blob: 747e0b601da22d1b21d7f57be5e883ef4df9158e [file] [log] [blame]
Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. GPU powerlevels
Powerlevels are defined in sets by qcom,gpu-pwrlevels. Multiple sets (bins)
can be defined within qcom,gpu-pwrelvel-bins. Each powerlevel defines a
voltage, bus, and bandwitdh level.
- qcom,gpu-pwrlevel-bins: Contains one or more qcom,gpu-pwrlevels sets
- compatible: Must be qcom,gpu-pwrlevel-bins
- qcom,gpu-pwrlevels: Defines a set of powerlevels
- qcom,speed-bin: Speed bin identifier for the set - must match
the value read from the hardware
- qcom,initial-pwrlevel: GPU wakeup powerlevel
- qcom,gpu-pwrlevel: A single powerlevel
- qcom,ca-target-pwrlevel:
This value indicates which qcom,gpu-pwrlevel
to jump on in case of context aware power level
- reg: Index of the powerlevel (0 = highest perf)
- qcom,gpu-freq GPU frequency for the powerlevel (in Hz)
- qcom,bus-freq Index to a bus level (defined by the bus
- qcom,bus-min Minimum bus level to set for the power level
- qcom,bus-max maximum bus level to set for the power level