| Qualcomm mdss-dsi-panel |
| |
| mdss-dsi-panel is a dsi panel device which supports panels that |
| are compatable with MIPI display serial interface specification. |
| |
| Required properties: |
| - compatible: Must be "qcom,mdss-dsi-panel" |
| - status: A string that has to be set to "okay/ok" to enable |
| the panel driver. By default this property will be |
| set to "disable". Will be set to "ok/okay" status |
| for specific platforms. |
| - qcom,dsi-ctrl-phandle: Specifies the phandle for the DSI controller that |
| this panel will be mapped to. |
| - qcom,mdss-pan-res: A two dimensional array that specifies the panel |
| resolution. |
| - qcom,mdss-pan-bpp: Specifies the panel bits per pixel. Default value is 24(rgb888). |
| 18 = for rgb666 |
| 16 = for rgb565 |
| - qcom,mdss-pan-dest: A string that specifies the destination display for the panel. |
| Default is "display_1". |
| "display_1" = DISPLAY_1 |
| "display_2" = DISPLAY_2 |
| - qcom,panel-phy-regulatorSettings: An array of length 7 that specifies the PHY |
| regulator settings for the panel. |
| - qcom,panel-phy-timingSettings: An array of length 12 that specifies the PHY |
| timing settings for the panel. |
| - qcom,panel-phy-strengthCtrl: An array of length 2 that specifies the PHY |
| strengthCtrl settings for the panel. |
| - qcom,panel-phy-bistCtrl: An array of length 6 that specifies the PHY |
| BIST ctrl settings for the panel. |
| - qcom,panel-phy-laneConfig: An array of length 45 that specifies the PHY |
| lane configuration settings for the panel. |
| - qcom,mdss-panel-on-cmds: An array of variable length that lists the init commands |
| of the panel. Each command will have the format specified |
| as below: |
| --> data type of the command |
| --> specifies whether this command packet is last. |
| --> virtual channel |
| --> Needs acknowledge from the panel or not. |
| --> wait time after the command is transmitter. |
| --> size of payload |
| --> payload. |
| - qcom,mdss-panel-off-cmds: An array of variable length that lists the panel off |
| commands. Each command will have the format specified |
| as below: |
| --> data type of the command |
| --> specifies whether this command packet is last. |
| --> virtual channel |
| --> Needs acknowledge from the panel or not. |
| --> wait time after the command is transmitter. |
| --> size of payload |
| --> payload. |
| |
| Optional properties: |
| - label: A string used as a descriptive name of the panel |
| - qcom,enable-gpio: Specifies the panel lcd/display enable gpio. |
| - qcom,rst-gpio: Specifies the panel reset gpio. |
| - qcom,te-gpio: Specifies the gpio used for TE. |
| - qcom,dsi-lpg-channel : LPG channel for backlight. |
| - qcom,dsi-pwm-period : PWM period in microseconds. |
| - qcom,dsi-pwm-gpio : PWM gpio. |
| - qcom,mdss-pan-broadcast-mode: Boolean used to enable broadcast mode. |
| - qcom,cont-splash-enabled: Boolean used to enable continuous splash mode. |
| - qcom,fbc-enabled: Boolean used to enable frame buffer compression mode. |
| - qcom,fbc-mode-select: An array of length 7 that specifies the fbc mode supported |
| by the panel. FBC enabled panels may or may not support |
| the modes specified here. Each entry will |
| have the format specified below: |
| --> compressed bpp supported by the panel |
| --> component packing |
| --> enable/disable quantization error calculation |
| --> Bias for CD |
| --> enable/disable PAT mode |
| --> enable/disable VLC mode |
| --> enable/disable BFLC mode |
| - qcom,fbc-budget-ctl: An array of length 3 that specifies the budget control settings |
| supported by the fbc enabled panel. Each entry will have the format |
| specified below: |
| --> per line extra budget |
| --> extra budget level |
| --> per block budget |
| - qcom,fbc-lossy-mode: An array of 3 that specifies the lossy mode settings |
| supported by the fbc enabled panel. Each entry will |
| have the format specified below: |
| --> lossless mode threshold |
| --> lossy mode threshold |
| --> lossy RGB threshold |
| - qcom,mdss-pan-porch-values: An array of size 6 that specifies the panel blanking values. |
| - qcom,mdss-pan-underflow-clr: Specifies the controller settings for the panel underflow clear |
| settings. Default value is 0xff. |
| - qcom,mdss-pan-bl-ctrl: A string that specifies the implementation of backlight |
| control for this panel. |
| "bl_ctrl_pwm" = Backlight controlled by PWM gpio. |
| "bl_ctrl_wled" = Backlight controlled by WLED. |
| "bl_ctrl_dcs_cmds" = Backlight controlled by DCS commands. |
| - qcom,mdss-pan-bl-levels: Specifies the backlight levels supported by the panel. |
| Default range is 1 to 255. |
| |
| - qcom,mdss-pan-dsi-mode: Specifies the panel operating mode. |
| 0 = enable video mode(default mode). |
| 1 = enable command mode. |
| - qcom,mdss-vsync-enable: Specifies Tear Check configuration. |
| 0 = TE disable. |
| 1 = TE enable. |
| - qcom,mdss-hw-vsync-mode: Specifies TE type. |
| 0 = software vsync. |
| 1 = hardware vsync (TE gpio pin). |
| - qcom,mdss-pan-te-sel: Specifies TE operating mode. |
| 0 = TE through embedded dcs command |
| 1 = TE through TE gpio pin. |
| - qcom,mdss-pan-dsi-h-pulse-mode: Specifies the pulse mode option for the panel. |
| 0 = Don't send hsa/he following vs/ve packet(default) |
| 1 = Send hsa/he following vs/ve packet |
| - qcom,mdss-pan-dsi-h-power-stop: An Array of size 3 that specifies the power mode |
| during horizontal porch and sync periods of the panel. |
| 0 = high speed mode(default mode). |
| 1 = Low power mode for horizontal porches and sync pulse. |
| - qcom,mdss-pan-dsi-bllp-power-stop: An Array of size 2 that specifies the power mode |
| during blanking period and after EOF(end of frame). |
| 0 = high speed mode(default mode). |
| 1 = Low power mode during blanking and EOF. |
| - qcom,mdss-pan-dsi-traffic-mode: Specifies the panel traffic mode. |
| 0 = non burst with sync pulses (default mode). |
| 1 = non burst with sync start event. |
| 2 = burst mode. |
| - qcom,mdss-pan-dsi-dst-format: Specifies the destination format. |
| 3 = DSI_VIDEO_DST_FORMAT_RGB888 (Default format) |
| - qcom,mdss-pan-dsi-vc: Specifies the virtual channel identefier. |
| 0 = default value. |
| - qcom,mdss-pan-dsi-rgb-swap: Specifies the R, G and B channel ordering. |
| 0 = DSI_RGB_SWAP_RGB (default value) |
| - qcom,mdss-pan-dsi-data-lanes: An array that specifies the data lanes enabled. |
| <1 1 0 0> = data lanes 1 and 2 are enabled.(default). |
| - qcom,mdss-pan-dsi-dlane-swap: Specifies the data lane swap configuration. |
| 0 = <0 1 2 3> (default value) |
| 1 = <3 0 1 2> |
| 2 = <2 3 0 1> |
| 3 = <1 2 3 0> |
| 4 = <0 3 2 1> |
| 5 = <1 0 3 2> |
| 6 = <2 1 0 3> |
| 7 = <3 2 1 0> |
| - qcom,mdss-pan-dsi-t-clk: An array that specifies the byte clock cycles |
| before and after each mode switch. |
| - qcom,mdss-pan-dsi-stream: Specifies the packet stream to be used. |
| 0 = stream 0 (default) |
| 1 = stream 1 |
| - qcom,mdss-pan-dsi-mdp-tr: Specifies the trigger mechanism to be used for MDP path. |
| 0 = no trigger |
| 2 = Tear check signal line used for trigger |
| 4 = Triggered by software (default mode) |
| 6 = Software trigger and TE |
| - qcom,mdss-pan-dsi-dma-tr: Specifies the trigger mechanism to be used for DMA path. |
| 0 = no trigger |
| 2 = Tear check signal line used for trigger |
| 4 = Triggered by software (default mode) |
| 5 = Software trigger and start/end of frame trigger. |
| 6 = Software trigger and TE |
| - qcom,mdss-pan-dsi-frame-rate: Specifies the frame rate for the panel. |
| 60 = 60 frames per second (default) |
| - qcom,on-cmds-dsi-state: A string that Specifies the ctrl state for sending ON commands. |
| Supported modes are "DSI_LP_MODE" and "DSI_HS_MODE". |
| - qcom,off-cmds-dsi-state: A string that Specifies the ctrl state for sending ON commands. |
| Supported modes are "DSI_LP_MODE" and "DSI_HS_MODE". |
| |
| Note, if a given optional qcom,* binding is not present, then the driver will configure |
| the default values specified. |
| |
| Example: |
| / { |
| qcom,mdss_dsi_sim_video { |
| compatible = "qcom,mdss-dsi-panel"; |
| label = "simulator video mode dsi panel"; |
| status = "disable"; |
| qcom,dsi-ctrl-phandle = <&mdss_dsi0>; |
| qcom,mdss-pan-res = <640 480>; |
| qcom,mdss-pan-bpp = <24>; |
| qcom,mdss-pan-dest = "display_1"; |
| qcom,mdss-pan-porch-values = <6 2 6 6 2 6>; |
| qcom,mdss-pan-underflow-clr = <0xff>; |
| qcom,mdss-pan-bl-levels = <1 15>; |
| qcom,mdss-pan-dsi-mode = <0>; |
| qcom,mdss-pan-dsi-h-pulse-mode = <1>; |
| qcom,mdss-pan-dsi-h-power-stop = <1 1 1>; |
| qcom,mdss-pan-dsi-bllp-power-stop = <1 1>; |
| qcom,mdss-pan-dsi-traffic-mode = <0>; |
| qcom,mdss-pan-dsi-dst-format = <3>; |
| qcom,mdss-pan-dsi-vc = <0>; |
| qcom,mdss-pan-dsi-rgb-swap = <0>; |
| qcom,mdss-pan-dsi-data-lanes = <1 1 0 0>; |
| qcom,mdss-pan-dsi-t-clk = <0x24 0x03>; |
| qcom,mdss-pan-dsi-stream = <0>; |
| qcom,mdss-pan-dsi-mdp-tr = <0x04>; |
| qcom,mdss-pan-dsi-dma-tr = <0x04>; |
| qcom,mdss-pan-frame-rate = <60>; |
| qcom,panel-on-cmds = [32 01 00 00 00 02 00 00]; |
| qcom,on-cmds-dsi-state = "DSI_LP_MODE"; |
| qcom,panel-off-cmds = [22 01 00 00 00 00 00]; |
| qcom,off-cmds-dsi-state = "DSI LP MODE"; |
| qcom,fbc-enabled; |
| qcom,fbc-mode = <12 0 1 2 1 1 1>; |
| qcom,fbc-budget-ctl = <675 5 91>; |
| qcom,fbc-lossy-mode = <0 0xc0 0 3>; |
| }; |
| }; |