blob: 19df5c1444a4036157d8bbef58316f708ad4b486 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2004,2005 ADDI-DATA GmbH for the source code of this module.
* Dieselstrasse 3
* D-77833 Ottersweier
* Tel: +19(0)7223/9493-0
* Fax: +49(0)7223/9493-92
* http://www.addi-data-com
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/sched.h>
#include <linux/mm.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/errno.h>
#include <linux/ioport.h>
#include <linux/delay.h>
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/timex.h>
#include <linux/timer.h>
#include <linux/pci.h>
#include <linux/io.h>
#include <linux/kmod.h>
#include <linux/uaccess.h>
#include "../../comedidev.h"
#include "addi_amcc_s5933.h"
#define ERROR -1
#define SUCCESS 1
/* variable type definition */
typedef unsigned char BYTE, *PBYTE;
typedef short SHORT, *PSHORT;
typedef unsigned short USHORT, *PUSHORT;
typedef unsigned short WORD, *PWORD;
typedef int INT, *PINT;;
typedef unsigned int UINT, *PUINT;
typedef int LONG, *PLONG; /* 32-bit */
typedef unsigned int ULONG, *PULONG; /* 32-bit */
typedef unsigned int DWORD, *PDWORD; /* 32-bit */
typedef unsigned long ULONG_PTR;
typedef const struct comedi_lrange *PCRANGE;
#define LOBYTE(W) (BYTE)((W) & 0xFF)
#define HIBYTE(W) (BYTE)(((W) >> 8) & 0xFF)
#define MAKEWORD(H, L) (USHORT)((L) | ((H) << 8))
#define LOWORD(W) (USHORT)((W) & 0xFFFF)
#define HIWORD(W) (USHORT)(((W) >> 16) & 0xFFFF)
#define MAKEDWORD(H, L) (UINT)((L) | ((H) << 16))
#define ADDI_ENABLE 1
#define ADDI_DISABLE 0
#define ADDIDATA_93C76 "93C76"
#define ADDIDATA_S5920 "S5920"
#define ADDIDATA_S5933 "S5933"
#define ADDIDATA_9054 "9054"
/* ADDIDATA Enable Disable */
/* Structures */
/* structure for the boardtype */
typedef struct {
const char *pc_DriverName; // driver name
INT i_VendorId; //PCI vendor a device ID of card
INT i_DeviceId;
INT i_IorangeBase0;
INT i_IorangeBase1;
INT i_IorangeBase2; // base 2 range
INT i_IorangeBase3; // base 3 range
INT i_PCIEeprom; // eeprom present or not
char *pc_EepromChip; // type of chip
INT i_NbrAiChannel; // num of A/D chans
INT i_NbrAiChannelDiff; // num of A/D chans in diff mode
INT i_AiChannelList; // len of chanlist
INT i_NbrAoChannel; // num of D/A chans
INT i_AiMaxdata; // resolution of A/D
INT i_AoMaxdata; // resolution of D/A
PCRANGE pr_AiRangelist; // rangelist for A/D
PCRANGE pr_AoRangelist; // rangelist for D/A
INT i_NbrDiChannel; // Number of DI channels
INT i_NbrDoChannel; // Number of DO channels
INT i_DoMaxdata; // data to set all chanels high
INT i_NbrTTLChannel; // Number of TTL channels
PCRANGE pr_TTLRangelist; // rangelist for TTL
INT i_Dma; // dma present or not
INT i_Timer; // timer subdevice present or not
BYTE b_AvailableConvertUnit;
UINT ui_MinAcquisitiontimeNs; // Minimum Acquisition in Nano secs
UINT ui_MinDelaytimeNs; // Minimum Delay in Nano secs
/* interrupt and reset */
void (*v_hwdrv_Interrupt)(int irq, void *d);
int (*i_hwdrv_Reset)(struct comedi_device *dev);
/* Subdevice functions */
int (*i_hwdrv_InsnConfigAnalogInput)(struct comedi_device *dev,
struct comedi_subdevice *s,
struct comedi_insn *insn,
unsigned int *data);
int (*i_hwdrv_InsnReadAnalogInput)(struct comedi_device *dev,
struct comedi_subdevice *s,
struct comedi_insn *insn,
unsigned int *data);
int (*i_hwdrv_InsnWriteAnalogInput)(struct comedi_device *dev,
struct comedi_subdevice *s,
struct comedi_insn *insn,
unsigned int *data);
int (*i_hwdrv_InsnBitsAnalogInput)(struct comedi_device *dev,
struct comedi_subdevice *s,
struct comedi_insn *insn,
unsigned int *data);
int (*i_hwdrv_CommandTestAnalogInput)(struct comedi_device *dev,
struct comedi_subdevice *s,
struct comedi_cmd *cmd);
int (*i_hwdrv_CommandAnalogInput)(struct comedi_device *dev,
struct comedi_subdevice *s);
int (*i_hwdrv_CancelAnalogInput)(struct comedi_device *dev,
struct comedi_subdevice *s);
/* Analog Output */
int (*i_hwdrv_InsnConfigAnalogOutput)(struct comedi_device *dev,
struct comedi_subdevice *s,
struct comedi_insn *insn,
unsigned int *data);
int (*i_hwdrv_InsnWriteAnalogOutput)(struct comedi_device *dev,
struct comedi_subdevice *s,
struct comedi_insn *insn,
unsigned int *data);
int (*i_hwdrv_InsnBitsAnalogOutput)(struct comedi_device *dev,
struct comedi_subdevice *s,
struct comedi_insn *insn,
unsigned int *data);
/* Digital Input */
int (*i_hwdrv_InsnConfigDigitalInput) (struct comedi_device *dev,
struct comedi_subdevice *s,
struct comedi_insn *insn,
unsigned int *data);
int (*i_hwdrv_InsnReadDigitalInput) (struct comedi_device *dev,
struct comedi_subdevice *s,
struct comedi_insn *insn,
unsigned int *data);
int (*i_hwdrv_InsnWriteDigitalInput) (struct comedi_device *dev,
struct comedi_subdevice *s,
struct comedi_insn *insn,
unsigned int *data);
int (*i_hwdrv_InsnBitsDigitalInput) (struct comedi_device *dev,
struct comedi_subdevice *s,
struct comedi_insn *insn,
unsigned int *data);
/* Digital Output */
int (*i_hwdrv_InsnConfigDigitalOutput)(struct comedi_device *dev,
struct comedi_subdevice *s,
struct comedi_insn *insn,
unsigned int *data);
int (*i_hwdrv_InsnWriteDigitalOutput)(struct comedi_device *dev,
struct comedi_subdevice *s,
struct comedi_insn *insn,
unsigned int *data);
int (*i_hwdrv_InsnBitsDigitalOutput)(struct comedi_device *dev,
struct comedi_subdevice *s,
struct comedi_insn *insn,
unsigned int *data);
int (*i_hwdrv_InsnReadDigitalOutput)(struct comedi_device *dev,
struct comedi_subdevice *s,
struct comedi_insn *insn,
unsigned int *data);
/* TIMER */
int (*i_hwdrv_InsnConfigTimer)(struct comedi_device *dev,
struct comedi_subdevice *s,
struct comedi_insn *insn, unsigned int *data);
int (*i_hwdrv_InsnWriteTimer)(struct comedi_device *dev,
struct comedi_subdevice *s, struct comedi_insn *insn,
unsigned int *data);
int (*i_hwdrv_InsnReadTimer)(struct comedi_device *dev, struct comedi_subdevice *s,
struct comedi_insn *insn, unsigned int *data);
int (*i_hwdrv_InsnBitsTimer)(struct comedi_device *dev, struct comedi_subdevice *s,
struct comedi_insn *insn, unsigned int *data);
/* TTL IO */
int (*i_hwdr_ConfigInitTTLIO)(struct comedi_device *dev,
struct comedi_subdevice *s, struct comedi_insn *insn,
unsigned int *data);
int (*i_hwdr_ReadTTLIOBits)(struct comedi_device *dev, struct comedi_subdevice *s,
struct comedi_insn *insn, unsigned int *data);
int (*i_hwdr_ReadTTLIOAllPortValue)(struct comedi_device *dev,
struct comedi_subdevice *s,
struct comedi_insn *insn,
unsigned int *data);
int (*i_hwdr_WriteTTLIOChlOnOff)(struct comedi_device *dev,
struct comedi_subdevice *s,
struct comedi_insn *insn, unsigned int *data);
} boardtype;
typedef union {
/* Incremental counter infos */
struct {
union {
struct {
BYTE b_ModeRegister1;
BYTE b_ModeRegister2;
BYTE b_ModeRegister3;
BYTE b_ModeRegister4;
} s_ByteModeRegister;
DWORD dw_ModeRegister1_2_3_4;
} s_ModeRegister;
struct {
unsigned int b_IndexInit:1;
unsigned int b_CounterInit:1;
unsigned int b_ReferenceInit:1;
unsigned int b_IndexInterruptOccur:1;
unsigned int b_CompareLogicInit:1;
unsigned int b_FrequencyMeasurementInit:1;
unsigned int b_FrequencyMeasurementEnable:1;
} s_InitFlag;
} s_SiemensCounterInfo;
/* SSI infos */
struct {
BYTE b_SSIProfile;
BYTE b_PositionTurnLength;
BYTE b_TurnCptLength;
} s_SSICounterInfo;
/* TTL I/O infos */
struct {
BYTE b_PortConfiguration[4];
} s_TTLIOInfo;
/* Digital I/O infos */
struct {
BYTE b_DigitalInit;
BYTE b_ChannelAMode;
BYTE b_ChannelBMode;
BYTE b_OutputMemoryEnabled;
DWORD dw_OutputMemory;
} s_DigitalIOInfo;
/* 82X54 timer infos */
struct {
struct {
BYTE b_82X54Init;
BYTE b_InputClockSelection;
BYTE b_InputClockLevel;
BYTE b_OutputLevel;
BYTE b_HardwareGateLevel;
DWORD dw_ConfigurationWord;
} s_82X54TimerInfo[3];
BYTE b_InterruptMask;
} s_82X54ModuleInfo;
/* Chronometer infos */
struct {
BYTE b_ChronoInit;
BYTE b_InterruptMask;
BYTE b_PCIInputClock;
BYTE b_TimingUnit;
BYTE b_CycleMode;
double d_TimingInterval;
DWORD dw_ConfigReg;
} s_ChronoModuleInfo;
/* Pulse encoder infos */
struct {
struct {
BYTE b_PulseEncoderInit;
} s_PulseEncoderInfo[4];
DWORD dw_SetRegister;
DWORD dw_ControlRegister;
DWORD dw_StatusRegister;
} s_PulseEncoderModuleInfo;
/* Tor conter infos */
struct {
struct {
BYTE b_TorCounterInit;
BYTE b_TimingUnit;
BYTE b_InterruptEnable;
double d_TimingInterval;
ULONG ul_RealTimingInterval;
} s_TorCounterInfo[2];
BYTE b_PCIInputClock;
} s_TorCounterModuleInfo;
/* PWM infos */
struct {
struct {
BYTE b_TimingUnit;
BYTE b_InterruptEnable;
double d_LowTiming;
double d_HighTiming;
ULONG ul_RealLowTiming;
ULONG ul_RealHighTiming;
} s_PWMInfo[2];
BYTE b_ClockSelection;
} s_PWMModuleInfo;
/* ETM infos */
struct {
struct {
BYTE b_ETMEnable;
BYTE b_ETMInterrupt;
} s_ETMInfo[2];
BYTE b_TimingUnit;
BYTE b_ClockSelection;
double d_TimingInterval;
ULONG ul_Timing;
} s_ETMModuleInfo;
/* CDA infos */
struct {
BYTE b_CDAEnable;
BYTE b_CDAInterrupt;
BYTE b_FctSelection;
BYTE b_CDAReadFIFOOverflow;
} s_CDAModuleInfo;
} str_ModuleInfo;
/* Private structure for the addi_apci3120 driver */
typedef struct {
INT iobase;
INT i_IobaseAmcc; // base+size for AMCC chip
INT i_IobaseAddon; //addon base address
INT i_IobaseReserved;
ULONG_PTR dw_AiBase;
struct pcilst_struct *amcc; // ptr too AMCC data
BYTE allocated; // we have blocked card
BYTE b_ValidDriver; // driver is ok
BYTE b_AiContinuous; // we do unlimited AI
BYTE b_AiInitialisation;
UINT ui_AiActualScan; //how many scans we finished
UINT ui_AiBufferPtr; // data buffer ptr in samples
UINT ui_AiNbrofChannels; // how many channels is measured
UINT ui_AiScanLength; // Length of actual scanlist
UINT ui_AiActualScanPosition; // position in actual scan
PUINT pui_AiChannelList; // actual chanlist
UINT ui_AiChannelList[32]; // actual chanlist
BYTE b_AiChannelConfiguration[32]; // actual chanlist
UINT ui_AiReadData[32];
DWORD dw_AiInitialised;
UINT ui_AiTimer0; //Timer Constant for Timer0
UINT ui_AiTimer1; //Timer constant for Timer1
UINT ui_AiFlags;
UINT ui_AiDataLength;
short *AiData; // Pointer to sample data
UINT ui_AiNbrofScans; // number of scans to do
USHORT us_UseDma; // To use Dma or not
BYTE b_DmaDoubleBuffer; // we can use double buffering
UINT ui_DmaActualBuffer; // which buffer is used now
//ULONG ul_DmaBufferVirtual[2];// pointers to begin of DMA buffer
short *ul_DmaBufferVirtual[2]; // pointers to begin of DMA buffer
ULONG ul_DmaBufferHw[2]; // hw address of DMA buff
UINT ui_DmaBufferSize[2]; // size of dma buffer in bytes
UINT ui_DmaBufferUsesize[2]; // which size we may now used for transfer
UINT ui_DmaBufferSamples[2]; // size in samples
UINT ui_DmaBufferPages[2]; // number of pages in buffer
BYTE b_DigitalOutputRegister; // Digital Output Register
BYTE b_OutputMemoryStatus;
BYTE b_AnalogInputChannelNbr; // Analog input channel Nbr
BYTE b_AnalogOutputChannelNbr; // Analog input Output Nbr
BYTE b_TimerSelectMode; // Contain data written at iobase + 0C
BYTE b_ModeSelectRegister; // Contain data written at iobase + 0E
USHORT us_OutputRegister; // Contain data written at iobase + 0
BYTE b_InterruptState;
BYTE b_TimerInit; // Specify if InitTimerWatchdog was load
BYTE b_TimerStarted; // Specify if timer 2 is running or not
BYTE b_Timer2Mode; // Specify the timer 2 mode
BYTE b_Timer2Interrupt; //Timer2 interrupt enable or disable
BYTE b_AiCyclicAcquisition; // indicate cyclic acquisition
BYTE b_InterruptMode; // eoc eos or dma
BYTE b_EocEosInterrupt; // Enable disable eoc eos interrupt
UINT ui_EocEosConversionTime;
BYTE b_EocEosConversionTimeBase;
BYTE b_SingelDiff;
BYTE b_ExttrigEnable; /* To enable or disable external trigger */
/* Pointer to the current process */
struct task_struct *tsk_Current;
boardtype *ps_BoardInfo;
/* Hardware board infos for 1710 */
struct {
UINT ui_Address; /* Board address */
UINT ui_FlashAddress;
BYTE b_InterruptNbr; /* Board interrupt number */
BYTE b_SlotNumber; /* PCI slot number */
BYTE b_BoardVersion;
DWORD dw_MolduleConfiguration[4]; /* Module config */
} s_BoardInfos;
/* Interrupt infos */
struct {
ULONG ul_InterruptOccur; /* 0 : No interrupt occur */
/* > 0 : Interrupt occur */
UINT ui_Read; /* Read FIFO */
UINT ui_Write; /* Write FIFO */
struct {
BYTE b_OldModuleMask;
ULONG ul_OldInterruptMask; /* Interrupt mask */
ULONG ul_OldCounterLatchValue; /* Interrupt counter value */
} s_FIFOInterruptParameters[APCI1710_SAVE_INTERRUPT];
} s_InterruptParameters;
str_ModuleInfo s_ModuleInfo[4];
ULONG ul_TTLPortConfiguration[10];
} addi_private;
static unsigned short pci_list_builded; /* set to 1 when list of card is known */
/* Function declarations */
static int i_ADDI_Attach(struct comedi_device *dev, struct comedi_devconfig *it);
static int i_ADDI_Detach(struct comedi_device *dev);
static int i_ADDI_Reset(struct comedi_device *dev);
static irqreturn_t v_ADDI_Interrupt(int irq, void *d PT_REGS_ARG);
static int i_ADDIDATA_InsnReadEeprom(struct comedi_device *dev, struct comedi_subdevice *s,
struct comedi_insn *insn, unsigned int *data);