blob: 6d9aa81b00f34890040ac9d8575095e93cd8e454 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015, 2017, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
* only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#include <linux/seemp_param_id.h>
#include "seemp_logk.h"
#include "seemp_event_encoder.h"
static char *scan_id(char *s);
static void encode_seemp_section(char *section_start, char *section_eq,
char *section_end, bool param, bool numeric,
int id, __s32 numeric_value);
static void check_param_range(char *section_eq, bool param,
bool *numeric, int val_len, __s32 *numeric_value)
long long_value = 0;
if (param && *numeric) {
/*check if 2 bytes & in[-99999,999999]*/
*numeric = (val_len >= 2) && (val_len <= 6);
if (*numeric) {
if (kstrtol(section_eq + 1, 10, &long_value)
!= 0) {
*numeric = false;
} else {
*numeric_value = (__s32)long_value;
/* We are checking whether the value
* lies within 16bits
*numeric = (long_value >= -32768) &&
(long_value <= 32767);
void encode_seemp_params(struct seemp_logk_blk *blk)
struct seemp_logk_blk tmp;
char *s = 0;
char *msg_section_start = 0;
char *msg_section_eq = 0;
char *msg_s = 0;
memcpy(tmp.payload.msg, blk->payload.msg, BLK_MAX_MSG_SZ);
s = tmp.payload.msg + 1;
tmp.payload.msg[BLK_MAX_MSG_SZ - 1] = 0; /* zero-terminate */
while (true) {
char *section_start = s;
char *section_eq = scan_id(s);
bool param = (section_eq - section_start >= 2) &&
(*section_eq == '=') && (section_eq[1] != ' ');
bool numeric = false;
int id = -1;
__s32 numeric_value = 0;
int id_len;
int val_len;
char ch;
if (param) {
id = param_id_index(section_start, section_eq);
if (id < 0)
param = false;
if (!param) {
s = section_eq;
while ((*s != 0) && (*s != ','))
} else {
s = section_eq + 1; /* equal sign */
numeric = (*s == '-') || ((*s >= '0') && (*s <= '9'));
if (numeric)
s++; /* first char of number */
while ((*s != 0) && (*s != ',')) {
if (*s == '=')
param = false;
else if (!((*s >= '0') && (*s <= '9')))
numeric = false;
if (param) {
id_len = section_eq - section_start;
val_len = s - (section_eq + 1);
param = (id_len >= 2) && (id_len <= 31)
&& (val_len <= 31);
ch = *s;
*s = 0;
check_param_range(section_eq, param,
&numeric, val_len, &numeric_value);
*s = ch;
msg_section_start = blk->payload.msg + (section_start -
msg_section_eq = blk->payload.msg + (section_eq -
msg_s = blk->payload.msg + (s - tmp.payload.msg);
encode_seemp_section(msg_section_start, msg_section_eq,
msg_s, param, numeric, id, numeric_value);
if (*s == 0)
blk->len = s - blk->payload.msg;
static char *scan_id(char *s)
while ((*s == '_') ||
((*s >= 'A') && (*s <= 'Z')) ||
((*s >= 'a') && (*s <= 'z'))) {
return s;
static void encode_seemp_section(char *section_start, char *section_eq,
char *section_end, bool param, bool numeric,
int id, __s32 numeric_value) {
param = param && (section_eq + 1 < section_end);
if (!param) {
/* Encode skip section */
int skip_len = section_end - section_start;
char skip_len_hi = skip_len & 0xE0;
char skip_len_lo = skip_len & 0x1F;
if (skip_len < 32) {
section_start[-1] = 0xC0 | skip_len_lo;
/* [1:1:0:0 0000] */
} else {
section_start[-1] = 0xE0 | skip_len_lo;
/* [1:1:1:0 0000] */
if (skip_len_hi & 0x20)
section_start[0] |= 0x80;
if (skip_len_hi & 0x40)
section_start[1] |= 0x80;
if (skip_len_hi & 0x80)
section_start[2] |= 0x80;
} else {
/* Encode ID=VALUE section */
char id_len = section_eq - section_start;
char value_len = section_end - (section_eq + 1);
section_start[-1] = 0x00 | id_len;
*(__s16 *)section_start = id;
section_eq[0] = (!numeric ? 0x80 : 0x00) | value_len;
if (numeric)
*(__s16 *)(section_eq + 1) = numeric_value;