blob: b9f3072ed935bd364b812e1f8cc46a909e8d5e09 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Code Aurora Forum. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
* only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#include <linux/bitops.h>
#include <mach/qdss.h>
/* Coresight management registers (0xF00-0xFCC)
* 0xFA0 - 0xFA4: Management registers in PFTv1.0
* Trace registers in PFTv1.1
#define CS_ITCTRL (0xF00)
#define CS_CLAIMSET (0xFA0)
#define CS_CLAIMCLR (0xFA4)
#define CS_LAR (0xFB0)
#define CS_LSR (0xFB4)
#define CS_AUTHSTATUS (0xFB8)
#define CS_DEVID (0xFC8)
#define CS_DEVTYPE (0xFCC)
/* Peripheral id registers (0xFD0-0xFEC) */
#define CS_PIDR4 (0xFD0)
#define CS_PIDR5 (0xFD4)
#define CS_PIDR6 (0xFD8)
#define CS_PIDR7 (0xFDC)
#define CS_PIDR0 (0xFE0)
#define CS_PIDR1 (0xFE4)
#define CS_PIDR2 (0xFE8)
#define CS_PIDR3 (0xFEC)
/* Component id registers (0xFF0-0xFFC) */
#define CS_CIDR0 (0xFF0)
#define CS_CIDR1 (0xFF4)
#define CS_CIDR2 (0xFF8)
#define CS_CIDR3 (0xFFC)
/* DBGv7 with baseline CP14 registers implemented */
#define ARM_DEBUG_ARCH_V7B (0x3)
/* DBGv7 with all CP14 registers implemented */
#define ARM_DEBUG_ARCH_V7 (0x4)
#define ARM_DEBUG_ARCH_V7_1 (0x5)
#define ETM_ARCH_V3_3 (0x23)
#define PFT_ARCH_V1_1 (0x31)
#define TIMEOUT_US (100)
#define CS_UNLOCK_MAGIC (0xC5ACCE55)
#define BM(lsb, msb) ((BIT(msb) - BIT(lsb)) + BIT(msb))
#define BMVAL(val, lsb, msb) ((val & BM(lsb, msb)) >> lsb)
#define BVAL(val, n) ((val & BIT(n)) >> n)
int etb_init(void);
void etb_exit(void);
int tpiu_init(void);
void tpiu_exit(void);
int funnel_init(void);
void funnel_exit(void);
int etm_init(void);
void etm_exit(void);
void etb_enable(void);
void etb_disable(void);
void etb_dump(void);
void tpiu_disable(void);
void funnel_enable(uint8_t id, uint32_t port_mask);
void funnel_disable(uint8_t id, uint32_t port_mask);
struct kobject *qdss_get_modulekobj(void);