blob: d1dc6587c0f5d65ccf8e9807b9d4ad6701e74b9f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "compact_dex_writer.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/time_utils.h"
#include "dex/compact_dex_debug_info.h"
#include "dex/compact_dex_file.h"
#include "dexlayout.h"
namespace art {
uint32_t CompactDexWriter::WriteDebugInfoOffsetTable(uint32_t offset) {
const uint32_t start_offset = offset;
const dex_ir::Collections& collections = header_->GetCollections();
// Debug offsets for method indexes. 0 means no debug info.
std::vector<uint32_t> debug_info_offsets(collections.MethodIdsSize(), 0u);
static constexpr InvokeType invoke_types[] = {
for (InvokeType invoke_type : invoke_types) {
for (const std::unique_ptr<dex_ir::ClassDef>& class_def : collections.ClassDefs()) {
// Skip classes that are not defined in this dex file.
dex_ir::ClassData* class_data = class_def->GetClassData();
if (class_data == nullptr) {
for (auto& method : *(invoke_type == InvokeType::kDirect
? class_data->DirectMethods()
: class_data->VirtualMethods())) {
const dex_ir::MethodId* method_id = method->GetMethodId();
dex_ir::CodeItem* code_item = method->GetCodeItem();
if (code_item != nullptr && code_item->DebugInfo() != nullptr) {
const uint32_t debug_info_offset = code_item->DebugInfo()->GetOffset();
const uint32_t method_idx = method_id->GetIndex();
if (debug_info_offsets[method_idx] != 0u) {
CHECK_EQ(debug_info_offset, debug_info_offsets[method_idx]);
debug_info_offsets[method_idx] = debug_info_offset;
std::vector<uint8_t> data;
debug_info_base_ = 0u;
debug_info_offsets_table_offset_ = 0u;
// Align the table and write it out.
offset = RoundUp(offset, CompactDexDebugInfoOffsetTable::kAlignment);
debug_info_offsets_pos_ = offset;
offset += Write(, data.size(), offset);
// Verify that the whole table decodes as expected and measure average performance.
const bool kMeasureAndTestOutput = dex_layout_->GetOptions().verify_output_;
if (kMeasureAndTestOutput && !debug_info_offsets.empty()) {
uint64_t start_time = NanoTime();
CompactDexDebugInfoOffsetTable::Accessor accessor(mem_map_->Begin() + debug_info_offsets_pos_,
for (size_t i = 0; i < debug_info_offsets.size(); ++i) {
CHECK_EQ(accessor.GetDebugInfoOffset(i), debug_info_offsets[i]);
uint64_t end_time = NanoTime();
VLOG(dex) << "Average lookup time (ns) for debug info offsets: "
<< (end_time - start_time) / debug_info_offsets.size();
return offset - start_offset;
uint32_t CompactDexWriter::WriteCodeItem(dex_ir::CodeItem* code_item,
uint32_t offset,
bool reserve_only) {
DCHECK(code_item != nullptr);
const uint32_t start_offset = offset;
offset = RoundUp(offset, CompactDexFile::CodeItem::kAlignment);
ProcessOffset(&offset, code_item);
CompactDexFile::CodeItem disk_code_item;
disk_code_item.registers_size_ = code_item->RegistersSize();
disk_code_item.ins_size_ = code_item->InsSize();
disk_code_item.outs_size_ = code_item->OutsSize();
disk_code_item.tries_size_ = code_item->TriesSize();
disk_code_item.insns_size_in_code_units_ = code_item->InsnsSize();
// Avoid using sizeof so that we don't write the fake instruction array at the end of the code
// item.
offset += Write(&disk_code_item,
OFFSETOF_MEMBER(CompactDexFile::CodeItem, insns_),
// Write the instructions.
offset += Write(code_item->Insns(), code_item->InsnsSize() * sizeof(uint16_t), offset);
// Write the post instruction data.
offset += WriteCodeItemPostInstructionData(code_item, offset, reserve_only);
return offset - start_offset;
void CompactDexWriter::SortDebugInfosByMethodIndex() {
dex_ir::Collections& collections = header_->GetCollections();
static constexpr InvokeType invoke_types[] = {
std::map<const dex_ir::DebugInfoItem*, uint32_t> method_idx_map;
for (InvokeType invoke_type : invoke_types) {
for (std::unique_ptr<dex_ir::ClassDef>& class_def : collections.ClassDefs()) {
// Skip classes that are not defined in this dex file.
dex_ir::ClassData* class_data = class_def->GetClassData();
if (class_data == nullptr) {
for (auto& method : *(invoke_type == InvokeType::kDirect
? class_data->DirectMethods()
: class_data->VirtualMethods())) {
const dex_ir::MethodId* method_id = method->GetMethodId();
dex_ir::CodeItem* code_item = method->GetCodeItem();
if (code_item != nullptr && code_item->DebugInfo() != nullptr) {
const dex_ir::DebugInfoItem* debug_item = code_item->DebugInfo();
method_idx_map.insert(std::make_pair(debug_item, method_id->GetIndex()));
[&](const std::unique_ptr<dex_ir::DebugInfoItem>& a,
const std::unique_ptr<dex_ir::DebugInfoItem>& b) {
auto it_a = method_idx_map.find(a.get());
auto it_b = method_idx_map.find(b.get());
uint32_t idx_a = it_a != method_idx_map.end() ? it_a->second : 0u;
uint32_t idx_b = it_b != method_idx_map.end() ? it_b->second : 0u;
return idx_a < idx_b;
void CompactDexWriter::WriteHeader() {
CompactDexFile::Header header;
header.checksum_ = header_->Checksum();
std::copy_n(header_->Signature(), DexFile::kSha1DigestSize, header.signature_);
header.file_size_ = header_->FileSize();
// Since we are not necessarily outputting the same format as the input, avoid using the stored
// header size.
header.header_size_ = GetHeaderSize();
header.endian_tag_ = header_->EndianTag();
header.link_size_ = header_->LinkSize();
header.link_off_ = header_->LinkOffset();
const dex_ir::Collections& collections = header_->GetCollections();
header.map_off_ = collections.MapListOffset();
header.string_ids_size_ = collections.StringIdsSize();
header.string_ids_off_ = collections.StringIdsOffset();
header.type_ids_size_ = collections.TypeIdsSize();
header.type_ids_off_ = collections.TypeIdsOffset();
header.proto_ids_size_ = collections.ProtoIdsSize();
header.proto_ids_off_ = collections.ProtoIdsOffset();
header.field_ids_size_ = collections.FieldIdsSize();
header.field_ids_off_ = collections.FieldIdsOffset();
header.method_ids_size_ = collections.MethodIdsSize();
header.method_ids_off_ = collections.MethodIdsOffset();
header.class_defs_size_ = collections.ClassDefsSize();
header.class_defs_off_ = collections.ClassDefsOffset();
header.data_size_ = header_->DataSize();
header.data_off_ = header_->DataOffset();
// Compact dex specific flags.
header.debug_info_offsets_pos_ = debug_info_offsets_pos_;
header.debug_info_offsets_table_offset_ = debug_info_offsets_table_offset_;
header.debug_info_base_ = debug_info_base_;
header.feature_flags_ = 0u;
// In cases where apps are converted to cdex during install, maintain feature flags so that
// the verifier correctly verifies apps that aren't targetting default methods.
if (header_->SupportDefaultMethods()) {
header.feature_flags_ |= static_cast<uint32_t>(CompactDexFile::FeatureFlags::kDefaultMethods);
UNUSED(Write(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&header), sizeof(header), 0u));
size_t CompactDexWriter::GetHeaderSize() const {
return sizeof(CompactDexFile::Header);
void CompactDexWriter::WriteMemMap() {
// Starting offset is right after the header.
uint32_t offset = GetHeaderSize();
dex_ir::Collections& collection = header_->GetCollections();
// Based on:
// Since the offsets may not be calculated already, the writing must be done in the correct order.
const uint32_t string_ids_offset = offset;
offset += WriteStringIds(offset, /*reserve_only*/ true);
offset += WriteTypeIds(offset);
const uint32_t proto_ids_offset = offset;
offset += WriteProtoIds(offset, /*reserve_only*/ true);
offset += WriteFieldIds(offset);
offset += WriteMethodIds(offset);
const uint32_t class_defs_offset = offset;
offset += WriteClassDefs(offset, /*reserve_only*/ true);
const uint32_t call_site_ids_offset = offset;
offset += WriteCallSiteIds(offset, /*reserve_only*/ true);
offset += WriteMethodHandles(offset);
uint32_t data_offset_ = 0u;
if (compute_offsets_) {
// Data section.
offset = RoundUp(offset, kDataSectionAlignment);
data_offset_ = offset;
// Write code item first to minimize the space required for encoded methods.
// For cdex, the code items don't depend on the debug info.
offset += WriteCodeItems(offset, /*reserve_only*/ false);
// Sort the debug infos by method index order, this reduces size by ~0.1% by reducing the size of
// the debug info offset table.
offset += WriteDebugInfoItems(offset);
offset += WriteEncodedArrays(offset);
offset += WriteAnnotations(offset);
offset += WriteAnnotationSets(offset);
offset += WriteAnnotationSetRefs(offset);
offset += WriteAnnotationsDirectories(offset);
offset += WriteTypeLists(offset);
offset += WriteClassDatas(offset);
offset += WriteStringDatas(offset);
// Write delayed id sections that depend on data sections.
WriteStringIds(string_ids_offset, /*reserve_only*/ false);
WriteProtoIds(proto_ids_offset, /*reserve_only*/ false);
WriteClassDefs(class_defs_offset, /*reserve_only*/ false);
WriteCallSiteIds(call_site_ids_offset, /*reserve_only*/ false);
// Write the map list.
if (compute_offsets_) {
offset = RoundUp(offset, SectionAlignment(DexFile::kDexTypeMapList));
} else {
offset = collection.MapListOffset();
offset += GenerateAndWriteMapItems(offset);
offset = RoundUp(offset, kDataSectionAlignment);
// Map items are included in the data section.
if (compute_offsets_) {
header_->SetDataSize(offset - data_offset_);
if (header_->DataSize() != 0) {
// Offset must be zero when the size is zero.
} else {
// Write link data if it exists.
const std::vector<uint8_t>& link_data = collection.LinkData();
if (link_data.size() > 0) {
CHECK_EQ(header_->LinkSize(), static_cast<uint32_t>(link_data.size()));
if (compute_offsets_) {
offset += Write(&link_data[0], link_data.size(), header_->LinkOffset());
// Write debug info offset table last to make dex file verifier happy.
offset += WriteDebugInfoOffsetTable(offset);
// Write header last.
if (compute_offsets_) {
if (dex_layout_->GetOptions().update_checksum_) {
header_->SetChecksum(DexFile::CalculateChecksum(mem_map_->Begin(), offset));
// Rewrite the header with the calculated checksum.
} // namespace art