blob: b7ae62ba965d6e80fb017a8b45ee470eb048a9e5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014-2015, 2020, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
* only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "pm8909-rpm-regulator.dtsi"
#include "msm-pm8909.dtsi"
#include "msm8909-regulator.dtsi"
/ {
qcom,pmic-id = <0x1000D 0x0 0x0 0x0>;
&pm8909_vadc {
chan@0 {
label = "usb_in";
reg = <0>;
qcom,decimation = <0>;
qcom,pre-div-channel-scaling = <7>;
qcom,calibration-type = "absolute";
qcom,scale-function = <0>;
qcom,hw-settle-time = <0>;
qcom,fast-avg-setup = <0>;
chan@2 {
label = "ireg_fb";
reg = <2>;
qcom,decimation = <0>;
qcom,pre-div-channel-scaling = <6>;
qcom,calibration-type = "absolute";
qcom,scale-function = <0>;
qcom,hw-settle-time = <0>;
qcom,fast-avg-setup = <0>;
chan@5 {
label = "vcoin";
reg = <5>;
qcom,decimation = <0>;
qcom,pre-div-channel-scaling = <1>;
qcom,calibration-type = "absolute";
qcom,scale-function = <0>;
qcom,hw-settle-time = <0>;
qcom,fast-avg-setup = <0>;
chan@6 {
label = "vbat_sns";
reg = <6>;
qcom,decimation = <0>;
qcom,pre-div-channel-scaling = <1>;
qcom,calibration-type = "absolute";
qcom,scale-function = <0>;
qcom,hw-settle-time = <0>;
qcom,fast-avg-setup = <0>;
chan@7 {
label = "vph_pwr";
reg = <7>;
qcom,decimation = <0>;
qcom,pre-div-channel-scaling = <1>;
qcom,calibration-type = "absolute";
qcom,scale-function = <0>;
qcom,hw-settle-time = <0>;
qcom,fast-avg-setup = <0>;
chan@b {
label = "chg_temp";
reg = <0xb>;
qcom,decimation = <0>;
qcom,pre-div-channel-scaling = <0>;
qcom,calibration-type = "absolute";
qcom,scale-function = <3>;
qcom,hw-settle-time = <0>;
qcom,fast-avg-setup = <0>;
chan@30 {
label = "batt_therm";
reg = <0x30>;
qcom,decimation = <0>;
qcom,pre-div-channel-scaling = <0>;
qcom,calibration-type = "ratiometric";
qcom,scale-function = <1>;
qcom,hw-settle-time = <2>;
qcom,fast-avg-setup = <0>;
chan@31 {
label = "batt_id";
reg = <0x31>;
qcom,decimation = <0>;
qcom,pre-div-channel-scaling = <0>;
qcom,calibration-type = "ratiometric";
qcom,scale-function = <0>;
qcom,hw-settle-time = <2>;
qcom,fast-avg-setup = <0>;
chan@36 {
label = "pa_therm0";
reg = <0x36>;
qcom,decimation = <0>;
qcom,pre-div-channel-scaling = <0>;
qcom,calibration-type = "ratiometric";
qcom,scale-function = <2>;
qcom,hw-settle-time = <2>;
qcom,fast-avg-setup = <0>;
/* qcom,vadc-thermal-node; */
chan@32 {
label = "xo_therm";
reg = <0x32>;
qcom,decimation = <0>;
qcom,pre-div-channel-scaling = <0>;
qcom,calibration-type = "ratiometric";
qcom,scale-function = <4>;
qcom,hw-settle-time = <2>;
qcom,fast-avg-setup = <0>;
/* qcom,vadc-thermal-node; */
chan@3c {
label = "xo_therm_buf";
reg = <0x3c>;
qcom,decimation = <0>;
qcom,pre-div-channel-scaling = <0>;
qcom,calibration-type = "ratiometric";
qcom,scale-function = <4>;
qcom,hw-settle-time = <2>;
qcom,fast-avg-setup = <0>;
/* qcom,vadc-thermal-node; */
&pm8909_adc_tm {
/* Channel Node */
chan@30 {
label = "batt_therm";
reg = <0x30>;
qcom,decimation = <0>;
qcom,pre-div-channel-scaling = <0>;
qcom,calibration-type = "ratiometric";
qcom,scale-function = <1>;
qcom,hw-settle-time = <2>;
qcom,fast-avg-setup = <3>;
qcom,btm-channel-number = <0x48>;
chan@6 {
label = "vbat_sns";
reg = <0x6>;
qcom,decimation = <0>;
qcom,pre-div-channel-scaling = <1>;
qcom,calibration-type = "absolute";
qcom,scale-function = <0>;
qcom,hw-settle-time = <0>;
qcom,fast-avg-setup = <3>;
qcom,btm-channel-number = <0x68>;
#include "msm8909-pm8909-pm.dtsi"