blob: 1e44686b6943ca5cd916152f65b64c31a466025d [file] [log] [blame]
QTI's QPNP PMIC Fuel Gauge Device
QPNP PMIC FG provides interface to clients to read properties related
to the battery. Its main function is to retrieve the State of Charge (SOC),
a 0-100 percentage representing the amount of charge left in the battery.
There are two required peripherals in the FG driver, both implemented as
subnodes in the example. These peripherals must not be disabled if the FG
device is to enabled:
- qcom,fg-soc : The main FG device. Supports battery fuel gauge controls and
- qcom,fg-batt : The FG battery device supports interrupts and controls with
respect to the state of the connected battery.For example: the
peripheral informs the driver if the battery has been identified
by the fuel gauge based on a given battery resistance range.
Optionally ADC nodes can be added
- qcom,revid-tp-rev: A subnode with a register address for the TP_REV register
in the REVID peripheral. This is used to apply workarounds that
may depend on the trim program.
- qcom,fg-adc-vbat : A subnode with a register address for the FG_ADC_USR
peripheral which is used mainly for battery current limiting (BCL).
This node maps out the VBAT reading register which allows to have
a +/- 32 mV accurate reading of VBAT.
- qcom,fg-adc-ibat : A subnode with a register address for the FG_ADC_USR
peripheral which is used mainly for battery current limiting (BCL).
This node maps out the IBAT current reading register which allows
to have a +/- 32 mA accurate reading of IBAT.
Parent node required properties:
- compatible : should be "qcom,qpnp-fg" for the FG driver.
- qcom,pmic-revid : Should specify the phandle of PMIC
revid module. This is used to identify
the PMIC subtype.
Parent node optional properties:
- qcom,warm-bat-decidegc: Warm battery temperature in decidegC.
- qcom,cool-bat-decidegc: Cool battery temperature in decidegC.
- qcom,hot-bat-decidegc: Hot battery temperature in decidegC.
- qcom,cold-bat-decidegc: Cold battery temperature in decidegC.
- qcom,cold-hot-jeita-hysteresis: A tuple of 2. Index[0] is cold
hysteresis and index[1] is hot
hysterisis(in decidegC).
- qcom,ext-sense-type: Current sense channel used by the FG.
Set this to use external rsense.
- qcom,thermal-coefficients: Byte array of thermal coefficients for
reading battery thermistor. This should
be exactly 6 bytes in length.
Example: [01 02 03 04 05 06]
- qcom,resume-soc: soc to resume charging in percentage.
- qcom,resume-soc-raw: soc to resume charging in the scale of
[0-255]. This overrides qcom,resume-soc
if defined.
- qcom,hold-soc-while-full: A boolean property that when defined
holds SOC at 100% when the battery is
- qcom,bcl-lm-threshold-ma: BCL LPM to MPM mode transition threshold
in milliAmpere.
- qcom,bcl-mh-threshold-ma: BCL MPM to HPM mode transition threshold
in milliAmpere.
- qcom,use-otp-profile: Specify this flag to avoid RAM loading
any battery profile.
- qcom,sw-rbias-control: Boolean property which defines whether
the Rbias needs to be controlled by
software. If this is not set, it will
be controlled by hardware (default).
- qcom,fg-iterm-ma: Battery current at which the fuel gauge
will try to scale 100% towards. When
the charge current goes above this, the
SoC should be at 100%.
- qcom,fg-chg-iterm-ma: Battery current at which the fuel gauge
will issue end of charge if the charger
is configured to use the fuel gauge
ADCs for end of charge detection. This
property is in milliamps and should be
positive (e.g. 100mA to terminate at
- qcom,irq-volt-empty-mv: The voltage threshold that the empty
soc interrupt will be triggered. When
the empty soc interrupt fires, battery
soc will be pulled to 0 and the
userspace will be notified via the
power supply framework. The userspace
will read 0% soc and immediately
- qcom,fg-cutoff-voltage-mv: The voltage where the fuel gauge will
steer the SOC to be zero. For example,
if the cutoff voltage is set to 3400mv,
the fuel gauge will try to count SoC so
that the battery SoC will be 0 when it
is 3400mV.
- qcom,fg-vbat-estimate-diff-mv: If the estimated voltage based on SoC
and battery current/resistance differs
from the actual voltage by more than
this amount, the fuel gauge will
redo the first SoC estimate when the
driver probes.
- qcom,fg-delta-soc: How many percent the monotonic SoC must
change before a new delta_soc interrupt
is asserted. If this value is raised
above 3-4, some period workarounds may
not function well, so it's best to
leave this at 1 or 2%.
- qcom,fg-vbatt-low-threshold: Voltage (in mV) which upon set will be
used for configuring the low battery
voltage threshold. Interrupt will be
asserted and handled based upon
this. If this property is not specified,
low battery voltage threshold will be
configured to 4200 mV.
- qcom,fg-rconn-mohm: Battery connector resistance (Rconn) in
milliohms. If Rconn is specified, then
Rslow values will be updated to account
it for an accurate ESR.
- qcom,cycle-counter-en: Boolean property which enables the cycle
counter feature. If this property is
present, then the following properties
to specify low and high soc thresholds
should be defined.
- qcom,capacity-learning-on: A boolean property to have the fuel
gauge driver attempt to learn the
battery capacity when charging. Takes
precedence over capacity-estimation-on.
- qcom,capacity-learning-feedback: A boolean property to have the fuel
gauge driver to feedback the learned
capacity into the capacity learning
algorithm. This has to be used only if
the property "qcom,capacity-learning-on"
is specified.
- qcom,cl-max-increment-deciperc: The maximum percent that the capacity
can rise as the result of a single
charge cycle. This property corresponds
to .1% increments.
- qcom,cl-max-decrement-deciperc: The maximum percent that the capacity
can fall as the result of a single
charge cycle. This property corresponds
to .1% decrements.
- qcom,cl-max-temp-decidegc: Above this temperature, capacity
learning will be canceled.
- qcom,cl-mix-temp-decidegc: Below this temperature, capacity
learning will be canceled.
- qcom,cl-max-start-soc: The battery soc has to be below this
value at the start of a charge cycle
for capacity learning to be run.
- qcom,cl-vbat-est-thr-uv: The maximum difference between the
battery voltage shadow and the current
predicted voltage in uV to initiate
capacity learning.
- qcom,cl-max-limit-deciperc: The maximum percent that the capacity
cannot go above during any capacity
learning cycle. This property is in the
unit of .1% increments.
- qcom,cl-min-limit-deciperc: The minimum percent that the capacity
cannot go below during any capacity
learning cycle. This property is in the
unit of .1% increments.
- qcom,capacity-estimation-on: A boolean property to have the fuel
gauge driver attempt to estimate the
battery capacity using battery
- qcom,aging-eval-current-ma: Current used to evaluate battery aging.
This value should be around the steady
state current drawn from the battery
when the phone is low on battery.
- qcom,fg-cc-cv-threshold-mv: Voltage threshold in mV for configuring
constant charge (CC) to constant
voltage (CV) setpoint in FG upon
which the battery EOC status will
be determined. This value should be
10 mV less than the float voltage
configured in the charger.
This property should only be specified
if "qcom,autoadjust-vfloat" property is
specified in the charger driver to
ensure a proper operation.
- qcom,bad-battery-detection-enable: A boolean property to enable the fuel
gauge driver to detect the damaged battery
when the safety-timer expires by using the
coulomb count.
- qcom,fg-therm-delay-us: The time in microseconds to delay battery
thermistor biasing.
- qcom,esr-pulse-tuning-en: A boolean property to enable ESR pulse
tuning feature. If this is enabled,
ESR pulse extraction will be disabled
when state of charge (SOC) is less than
2%. It will be enabled back when SOC
gets above 2%. In addition, for SOC
between 2% and 5%, ESR pulse timing
settings will be different from default.
Once SOC crosses 5%, ESR pulse timings
will be restored back to default.
- qcom,fg-control-slope-limiter: A boolean property to specify if SOC
slope limiter coefficients needs to
be modified based on charging status
and battery temperature threshold.
- qcom,fg-slope-limit-temp-threshold: Temperature threshold in decidegC used
for applying the slope coefficient based
on charging status and battery
temperature. If this property is not
specified, a default value of 100 (10C)
will be applied by default.
- qcom,fg-slope-limit-low-temp-chg: When the temperature goes below the
specified temperature threshold and
battery is charging, slope coefficient
specified with this property will be
applied. If this property is not
specified, a default value of 45 will be
- qcom,fg-slope-limit-low-temp-dischg: Same as "qcom,fg-slope-limit-low-temp-chg"
except this is when the battery is
- qcom,fg-slope-limit-high-temp-chg: When the temperature goes above the
specified temperature threshold and
battery is charging, slope coefficient
specified with this property will be
applied. If this property is not
specified, a default value of 2 will be
- qcom,fg-slope-limit-high-temp-dischg: Same as "qcom,fg-slope-limit-high-temp-chg"
except this is when the battery is
- qcom,fg-dischg-voltage-gain-ctrl: A boolean property to specify if the
voltage gain needs to be modified
during discharging based on monotonic
- qcom,fg-dischg-voltage-gain-soc: Array of monotonic SOC threshold values
to change the voltage gain settings
during discharge. This should be defined
in the ascending order and in the range
of 0-100. Array limit is set to 3.
If qcom,fg-dischg-voltage-gain-ctrl is
set, then this property should be
specified to apply the gain settings.
- qcom,fg-dischg-med-voltage-gain: Array of voltage gain values that needs
to be applied to medC voltage gain when
the monotonic SOC goes below the SOC
threshold specified under
qcom,fg-dischg-voltage-gain-soc. Array
limit is set to 3.
If qcom,fg-dischg-voltage-gain-ctrl is
set, then this property should be
specified to apply the gain setting.
- qcom,fg-dischg-high-voltage-gain: Array of voltage gain values that needs
to be applied to highC voltage gain when
the monotonic SOC goes below the SOC
threshold specified under
qcom,fg-dischg-voltage-gain-soc. Array
limit is set to 3.
If qcom,fg-dischg-voltage-gain-ctrl is
set, then this property should be
specified to apply the gain setting.
- qcom,fg-use-vbat-low-empty-soc: A boolean property to specify whether
vbatt-low interrupt is used to handle
empty battery condition. If this is
not specified, empty battery condition
is detected by empty-soc interrupt.
- qcom,fg-batt-temp-low-limit: Battery temperature (in decidegC) low
limit which will be used to validate
the battery temperature reading from FG.
If the battery temperature goes below
this limit, last read good temperature
will be notified to userspace. If this
limit is not specified, then the
default limit would be -60C.
- qcom,fg-batt-temp-high-limit: Battery temperature (in decidegC) high
limit which will be used to validate
the battery temperature reading from FG.
If the battery temperature goes above
this limit, last read good temperature
will be notified to userspace. If this
limit is not specified, then the
default limit would be 150C.
- qcom,fg-cc-soc-limit-pct: Percentage of CC_SOC before resetting
FG and restore the full CC_SOC value.
- qcom,fg-restore-batt-info: A boolean property to specify whether
battery parameters needs to be
restored. If this feature is enabled,
then validating the battery parameters
by OCV/battery SOC, validation range
in percentage should be specified via
appropriate module parameters to make
it work properly.
qcom,fg-soc node required properties:
- reg : offset and length of the PMIC peripheral register map.
- interrupts : the interrupt mappings.
The format should be
<slave-id peripheral-id interrupt-number>.
- interrupt-names : names for the mapped fg soc interrupts
The following interrupts are required:
0: high-soc
1: low-soc
2: full-soc
3: empty-soc
4: delta-soc
5: first-est-done
6: sw-fallbk-ocv
7: sw-fallbk-new-batt
qcom,fg-memif node required properties:
- reg : offset and length of the PMIC peripheral register map.
- interrupts : the interrupt mappings.
The format should be
<slave-id peripheral-id interrupt-number>.
- interrupt-names : names for the mapped fg adc interrupts
The following interrupts are required:
0: mem-avail
pmi8994_fg: qcom,fg {
compatible = "qcom,qpnp-fg";
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>;
status = "disabled";
qcom,pmic-revid = <&pmi8994_revid>;
qcom,fg-soc@4000 {
reg = <0x4000 0x100>;
interrupts = <0x2 0x40 0x0>,
<0x2 0x40 0x1>,
<0x2 0x40 0x2>,
<0x2 0x40 0x3>,
<0x2 0x40 0x4>,
<0x2 0x40 0x5>,
<0x2 0x40 0x6>,
<0x2 0x40 0x7>;
interrupt-names = "high-soc",
qcom,fg-batt@4100 {
reg = <0x4100 0x100>;
interrupts = <0x2 0x41 0x0>,
<0x2 0x41 0x1>,
<0x2 0x41 0x2>,
<0x2 0x41 0x3>,
<0x2 0x41 0x4>,
<0x2 0x41 0x5>,
<0x2 0x41 0x6>,
<0x2 0x41 0x7>;
interrupt-names = "soft-cold",
qcom,fg-adc-vbat@4254 {
reg = <0x4254 0x1>;
qcom,fg-adc-ibat@4255 {
reg = <0x4255 0x1>;
qcom,fg-memif@4400 {
reg = <0x4400 0x100>;
interrupts = <0x2 0x44 0x0>,
<0x2 0x44 0x1>;
interrupt-names = "mem-avail",
qcom,cold-hot-jeita-hysteresis = <30 50>;