47 0>; /* BT_EN */
cnss_sdio: qcom,cnss_sdio {
compatible = "qcom,cnss_sdio";
subsys-name = "AR6320";
* There is no vdd-wlan on board and this is not for DSRC.
* IO and XTAL share the same vreg.
vdd-wlan-io-supply = <&pm8916_l5>;
qcom,cap-tsf-gpio = <&msm_gpio 42 1>;
qcom,wlan-ramdump-dynamic = <0x200000>;
qcom,msm-bus,name = "msm-cnss";
qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <4>;
qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
<79 512 0 0>, /* No vote */
<79 512 6250 200000>, /* 50 Mbps */
<79 512 25000 200000>, /* 200 Mbps */
<79 512 2048000 4096000>; /* MAX */
&wcnss {
status = "disabled";
&pm8916_1 {
pmic_analog_codec: analog-codec@f000 {
compatible = "qcom,pmic-analog-codec";
reg = <0xf000 0x200>;
#address-cells = <2>;
#size-cells = <0>;
interrupt-parent = <&spmi_bus>;
interrupts = <0x1 0xf0 0x0 IRQ_TYPE_NONE>,
<0x1 0xf0 0x1 IRQ_TYPE_NONE>,
<0x1 0xf0 0x2 IRQ_TYPE_NONE>,
<0x1 0xf0 0x3 IRQ_TYPE_NONE>,
<0x1 0xf0 0x4 IRQ_TYPE_NONE>,
<0x1 0xf0 0x5 IRQ_TYPE_NONE>,
<0x1 0xf0 0x6 IRQ_TYPE_NONE>,
<0x1 0xf0 0x7 IRQ_TYPE_NONE>,
<0x1 0xf1 0x0 IRQ_TYPE_NONE>,
<0x1 0xf1 0x1 IRQ_TYPE_NONE>,
<0x1 0xf1 0x2 IRQ_TYPE_NONE>,
<0x1 0xf1 0x3 IRQ_TYPE_NONE>,
<0x1 0xf1 0x4 IRQ_TYPE_NONE>,
<0x1 0xf1 0x5 IRQ_TYPE_NONE>;
interrupt-names = "spk_cnp_int",
cdc-vdda-cp-supply = <&pm8916_s4>;
qcom,cdc-vdda-cp-voltage = <1800000 2200000>;
qcom,cdc-vdda-cp-current = <770000>;
cdc-vdd-pa-supply = <&pm8916_l5>;
qcom,cdc-vdd-pa-voltage = <1800000 1800000>;
qcom,cdc-vdd-pa-current = <5000>;
cdc-vdd-mic-bias-supply = <&pm8916_l13>;
qcom,cdc-vdd-mic-bias-voltage = <3075000 3075000>;
qcom,cdc-vdd-mic-bias-current = <25000>;
qcom,cdc-mclk-clk-rate = <9600000>;
qcom,cdc-static-supplies = "cdc-vdda-cp",
qcom,cdc-on-demand-supplies = "cdc-vdd-mic-bias";
msm_digital_codec: msm-dig-codec {
compatible = "qcom,msm-digital-codec";
reg = <0x0771C000 0x0>;
cdc-vdd-digital-supply = <&pm8916_l5>;
qcom,cdc-vdd-digital-voltage = <1800000 1800000>;
qcom,cdc-vdd-digital-current = <5000>;
qcom,cdc-on-demand-supplies = "cdc-vdd-digital";
&msm_gpio {
sdc2_wlan_gpio_on: sdc2_wlan_gpio_on {
mux {
pins = "gpio43";
function = "gpio";
config {
pins = "gpio43";
drive-strength = <10>;
sdc2_wlan_gpio_off: sdc2_wlan_gpio_off {
mux {
pins = "gpio43";
function = "gpio";
config {
pins = "gpio43";
drive-strength = <2>;
&sdhc_2 {
#address-cells = <0>;
interrupt-parent = <&sdhc_2>;
interrupts = <0 1 2>;
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-map-mask = <0xffffffff>;
interrupt-map = <0 &intc 0 125 0
1 &intc 0 221 0
2 &msm_gpio 40 0x1>;
interrupt-names = "hc_irq", "pwr_irq", "sdiowakeup_irq";
qcom,vdd-voltage-level = <1800000 2950000>;
qcom,vdd-current-level = <15000 400000>;
qcom,vdd-io-voltage-level = <1800000 1800000>;
qcom,vdd-io-current-level = <200 50000>;
qcom,clk-rates = <400000 25000000 50000000 100000000 200000000>;
qcom,bus-speed-mode = "SDR12", "SDR25", "SDR50", "DDR50", "SDR104";
pinctrl-names = "active", "sleep";
pinctrl-0 = <&sdc2_clk_on &sdc2_cmd_on &sdc2_data_on
pinctrl-1 = <&sdc2_clk_off &sdc2_cmd_off &sdc2_data_off
status = "ok";
&usb_otg {
interrupts = <0 134 0>,<0 140 0>;
interrupt-names = "core_irq", "async_irq";
qcom,hsusb-otg-mode = <3>;
vbus_otg-supply = <&vph_pwr_vreg>;
extcon = <&pm8916_chg>;
&external_image_mem {
reg = <0x0 0x87a00000 0x0 0x0600000>;
&modem_adsp_mem {
reg = <0x0 0x88000000 0x0 0x01e00000>;
&peripheral_mem {
reg = <0x0 0x89e00000 0x0 0x0700000>;
&i2c_4 {
smb1360_otg_supply: smb1360-chg-fg@14 {
compatible = "qcom,smb1360-chg-fg";
reg = <0x14>;
interrupt-parent = <&msm_gpio>;
interrupts = <58 8>;
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = <&smb_int_default>;
qcom,float-voltage-mv = <4200>;
qcom,iterm-ma = <200>;
qcom,recharge-thresh-mv = <100>;
qcom,thermal-mitigation = <1500 700 600 0>;
regulator-name = "smb1360_otg_vreg";
status= "okay";
&firmware {
android {
compatible = "android,firmware";
fstab {
compatible = "android,fstab";
vendor_fstab: vendor {
fsmgr_flags = "wait,slotselect";
/delete-node/ system;
&pm8916_chg {
status = "ok";
&pm8916_bms {
status = "ok";
&blsp1_uart2_hs {
status = "ok";
&blsp1_uart1 {
status = "disabled";
&i2c_5 {
status = "okay";
goodix_ts@5d {
compatible = "goodix,gt9xx";
status = "okay";
reg = <0x5d>;
vdd_ana-supply = <&pm8916_l17>;
vcc_i2c-supply = <&pm8916_l6>;
interrupt-parent = <&msm_gpio>;
interrupts = <13 0x2008>;
pinctrl-names = "gdix_ts_int_default", "gdix_ts_int_output_low",
"gdix_ts_int_output_high", "gdix_ts_int_input",
"gdix_ts_rst_default", "gdix_ts_rst_output_low",
"gdix_ts_rst_output_high", "gdix_ts_rst_input";
pinctrl-0 = <&ts_int_default>;
pinctrl-1 = <&ts_int_output_low>;
pinctrl-2 = <&ts_int_output_high>;
pinctrl-3 = <&ts_int_input>;
pinctrl-4 = <&ts_rst_default>;
pinctrl-5 = <&ts_rst_output_low>;
pinctrl-6 = <&ts_rst_output_high>;
pinctrl-7 = <&ts_rst_input>;
reset-gpios = <&msm_gpio 16 0x00>;
irq-gpios = <&msm_gpio 13 0x2008>;
irq-flags = <2>;
touchscreen-max-id = <5>;
touchscreen-size-x = <479>;
touchscreen-size-y = <853>;
touchscreen-max-w = <1024>;
touchscreen-max-p = <1024>;
goodix,type-a-report = <0>;
goodix,driver-send-cfg = <1>;
goodix,wakeup-with-reset = <0>;
goodix,resume-in-workqueue = <1>;
goodix,int-sync = <1>;
goodix,swap-x2y = <0>;
goodix,esd-protect = <1>;
goodix,pen-suppress-finger = <0>;
goodix,auto-update = <1>;
goodix,auto-update-cfg = <0>;
goodix,power-off-sleep = <0>;