blob: ddbfd5a676f20208df91ce5ece384eb6ffab5a47 [file] [log] [blame]
Qualcomm GPIO Flash Leds
Qualcomm GPIO flash LEDs driver is used for
controlling flash LEDs that are connected with 2 GPIOs. The 2 GPIOs are name
flash_en and flash now.
The flash LEDs has torch mode and flash mode. The flash mode is used for camera.
The torch mode is used for torch.
Required properties for each node:
- compatible : should be "qcom,leds-gpio-flash"
- qcom,flash-en : the GPIO pin number of flash-en function
- qcom,flash-now : the GPIO pin number of flash-now function
- linux,name : name of the led that is used in led framework
- linux,default-trigger : name of the led trigger event
No other optional properties for it.
flashlight {
compatible = "leds-gpio-flash";
status = "okay";
qcom,flash-en = <&msmgpio 18 0>;
qcom,flash-now = <&msmgpio 19 0>;
linux,name = "flashlight";
linux,default-trigger = "flashlight-trigger";