blob: 2ea9ba9a76705135a1353d2e742329d3d5341e81 [file] [log] [blame]
Qualcomm GPU
Qualcomm Adreno GPU
Required properties:
- label: A string used as a descriptive name for the device.
- compatible: Must be "qcom,kgsl-3d0" and "qcom,kgsl-3d"
- reg: Specifies the register base address and size. The second interval
specifies the shader memory base address and size.
- reg-names: Resource names used for the physical address of device registers
and shader memory. "kgsl_3d0_reg_memory" gives the physical address
and length of device registers while "kgsl_3d0_shader_memory" gives
physical address and length of device shader memory.
- interrupts: Interrupt mapping for GPU IRQ.
- interrupt-names: String property to describe the name of the interrupt.
- qcom,id: An integer used as an identification number for the device.
- qcom,clk-map: A bit map value for clocks controlled by kgsl.
KGSL_CLK_SRC 0x00000001
KGSL_CLK_CORE 0x00000002
KGSL_CLK_IFACE 0x00000004
KGSL_CLK_MEM 0x00000008
KGSL_CLK_AXI 0x00000020
Bus Scaling Data:
- qcom,grp3d-vectors: A series of 4 cell properties, format of which is:
<src dst ab ib>, <src dst ab ib>, // For Bus Scaling Usecase 1
<src dst ab ib>, <src dst ab ib>, // For Bus Scaling Usecase 2
<.. .. .. ..>, <.. .. .. ..>; // For Bus Scaling Usecase n
This property is a series of all vectors for all Bus Scaling Usecases.
Each set of vectors for each usecase describes bandwidth votes for a combination
of src/dst ports. The driver will set the desired use case based on the selected
power level and the desired bandwidth vote will be registered for the port pairs.
Current values of src are:
Current values of dst are:
ab: Represents aggregated bandwidth. This value is 0 for Graphics.
ib: Represents instantaneous bandwidth. This value has a range <0 8000 MB/s>
- qcom,grp3d-num-vectors-per-usecase: This represents the number of vectors in each Bus Scaling Usecase.
- qcom,grp3d-num-bus-scale-usecases: This is the the number of Bus Scaling use cases defined in the vectors property
GDSC Oxili Regulators:
- vddcx-supply: Phandle for vddcx regulator device node.
- vdd-supply: Phandle for vdd regulator device node.
- iommu: Phandle for the KGSL IOMMU device node
GPU Power levels:
- qcom,gpu-pwrlevels: Container for the GPU Power Levels (see
DCVS Core info
- qcom,dcvs-core-info Container for the DCVS core info (see
Optional Properties:
- qcom,initial-powerlevel: This value indicates which qcom,gpu-pwrlevel should be used at start time
and when coming back out of resume
- qcom,idle-timeout: This property represents the time in microseconds for idle timeout.
- qcom,nap-allowed: Boolean. <0> or <1> to disable/enable nap.
- qcom,chipid: If it exists this property is used to replace
the chip identification read from the GPU hardware.
This is used to override faulty hardware readings.
- qcom,strtstp-sleepwake: Boolean. Enables use of GPU SLUMBER instead of SLEEP for power savings
Example of A330 GPU in MSM8974:
/ {
qcom,kgsl-3d0@fdb00000 {
label = "kgsl-3d0";
compatible = "qcom,kgsl-3d0", "qcom,kgsl-3d";
reg = <0xfdb00000 0x10000
0xfdb20000 0x10000>;
reg-names = "kgsl_3d0_reg_memory", "kgsl_3d0_shader_memory";
interrupts = <0 33 0>;
interrupt-names = "kgsl_3d0_irq";
qcom,id = <0>;
qcom,chipid = <0x03030000>;
/* Power Settings */
qcom,initial-pwrlevel = <1>;
qcom,idle-timeout = <83>; //<HZ/12>
qcom,nap-allowed = <1>;
qcom,clk-map = <0x00000016>; //KGSL_CLK_CORE | KGSL_CLK_IFACE | KGSL_CLK_MEM_IFACE
/* Bus Scale Settings */
qcom,grp3d-vectors = <0 0 0 0>, <2 1 0 0>,
<0 0 0 2000>, <2 1 0 3000>,
<0 0 0 4000>, <2 1 0 5000>,
<0 0 0 6400>, <2 1 0 7600>;
qcom,grp3d-num-vectors-per-usecase = <2>;
qcom,grp3d-num-bus-scale-usecases = <4>;
/* GDSC oxili regulators */
vddcx-supply = <&gdsc_oxili_cx>;
vdd-supply = <&gdsc_oxili_gx>;
/* IOMMU Data */
iommu = <&kgsl>;
qcom,gpu-pwrlevels {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
compatible = "qcom,gpu-pwrlevels";
qcom,gpu-pwrlevel@0 {
reg = <0>;
qcom,gpu-freq = <5000000000>;
qcom,bus-freq = <3>;
qcom,io-fraction = <0>;
qcom,dcvs-core-info {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
compatible = "qcom,dcvs-core-info";
qcom,core-max-time-us = <100000>;
qcom,algo-slack-time-us = <39000>;
qcom,algo-disable-pc-threshold = <86000>;
qcom,algo-ss-window-size = <1000000>;
qcom,algo-ss-util-pct = <95>;
qcom,algo-em-max-util-pct = <97>;
qcom,algo-ss-no-corr-below-freq = <0>;
qcom,dcvs-freq@0 {
reg = <0>;
qcom,freq = <0>;
qcom,idle-energy = <0>;
qcom,active-energy = <333932>;
qcom,dcvs-freq@1 {
reg = <1>;
qcom,freq = <0>;
qcom,idle-energy = <0>;
qcom,active-energy = <497532>;
qcom,dcvs-freq@2 {
reg = <2>;
qcom,freq = <0>;
qcom,idle-energy = <0>;
qcom,active-energy = <707610>;
qcom,dcvs-freq@3 {
reg = <3>;
qcom,freq = <0>;
qcom,idle-energy = <0>;
qcom,active-energy = <844545>;