blob: c19751dfa33f29ff431a388c74a05d13b590f66a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "Dalvik.h"
#include "CompilerInternals.h"
#include "Dataflow.h"
#include "leb128.h"
#include "object.h"
#include "runtime.h"
#include <llvm/Support/Threading.h>
namespace {
pthread_once_t llvm_multi_init = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
void InitializeLLVMForQuick() {
namespace art {
LLVMInfo::LLVMInfo() {
pthread_once(&llvm_multi_init, InitializeLLVMForQuick);
// Create context, module, intrinsic helper & ir builder
llvm_context_.reset(new llvm::LLVMContext());
llvm_module_ = new llvm::Module("art", *llvm_context_);
llvm::StructType::create(*llvm_context_, "JavaObject");
intrinsic_helper_.reset( new greenland::IntrinsicHelper(*llvm_context_, *llvm_module_));
ir_builder_.reset(new greenland::IRBuilder(*llvm_context_, *llvm_module_, *intrinsic_helper_));
LLVMInfo::~LLVMInfo() {
extern "C" void ArtInitQuickCompilerContext(art::Compiler& compiler) {
CHECK(compiler.GetCompilerContext() == NULL);
LLVMInfo* llvmInfo = new LLVMInfo();
extern "C" void ArtUnInitQuickCompilerContext(art::Compiler& compiler) {
delete reinterpret_cast<LLVMInfo*>(compiler.GetCompilerContext());
/* Default optimizer/debug setting for the compiler. */
static uint32_t kCompilerOptimizerDisableFlags = 0 | // Disable specific optimizations
//(1 << kLoadStoreElimination) |
//(1 << kLoadHoisting) |
//(1 << kSuppressLoads) |
//(1 << kNullCheckElimination) |
//(1 << kPromoteRegs) |
//(1 << kTrackLiveTemps) |
//(1 << kSkipLargeMethodOptimization) |
//(1 << kSafeOptimizations) |
//(1 << kBBOpt) |
//(1 << kMatch) |
//(1 << kPromoteCompilerTemps) |
static uint32_t kCompilerDebugFlags = 0 | // Enable debug/testing modes
//(1 << kDebugDisplayMissingTargets) |
//(1 << kDebugVerbose) |
//(1 << kDebugDumpCFG) |
//(1 << kDebugSlowFieldPath) |
//(1 << kDebugSlowInvokePath) |
//(1 << kDebugSlowStringPath) |
//(1 << kDebugSlowestFieldPath) |
//(1 << kDebugSlowestStringPath) |
//(1 << kDebugExerciseResolveMethod) |
//(1 << kDebugVerifyDataflow) |
//(1 << kDebugShowMemoryUsage) |
//(1 << kDebugShowNops) |
//(1 << kDebugCountOpcodes) |
//(1 << kDebugDumpCheckStats) |
//(1 << kDebugDumpBitcodeFile) |
//(1 << kDebugVerifyBitcode) |
inline bool contentIsInsn(const u2* codePtr) {
u2 instr = *codePtr;
Instruction::Code opcode = (Instruction::Code)(instr & 0xff);
* Since the low 8-bit in metadata may look like NOP, we need to check
* both the low and whole sub-word to determine whether it is code or data.
return (opcode != Instruction::NOP || instr == 0);
* Parse an instruction, return the length of the instruction
inline int parseInsn(CompilationUnit* cUnit, const u2* codePtr,
DecodedInstruction* decoded_instruction, bool printMe)
// Don't parse instruction data
if (!contentIsInsn(codePtr)) {
return 0;
const Instruction* instruction = Instruction::At(codePtr);
*decoded_instruction = DecodedInstruction(instruction);
if (printMe) {
char* decodedString = oatGetDalvikDisassembly(cUnit, *decoded_instruction,
LOG(INFO) << codePtr << ": 0x"
<< std::hex << static_cast<int>(decoded_instruction->opcode)
<< " " << decodedString;
return instruction->SizeInCodeUnits();
#define UNKNOWN_TARGET 0xffffffff
inline bool isGoto(MIR* insn) {
switch (insn->dalvikInsn.opcode) {
case Instruction::GOTO:
case Instruction::GOTO_16:
case Instruction::GOTO_32:
return true;
return false;
* Identify unconditional branch instructions
inline bool isUnconditionalBranch(MIR* insn) {
switch (insn->dalvikInsn.opcode) {
case Instruction::RETURN_VOID:
case Instruction::RETURN:
case Instruction::RETURN_WIDE:
case Instruction::RETURN_OBJECT:
return true;
return isGoto(insn);
/* Split an existing block from the specified code offset into two */
BasicBlock *splitBlock(CompilationUnit* cUnit, unsigned int codeOffset,
BasicBlock* origBlock, BasicBlock** immedPredBlockP)
MIR* insn = origBlock->firstMIRInsn;
while (insn) {
if (insn->offset == codeOffset) break;
insn = insn->next;
if (insn == NULL) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Break split failed";
BasicBlock *bottomBlock = oatNewBB(cUnit, kDalvikByteCode,
oatInsertGrowableList(cUnit, &cUnit->blockList, (intptr_t) bottomBlock);
bottomBlock->startOffset = codeOffset;
bottomBlock->firstMIRInsn = insn;
bottomBlock->lastMIRInsn = origBlock->lastMIRInsn;
/* Add it to the quick lookup cache */
cUnit->blockMap.Put(bottomBlock->startOffset, bottomBlock);
/* Handle the taken path */
bottomBlock->taken = origBlock->taken;
if (bottomBlock->taken) {
origBlock->taken = NULL;
oatInsertGrowableList(cUnit, bottomBlock->taken->predecessors,
/* Handle the fallthrough path */
bottomBlock->fallThrough = origBlock->fallThrough;
origBlock->fallThrough = bottomBlock;
oatInsertGrowableList(cUnit, bottomBlock->predecessors,
if (bottomBlock->fallThrough) {
oatInsertGrowableList(cUnit, bottomBlock->fallThrough->predecessors,
/* Handle the successor list */
if (origBlock->successorBlockList.blockListType != kNotUsed) {
bottomBlock->successorBlockList = origBlock->successorBlockList;
origBlock->successorBlockList.blockListType = kNotUsed;
GrowableListIterator iterator;
while (true) {
SuccessorBlockInfo *successorBlockInfo =
(SuccessorBlockInfo *) oatGrowableListIteratorNext(&iterator);
if (successorBlockInfo == NULL) break;
BasicBlock *bb = successorBlockInfo->block;
oatDeleteGrowableList(bb->predecessors, (intptr_t)origBlock);
oatInsertGrowableList(cUnit, bb->predecessors, (intptr_t)bottomBlock);
origBlock->lastMIRInsn = insn->prev;
insn->prev->next = NULL;
insn->prev = NULL;
* Update the immediate predecessor block pointer so that outgoing edges
* can be applied to the proper block.
if (immedPredBlockP) {
DCHECK_EQ(*immedPredBlockP, origBlock);
*immedPredBlockP = bottomBlock;
return bottomBlock;
* Given a code offset, find out the block that starts with it. If the offset
* is in the middle of an existing block, split it into two. If immedPredBlockP
* is not non-null and is the block being split, update *immedPredBlockP to
* point to the bottom block so that outgoing edges can be set up properly
* (by the caller)
* Utilizes a map for fast lookup of the typical cases.
BasicBlock *findBlock(CompilationUnit* cUnit, unsigned int codeOffset,
bool split, bool create, BasicBlock** immedPredBlockP)
GrowableList* blockList = &cUnit->blockList;
BasicBlock* bb;
unsigned int i;
SafeMap<unsigned int, BasicBlock*>::iterator it;
it = cUnit->blockMap.find(codeOffset);
if (it != cUnit->blockMap.end()) {
return it->second;
} else if (!create) {
return NULL;
if (split) {
for (i = 0; i < blockList->numUsed; i++) {
bb = (BasicBlock *) blockList->elemList[i];
if (bb->blockType != kDalvikByteCode) continue;
/* Check if a branch jumps into the middle of an existing block */
if ((codeOffset > bb->startOffset) && (bb->lastMIRInsn != NULL) &&
(codeOffset <= bb->lastMIRInsn->offset)) {
BasicBlock *newBB = splitBlock(cUnit, codeOffset, bb,
bb == *immedPredBlockP ?
immedPredBlockP : NULL);
return newBB;
/* Create a new one */
bb = oatNewBB(cUnit, kDalvikByteCode, cUnit->numBlocks++);
oatInsertGrowableList(cUnit, &cUnit->blockList, (intptr_t) bb);
bb->startOffset = codeOffset;
cUnit->blockMap.Put(bb->startOffset, bb);
return bb;
/* Find existing block */
BasicBlock* oatFindBlock(CompilationUnit* cUnit, unsigned int codeOffset)
return findBlock(cUnit, codeOffset, false, false, NULL);
/* Turn method name into a legal Linux file name */
void oatReplaceSpecialChars(std::string& str)
static const struct { const char before; const char after; } match[] =
{{'/','-'}, {';','#'}, {' ','#'}, {'$','+'},
{'(','@'}, {')','@'}, {'<','='}, {'>','='}};
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(match)/sizeof(match[0]); i++) {
std::replace(str.begin(), str.end(), match[i].before, match[i].after);
/* Dump the CFG into a DOT graph */
void oatDumpCFG(CompilationUnit* cUnit, const char* dirPrefix)
FILE* file;
std::string fname(PrettyMethod(cUnit->method_idx, *cUnit->dex_file));
fname = StringPrintf("", dirPrefix, fname.c_str(),
file = fopen(fname.c_str(), "w");
if (file == NULL) {
fprintf(file, "digraph G {\n");
fprintf(file, " rankdir=TB\n");
int numReachableBlocks = cUnit->numReachableBlocks;
int idx;
const GrowableList *blockList = &cUnit->blockList;
for (idx = 0; idx < numReachableBlocks; idx++) {
int blockIdx = cUnit->dfsOrder.elemList[idx];
BasicBlock *bb = (BasicBlock *) oatGrowableListGetElement(blockList,
if (bb == NULL) break;
if (bb->blockType == kDead) continue;
if (bb->blockType == kEntryBlock) {
fprintf(file, " entry_%d [shape=Mdiamond];\n", bb->id);
} else if (bb->blockType == kExitBlock) {
fprintf(file, " exit_%d [shape=Mdiamond];\n", bb->id);
} else if (bb->blockType == kDalvikByteCode) {
fprintf(file, " block%04x_%d [shape=record,label = \"{ \\\n",
bb->startOffset, bb->id);
const MIR *mir;
fprintf(file, " {block id %d\\l}%s\\\n", bb->id,
bb->firstMIRInsn ? " | " : " ");
for (mir = bb->firstMIRInsn; mir; mir = mir->next) {
fprintf(file, " {%04x %s\\l}%s\\\n", mir->offset,
mir->ssaRep ? oatFullDisassembler(cUnit, mir) :
mir->next ? " | " : " ");
fprintf(file, " }\"];\n\n");
} else if (bb->blockType == kExceptionHandling) {
char blockName[BLOCK_NAME_LEN];
oatGetBlockName(bb, blockName);
fprintf(file, " %s [shape=invhouse];\n", blockName);
char blockName1[BLOCK_NAME_LEN], blockName2[BLOCK_NAME_LEN];
if (bb->taken) {
oatGetBlockName(bb, blockName1);
oatGetBlockName(bb->taken, blockName2);
fprintf(file, " %s:s -> %s:n [style=dotted]\n",
blockName1, blockName2);
if (bb->fallThrough) {
oatGetBlockName(bb, blockName1);
oatGetBlockName(bb->fallThrough, blockName2);
fprintf(file, " %s:s -> %s:n\n", blockName1, blockName2);
if (bb->successorBlockList.blockListType != kNotUsed) {
fprintf(file, " succ%04x_%d [shape=%s,label = \"{ \\\n",
bb->startOffset, bb->id,
(bb->successorBlockList.blockListType == kCatch) ?
"Mrecord" : "record");
GrowableListIterator iterator;
SuccessorBlockInfo *successorBlockInfo =
(SuccessorBlockInfo *) oatGrowableListIteratorNext(&iterator);
int succId = 0;
while (true) {
if (successorBlockInfo == NULL) break;
BasicBlock *destBlock = successorBlockInfo->block;
SuccessorBlockInfo *nextSuccessorBlockInfo =
(SuccessorBlockInfo *) oatGrowableListIteratorNext(&iterator);
fprintf(file, " {<f%d> %04x: %04x\\l}%s\\\n",
(nextSuccessorBlockInfo != NULL) ? " | " : " ");
successorBlockInfo = nextSuccessorBlockInfo;
fprintf(file, " }\"];\n\n");
oatGetBlockName(bb, blockName1);
fprintf(file, " %s:s -> succ%04x_%d:n [style=dashed]\n",
blockName1, bb->startOffset, bb->id);
if (bb->successorBlockList.blockListType == kPackedSwitch ||
bb->successorBlockList.blockListType == kSparseSwitch) {
succId = 0;
while (true) {
SuccessorBlockInfo *successorBlockInfo = (SuccessorBlockInfo *)
if (successorBlockInfo == NULL) break;
BasicBlock *destBlock = successorBlockInfo->block;
oatGetBlockName(destBlock, blockName2);
fprintf(file, " succ%04x_%d:f%d:e -> %s:n\n", bb->startOffset,
bb->id, succId++, blockName2);
fprintf(file, "\n");
/* Display the dominator tree */
oatGetBlockName(bb, blockName1);
fprintf(file, " cfg%s [label=\"%s\", shape=none];\n",
blockName1, blockName1);
if (bb->iDom) {
oatGetBlockName(bb->iDom, blockName2);
fprintf(file, " cfg%s:s -> cfg%s:n\n\n", blockName2, blockName1);
fprintf(file, "}\n");
/* Verify if all the successor is connected with all the claimed predecessors */
bool verifyPredInfo(CompilationUnit* cUnit, BasicBlock* bb)
GrowableListIterator iter;
oatGrowableListIteratorInit(bb->predecessors, &iter);
while (true) {
BasicBlock *predBB = (BasicBlock*)oatGrowableListIteratorNext(&iter);
if (!predBB) break;
bool found = false;
if (predBB->taken == bb) {
found = true;
} else if (predBB->fallThrough == bb) {
found = true;
} else if (predBB->successorBlockList.blockListType != kNotUsed) {
GrowableListIterator iterator;
while (true) {
SuccessorBlockInfo *successorBlockInfo = (SuccessorBlockInfo *)
if (successorBlockInfo == NULL) break;
BasicBlock *succBB = successorBlockInfo->block;
if (succBB == bb) {
found = true;
if (found == false) {
char blockName1[BLOCK_NAME_LEN], blockName2[BLOCK_NAME_LEN];
oatGetBlockName(bb, blockName1);
oatGetBlockName(predBB, blockName2);
oatDumpCFG(cUnit, "/sdcard/cfg/");
LOG(FATAL) << "Successor " << blockName1 << "not found from "
<< blockName2;
return true;
/* Identify code range in try blocks and set up the empty catch blocks */
void processTryCatchBlocks(CompilationUnit* cUnit)
const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item = cUnit->code_item;
int triesSize = code_item->tries_size_;
int offset;
if (triesSize == 0) {
ArenaBitVector* tryBlockAddr = cUnit->tryBlockAddr;
for (int i = 0; i < triesSize; i++) {
const DexFile::TryItem* pTry =
DexFile::GetTryItems(*code_item, i);
int startOffset = pTry->start_addr_;
int endOffset = startOffset + pTry->insn_count_;
for (offset = startOffset; offset < endOffset; offset++) {
oatSetBit(cUnit, tryBlockAddr, offset);
// Iterate over each of the handlers to enqueue the empty Catch blocks
const byte* handlers_ptr = DexFile::GetCatchHandlerData(*code_item, 0);
uint32_t handlers_size = DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&handlers_ptr);
for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < handlers_size; idx++) {
CatchHandlerIterator iterator(handlers_ptr);
for (; iterator.HasNext(); iterator.Next()) {
uint32_t address = iterator.GetHandlerAddress();
findBlock(cUnit, address, false /* split */, true /*create*/,
/* immedPredBlockP */ NULL);
handlers_ptr = iterator.EndDataPointer();
/* Process instructions with the kBranch flag */
BasicBlock* processCanBranch(CompilationUnit* cUnit, BasicBlock* curBlock,
MIR* insn, int curOffset, int width, int flags,
const u2* codePtr, const u2* codeEnd)
int target = curOffset;
switch (insn->dalvikInsn.opcode) {
case Instruction::GOTO:
case Instruction::GOTO_16:
case Instruction::GOTO_32:
target += (int) insn->dalvikInsn.vA;
case Instruction::IF_EQ:
case Instruction::IF_NE:
case Instruction::IF_LT:
case Instruction::IF_GE:
case Instruction::IF_GT:
case Instruction::IF_LE:
curBlock->conditionalBranch = true;
target += (int) insn->dalvikInsn.vC;
case Instruction::IF_EQZ:
case Instruction::IF_NEZ:
case Instruction::IF_LTZ:
case Instruction::IF_GEZ:
case Instruction::IF_GTZ:
case Instruction::IF_LEZ:
curBlock->conditionalBranch = true;
target += (int) insn->dalvikInsn.vB;
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected opcode(" << (int)insn->dalvikInsn.opcode
<< ") with kBranch set";
BasicBlock *takenBlock = findBlock(cUnit, target,
/* split */
/* create */
/* immedPredBlockP */
curBlock->taken = takenBlock;
oatInsertGrowableList(cUnit, takenBlock->predecessors, (intptr_t)curBlock);
/* Always terminate the current block for conditional branches */
if (flags & Instruction::kContinue) {
BasicBlock *fallthroughBlock = findBlock(cUnit,
curOffset + width,
* If the method is processed
* in sequential order from the
* beginning, we don't need to
* specify split for continue
* blocks. However, this
* routine can be called by
* compileLoop, which starts
* parsing the method from an
* arbitrary address in the
* method body.
/* create */
/* immedPredBlockP */
curBlock->fallThrough = fallthroughBlock;
oatInsertGrowableList(cUnit, fallthroughBlock->predecessors,
} else if (codePtr < codeEnd) {
/* Create a fallthrough block for real instructions (incl. NOP) */
if (contentIsInsn(codePtr)) {
findBlock(cUnit, curOffset + width,
/* split */
/* create */
/* immedPredBlockP */
return curBlock;
/* Process instructions with the kSwitch flag */
void processCanSwitch(CompilationUnit* cUnit, BasicBlock* curBlock,
MIR* insn, int curOffset, int width, int flags)
u2* switchData= (u2 *) (cUnit->insns + curOffset + insn->dalvikInsn.vB);
int size;
int* keyTable;
int* targetTable;
int i;
int firstKey;
* Packed switch data format:
* ushort ident = 0x0100 magic value
* ushort size number of entries in the table
* int first_key first (and lowest) switch case value
* int targets[size] branch targets, relative to switch opcode
* Total size is (4+size*2) 16-bit code units.
if (insn->dalvikInsn.opcode == Instruction::PACKED_SWITCH) {
size = switchData[1];
firstKey = switchData[2] | (switchData[3] << 16);
targetTable = (int *) &switchData[4];
keyTable = NULL; // Make the compiler happy
* Sparse switch data format:
* ushort ident = 0x0200 magic value
* ushort size number of entries in the table; > 0
* int keys[size] keys, sorted low-to-high; 32-bit aligned
* int targets[size] branch targets, relative to switch opcode
* Total size is (2+size*4) 16-bit code units.
} else {
size = switchData[1];
keyTable = (int *) &switchData[2];
targetTable = (int *) &switchData[2 + size*2];
firstKey = 0; // To make the compiler happy
if (curBlock->successorBlockList.blockListType != kNotUsed) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Successor block list already in use: "
<< (int)curBlock->successorBlockList.blockListType;
curBlock->successorBlockList.blockListType =
(insn->dalvikInsn.opcode == Instruction::PACKED_SWITCH) ?
kPackedSwitch : kSparseSwitch;
oatInitGrowableList(cUnit, &curBlock->successorBlockList.blocks, size,
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
BasicBlock *caseBlock = findBlock(cUnit, curOffset + targetTable[i],
/* split */
/* create */
/* immedPredBlockP */
SuccessorBlockInfo *successorBlockInfo =
(SuccessorBlockInfo *) oatNew(cUnit, sizeof(SuccessorBlockInfo),
false, kAllocSuccessor);
successorBlockInfo->block = caseBlock;
successorBlockInfo->key =
(insn->dalvikInsn.opcode == Instruction::PACKED_SWITCH) ?
firstKey + i : keyTable[i];
oatInsertGrowableList(cUnit, &curBlock->successorBlockList.blocks,
(intptr_t) successorBlockInfo);
oatInsertGrowableList(cUnit, caseBlock->predecessors,
/* Fall-through case */
BasicBlock* fallthroughBlock = findBlock(cUnit,
curOffset + width,
/* split */
/* create */
/* immedPredBlockP */
curBlock->fallThrough = fallthroughBlock;
oatInsertGrowableList(cUnit, fallthroughBlock->predecessors,
/* Process instructions with the kThrow flag */
BasicBlock* processCanThrow(CompilationUnit* cUnit, BasicBlock* curBlock,
MIR* insn, int curOffset, int width, int flags,
ArenaBitVector* tryBlockAddr, const u2* codePtr,
const u2* codeEnd)
const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item = cUnit->code_item;
bool inTryBlock = oatIsBitSet(tryBlockAddr, curOffset);
/* In try block */
if (inTryBlock) {
CatchHandlerIterator iterator(*code_item, curOffset);
if (curBlock->successorBlockList.blockListType != kNotUsed) {
LOG(INFO) << PrettyMethod(cUnit->method_idx, *cUnit->dex_file);
LOG(FATAL) << "Successor block list already in use: "
<< (int)curBlock->successorBlockList.blockListType;
curBlock->successorBlockList.blockListType = kCatch;
oatInitGrowableList(cUnit, &curBlock->successorBlockList.blocks, 2,
for (;iterator.HasNext(); iterator.Next()) {
BasicBlock *catchBlock = findBlock(cUnit, iterator.GetHandlerAddress(),
false /* split*/,
false /* creat */,
NULL /* immedPredBlockP */);
catchBlock->catchEntry = true;
SuccessorBlockInfo *successorBlockInfo = (SuccessorBlockInfo *)
oatNew(cUnit, sizeof(SuccessorBlockInfo), false, kAllocSuccessor);
successorBlockInfo->block = catchBlock;
successorBlockInfo->key = iterator.GetHandlerTypeIndex();
oatInsertGrowableList(cUnit, &curBlock->successorBlockList.blocks,
(intptr_t) successorBlockInfo);
oatInsertGrowableList(cUnit, catchBlock->predecessors,
} else {
BasicBlock *ehBlock = oatNewBB(cUnit, kExceptionHandling,
curBlock->taken = ehBlock;
oatInsertGrowableList(cUnit, &cUnit->blockList, (intptr_t) ehBlock);
ehBlock->startOffset = curOffset;
oatInsertGrowableList(cUnit, ehBlock->predecessors, (intptr_t)curBlock);
if (insn->dalvikInsn.opcode == Instruction::THROW){
curBlock->explicitThrow = true;
if ((codePtr < codeEnd) && contentIsInsn(codePtr)) {
// Force creation of new block following THROW via side-effect
findBlock(cUnit, curOffset + width, /* split */ false,
/* create */ true, /* immedPredBlockP */ NULL);
if (!inTryBlock) {
// Don't split a THROW that can't rethrow - we're done.
return curBlock;
* Split the potentially-throwing instruction into two parts.
* The first half will be a pseudo-op that captures the exception
* edges and terminates the basic block. It always falls through.
* Then, create a new basic block that begins with the throwing instruction
* (minus exceptions). Note: this new basic block must NOT be entered into
* the blockMap. If the potentially-throwing instruction is the target of a
* future branch, we need to find the check psuedo half. The new
* basic block containing the work portion of the instruction should
* only be entered via fallthrough from the block containing the
* pseudo exception edge MIR. Note also that this new block is
* not automatically terminated after the work portion, and may
* contain following instructions.
BasicBlock *newBlock = oatNewBB(cUnit, kDalvikByteCode, cUnit->numBlocks++);
oatInsertGrowableList(cUnit, &cUnit->blockList, (intptr_t)newBlock);
newBlock->startOffset = insn->offset;
curBlock->fallThrough = newBlock;
oatInsertGrowableList(cUnit, newBlock->predecessors, (intptr_t)curBlock);
MIR* newInsn = (MIR*)oatNew(cUnit, sizeof(MIR), true, kAllocMIR);
*newInsn = *insn;
insn->dalvikInsn.opcode =
// Associate the two halves
insn->meta.throwInsn = newInsn;
newInsn->meta.throwInsn = insn;
oatAppendMIR(newBlock, newInsn);
return newBlock;
void oatInit(CompilationUnit* cUnit, const Compiler& compiler) {
if (!oatArchInit()) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to initialize oat";
if (!oatHeapInit(cUnit)) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to initialize oat heap";
CompiledMethod* compileMethod(Compiler& compiler,
const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,
uint32_t access_flags, InvokeType invoke_type,
uint32_t method_idx, jobject class_loader,
const DexFile& dex_file
, LLVMInfo* llvm_info,
bool gbcOnly
VLOG(compiler) << "Compiling " << PrettyMethod(method_idx, dex_file) << "...";
const u2* codePtr = code_item->insns_;
const u2* codeEnd = code_item->insns_ + code_item->insns_size_in_code_units_;
int numBlocks = 0;
unsigned int curOffset = 0;
ClassLinker* class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
UniquePtr<CompilationUnit> cUnit(new CompilationUnit);
oatInit(cUnit.get(), compiler);
cUnit->compiler = &compiler;
cUnit->class_linker = class_linker;
cUnit->dex_file = &dex_file;
cUnit->method_idx = method_idx;
cUnit->code_item = code_item;
cUnit->access_flags = access_flags;
cUnit->invoke_type = invoke_type;
cUnit->shorty = dex_file.GetMethodShorty(dex_file.GetMethodId(method_idx));
cUnit->instructionSet = compiler.GetInstructionSet();
cUnit->insns = code_item->insns_;
cUnit->insnsSize = code_item->insns_size_in_code_units_;
cUnit->numIns = code_item->ins_size_;
cUnit->numRegs = code_item->registers_size_ - cUnit->numIns;
cUnit->numOuts = code_item->outs_size_;
DCHECK((cUnit->instructionSet == kThumb2) ||
(cUnit->instructionSet == kX86) ||
(cUnit->instructionSet == kMips));
cUnit->llvm_info = llvm_info;
if (cUnit->instructionSet == kThumb2) {
// TODO: remove this once x86 is tested
cUnit->genBitcode = true;
/* Adjust this value accordingly once inlining is performed */
cUnit->numDalvikRegisters = code_item->registers_size_;
// TODO: set this from command line
cUnit->compilerFlipMatch = false;
bool useMatch = !cUnit->compilerMethodMatch.empty();
bool match = useMatch && (cUnit->compilerFlipMatch ^
(PrettyMethod(method_idx, dex_file).find(cUnit->compilerMethodMatch) !=
if (!useMatch || match) {
cUnit->disableOpt = kCompilerOptimizerDisableFlags;
cUnit->enableDebug = kCompilerDebugFlags;
cUnit->printMe = VLOG_IS_ON(compiler) ||
(cUnit->enableDebug & (1 << kDebugVerbose));
if (cUnit->genBitcode) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
cUnit->enableDebug |= (1 << kDebugVerifyBitcode);
//cUnit->printMe = true;
//cUnit->enableDebug |= (1 << kDebugDumpBitcodeFile);
#if 1
// *** Temporary ****
// For use in debugging issue 7250540. Disable optimization in problem method
// to see if monkey results change. Should be removed after monkey runs
// complete.
if (PrettyMethod(method_idx, dex_file).find("void<init>(android.content.res.Resources,$Params,$Builder$Row, org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser)") != std::string::npos) {
cUnit->disableOpt |= (
(1 << kLoadStoreElimination) |
(1 << kLoadHoisting) |
(1 << kSuppressLoads) |
(1 << kNullCheckElimination) |
(1 << kPromoteRegs) |
(1 << kTrackLiveTemps) |
(1 << kSkipLargeMethodOptimization) |
(1 << kSafeOptimizations) |
(1 << kBBOpt) |
(1 << kMatch) |
(1 << kPromoteCompilerTemps));
if (cUnit->instructionSet == kMips) {
// Disable some optimizations for mips for now
cUnit->disableOpt |= (
(1 << kLoadStoreElimination) |
(1 << kLoadHoisting) |
(1 << kSuppressLoads) |
(1 << kNullCheckElimination) |
(1 << kPromoteRegs) |
(1 << kTrackLiveTemps) |
(1 << kSkipLargeMethodOptimization) |
(1 << kSafeOptimizations) |
(1 << kBBOpt) |
(1 << kMatch) |
(1 << kPromoteCompilerTemps));
/* Are we generating code for the debugger? */
if (compiler.IsDebuggingSupported()) {
cUnit->genDebugger = true;
// Yes, disable most optimizations
cUnit->disableOpt |= (
(1 << kLoadStoreElimination) |
(1 << kLoadHoisting) |
(1 << kSuppressLoads) |
(1 << kPromoteRegs) |
(1 << kBBOpt) |
(1 << kMatch) |
(1 << kTrackLiveTemps));
/* Gathering opcode stats? */
if (kCompilerDebugFlags & (1 << kDebugCountOpcodes)) {
cUnit->opcodeCount = (int*)oatNew(cUnit.get(),
kNumPackedOpcodes * sizeof(int), true, kAllocMisc);
/* Assume non-throwing leaf */
/* Initialize the block list, estimate size based on insnsSize */
oatInitGrowableList(cUnit.get(), &cUnit->blockList, cUnit->insnsSize,
/* Initialize the switchTables list */
oatInitGrowableList(cUnit.get(), &cUnit->switchTables, 4,
/* Intialize the fillArrayData list */
oatInitGrowableList(cUnit.get(), &cUnit->fillArrayData, 4,
/* Intialize the throwLaunchpads list, estimate size based on insnsSize */
oatInitGrowableList(cUnit.get(), &cUnit->throwLaunchpads, cUnit->insnsSize,
/* Intialize the instrinsicLaunchpads list */
oatInitGrowableList(cUnit.get(), &cUnit->intrinsicLaunchpads, 4,
/* Intialize the suspendLaunchpads list */
oatInitGrowableList(cUnit.get(), &cUnit->suspendLaunchpads, 2048,
/* Allocate the bit-vector to track the beginning of basic blocks */
ArenaBitVector *tryBlockAddr = oatAllocBitVector(cUnit.get(),
true /* expandable */);
cUnit->tryBlockAddr = tryBlockAddr;
/* Create the default entry and exit blocks and enter them to the list */
BasicBlock *entryBlock = oatNewBB(cUnit.get(), kEntryBlock, numBlocks++);
BasicBlock *exitBlock = oatNewBB(cUnit.get(), kExitBlock, numBlocks++);
cUnit->entryBlock = entryBlock;
cUnit->exitBlock = exitBlock;
oatInsertGrowableList(cUnit.get(), &cUnit->blockList, (intptr_t) entryBlock);
oatInsertGrowableList(cUnit.get(), &cUnit->blockList, (intptr_t) exitBlock);
/* Current block to record parsed instructions */
BasicBlock *curBlock = oatNewBB(cUnit.get(), kDalvikByteCode, numBlocks++);
curBlock->startOffset = 0;
oatInsertGrowableList(cUnit.get(), &cUnit->blockList, (intptr_t) curBlock);
/* Add first block to the fast lookup cache */
cUnit->blockMap.Put(curBlock->startOffset, curBlock);
entryBlock->fallThrough = curBlock;
oatInsertGrowableList(cUnit.get(), curBlock->predecessors,
* Store back the number of blocks since new blocks may be created of
* accessing cUnit.
cUnit->numBlocks = numBlocks;
/* Identify code range in try blocks and set up the empty catch blocks */
/* Set up for simple method detection */
int numPatterns = sizeof(specialPatterns)/sizeof(specialPatterns[0]);
bool livePattern = (numPatterns > 0) && !(cUnit->disableOpt & (1 << kMatch));
bool* deadPattern = (bool*)oatNew(cUnit.get(), sizeof(bool) * numPatterns, true,
SpecialCaseHandler specialCase = kNoHandler;
int patternPos = 0;
/* Parse all instructions and put them into containing basic blocks */
while (codePtr < codeEnd) {
MIR *insn = (MIR *) oatNew(cUnit.get(), sizeof(MIR), true, kAllocMIR);
insn->offset = curOffset;
int width = parseInsn(cUnit.get(), codePtr, &insn->dalvikInsn, false);
insn->width = width;
Instruction::Code opcode = insn->dalvikInsn.opcode;
if (cUnit->opcodeCount != NULL) {
/* Terminate when the data section is seen */
if (width == 0)
/* Possible simple method? */
if (livePattern) {
livePattern = false;
specialCase = kNoHandler;
for (int i = 0; i < numPatterns; i++) {
if (!deadPattern[i]) {
if (specialPatterns[i].opcodes[patternPos] == opcode) {
livePattern = true;
specialCase = specialPatterns[i].handlerCode;
} else {
deadPattern[i] = true;
oatAppendMIR(curBlock, insn);
codePtr += width;
int flags = Instruction::FlagsOf(insn->dalvikInsn.opcode);
int dfFlags = oatDataFlowAttributes[insn->dalvikInsn.opcode];
if (dfFlags & DF_HAS_DEFS) {
cUnit->defCount += (dfFlags & DF_A_WIDE) ? 2 : 1;
if (flags & Instruction::kBranch) {
curBlock = processCanBranch(cUnit.get(), curBlock, insn, curOffset,
width, flags, codePtr, codeEnd);
} else if (flags & Instruction::kReturn) {
curBlock->fallThrough = exitBlock;
oatInsertGrowableList(cUnit.get(), exitBlock->predecessors,
* Terminate the current block if there are instructions
* afterwards.
if (codePtr < codeEnd) {
* Create a fallthrough block for real instructions
* (incl. NOP).
if (contentIsInsn(codePtr)) {
findBlock(cUnit.get(), curOffset + width,
/* split */
/* create */
/* immedPredBlockP */
} else if (flags & Instruction::kThrow) {
curBlock = processCanThrow(cUnit.get(), curBlock, insn, curOffset,
width, flags, tryBlockAddr, codePtr, codeEnd);
} else if (flags & Instruction::kSwitch) {
processCanSwitch(cUnit.get(), curBlock, insn, curOffset, width, flags);
curOffset += width;
BasicBlock *nextBlock = findBlock(cUnit.get(), curOffset,
/* split */
/* create */
/* immedPredBlockP */
if (nextBlock) {
* The next instruction could be the target of a previously parsed
* forward branch so a block is already created. If the current
* instruction is not an unconditional branch, connect them through
* the fall-through link.
DCHECK(curBlock->fallThrough == NULL ||
curBlock->fallThrough == nextBlock ||
curBlock->fallThrough == exitBlock);
if ((curBlock->fallThrough == NULL) && (flags & Instruction::kContinue)) {
curBlock->fallThrough = nextBlock;
oatInsertGrowableList(cUnit.get(), nextBlock->predecessors,
curBlock = nextBlock;
if (!(cUnit->disableOpt & (1 << kSkipLargeMethodOptimization))) {
if ((cUnit->numBlocks > MANY_BLOCKS) ||
((cUnit->numBlocks > MANY_BLOCKS_INITIALIZER) &&
PrettyMethod(method_idx, dex_file, false).find("init>") !=
std::string::npos)) {
cUnit->qdMode = true;
if (cUnit->qdMode) {
// Bitcode generation requires full dataflow analysis
cUnit->disableDataflow = true;
// Disable optimization which require dataflow/ssa
cUnit->disableOpt |=
(1 << kNullCheckElimination) |
(1 << kBBOpt) |
(1 << kPromoteRegs);
if (cUnit->printMe) {
LOG(INFO) << "QD mode enabled: "
<< PrettyMethod(method_idx, dex_file)
<< " too big: " << cUnit->numBlocks;
if (cUnit->printMe) {
/* Do a code layout pass */
if (cUnit->enableDebug & (1 << kDebugVerifyDataflow)) {
/* Verify if all blocks are connected as claimed */
oatDataFlowAnalysisDispatcher(cUnit.get(), verifyPredInfo, kAllNodes,
false /* isIterative */);
/* Perform SSA transformation for the whole method */
/* Do constant propagation */
// TODO: Probably need to make these expandable to support new ssa names
// introducted during MIR optimization passes
cUnit->isConstantV = oatAllocBitVector(cUnit.get(), cUnit->numSSARegs,
false /* not expandable */);
cUnit->constantValues =
(int*)oatNew(cUnit.get(), sizeof(int) * cUnit->numSSARegs, true,
oatDataFlowAnalysisDispatcher(cUnit.get(), oatDoConstantPropagation,
false /* isIterative */);
/* Detect loops */
/* Count uses */
/* Perform null check elimination */
/* Combine basic blocks where possible */
/* Do some basic block optimizations */
if (cUnit->enableDebug & (1 << kDebugDumpCheckStats)) {
oatInitializeRegAlloc(cUnit.get()); // Needs to happen after SSA naming
/* Allocate Registers using simple local allocation scheme */
/* Go the LLVM path? */
if (cUnit->genBitcode) {
// MIR->Bitcode
if (gbcOnly) {
// all done
return NULL;
// Bitcode->LIR
} else {
if (specialCase != kNoHandler) {
* Custom codegen for special cases. If for any reason the
* special codegen doesn't succeed, cUnit->firstLIRInsn will
* set to NULL;
oatSpecialMIR2LIR(cUnit.get(), specialCase);
/* Convert MIR to LIR, etc. */
if (cUnit->firstLIRInsn == NULL) {
// Debugging only
if (cUnit->enableDebug & (1 << kDebugDumpCFG)) {
oatDumpCFG(cUnit.get(), "/sdcard/cfg/");
/* Method is not empty */
if (cUnit->firstLIRInsn) {
// mark the targets of switch statement case labels
/* Convert LIR into machine code. */
if (cUnit->printMe) {
if (cUnit->opcodeCount != NULL) {
LOG(INFO) << "Opcode Count";
for (int i = 0; i < kNumPackedOpcodes; i++) {
if (cUnit->opcodeCount[i] != 0) {
LOG(INFO) << "-C- "
<< Instruction::Name(static_cast<Instruction::Code>(i))
<< " " << cUnit->opcodeCount[i];
// Combine vmap tables - core regs, then fp regs - into vmapTable
std::vector<uint16_t> vmapTable;
// Core regs may have been inserted out of order - sort first
std::sort(cUnit->coreVmapTable.begin(), cUnit->coreVmapTable.end());
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < cUnit->coreVmapTable.size(); i++) {
// Copy, stripping out the phys register sort key
vmapTable.push_back(~(-1 << VREG_NUM_WIDTH) & cUnit->coreVmapTable[i]);
// If we have a frame, push a marker to take place of lr
if (cUnit->frameSize > 0) {
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(__builtin_popcount(cUnit->coreSpillMask), 0);
DCHECK_EQ(__builtin_popcount(cUnit->fpSpillMask), 0);
// Combine vmap tables - core regs, then fp regs. fp regs already sorted
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cUnit->fpVmapTable.size(); i++) {
CompiledMethod* result =
new CompiledMethod(cUnit->instructionSet, cUnit->codeBuffer,
cUnit->frameSize, cUnit->coreSpillMask, cUnit->fpSpillMask,
cUnit->combinedMappingTable, vmapTable, cUnit->nativeGcMap);
VLOG(compiler) << "Compiled " << PrettyMethod(method_idx, dex_file)
<< " (" << (cUnit->codeBuffer.size() * sizeof(cUnit->codeBuffer[0]))
<< " bytes)";
if (cUnit->enableDebug & (1 << kDebugShowMemoryUsage)) {
return result;
CompiledMethod* oatCompileMethod(Compiler& compiler,
const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,
uint32_t access_flags, InvokeType invoke_type,
uint32_t method_idx, jobject class_loader,
const DexFile& dex_file)
return compileMethod(compiler, code_item, access_flags, invoke_type, method_idx, class_loader,
dex_file, NULL, false);
* Given existing llvm module, context, intrinsic_helper and IRBuilder,
* add the bitcode for the method described by code_item to the module.
void oatCompileMethodToGBC(Compiler& compiler,
const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,
uint32_t access_flags, InvokeType invoke_type,
uint32_t method_idx, jobject class_loader,
const DexFile& dex_file,
LLVMInfo* llvm_info)
compileMethod(compiler, code_item, access_flags, invoke_type, method_idx, class_loader,
dex_file, llvm_info, true);
CompiledMethod* oatCompileMethod(Compiler& compiler,
const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,
uint32_t access_flags, InvokeType invoke_type,
uint32_t method_idx, jobject class_loader,
const DexFile& dex_file)
return compileMethod(compiler, code_item, access_flags, invoke_type, method_idx, class_loader,
} // namespace art
extern "C" art::CompiledMethod*
ArtCompileMethod(art::Compiler& compiler,
const art::DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,
uint32_t access_flags, art::InvokeType invoke_type,
uint32_t method_idx, jobject class_loader,
const art::DexFile& dex_file)
CHECK_EQ(compiler.GetInstructionSet(), art::oatInstructionSet());
return art::oatCompileMethod(compiler, code_item, access_flags, invoke_type,
method_idx, class_loader, dex_file);