blob: 8b2234e0c9fe95b537b36e4e427050b99fe489a7 [file] [log] [blame]
SMB1360 battery charger and fuel gauge
SMB1360 is a single path switch-mode battery charger and
fuel gauge. The charger has a max current rating of 1.5A.
The fuel gauge uses voltage + coulomb counting to report
the state of charge.
The smb1360 interface is via I2C bus.
Required Properties:
- compatible: Must be "qcom,smb1360-charger-fg"
- reg: The device 7-bit I2C address.
Optional Properties:
- interrupts This indicates the IRQ number of the GPIO
connected to the STAT pin.
- pinctrl-names: The state name of the pin configuration. Only
support: "default".
- pinctrl-0: The phandle of the pin configuration node in
pinctrl for smb_int_pin.
For details of pinctrl properties, please refer to:
- qcom,float-voltage-mv Float Voltage in mV - the maximum voltage up to which
the battery is charged. Supported range 3460V to 4360V
- qcom,charging-timeout Maximum duration in minutes that a single charge
cycle may last. Supported values are: 0, 192, 384,
768, and 1536. A value of 0 means that no
charge cycle timeout is used and charging can
continue indefinitely.
- qcom,charging-disabled Set this if charging should be disabled in the build
by default. Useful in usecases where battery current
needs to be profiled even when USB is present.
- qcom,recharge-thresh-mv Specifies the minimum voltage drop in millivolts
below the float voltage that is required in
order to initiate a new charging cycle.
Supported values are: 50, 100, 200 and 300mV.
- qcom,recharge-disabled Disabled the auto-recharge function
- qcom,iterm-ma Specifies the termination current to indicate end-of-charge.
Possible values in mA - 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200
- qcom,iterm-disabled Disables the termination current feature. This is a bool
- qcom,chg-inhibit-disabled Disables the charger-inhibit function.
- qcom,disable-ov-ends-chg-cycle
The boolean property to indicate if the ov-ends-charge-cycle
feature is disabled. If the feature is disabled, charging
could be resumed from battery OV (over voltage) status; otherwise,
charging cycle will be terminated after battery OV event and
won't be resumed until disable/enable charging.
- qcom,batt-id-disabled Disabled the batt-id function. Doing this will
disable the ability of RID based battery profile selection.
- qcom,fg-delta-soc The delta in SOC which will generate an interrupt
- qcom,fg-soc-max SOC value (max) at which an interrupt is generated.
This can be used to alert the system when the
battery reaches a specific (maximum) SOC value.
- qcom,fg-soc-min SOC value (min) at which an interrupt is generated.
This can be used to alert the system when the
battery reaches a specific (minimum) SOC value.
- qcom,fg-voltage-min-mv The minimum volatge at which an interrupt is generated.
This can be used as an alert mechanism.
- qcom,fg-voltage-empty-mv The voltage which indicates the battery is empty.
- qcom,thermal-mitigation: Array of input current limit values for different
system thermal mitigation level.
- qcom,stat-pulsed-irq: A boolean flag to indicate the state-irq pin will generate pulse
signal when interrupt happened. If this property is not specified,
the default configuration is static level irq.
- qcom,shdn-after-pwroff: A bool property to configure smb1360 for shutdown at power-off.
- qcom,empty-soc-disabled: A bool property to indicate whether stop updating empty_soc flag.
System reports 0% SOC when empty_soc being set.
- qcom,awake-min-soc A bool property to indicate whether the system is prevented from
sleeping when SOC is under the min_soc threshold.
- qcom,batt-profile-select A boolean flag to indicate of battery-profile
selection is enabled.
- qcom,profile-a-rid-kohm The battery-ID resistor (RID) in Kohm supported by
profile-A of SMB1360. This should be specified
if 'batt-profile-select' is defined.
- qcom,profile-b-rid-kohm The battery-ID resistor (RID) in Kohm supported by
profile-B of SMB1360. This should be specified
if 'batt-profile-select' is defined.
- qcom,batt-id-vref-uv The reference voltage on the battery-ID line
specified in micro-volts.
- qcom,batt-id-rpullup-kohm The pull-up resistor connected on the battery-ID
(vref) line.
- qcom,smb1360-vadc VADC device phandle (used for reading the RID)
- qcom,fg-batt-capacity-mah The new battery capacity to be supported.
This updates the ACTUAL and NOMINAL CAPACITY
of the profile.
- qcom,fg-cc-soc-coeff The CC_TO_SOC_COEFF of the new battery capacity.
This is updated only if 'fg-batt-capacity-mah'
is specified. This value is calculated from the
batt-capacity and then encoded as floating number.
cc_soc_coeff = HALF_ENCODING(8192 / batt-capacity)
- qcom,fg-cutoff-voltage-mv This is the minimum allowed system voltage. The
FG will report SOC = 0 at this volatge. This
value is in mv.
- qcom,fg-iterm-ma This is termination current at which the
Monotonic SOC reports 100. The value passed here
is negated in the driver (assuming that the iterm
is always -ve). This value is in mA.
- qcom,fg-ibatt-standby-ma This is the minimum current value for the SOC to
be above 0% at the cutoff voltage. This value
is in mA.
- qcom,fg-cc-to-cv-mv This is the voltage at which the FG transitions
from CC to CV. This value should never be
higher than the float volatge. Its in mV.
- qcom,thermistor-c1-coeff This is the NTC thermistor C1 coeff for the
thermistor inside the battery. This value is
16-bit float encoded value determined from the
NTC-c1_coeff mapping.
- qcom,otg-batt-curr-limit This property defines the current threshold draw
from battery when device working at OTG mode.
The possible values are: 350, 550, 950, 1500mA.
- qcom,fg-auto-recharge-soc This property defines the auto recharging SOC threshold.
- qcom,min-icl-100ma A bool property to set the minimum ICL current
to 100mA. If this property is not set the minimum
ICL is set to 500mA in all the scenarios.
- qcom,config-hard-thresholds This property indicates if cold and hot thresholds need be modified.
If it's not defined, default temp thresholds will be used. If this
defined, it's required to specify the "qcom,hot-bat-decidegc" and
"qcom,cold-bat-decidegc" values. If this defined, the serial properties
(qcom,otp-hard-jeita-config, qcom,otp-hot-bat-decidegc,
qcom,otp-cold-bat-decidegc) mustn't be defined.
- qcom,hot-bat-decidegc Hot battery temperature in decidegC. This property should only be
defined when "qcom,config-hard-thresholds" defined, and the value
must be out of range [0, 55].
- qcom,cold-bat-decidegc Cold battery temperature in decidegC. This property should only be
defined when "qcom,config-hard-thresholds" defined, and the value
must be out of range [0, 55].
- qcom,otp-hard-jeita-config This property indicates if cold and hot thresholds need be modified.
If it's not defined, default temp thresholds [0, 55] will be used.
If this defined, it's required to specify the "qcom,otp-hot-bat-decidegc"
and "qcom,otp-cold-bat-decidegc" values. If this is defined, the serial
properties (qcom,config-hard-thresholds, qcom,hot-bat-decidegc,
qcom,cold-bat-decidegc) mustn't be defined.
- qcom,otp-hot-bat-decidegc Hot battery temperature in decidegC. This property could only be
defined when qcom,config-otp-hard-jeita exist.
- qcom,otp-cold-bat-decidegc Cold battery temperature in decidegC. This property could only be
defined when qcom,config-otp-hard-jeita exist.
- qcom,otp-hard-jeita-hysteresis This property contains two intergers to define the temperature
hysteresis (in decidegC unit) for hard cold and hard hot.
This property could only be defined when qcom,config-otp-hard-jeita exist.
- qcom,soft-jeita-supported This property indicates whether soft jeita supported.
- qcom,warm-bat-decidegc Warm battery temperature in decidegC. After hitting this threshold,
"qcom,warm-bat-ma" defines maximum charging current and
"qcom,warm-bat-mv" defines maximum target voltage.
This property must be in range [0, 55] if needed.
- qcom,cool-bat-decidegc Cool battery temperature in decidegC. After hitting this threshold,
"qcom,cool-bat-ma" defines maximum charging current and
"qcom,cool-bat-mv" defines maximum target voltage.
This property must be in range [0, 55] if needed.
- qcom,warm-bat-mv Maximum warm battery target voltage in milli-volts.
- qcom,cool-bat-mv Maximum cool battery target voltage in milli-volts.
- qcom,warm-bat-ma Maximum warm battery charge current in milli-amps.
- qcom,cool-bat-ma Maximum cool battery charge current in milli-amps.
- qcom,fg-reset-at-pon This is a bool property which indicates if the
FG reset at power-on is enabled.
- qcom,fg-reset-thresold-mv This value indicates the volatge threshold to
reset the FG. This value is compared against
the difference between in predicted voltage and
current voltage. If this value is not specified
a default value of 50mV is used. Unit is in milli-volts.
- qcom,rsense-10mhom A bool property to indicate the Rsense resistor
configuration. If set, the Rsense is 10mOhm else
its 20mOhm.
- qcom,otg-fet-present A bool property to indicate that a pMOS FET is present
to boost the OTG current. On enabling this the max OTG
current supported is 3x(qcom,otg-batt-curr-limit).
- qcom,otg-fet-enable-gpio GPIO for enabling and disabling OTG FET.
Following should be the PMIC gpio configuration:
qcom,mode = <1>; //Digital output
qcom,pull = <0>; //Pull up configuration
qcom,vin-sel = <0>; //Voltage level: VPH_PWR
qcom,src-sel = <0>; //Pin function: GPIO
qcom,master-en = <1>; //Enable
Please go through the documentation for PMIC gpio
configuration details:
- qcom,parallel-charging-enabled: A bool property which enables SMB1360 to
operate in the parallel mode. SMB1360 acts
as the primary charger.
- qcom,max-parallel-current-ma: This is the max charging current which can be
drawn from the secondary charger. If this is
not specified this value defaults to 540mA.
The overall current charging current is
1500mA(from SMB) + qcom,max-parallel-current-ma.
i2c@f9967000 {
smb1360-chg-fg@1b {
compatible = "qcom,smb1360-chg-fg";
reg = <0x1b>;
interrupt-parent = <&spmi_bus>;
interrupts = <0x00 0xcd 0>;
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = <&smb_int_default>;
/* battery-profile selection properties */
qcom,smb1360-vadc = <&pm8916_vadc>;
qcom,batt-id-vref-uv = <1800000>;
qcom,batt-id-rpullup-kohm = <100>;
qcom,profile-a-rid-kohm = <78>;
qcom,profile-b-rid-kohm = <200>;
/* battery capacity */
qcom,fg-batt-capacity-mah = <4000>;
qcom,fg-cc-soc-coeff = <0x8009>;
qcom,fg-cutoff-voltage-mv = <3300>;
qcom,fg-iterm-ma = <100>;
qcom,fg-ibatt-standby-ma = <200>;
qcom,fg-cc-to-cv-mv = <4180>;
qcom,thermistor-c1-coeff = <0x86DB>;
qcom,float-voltage-mv = <4200>;
qcom,iterm-ma = <100>;
qcom,recharge-thresh-mv = <100>;
qcom,fg-soc-max = <85>;
qcom,fg-soc-min = <15>;
qcom,fg-auto-recharge-soc = <99>;
qcom,thermal-mitigation = <1500 700 300 0>;
qcom,hot-bat-decidegc = <650>;
qcom,cold-bat-decidegc = <(-100)>;
qcom,warm-bat-decidegc = <450>;
qcom,cool-bat-decidegc = <100>;
qcom,otp-hot-bat-decidegc = <550>;
qcom,otp-cold-bat-decidegc = <0>;
qcom,otp-hard-jeita-hysteresis = <0, 50>;
qcom,warm-bat-mv = <4100>;
qcom,cool-bat-mv = <4100>;
qcom,warm-bat-ma = <750>;
qcom,cool-bat-ma = <750>;
qcom,otg-batt-curr-limit = <950>;
qcom,otg-fet-enable-gpio = <&pm8916_gpios 3 0>;