Revert "fscrypt: add Speck128/256 support"

This reverts commit c16d27ebb94346d08c441e70f77e52b2ed4a758a.

Resolves conflicts with a later CL, a4842a18697e "fscrypt: log the
crypto algorithm implementations".

Also leaves the include/uapi/linux/fs.h constants in place to prevent
future accidental re-use.

Bug: 116008047
Change-Id: I2d64d8d3e384400b7bdfc06a353c3844d4ebb377
Signed-off-by: Alistair Strachan <>
diff --git a/Documentation/filesystems/fscrypt.rst b/Documentation/filesystems/fscrypt.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 48b424d..0000000
--- a/Documentation/filesystems/fscrypt.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,626 +0,0 @@
-Filesystem-level encryption (fscrypt)
-fscrypt is a library which filesystems can hook into to support
-transparent encryption of files and directories.
-Note: "fscrypt" in this document refers to the kernel-level portion,
-implemented in ``fs/crypto/``, as opposed to the userspace tool
-`fscrypt <>`_.  This document only
-covers the kernel-level portion.  For command-line examples of how to
-use encryption, see the documentation for the userspace tool `fscrypt
-<>`_.  Also, it is recommended to use
-the fscrypt userspace tool, or other existing userspace tools such as
-`fscryptctl <>`_ or `Android's key
-management system
-<>`_, over
-using the kernel's API directly.  Using existing tools reduces the
-chance of introducing your own security bugs.  (Nevertheless, for
-completeness this documentation covers the kernel's API anyway.)
-Unlike dm-crypt, fscrypt operates at the filesystem level rather than
-at the block device level.  This allows it to encrypt different files
-with different keys and to have unencrypted files on the same
-filesystem.  This is useful for multi-user systems where each user's
-data-at-rest needs to be cryptographically isolated from the others.
-However, except for filenames, fscrypt does not encrypt filesystem
-Unlike eCryptfs, which is a stacked filesystem, fscrypt is integrated
-directly into supported filesystems --- currently ext4, F2FS, and
-UBIFS.  This allows encrypted files to be read and written without
-caching both the decrypted and encrypted pages in the pagecache,
-thereby nearly halving the memory used and bringing it in line with
-unencrypted files.  Similarly, half as many dentries and inodes are
-needed.  eCryptfs also limits encrypted filenames to 143 bytes,
-causing application compatibility issues; fscrypt allows the full 255
-bytes (NAME_MAX).  Finally, unlike eCryptfs, the fscrypt API can be
-used by unprivileged users, with no need to mount anything.
-fscrypt does not support encrypting files in-place.  Instead, it
-supports marking an empty directory as encrypted.  Then, after
-userspace provides the key, all regular files, directories, and
-symbolic links created in that directory tree are transparently
-Threat model
-Offline attacks
-Provided that userspace chooses a strong encryption key, fscrypt
-protects the confidentiality of file contents and filenames in the
-event of a single point-in-time permanent offline compromise of the
-block device content.  fscrypt does not protect the confidentiality of
-non-filename metadata, e.g. file sizes, file permissions, file
-timestamps, and extended attributes.  Also, the existence and location
-of holes (unallocated blocks which logically contain all zeroes) in
-files is not protected.
-fscrypt is not guaranteed to protect confidentiality or authenticity
-if an attacker is able to manipulate the filesystem offline prior to
-an authorized user later accessing the filesystem.
-Online attacks
-fscrypt (and storage encryption in general) can only provide limited
-protection, if any at all, against online attacks.  In detail:
-fscrypt is only resistant to side-channel attacks, such as timing or
-electromagnetic attacks, to the extent that the underlying Linux
-Cryptographic API algorithms are.  If a vulnerable algorithm is used,
-such as a table-based implementation of AES, it may be possible for an
-attacker to mount a side channel attack against the online system.
-Side channel attacks may also be mounted against applications
-consuming decrypted data.
-After an encryption key has been provided, fscrypt is not designed to
-hide the plaintext file contents or filenames from other users on the
-same system, regardless of the visibility of the keyring key.
-Instead, existing access control mechanisms such as file mode bits,
-POSIX ACLs, LSMs, or mount namespaces should be used for this purpose.
-Also note that as long as the encryption keys are *anywhere* in
-memory, an online attacker can necessarily compromise them by mounting
-a physical attack or by exploiting any kernel security vulnerability
-which provides an arbitrary memory read primitive.
-While it is ostensibly possible to "evict" keys from the system,
-recently accessed encrypted files will remain accessible at least
-until the filesystem is unmounted or the VFS caches are dropped, e.g.
-using ``echo 2 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches``.  Even after that, if the
-RAM is compromised before being powered off, it will likely still be
-possible to recover portions of the plaintext file contents, if not
-some of the encryption keys as well.  (Since Linux v4.12, all
-in-kernel keys related to fscrypt are sanitized before being freed.
-However, userspace would need to do its part as well.)
-Currently, fscrypt does not prevent a user from maliciously providing
-an incorrect key for another user's existing encrypted files.  A
-protection against this is planned.
-Key hierarchy
-Master Keys
-Each encrypted directory tree is protected by a *master key*.  Master
-keys can be up to 64 bytes long, and must be at least as long as the
-greater of the key length needed by the contents and filenames
-encryption modes being used.  For example, if AES-256-XTS is used for
-contents encryption, the master key must be 64 bytes (512 bits).  Note
-that the XTS mode is defined to require a key twice as long as that
-required by the underlying block cipher.
-To "unlock" an encrypted directory tree, userspace must provide the
-appropriate master key.  There can be any number of master keys, each
-of which protects any number of directory trees on any number of
-Userspace should generate master keys either using a cryptographically
-secure random number generator, or by using a KDF (Key Derivation
-Function).  Note that whenever a KDF is used to "stretch" a
-lower-entropy secret such as a passphrase, it is critical that a KDF
-designed for this purpose be used, such as scrypt, PBKDF2, or Argon2.
-Per-file keys
-Master keys are not used to encrypt file contents or names directly.
-Instead, a unique key is derived for each encrypted file, including
-each regular file, directory, and symbolic link.  This has several
-- In cryptosystems, the same key material should never be used for
-  different purposes.  Using the master key as both an XTS key for
-  contents encryption and as a CTS-CBC key for filenames encryption
-  would violate this rule.
-- Per-file keys simplify the choice of IVs (Initialization Vectors)
-  for contents encryption.  Without per-file keys, to ensure IV
-  uniqueness both the inode and logical block number would need to be
-  encoded in the IVs.  This would make it impossible to renumber
-  inodes, which e.g. ``resize2fs`` can do when resizing an ext4
-  filesystem.  With per-file keys, it is sufficient to encode just the
-  logical block number in the IVs.
-- Per-file keys strengthen the encryption of filenames, where IVs are
-  reused out of necessity.  With a unique key per directory, IV reuse
-  is limited to within a single directory.
-- Per-file keys allow individual files to be securely erased simply by
-  securely erasing their keys.  (Not yet implemented.)
-A KDF (Key Derivation Function) is used to derive per-file keys from
-the master key.  This is done instead of wrapping a randomly-generated
-key for each file because it reduces the size of the encryption xattr,
-which for some filesystems makes the xattr more likely to fit in-line
-in the filesystem's inode table.  With a KDF, only a 16-byte nonce is
-required --- long enough to make key reuse extremely unlikely.  A
-wrapped key, on the other hand, would need to be up to 64 bytes ---
-the length of an AES-256-XTS key.  Furthermore, currently there is no
-requirement to support unlocking a file with multiple alternative
-master keys or to support rotating master keys.  Instead, the master
-keys may be wrapped in userspace, e.g. as done by the `fscrypt
-<>`_ tool.
-The current KDF encrypts the master key using the 16-byte nonce as an
-AES-128-ECB key.  The output is used as the derived key.  If the
-output is longer than needed, then it is truncated to the needed
-length.  Truncation is the norm for directories and symlinks, since
-those use the CTS-CBC encryption mode which requires a key half as
-long as that required by the XTS encryption mode.
-Note: this KDF meets the primary security requirement, which is to
-produce unique derived keys that preserve the entropy of the master
-key, assuming that the master key is already a good pseudorandom key.
-However, it is nonstandard and has some problems such as being
-reversible, so it is generally considered to be a mistake!  It may be
-replaced with HKDF or another more standard KDF in the future.
-Encryption modes and usage
-fscrypt allows one encryption mode to be specified for file contents
-and one encryption mode to be specified for filenames.  Different
-directory trees are permitted to use different encryption modes.
-Currently, the following pairs of encryption modes are supported:
-- AES-256-XTS for contents and AES-256-CTS-CBC for filenames
-- AES-128-CBC for contents and AES-128-CTS-CBC for filenames
-- Speck128/256-XTS for contents and Speck128/256-CTS-CBC for filenames
-It is strongly recommended to use AES-256-XTS for contents encryption.
-AES-128-CBC was added only for low-powered embedded devices with
-crypto accelerators such as CAAM or CESA that do not support XTS.
-Similarly, Speck128/256 support was only added for older or low-end
-CPUs which cannot do AES fast enough -- especially ARM CPUs which have
-NEON instructions but not the Cryptography Extensions -- and for which
-it would not otherwise be feasible to use encryption at all.  It is
-not recommended to use Speck on CPUs that have AES instructions.
-Speck support is only available if it has been enabled in the crypto
-API via CONFIG_CRYPTO_SPECK.  Also, on ARM platforms, to get
-acceptable performance CONFIG_CRYPTO_SPECK_NEON must be enabled.
-New encryption modes can be added relatively easily, without changes
-to individual filesystems.  However, authenticated encryption (AE)
-modes are not currently supported because of the difficulty of dealing
-with ciphertext expansion.
-For file contents, each filesystem block is encrypted independently.
-Currently, only the case where the filesystem block size is equal to
-the system's page size (usually 4096 bytes) is supported.  With the
-XTS mode of operation (recommended), the logical block number within
-the file is used as the IV.  With the CBC mode of operation (not
-recommended), ESSIV is used; specifically, the IV for CBC is the
-logical block number encrypted with AES-256, where the AES-256 key is
-the SHA-256 hash of the inode's data encryption key.
-For filenames, the full filename is encrypted at once.  Because of the
-requirements to retain support for efficient directory lookups and
-filenames of up to 255 bytes, a constant initialization vector (IV) is
-used.  However, each encrypted directory uses a unique key, which
-limits IV reuse to within a single directory.  Note that IV reuse in
-the context of CTS-CBC encryption means that when the original
-filenames share a common prefix at least as long as the cipher block
-size (16 bytes for AES), the corresponding encrypted filenames will
-also share a common prefix.  This is undesirable; it may be fixed in
-the future by switching to an encryption mode that is a strong
-pseudorandom permutation on arbitrary-length messages, e.g. the HEH
-(Hash-Encrypt-Hash) mode.
-Since filenames are encrypted with the CTS-CBC mode of operation, the
-plaintext and ciphertext filenames need not be multiples of the AES
-block size, i.e. 16 bytes.  However, the minimum size that can be
-encrypted is 16 bytes, so shorter filenames are NUL-padded to 16 bytes
-before being encrypted.  In addition, to reduce leakage of filename
-lengths via their ciphertexts, all filenames are NUL-padded to the
-next 4, 8, 16, or 32-byte boundary (configurable).  32 is recommended
-since this provides the best confidentiality, at the cost of making
-directory entries consume slightly more space.  Note that since NUL
-(``\0``) is not otherwise a valid character in filenames, the padding
-will never produce duplicate plaintexts.
-Symbolic link targets are considered a type of filename and are
-encrypted in the same way as filenames in directory entries.  Each
-symlink also uses a unique key; hence, the hardcoded IV is not a
-problem for symlinks.
-User API
-Setting an encryption policy
-The FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY ioctl sets an encryption policy on an
-empty directory or verifies that a directory or regular file already
-has the specified encryption policy.  It takes in a pointer to a
-:c:type:`struct fscrypt_policy`, defined as follows::
-    #define FS_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE  8
-    struct fscrypt_policy {
-            __u8 version;
-            __u8 contents_encryption_mode;
-            __u8 filenames_encryption_mode;
-            __u8 flags;
-            __u8 master_key_descriptor[FS_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE];
-    };
-This structure must be initialized as follows:
-- ``version`` must be 0.
-- ``contents_encryption_mode`` and ``filenames_encryption_mode`` must
-  be set to constants from ``<linux/fs.h>`` which identify the
-  encryption modes to use.  If unsure, use
-  FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_XTS (1) for ``contents_encryption_mode``
-  and FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CTS (4) for
-  ``filenames_encryption_mode``.
-- ``flags`` must be set to a value from ``<linux/fs.h>`` which
-  identifies the amount of NUL-padding to use when encrypting
-  filenames.  If unsure, use FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32 (0x3).
-- ``master_key_descriptor`` specifies how to find the master key in
-  the keyring; see `Adding keys`_.  It is up to userspace to choose a
-  unique ``master_key_descriptor`` for each master key.  The e4crypt
-  and fscrypt tools use the first 8 bytes of
-  ``SHA-512(SHA-512(master_key))``, but this particular scheme is not
-  required.  Also, the master key need not be in the keyring yet when
-  FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY is executed.  However, it must be added
-  before any files can be created in the encrypted directory.
-If the file is not yet encrypted, then FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY
-verifies that the file is an empty directory.  If so, the specified
-encryption policy is assigned to the directory, turning it into an
-encrypted directory.  After that, and after providing the
-corresponding master key as described in `Adding keys`_, all regular
-files, directories (recursively), and symlinks created in the
-directory will be encrypted, inheriting the same encryption policy.
-The filenames in the directory's entries will be encrypted as well.
-Alternatively, if the file is already encrypted, then
-FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY validates that the specified encryption
-policy exactly matches the actual one.  If they match, then the ioctl
-returns 0.  Otherwise, it fails with EEXIST.  This works on both
-regular files and directories, including nonempty directories.
-Note that the ext4 filesystem does not allow the root directory to be
-encrypted, even if it is empty.  Users who want to encrypt an entire
-filesystem with one key should consider using dm-crypt instead.
-FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY can fail with the following errors:
-- ``EACCES``: the file is not owned by the process's uid, nor does the
-  process have the CAP_FOWNER capability in a namespace with the file
-  owner's uid mapped
-- ``EEXIST``: the file is already encrypted with an encryption policy
-  different from the one specified
-- ``EINVAL``: an invalid encryption policy was specified (invalid
-  version, mode(s), or flags)
-- ``ENOTDIR``: the file is unencrypted and is a regular file, not a
-  directory
-- ``ENOTEMPTY``: the file is unencrypted and is a nonempty directory
-- ``ENOTTY``: this type of filesystem does not implement encryption
-- ``EOPNOTSUPP``: the kernel was not configured with encryption
-  support for this filesystem, or the filesystem superblock has not
-  had encryption enabled on it.  (For example, to use encryption on an
-  ext4 filesystem, CONFIG_EXT4_ENCRYPTION must be enabled in the
-  kernel config, and the superblock must have had the "encrypt"
-  feature flag enabled using ``tune2fs -O encrypt`` or ``mkfs.ext4 -O
-  encrypt``.)
-- ``EPERM``: this directory may not be encrypted, e.g. because it is
-  the root directory of an ext4 filesystem
-- ``EROFS``: the filesystem is readonly
-Getting an encryption policy
-The FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY ioctl retrieves the :c:type:`struct
-fscrypt_policy`, if any, for a directory or regular file.  See above
-for the struct definition.  No additional permissions are required
-beyond the ability to open the file.
-FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY can fail with the following errors:
-- ``EINVAL``: the file is encrypted, but it uses an unrecognized
-  encryption context format
-- ``ENODATA``: the file is not encrypted
-- ``ENOTTY``: this type of filesystem does not implement encryption
-- ``EOPNOTSUPP``: the kernel was not configured with encryption
-  support for this filesystem
-Note: if you only need to know whether a file is encrypted or not, on
-most filesystems it is also possible to use the FS_IOC_GETFLAGS ioctl
-and check for FS_ENCRYPT_FL, or to use the statx() system call and
-check for STATX_ATTR_ENCRYPTED in stx_attributes.
-Getting the per-filesystem salt
-Some filesystems, such as ext4 and F2FS, also support the deprecated
-ioctl FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_PWSALT.  This ioctl retrieves a randomly
-generated 16-byte value stored in the filesystem superblock.  This
-value is intended to used as a salt when deriving an encryption key
-from a passphrase or other low-entropy user credential.
-FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_PWSALT is deprecated.  Instead, prefer to
-generate and manage any needed salt(s) in userspace.
-Adding keys
-To provide a master key, userspace must add it to an appropriate
-keyring using the add_key() system call (see:
-``Documentation/security/keys/core.rst``).  The key type must be
-"logon"; keys of this type are kept in kernel memory and cannot be
-read back by userspace.  The key description must be "fscrypt:"
-followed by the 16-character lower case hex representation of the
-``master_key_descriptor`` that was set in the encryption policy.  The
-key payload must conform to the following structure::
-    #define FS_MAX_KEY_SIZE 64
-    struct fscrypt_key {
-            u32 mode;
-            u8 raw[FS_MAX_KEY_SIZE];
-            u32 size;
-    };
-``mode`` is ignored; just set it to 0.  The actual key is provided in
-``raw`` with ``size`` indicating its size in bytes.  That is, the
-bytes ``raw[0..size-1]`` (inclusive) are the actual key.
-The key description prefix "fscrypt:" may alternatively be replaced
-with a filesystem-specific prefix such as "ext4:".  However, the
-filesystem-specific prefixes are deprecated and should not be used in
-new programs.
-There are several different types of keyrings in which encryption keys
-may be placed, such as a session keyring, a user session keyring, or a
-user keyring.  Each key must be placed in a keyring that is "attached"
-to all processes that might need to access files encrypted with it, in
-the sense that request_key() will find the key.  Generally, if only
-processes belonging to a specific user need to access a given
-encrypted directory and no session keyring has been installed, then
-that directory's key should be placed in that user's user session
-keyring or user keyring.  Otherwise, a session keyring should be
-installed if needed, and the key should be linked into that session
-keyring, or in a keyring linked into that session keyring.
-Note: introducing the complex visibility semantics of keyrings here
-was arguably a mistake --- especially given that by design, after any
-process successfully opens an encrypted file (thereby setting up the
-per-file key), possessing the keyring key is not actually required for
-any process to read/write the file until its in-memory inode is
-evicted.  In the future there probably should be a way to provide keys
-directly to the filesystem instead, which would make the intended
-semantics clearer.
-Access semantics
-With the key
-With the encryption key, encrypted regular files, directories, and
-symlinks behave very similarly to their unencrypted counterparts ---
-after all, the encryption is intended to be transparent.  However,
-astute users may notice some differences in behavior:
-- Unencrypted files, or files encrypted with a different encryption
-  policy (i.e. different key, modes, or flags), cannot be renamed or
-  linked into an encrypted directory; see `Encryption policy
-  enforcement`_.  Attempts to do so will fail with EPERM.  However,
-  encrypted files can be renamed within an encrypted directory, or
-  into an unencrypted directory.
-- Direct I/O is not supported on encrypted files.  Attempts to use
-  direct I/O on such files will fall back to buffered I/O.
-- The fallocate operations FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE,
-  on encrypted files and will fail with EOPNOTSUPP.
-- Online defragmentation of encrypted files is not supported.  The
-  EXT4_IOC_MOVE_EXT and F2FS_IOC_MOVE_RANGE ioctls will fail with
-- The ext4 filesystem does not support data journaling with encrypted
-  regular files.  It will fall back to ordered data mode instead.
-- DAX (Direct Access) is not supported on encrypted files.
-- The st_size of an encrypted symlink will not necessarily give the
-  length of the symlink target as required by POSIX.  It will actually
-  give the length of the ciphertext, which will be slightly longer
-  than the plaintext due to NUL-padding and an extra 2-byte overhead.
-- The maximum length of an encrypted symlink is 2 bytes shorter than
-  the maximum length of an unencrypted symlink.  For example, on an
-  EXT4 filesystem with a 4K block size, unencrypted symlinks can be up
-  to 4095 bytes long, while encrypted symlinks can only be up to 4093
-  bytes long (both lengths excluding the terminating null).
-Note that mmap *is* supported.  This is possible because the pagecache
-for an encrypted file contains the plaintext, not the ciphertext.
-Without the key
-Some filesystem operations may be performed on encrypted regular
-files, directories, and symlinks even before their encryption key has
-been provided:
-- File metadata may be read, e.g. using stat().
-- Directories may be listed, in which case the filenames will be
-  listed in an encoded form derived from their ciphertext.  The
-  current encoding algorithm is described in `Filename hashing and
-  encoding`_.  The algorithm is subject to change, but it is
-  guaranteed that the presented filenames will be no longer than
-  NAME_MAX bytes, will not contain the ``/`` or ``\0`` characters, and
-  will uniquely identify directory entries.
-  The ``.`` and ``..`` directory entries are special.  They are always
-  present and are not encrypted or encoded.
-- Files may be deleted.  That is, nondirectory files may be deleted
-  with unlink() as usual, and empty directories may be deleted with
-  rmdir() as usual.  Therefore, ``rm`` and ``rm -r`` will work as
-  expected.
-- Symlink targets may be read and followed, but they will be presented
-  in encrypted form, similar to filenames in directories.  Hence, they
-  are unlikely to point to anywhere useful.
-Without the key, regular files cannot be opened or truncated.
-Attempts to do so will fail with ENOKEY.  This implies that any
-regular file operations that require a file descriptor, such as
-read(), write(), mmap(), fallocate(), and ioctl(), are also forbidden.
-Also without the key, files of any type (including directories) cannot
-be created or linked into an encrypted directory, nor can a name in an
-encrypted directory be the source or target of a rename, nor can an
-O_TMPFILE temporary file be created in an encrypted directory.  All
-such operations will fail with ENOKEY.
-It is not currently possible to backup and restore encrypted files
-without the encryption key.  This would require special APIs which
-have not yet been implemented.
-Encryption policy enforcement
-After an encryption policy has been set on a directory, all regular
-files, directories, and symbolic links created in that directory
-(recursively) will inherit that encryption policy.  Special files ---
-that is, named pipes, device nodes, and UNIX domain sockets --- will
-not be encrypted.
-Except for those special files, it is forbidden to have unencrypted
-files, or files encrypted with a different encryption policy, in an
-encrypted directory tree.  Attempts to link or rename such a file into
-an encrypted directory will fail with EPERM.  This is also enforced
-during ->lookup() to provide limited protection against offline
-attacks that try to disable or downgrade encryption in known locations
-where applications may later write sensitive data.  It is recommended
-that systems implementing a form of "verified boot" take advantage of
-this by validating all top-level encryption policies prior to access.
-Implementation details
-Encryption context
-An encryption policy is represented on-disk by a :c:type:`struct
-fscrypt_context`.  It is up to individual filesystems to decide where
-to store it, but normally it would be stored in a hidden extended
-attribute.  It should *not* be exposed by the xattr-related system
-calls such as getxattr() and setxattr() because of the special
-semantics of the encryption xattr.  (In particular, there would be
-much confusion if an encryption policy were to be added to or removed
-from anything other than an empty directory.)  The struct is defined
-as follows::
-    #define FS_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE  8
-    struct fscrypt_context {
-            u8 format;
-            u8 contents_encryption_mode;
-            u8 filenames_encryption_mode;
-            u8 flags;
-            u8 master_key_descriptor[FS_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE];
-            u8 nonce[FS_KEY_DERIVATION_NONCE_SIZE];
-    };
-Note that :c:type:`struct fscrypt_context` contains the same
-information as :c:type:`struct fscrypt_policy` (see `Setting an
-encryption policy`_), except that :c:type:`struct fscrypt_context`
-also contains a nonce.  The nonce is randomly generated by the kernel
-and is used to derive the inode's encryption key as described in
-`Per-file keys`_.
-Data path changes
-For the read path (->readpage()) of regular files, filesystems can
-read the ciphertext into the page cache and decrypt it in-place.  The
-page lock must be held until decryption has finished, to prevent the
-page from becoming visible to userspace prematurely.
-For the write path (->writepage()) of regular files, filesystems
-cannot encrypt data in-place in the page cache, since the cached
-plaintext must be preserved.  Instead, filesystems must encrypt into a
-temporary buffer or "bounce page", then write out the temporary
-buffer.  Some filesystems, such as UBIFS, already use temporary
-buffers regardless of encryption.  Other filesystems, such as ext4 and
-F2FS, have to allocate bounce pages specially for encryption.
-Filename hashing and encoding
-Modern filesystems accelerate directory lookups by using indexed
-directories.  An indexed directory is organized as a tree keyed by
-filename hashes.  When a ->lookup() is requested, the filesystem
-normally hashes the filename being looked up so that it can quickly
-find the corresponding directory entry, if any.
-With encryption, lookups must be supported and efficient both with and
-without the encryption key.  Clearly, it would not work to hash the
-plaintext filenames, since the plaintext filenames are unavailable
-without the key.  (Hashing the plaintext filenames would also make it
-impossible for the filesystem's fsck tool to optimize encrypted
-directories.)  Instead, filesystems hash the ciphertext filenames,
-i.e. the bytes actually stored on-disk in the directory entries.  When
-asked to do a ->lookup() with the key, the filesystem just encrypts
-the user-supplied name to get the ciphertext.
-Lookups without the key are more complicated.  The raw ciphertext may
-contain the ``\0`` and ``/`` characters, which are illegal in
-filenames.  Therefore, readdir() must base64-encode the ciphertext for
-presentation.  For most filenames, this works fine; on ->lookup(), the
-filesystem just base64-decodes the user-supplied name to get back to
-the raw ciphertext.
-However, for very long filenames, base64 encoding would cause the
-filename length to exceed NAME_MAX.  To prevent this, readdir()
-actually presents long filenames in an abbreviated form which encodes
-a strong "hash" of the ciphertext filename, along with the optional
-filesystem-specific hash(es) needed for directory lookups.  This
-allows the filesystem to still, with a high degree of confidence, map
-the filename given in ->lookup() back to a particular directory entry
-that was previously listed by readdir().  See :c:type:`struct
-fscrypt_digested_name` in the source for more details.
-Note that the precise way that filenames are presented to userspace
-without the key is subject to change in the future.  It is only meant
-as a way to temporarily present valid filenames so that commands like
-``rm -r`` work as expected on encrypted directories.
diff --git a/fs/crypto/fscrypt_private.h b/fs/crypto/fscrypt_private.h
index d608237..92a12ff 100644
--- a/fs/crypto/fscrypt_private.h
+++ b/fs/crypto/fscrypt_private.h
@@ -82,10 +82,6 @@
 	    filenames_mode == FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CTS)
 		return true;
-	if (contents_mode == FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SPECK128_256_XTS &&
-	    filenames_mode == FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SPECK128_256_CTS)
-		return true;
 	return false;
diff --git a/fs/crypto/keyinfo.c b/fs/crypto/keyinfo.c
index 70c0cca..7eadf7c 100644
--- a/fs/crypto/keyinfo.c
+++ b/fs/crypto/keyinfo.c
@@ -173,16 +173,6 @@
 		.cipher_str = "cts(cbc(aes))",
 		.keysize = 16,
-		.friendly_name = "Speck128/256-XTS",
-		.cipher_str = "xts(speck128)",
-		.keysize = 64,
-	},
-		.friendly_name = "Speck128/256-CTS-CBC",
-		.cipher_str = "cts(cbc(speck128))",
-		.keysize = 32,
-	},
 static struct fscrypt_mode *