blob: 50495a0dc7d2848d2a7dab897bd21bce4ece66a1 [file] [log] [blame]
* vl53l0x_def.h - Linux kernel modules for
* STM VL53L0 FlightSense TOF sensor
* Copyright (C) 2016 STMicroelectronics Imaging Division.
* Copyright (c) 2018, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* @file VL_def.h
* @brief Type definitions for VL53L0X API.
#ifndef _VL_DEF_H_
#define _VL_DEF_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** @defgroup VL_globaldefine_group VL53L0X Defines
* @brief VL53L0X Defines
* @{
/** PAL SPECIFICATION major version */
/** PAL SPECIFICATION minor version */
/** PAL SPECIFICATION sub version */
/** PAL SPECIFICATION sub version */
/** VL53L0X PAL IMPLEMENTATION major version */
/** VL53L0X PAL IMPLEMENTATION minor version */
/** VL53L0X PAL IMPLEMENTATION sub version */
/** VL53L0X PAL IMPLEMENTATION sub version */
/** PAL SPECIFICATION major version */
/** PAL SPECIFICATION minor version */
/** PAL SPECIFICATION sub version */
/** PAL SPECIFICATION sub version */
/** VL53L0X PAL IMPLEMENTATION major version */
/** VL53L0X PAL IMPLEMENTATION minor version */
/** VL53L0X PAL IMPLEMENTATION sub version */
/** VL53L0X PAL IMPLEMENTATION sub version */
#define VL_DEFAULT_MAX_LOOP 2000
#include "vl53l0x_device.h"
#include "vl53l0x_types.h"
* PRIVATE define do not edit
/** @brief Defines the parameters of the Get Version Functions
struct VL_Version_t {
uint32_t revision; /*!< revision number */
uint8_t major; /*!< major number */
uint8_t minor; /*!< minor number */
uint8_t build; /*!< build number */
/** @brief Defines the parameters of the Get Device Info Functions
struct VL_DeviceInfo_t {
/*!< Name of the Device e.g. Left_Distance */
/*!< Type of the Device e.g VL53L0X */
/*!< Product Identifier String */
uint8_t ProductType;
/*!< Product Type, VL53L0X = 1, VL53L1 = 2 */
uint8_t ProductRevisionMajor;
/*!< Product revision major */
uint8_t ProductRevisionMinor;
/*!< Product revision minor */
/** @defgroup VL_define_Error_group Error and Warning code returned by API
* The following DEFINE are used to identify the PAL ERROR
* @{
#define VL_ERROR_NONE ((int8_t) 0)
#define VL_ERROR_CALIBRATION_WARNING ((int8_t) -1)
/*!< Warning invalid calibration data may be in used*/
/*\a VL_InitData()*/
/*\a VL_GetOffsetCalibrationData*/
/*\a VL_SetOffsetCalibrationData */
#define VL_ERROR_MIN_CLIPPED ((int8_t) -2)
/*!< Warning parameter passed was clipped to min before to be applied */
#define VL_ERROR_UNDEFINED ((int8_t) -3)
/*!< Unqualified error */
#define VL_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS ((int8_t) -4)
/*!< Parameter passed is invalid or out of range */
#define VL_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED ((int8_t) -5)
/*!< Function is not supported in current mode or configuration */
#define VL_ERROR_RANGE_ERROR ((int8_t) -6)
/*!< Device report a ranging error interrupt status */
#define VL_ERROR_TIME_OUT ((int8_t) -7)
/*!< Aborted due to time out */
#define VL_ERROR_MODE_NOT_SUPPORTED ((int8_t) -8)
/*!< Asked mode is not supported by the device */
#define VL_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ((int8_t) -9)
/*!< ... */
#define VL_ERROR_GPIO_NOT_EXISTING ((int8_t) -10)
/*!< User tried to setup a non-existing GPIO pin */
/*!< unsupported GPIO functionality */
#define VL_ERROR_INTERRUPT_NOT_CLEARED ((int8_t) -12)
/*!< Error during interrupt clear */
#define VL_ERROR_CONTROL_INTERFACE ((int8_t) -20)
/*!< error reported from IO functions */
#define VL_ERROR_INVALID_COMMAND ((int8_t) -30)
/*!< The command is not allowed in the current device state*/
/* * (power down) */
#define VL_ERROR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO ((int8_t) -40)
/*!< In the function a division by zero occurs */
#define VL_ERROR_REF_SPAD_INIT ((int8_t) -50)
/*!< Error during reference SPAD initialization */
#define VL_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED ((int8_t) -99)
/*!< Tells requested functionality has not been implemented yet or*/
/* * not compatible with the device */
/** @} VL_define_Error_group */
/** @defgroup VL_define_DeviceModes_group Defines Device modes
* Defines all possible modes for the device
* @{
#define VL_DEVICEMODE_SINGLE_RANGING ((uint8_t) 0)
#define VL_DEVICEMODE_SINGLE_ALS ((uint8_t) 10)
#define VL_DEVICEMODE_GPIO_DRIVE ((uint8_t) 20)
#define VL_DEVICEMODE_GPIO_OSC ((uint8_t) 21)
/* ... Modes to be added depending on device */
/** @} VL_define_DeviceModes_group */
/** @defgroup VL_define_HistogramModes_group Defines Histogram modes
* Defines all possible Histogram modes for the device
* @{
#define VL_HISTOGRAMMODE_DISABLED ((uint8_t) 0)
/*!< Histogram Disabled */
/*!< Histogram Reference array only */
#define VL_HISTOGRAMMODE_RETURN_ONLY ((uint8_t) 2)
/*!< Histogram Return array only */
#define VL_HISTOGRAMMODE_BOTH ((uint8_t) 3)
/*!< Histogram both Reference and Return Arrays */
/* ... Modes to be added depending on device */
/** @} VL_define_HistogramModes_group */
/** @defgroup VL_define_PowerModes_group List of available Power Modes
* List of available Power Modes
* @{
#define VL_POWERMODE_STANDBY_LEVEL1 ((uint8_t) 0)
/*!< Standby level 1 */
#define VL_POWERMODE_STANDBY_LEVEL2 ((uint8_t) 1)
/*!< Standby level 2 */
#define VL_POWERMODE_IDLE_LEVEL1 ((uint8_t) 2)
/*!< Idle level 1 */
#define VL_POWERMODE_IDLE_LEVEL2 ((uint8_t) 3)
/*!< Idle level 2 */
/** @} VL_define_PowerModes_group */
/** @brief Defines all parameters for the device
struct VL_DeviceParameters_t {
uint8_t DeviceMode;
/*!< Defines type of measurement to be done for the next measure */
uint8_t HistogramMode;
/*!< Defines type of histogram measurement to be done for the next*/
/* * measure */
uint32_t MeasurementTimingBudgetMicroSeconds;
/*!< Defines the allowed total time for a single measurement */
uint32_t InterMeasurementPeriodMilliSeconds;
/*!< Defines time between two consecutive measurements (between two*/
/* * measurement starts). If set to 0 means back-to-back mode */
uint8_t XTalkCompensationEnable;
/*!< Tells if Crosstalk compensation shall be enable or not */
uint16_t XTalkCompensationRangeMilliMeter;
/*!< CrossTalk compensation range in millimeter */
unsigned int XTalkCompensationRateMegaCps;
/*!< CrossTalk compensation rate in Mega counts per seconds.*/
/* * Expressed in 16.16 fixed point format. */
int32_t RangeOffsetMicroMeters;
/*!< Range offset adjustment (mm). */
/*!< This Array store all the Limit Check enable for this device. */
/*!< This Array store all the Status of the check linked to last*/
/** measurement. */
unsigned int LimitChecksValue[VL_CHECKENABLE_NUMBER_OF_CHECKS];
/*!< This Array store all the Limit Check value for this device */
uint8_t WrapAroundCheckEnable;
/*!< Tells if Wrap Around Check shall be enable or not */
/** @defgroup VL_define_State_group Defines the current status
* of the device Defines the current status of the device
* @{
#define VL_STATE_POWERDOWN ((uint8_t) 0)
/*!< Device is in HW reset */
#define VL_STATE_WAIT_STATICINIT ((uint8_t) 1)
/*!< Device is initialized and wait for static initialization */
#define VL_STATE_STANDBY ((uint8_t) 2)
/*!< Device is in Low power Standby mode */
#define VL_STATE_IDLE ((uint8_t) 3)
/*!< Device has been initialized and ready to do measurements */
#define VL_STATE_RUNNING ((uint8_t) 4)
/*!< Device is performing measurement */
#define VL_STATE_UNKNOWN ((uint8_t) 98)
/*!< Device is in unknown state and need to be rebooted */
#define VL_STATE_ERROR ((uint8_t) 99)
/*!< Device is in error state and need to be rebooted */
/** @} VL_define_State_group */
/** @brief Structure containing the Dmax computation parameters and data
struct VL_DMaxData_t {
int32_t AmbTuningWindowFactor_K;
/*!< internal algo tuning (*1000) */
int32_t RetSignalAt0mm;
/*!< intermediate dmax computation value caching */
* @struct VL_RangeData_t
* @brief Range measurement data.
struct VL_RangingMeasurementData_t {
uint32_t TimeStamp; /*!< 32-bit time stamp. */
uint32_t MeasurementTimeUsec;
/*!< Give the Measurement time needed by the device to do the */
/** measurement.*/
uint16_t RangeMilliMeter; /*!< range distance in millimeter. */
uint16_t RangeDMaxMilliMeter;
/*!< Tells what is the maximum detection distance of */
/* the device */
/* * in current setup and environment conditions (Filled when */
/* * applicable) */
unsigned int SignalRateRtnMegaCps;
/*!< Return signal rate (MCPS)\n these is a 16.16 fix point */
/* * value, which is effectively a measure of target */
/* * reflectance.*/
unsigned int AmbientRateRtnMegaCps;
/*!< Return ambient rate (MCPS)\n these is a 16.16 fix point */
/* * value, which is effectively a measure of the ambien */
/* * t light.*/
uint16_t EffectiveSpadRtnCount;
/*!< Return the effective SPAD count for the return signal. */
/* * To obtain Real value it should be divided by 256 */
uint8_t ZoneId;
/*!< Denotes which zone and range scheduler stage the range */
/* * data relates to. */
uint8_t RangeFractionalPart;
/*!< Fractional part of range distance. Final value is a */
/* * FixPoint168 value. */
uint8_t RangeStatus;
/*!< Range Status for the current measurement. This is device */
/* * dependent. Value = 0 means value is valid. */
/* * See \ref RangeStatusPage */
* @struct VL_HistogramData_t
* @brief Histogram measurement data.
struct VL_HistogramMeasurementData_t {
/* Histogram Measurement data */
uint32_t HistogramData[VL_HISTOGRAM_BUFFER_SIZE];
/*!< Histogram data */
uint8_t HistogramType; /*!< Indicate the types of histogram data : */
/*Return only, Reference only, both Return and Reference */
uint8_t FirstBin; /*!< First Bin value */
uint8_t BufferSize; /*!< Buffer Size - Set by the user.*/
uint8_t NumberOfBins;
/*!< Number of bins filled by the histogram measurement */
uint8_t ErrorStatus;
/*!< Error status of the current measurement. \n */
/* see @a ::uint8_t @a VL_GetStatusErrorString() */
* @struct VL_SpadData_t
* @brief Spad Configuration Data.
struct VL_SpadData_t {
uint8_t RefSpadEnables[VL_REF_SPAD_BUFFER_SIZE];
/*!< Reference Spad Enables */
uint8_t RefGoodSpadMap[VL_REF_SPAD_BUFFER_SIZE];
/*!< Reference Spad Good Spad Map */
struct VL_DeviceSpecificParameters_t {
unsigned int OscFrequencyMHz; /* Frequency used */
uint16_t LastEncodedTimeout;
/* last encoded Time out used for timing budget*/
uint8_t Pin0GpioFunctionality;
/* store the functionality of the GPIO: pin0 */
uint32_t FinalRangeTimeoutMicroSecs;
/*!< Execution time of the final range*/
uint8_t FinalRangeVcselPulsePeriod;
/*!< Vcsel pulse period (pll clocks) for the final range measurement*/
uint32_t PreRangeTimeoutMicroSecs;
/*!< Execution time of the final range*/
uint8_t PreRangeVcselPulsePeriod;
/*!< Vcsel pulse period (pll clocks) for the pre-range measurement*/
uint16_t SigmaEstRefArray;
/*!< Reference array sigma value in 1/100th of [mm] e.g. 100 = 1mm */
uint16_t SigmaEstEffPulseWidth;
/*!< Effective Pulse width for sigma estimate in 1/100th */
/* * of ns e.g. 900 = 9.0ns */
uint16_t SigmaEstEffAmbWidth;
/*!< Effective Ambient width for sigma estimate in 1/100th of ns */
/* * e.g. 500 = 5.0ns */
uint8_t ReadDataFromDeviceDone; /* Indicate if read from device has */
/*been done (==1) or not (==0) */
uint8_t ModuleId; /* Module ID */
uint8_t Revision; /* test Revision */
/* Product Identifier String */
uint8_t ReferenceSpadCount; /* used for ref spad management */
uint8_t ReferenceSpadType; /* used for ref spad management */
uint8_t RefSpadsInitialised; /* reports if ref spads are initialised. */
uint32_t PartUIDUpper; /*!< Unique Part ID Upper */
uint32_t PartUIDLower; /*!< Unique Part ID Lower */
unsigned int SignalRateMeasFixed400mm; /*!< Peek Signal rate at 400 mm*/
* @struct VL_DevData_t
* @brief VL53L0X PAL device ST private data structure \n
* End user should never access any of these field directly
* These must never access directly but only via macro
struct VL_DevData_t {
struct VL_DMaxData_t DMaxData;
/*!< Dmax Data */
int32_t Part2PartOffsetNVMMicroMeter;
/*!< backed up NVM value */
int32_t Part2PartOffsetAdjustmentNVMMicroMeter;
/*!< backed up NVM value representing additional offset adjustment */
struct VL_DeviceParameters_t CurrentParameters;
/*!< Current Device Parameter */
struct VL_RangingMeasurementData_t LastRangeMeasure;
/*!< Ranging Data */
struct VL_HistogramMeasurementData_t LastHistogramMeasure;
/*!< Histogram Data */
struct VL_DeviceSpecificParameters_t DeviceSpecificParameters;
/*!< Parameters specific to the device */
struct VL_SpadData_t SpadData;
/*!< Spad Data */
uint8_t SequenceConfig;
/*!< Internal value for the sequence config */
uint8_t RangeFractionalEnable;
/*!< Enable/Disable fractional part of ranging data */
uint8_t PalState;
/*!< Current state of the PAL for this device */
uint8_t PowerMode;
/*!< Current Power Mode */
uint16_t SigmaEstRefArray;
/*!< Reference array sigma value in 1/100th of [mm] e.g. 100 = 1mm */
uint16_t SigmaEstEffPulseWidth;
/*!< Effective Pulse width for sigma estimate in 1/100th */
/* of ns e.g. 900 = 9.0ns */
uint16_t SigmaEstEffAmbWidth;
/*!< Effective Ambient width for sigma estimate in 1/100th of ns */
/* * e.g. 500 = 5.0ns */
uint8_t StopVariable;
/*!< StopVariable used during the stop sequence */
uint16_t targetRefRate;
/*!< Target Ambient Rate for Ref spad management */
unsigned int SigmaEstimate;
/*!< Sigma Estimate - based on ambient & VCSEL rates and */
/** signal_total_events */
unsigned int SignalEstimate;
/*!< Signal Estimate - based on ambient & VCSEL rates and cross talk */
unsigned int LastSignalRefMcps;
/*!< Latest Signal ref in Mcps */
uint8_t *pTuningSettingsPointer;
/*!< Pointer for Tuning Settings table */
uint8_t UseInternalTuningSettings;
/*!< Indicate if we use Tuning Settings table */
uint16_t LinearityCorrectiveGain;
/*!< Linearity Corrective Gain value in x1000 */
uint16_t DmaxCalRangeMilliMeter;
/*!< Dmax Calibration Range millimeter */
unsigned int DmaxCalSignalRateRtnMegaCps;
/*!< Dmax Calibration Signal Rate Return MegaCps */
/** @defgroup VL_define_InterruptPolarity_group Defines the Polarity
* of the Interrupt
* Defines the Polarity of the Interrupt
* @{
#define VL_INTERRUPTPOLARITY_LOW ((uint8_t) 0)
/*!< Set active low polarity best setup for falling edge. */
#define VL_INTERRUPTPOLARITY_HIGH ((uint8_t) 1)
/*!< Set active high polarity best setup for rising edge. */
/** @} VL_define_InterruptPolarity_group */
/** @defgroup VL_define_VcselPeriod_group Vcsel Period Defines
* Defines the range measurement for which to access the vcsel period.
* @{
#define VL_VCSEL_PERIOD_PRE_RANGE ((uint8_t) 0)
/*!<Identifies the pre-range vcsel period. */
#define VL_VCSEL_PERIOD_FINAL_RANGE ((uint8_t) 1)
/*!<Identifies the final range vcsel period. */
/** @} VL_define_VcselPeriod_group */
/** @defgroup VL_define_SchedulerSequence_group Defines the steps
* carried out by the scheduler during a range measurement.
* @{
* Defines the states of all the steps in the scheduler
* i.e. enabled/disabled.
struct VL_SchedulerSequenceSteps_t {
uint8_t TccOn; /*!<Reports if Target Centre Check On */
uint8_t MsrcOn; /*!<Reports if MSRC On */
uint8_t DssOn; /*!<Reports if DSS On */
uint8_t PreRangeOn; /*!<Reports if Pre-Range On */
uint8_t FinalRangeOn; /*!<Reports if Final-Range On */
/** @} VL_define_SchedulerSequence_group */
/** @defgroup VL_define_SequenceStepId_group Defines the Polarity
* of the Interrupt
* Defines the the sequence steps performed during ranging..
* @{
#define VL_SEQUENCESTEP_TCC ((uint8_t) 0)
/*!<Target CentreCheck identifier. */
#define VL_SEQUENCESTEP_DSS ((uint8_t) 1)
/*!<Dynamic Spad Selection function Identifier. */
#define VL_SEQUENCESTEP_MSRC ((uint8_t) 2)
/*!<Minimum Signal Rate Check function Identifier. */
#define VL_SEQUENCESTEP_PRE_RANGE ((uint8_t) 3)
/*!<Pre-Range check Identifier. */
#define VL_SEQUENCESTEP_FINAL_RANGE ((uint8_t) 4)
/*!<Final Range Check Identifier. */
/*!<Number of Sequence Step Managed by the API. */
/** @} VL_define_SequenceStepId_group */
/* MACRO Definitions */
/** @defgroup VL_define_GeneralMacro_group General Macro Defines
* General Macro Defines
* @{
/* Defines */
#define VL_SETPARAMETERFIELD(Dev, field, value) \
PALDevDataSet(Dev, CurrentParameters.field, value)
#define VL_GETPARAMETERFIELD(Dev, field, variable) \
(variable = PALDevDataGet(Dev, CurrentParameters).field)
#define VL_SETARRAYPARAMETERFIELD(Dev, field, index, value) \
PALDevDataSet(Dev, CurrentParameters.field[index], value)
#define VL_GETARRAYPARAMETERFIELD(Dev, field, index, variable) \
(variable = PALDevDataGet(Dev, CurrentParameters).field[index])
#define VL_SETDEVICESPECIFICPARAMETER(Dev, field, value) \
PALDevDataSet(Dev, DeviceSpecificParameters.field, value)
PALDevDataGet(Dev, DeviceSpecificParameters).field
#define VL_FIXPOINT1616TOFIXPOINT97(Value) \
#define VL_FIXPOINT97TOFIXPOINT1616(Value) \
(unsigned int)(Value<<9)
#define VL_FIXPOINT1616TOFIXPOINT88(Value) \
#define VL_FIXPOINT88TOFIXPOINT1616(Value) \
(unsigned int)(Value<<8)
#define VL_FIXPOINT1616TOFIXPOINT412(Value) \
#define VL_FIXPOINT412TOFIXPOINT1616(Value) \
(unsigned int)(Value<<4)
#define VL_FIXPOINT1616TOFIXPOINT313(Value) \
#define VL_FIXPOINT313TOFIXPOINT1616(Value) \
(unsigned int)(Value<<3)
#define VL_FIXPOINT1616TOFIXPOINT08(Value) \
#define VL_FIXPOINT08TOFIXPOINT1616(Value) \
(unsigned int)(Value<<8)
#define VL_FIXPOINT1616TOFIXPOINT53(Value) \
#define VL_FIXPOINT53TOFIXPOINT1616(Value) \
(unsigned int)(Value<<13)
#define VL_FIXPOINT1616TOFIXPOINT102(Value) \
#define VL_FIXPOINT102TOFIXPOINT1616(Value) \
(unsigned int)(Value<<12)
#define VL_MAKEUINT16(lsb, msb) (uint16_t)((((uint16_t)msb)<<8) + \
/** @} VL_define_GeneralMacro_group */
/** @} VL_globaldefine_group */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _VL_DEF_H_ */