blob: 8236739f008a33b1c37813ecddda220d462b3b78 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#include "class_linker.h"
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include "casts.h"
#include "dex_cache.h"
#include "dex_verifier.h"
#include "heap.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include "monitor.h"
#include "object.h"
#include "dex_file.h"
#include "scoped_ptr.h"
#include "space.h"
#include "thread.h"
#include "utils.h"
namespace art {
const char* ClassLinker::class_roots_descriptors_[kClassRootsMax] = {
ClassLinker* ClassLinker::Create(const std::vector<const DexFile*>& boot_class_path, Space* space) {
scoped_ptr<ClassLinker> class_linker(new ClassLinker);
if (space == NULL) {
} else {
class_linker->Init(boot_class_path, space);
// TODO: check for failure during initialization
return class_linker.release();
: classes_lock_(Mutex::Create("ClassLinker::Lock")),
init_done_(false) {
void ClassLinker::Init(const std::vector<const DexFile*>& boot_class_path) {
// java_lang_Class comes first, its needed for AllocClass
Class* java_lang_Class = down_cast<Class*>(Heap::AllocObject(NULL, sizeof(ClassClass)));
CHECK(java_lang_Class != NULL);
java_lang_Class->class_size_ = sizeof(ClassClass);
java_lang_Class->klass_ = java_lang_Class;
// AllocClass(Class*) can now be used
// java_lang_Object comes next so that object_array_class can be created
Class* java_lang_Object = AllocClass(java_lang_Class, sizeof(Class));
CHECK(java_lang_Object != NULL);
// backfill Object as the super class of Class
java_lang_Class->super_class_ = java_lang_Object;
// mark as non-primitive for object_array_class
java_lang_Object->primitive_type_ = Class::kPrimNot;
// Object[] is for DexCache and int[] is for various Class members.
Class* object_array_class = AllocClass(java_lang_Class, sizeof(Class));
CHECK(object_array_class != NULL);
object_array_class->array_rank_ = 1;
object_array_class->component_type_ = java_lang_Object;
Class* int_array_class = AllocClass(java_lang_Class, sizeof(Class));
CHECK(int_array_class != NULL);
int_array_class->array_rank_ = 1;
// String and char[] are necessary so that FindClass can assign names to members
Class* java_lang_String = AllocClass(java_lang_Class, sizeof(StringClass));
CHECK(java_lang_String != NULL);
CHECK_LT(java_lang_String->object_size_, sizeof(String));
java_lang_String->object_size_ = sizeof(String);
Class* char_array_class = AllocClass(java_lang_Class, sizeof(Class));
CHECK(char_array_class != NULL);
char_array_class->array_rank_ = 1;
// Now String::Alloc* can be used
// backfill Class descriptors missing until this point
java_lang_Class->descriptor_ = String::AllocFromModifiedUtf8("Ljava/lang/Class;");
java_lang_Object->descriptor_ = String::AllocFromModifiedUtf8("Ljava/lang/Object;");
object_array_class->descriptor_ = String::AllocFromModifiedUtf8("[Ljava/lang/Object;");
java_lang_String->descriptor_ = String::AllocFromModifiedUtf8("Ljava/lang/String;");
char_array_class->descriptor_ = String::AllocFromModifiedUtf8("[C");
int_array_class->descriptor_ = String::AllocFromModifiedUtf8("[I");
// Field and Method are necessary so that FindClass can link members
Class* java_lang_reflect_Field = AllocClass(java_lang_Class, sizeof(FieldClass));
CHECK(java_lang_reflect_Field != NULL);
java_lang_reflect_Field->descriptor_ = String::AllocFromModifiedUtf8("Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;");
CHECK_LT(java_lang_reflect_Field->object_size_, sizeof(Field));
java_lang_reflect_Field->object_size_ = sizeof(Field);
Class* java_lang_reflect_Method = AllocClass(java_lang_Class, sizeof(MethodClass));
java_lang_reflect_Method->descriptor_ = String::AllocFromModifiedUtf8("Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;");
CHECK(java_lang_reflect_Method != NULL);
CHECK_LT(java_lang_reflect_Method->object_size_, sizeof(Method));
java_lang_reflect_Method->object_size_ = sizeof(Method);
// create storage for root classes, save away our work so far
class_roots_ = ObjectArray<Class>::Alloc(object_array_class, kClassRootsMax);
SetClassRoot(kJavaLangClass, java_lang_Class);
SetClassRoot(kJavaLangObject, java_lang_Object);
SetClassRoot(kObjectArrayClass, object_array_class);
SetClassRoot(kJavaLangString, java_lang_String);
SetClassRoot(kCharArrayClass, char_array_class);
SetClassRoot(kIntArrayClass, int_array_class);
SetClassRoot(kJavaLangReflectField, java_lang_reflect_Field);
SetClassRoot(kJavaLangReflectMethod, java_lang_reflect_Method);
// now that these are registered, we can use AllocClass() and AllocObjectArray
// setup boot_class_path_ now that we can use AllocObjectArray to
// create DexCache instances
for (size_t i = 0; i != boot_class_path.size(); ++i) {
const DexFile* dex_file = boot_class_path[i];
CHECK(dex_file != NULL);
// now we can use FindSystemClass, at least for non-arrays classes.
// run Class, Field, and Method through FindSystemClass.
// this initializes their dex_cache_ fields and register them in classes_.
// we also override their object_size_ values to accommodate the extra C++ fields.
Class* Class_class = FindSystemClass("Ljava/lang/Class;");
CHECK_EQ(java_lang_Class, Class_class);
CHECK_LT(java_lang_Class->object_size_, sizeof(Class));
java_lang_Class->object_size_ = sizeof(Class);
Class* Field_class = FindSystemClass("Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;");
CHECK_EQ(java_lang_reflect_Field, Field_class);
CHECK_LT(java_lang_reflect_Field->object_size_, sizeof(Field));
java_lang_reflect_Field->object_size_ = sizeof(Field);
Class* Method_class = FindSystemClass("Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;");
CHECK_EQ(java_lang_reflect_Method, Method_class);
CHECK_LT(java_lang_reflect_Method->object_size_, sizeof(Method));
java_lang_reflect_Method->object_size_ = sizeof(Method);
// Object and String just need more minimal setup, since they do not have extra C++ fields.
Class* Object_class = FindSystemClass("Ljava/lang/Object;");
CHECK_EQ(java_lang_Object, Object_class);
CHECK_EQ(java_lang_Object->object_size_, sizeof(Object));
Class* String_class = FindSystemClass("Ljava/lang/String;");
CHECK_EQ(java_lang_String, String_class);
CHECK_EQ(java_lang_String->object_size_, sizeof(String));
// Setup the ClassLoaders, adjusting the object_size_ as necessary
Class* java_lang_ClassLoader = FindSystemClass("Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;");
CHECK(java_lang_ClassLoader != NULL);
CHECK_LT(java_lang_ClassLoader->object_size_, sizeof(ClassLoader));
java_lang_ClassLoader->object_size_ = sizeof(ClassLoader);
SetClassRoot(kJavaLangClassLoader, java_lang_ClassLoader);
Class* dalvik_system_BaseDexClassLoader = FindSystemClass("Ldalvik/system/BaseDexClassLoader;");
CHECK(dalvik_system_BaseDexClassLoader != NULL);
CHECK_EQ(dalvik_system_BaseDexClassLoader->object_size_, sizeof(BaseDexClassLoader));
SetClassRoot(kDalvikSystemBaseDexClassLoader, dalvik_system_BaseDexClassLoader);
Class* dalvik_system_PathClassLoader = FindSystemClass("Ldalvik/system/PathClassLoader;");
CHECK(dalvik_system_PathClassLoader != NULL);
CHECK_EQ(dalvik_system_PathClassLoader->object_size_, sizeof(PathClassLoader));
SetClassRoot(kDalvikSystemPathClassLoader, dalvik_system_PathClassLoader);
// Setup a single, global copy of "interfaces" and "iftable" for
// reuse across array classes
Class* java_lang_Cloneable = FindSystemClass("Ljava/lang/Cloneable;");
CHECK(java_lang_Cloneable != NULL);
Class* java_io_Serializable = FindSystemClass("Ljava/io/Serializable;");
CHECK(java_io_Serializable != NULL);
array_interfaces_ = AllocObjectArray<Class>(2);
CHECK(array_interfaces_ != NULL);
array_interfaces_->Set(0, java_lang_Cloneable);
array_interfaces_->Set(1, java_io_Serializable);
// We assume that Cloneable/Serializable don't have superinterfaces --
// normally we'd have to crawl up and explicitly list all of the
// supers as well. These interfaces don't have any methods, so we
// don't have to worry about the ifviPool either.
array_iftable_ = new InterfaceEntry[2];
// now FindClass can be used for non-primitive array classes
// run Object[] through FindClass to complete initialization
Class* found_object_array_class = FindSystemClass("[Ljava/lang/Object;");
CHECK_EQ(object_array_class, found_object_array_class);
CHECK_EQ(java_lang_Cloneable, object_array_class->GetInterface(0));
CHECK_EQ(java_io_Serializable, object_array_class->GetInterface(1));
// Setup the primitive type classes.
SetClassRoot(kPrimitiveBoolean, CreatePrimitiveClass("Z"));
SetClassRoot(kPrimitiveByte, CreatePrimitiveClass("B"));
SetClassRoot(kPrimitiveChar, CreatePrimitiveClass("C"));
SetClassRoot(kPrimitiveDouble, CreatePrimitiveClass("D"));
SetClassRoot(kPrimitiveFloat, CreatePrimitiveClass("F"));
SetClassRoot(kPrimitiveInt, CreatePrimitiveClass("I"));
SetClassRoot(kPrimitiveLong, CreatePrimitiveClass("J"));
SetClassRoot(kPrimitiveShort, CreatePrimitiveClass("S"));
SetClassRoot(kPrimitiveVoid, CreatePrimitiveClass("V"));
// now we can use FindSystemClass for anything, including for "[C"
// run char[] and int[] through FindClass to complete initialization
Class* found_char_array_class = FindSystemClass("[C");
CHECK_EQ(char_array_class, found_char_array_class);
Class* found_int_array_class = FindSystemClass("[I");
CHECK_EQ(int_array_class, found_int_array_class);
// Initialize all the other primitive array types for PrimitiveArray::Alloc.
// These are easy because everything we need has already been set up.
SetClassRoot(kBooleanArrayClass, FindSystemClass("[Z"));
SetClassRoot(kByteArrayClass, FindSystemClass("[B"));
SetClassRoot(kDoubleArrayClass, FindSystemClass("[D"));
SetClassRoot(kFloatArrayClass, FindSystemClass("[F"));
SetClassRoot(kLongArrayClass, FindSystemClass("[J"));
SetClassRoot(kShortArrayClass, FindSystemClass("[S"));
SetClassRoot(kJavaLangStackTraceElement, FindSystemClass("Ljava/lang/StackTraceElement;"));
SetClassRoot(kJavaLangStackTraceElementArrayClass, FindSystemClass("[Ljava/lang/StackTraceElement;"));
void ClassLinker::FinishInit() {
// ensure all class_roots_ are initialized
for (size_t i = 0; i < kClassRootsMax; i++) {
ClassRoot class_root = static_cast<ClassRoot>(i);
Class* klass = GetClassRoot(class_root);
CHECK(klass != NULL);
DCHECK(klass->IsArrayClass() || klass->IsPrimitive() || klass->dex_cache_ != NULL);
// note SetClassRoot does additional validation.
// if possible add new checks there to catch errors early
// disable the slow paths in FindClass and CreatePrimitiveClass now
// that Object, Class, and Object[] are setup
init_done_ = true;
struct ClassLinker::InitCallbackState {
ClassLinker* class_linker;
Class* class_roots[kClassRootsMax];
typedef std::tr1::unordered_map<std::string, ClassRoot> Table;
Table descriptor_to_class_root;
struct DexCacheHash {
size_t operator()(art::DexCache* const& obj) const {
return reinterpret_cast<size_t>(&obj);
typedef std::tr1::unordered_set<DexCache*, DexCacheHash> Set;
Set dex_caches;
void ClassLinker::Init(const std::vector<const DexFile*>& boot_class_path, Space* space) {
HeapBitmap* heap_bitmap = Heap::GetLiveBits();
DCHECK(heap_bitmap != NULL);
InitCallbackState state;
state.class_linker = this;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kClassRootsMax; i++) {
ClassRoot class_root = static_cast<ClassRoot>(i);
state.descriptor_to_class_root[GetClassRootDescriptor(class_root)] = class_root;
// reinit clases_ table
heap_bitmap->Walk(InitCallback, &state);
// reinit class_roots_
Class* object_array_class = state.class_roots[kObjectArrayClass];
class_roots_ = ObjectArray<Class>::Alloc(object_array_class, kClassRootsMax);
for (size_t i = 0; i < kClassRootsMax; i++) {
ClassRoot class_root = static_cast<ClassRoot>(i);
SetClassRoot(class_root, state.class_roots[class_root]);
// reinit intern_table_
ObjectArray<Object>* interned_array = space->GetImageHeader().GetInternedArray();
for (int32_t i = 0; i < interned_array->GetLength(); i++) {
String* string = interned_array->Get(i)->AsString();
// reinit array_interfaces_ from any array class instance, they should all be ==
array_interfaces_ = GetClassRoot(kObjectArrayClass)->interfaces_;
DCHECK(array_interfaces_ == GetClassRoot(kBooleanArrayClass)->interfaces_);
// build a map from location to DexCache to match up with DexFile::GetLocation
std::tr1::unordered_map<std::string, DexCache*> location_to_dex_cache;
typedef InitCallbackState::Set::const_iterator It; // TODO: C++0x auto
for (It it = state.dex_caches.begin(), end = state.dex_caches.end(); it != end; ++it) {
DexCache* dex_cache = *it;
std::string location = dex_cache->GetLocation()->ToModifiedUtf8();
location_to_dex_cache[location] = dex_cache;
// reinit boot_class_path with DexFile arguments and found DexCaches
for (size_t i = 0; i != boot_class_path.size(); ++i) {
const DexFile* dex_file = boot_class_path[i];
CHECK(dex_file != NULL);
DexCache* dex_cache = location_to_dex_cache[dex_file->GetLocation()];
AppendToBootClassPath(*dex_file, dex_cache);
void ClassLinker::InitCallback(Object* obj, void *arg) {
DCHECK(obj != NULL);
DCHECK(arg != NULL);
InitCallbackState* state = reinterpret_cast<InitCallbackState*>(arg);
if (!obj->IsClass()) {
Class* klass = obj->AsClass();
CHECK(klass->class_loader_ == NULL);
std::string descriptor = klass->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8();
// restore class to ClassLinker::classes_ table
state->class_linker->InsertClass(descriptor, klass);
// note DexCache to match with DexFile later
DexCache* dex_cache = klass->GetDexCache();
if (dex_cache != NULL) {
} else {
DCHECK(klass->IsArrayClass() || klass->IsPrimitive());
// check if this is a root, if so, register it
typedef InitCallbackState::Table::const_iterator It; // TODO: C++0x auto
It it = state->descriptor_to_class_root.find(descriptor);
if (it != state->descriptor_to_class_root.end()) {
ClassRoot class_root = it->second;
state->class_roots[class_root] = klass;
// Keep in sync with InitCallback. Anything we visit, we need to
// reinit references to when reinitializing a ClassLinker from a
// mapped image.
void ClassLinker::VisitRoots(Heap::RootVistor* root_visitor, void* arg) const {
root_visitor(class_roots_, arg);
for (size_t i = 0; i < dex_caches_.size(); i++) {
root_visitor(dex_caches_[i], arg);
MutexLock mu(classes_lock_);
typedef Table::const_iterator It; // TODO: C++0x auto
for (It it = classes_.begin(), end = classes_.end(); it != end; ++it) {
root_visitor(it->second, arg);
intern_table_.VisitRoots(root_visitor, arg);
root_visitor(array_interfaces_, arg);
ClassLinker::~ClassLinker() {
delete classes_lock_;
DexCache* ClassLinker::AllocDexCache(const DexFile& dex_file) {
DexCache* dex_cache = down_cast<DexCache*>(AllocObjectArray<Object>(DexCache::LengthAsArray()));
return dex_cache;
CodeAndDirectMethods* ClassLinker::AllocCodeAndDirectMethods(size_t length) {
return down_cast<CodeAndDirectMethods*>(IntArray::Alloc(CodeAndDirectMethods::LengthAsArray(length)));
Class* ClassLinker::AllocClass(Class* java_lang_Class, size_t class_size) {
DCHECK_GE(class_size, sizeof(Class));
Class* klass = Heap::AllocObject(java_lang_Class, class_size)->AsClass();
klass->class_size_ = class_size;
return klass;
Class* ClassLinker::AllocClass(size_t class_size) {
return AllocClass(GetClassRoot(kJavaLangClass), class_size);
Field* ClassLinker::AllocField() {
return down_cast<Field*>(GetClassRoot(kJavaLangReflectField)->NewInstance());
Method* ClassLinker::AllocMethod() {
return down_cast<Method*>(GetClassRoot(kJavaLangReflectMethod)->NewInstance());
ObjectArray<StackTraceElement>* ClassLinker::AllocStackTraceElementArray(size_t length) {
return ObjectArray<StackTraceElement>::Alloc(
Class* ClassLinker::FindClass(const StringPiece& descriptor,
const ClassLoader* class_loader) {
// TODO: remove this contrived parent class loader check when we have a real ClassLoader.
if (class_loader != NULL) {
Class* klass = FindClass(descriptor, NULL);
if (klass != NULL) {
return klass;
Thread* self = Thread::Current();
DCHECK(self != NULL);
// Find the class in the loaded classes table.
Class* klass = LookupClass(descriptor, class_loader);
if (klass == NULL) {
// Class is not yet loaded.
if (descriptor[0] == '[') {
return CreateArrayClass(descriptor, class_loader);
const DexFile::ClassPath& class_path = ((class_loader != NULL) ? class_loader->GetClassPath() : boot_class_path_);
DexFile::ClassPathEntry pair = DexFile::FindInClassPath(descriptor, class_path);
if (pair.second == NULL) {
std::string name(PrintableString(descriptor));
"Class %s not found in class loader %p", name.c_str(), class_loader);
return NULL;
const DexFile& dex_file = *pair.first;
const DexFile::ClassDef& dex_class_def = *pair.second;
DexCache* dex_cache = FindDexCache(dex_file);
// Load the class from the dex file.
if (!init_done_) {
// finish up init of hand crafted class_roots_
if (descriptor == "Ljava/lang/Object;") {
klass = GetClassRoot(kJavaLangObject);
} else if (descriptor == "Ljava/lang/Class;") {
klass = GetClassRoot(kJavaLangClass);
} else if (descriptor == "Ljava/lang/String;") {
klass = GetClassRoot(kJavaLangString);
} else if (descriptor == "Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;") {
klass = GetClassRoot(kJavaLangReflectField);
} else if (descriptor == "Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;") {
klass = GetClassRoot(kJavaLangReflectMethod);
} else {
klass = AllocClass(SizeOfClass(dex_file, dex_class_def));
} else {
klass = AllocClass(SizeOfClass(dex_file, dex_class_def));
klass->dex_cache_ = dex_cache;
LoadClass(dex_file, dex_class_def, klass, class_loader);
// Check for a pending exception during load
if (self->IsExceptionPending()) {
// TODO: free native allocations in klass
return NULL;
ObjectLock lock(klass);
klass->clinit_thread_id_ = self->GetId();
// Add the newly loaded class to the loaded classes table.
bool success = InsertClass(descriptor, klass); // TODO: just return collision
if (!success) {
// We may fail to insert if we raced with another thread.
klass->clinit_thread_id_ = 0;
// TODO: free native allocations in klass
klass = LookupClass(descriptor, class_loader);
CHECK(klass != NULL);
} else {
// Finish loading (if necessary) by finding parents
if (!klass->IsLoaded() && !LoadSuperAndInterfaces(klass, dex_file)) {
// Loading failed.
// TODO: CHECK(self->IsExceptionPending());
return NULL;
// Link the class (if necessary)
if (!klass->IsLinked() && !LinkClass(klass, dex_file)) {
// Linking failed.
// TODO: CHECK(self->IsExceptionPending());
return NULL;
// Link the class if it has not already been linked.
if (!klass->IsLinked() && !klass->IsErroneous()) {
ObjectLock lock(klass);
// Check for circular dependencies between classes.
if (!klass->IsLinked() && klass->clinit_thread_id_ == self->GetId()) {
self->ThrowNewException("Ljava/lang/ClassCircularityError;", NULL); // TODO: detail
return NULL;
// Wait for the pending initialization to complete.
while (!klass->IsLinked() && !klass->IsErroneous()) {
if (klass->IsErroneous()) {
LG << "EarlierClassFailure"; // TODO: EarlierClassFailure
return NULL;
// Return the loaded class. No exceptions should be pending.
return klass;
// Precomputes size that will be needed for Class, matching LinkStaticFields
size_t ClassLinker::SizeOfClass(const DexFile& dex_file,
const DexFile::ClassDef& dex_class_def) {
const byte* class_data = dex_file.GetClassData(dex_class_def);
DexFile::ClassDataHeader header = dex_file.ReadClassDataHeader(&class_data);
size_t num_static_fields = header.static_fields_size_;
size_t num_ref = 0;
size_t num_32 = 0;
size_t num_64 = 0;
if (num_static_fields != 0) {
uint32_t last_idx = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_static_fields; ++i) {
DexFile::Field dex_field;
dex_file.dexReadClassDataField(&class_data, &dex_field, &last_idx);
const DexFile::FieldId& field_id = dex_file.GetFieldId(dex_field.field_idx_);
const char* descriptor = dex_file.dexStringByTypeIdx(field_id.type_idx_);
char c = descriptor[0];
if (c == 'L' || c == '[') {
} else if (c == 'J' || c == 'D') {
} else {
// start with generic class data
size_t size = sizeof(Class);
// follow with reference fields which must be contiguous at start
size += (num_ref * sizeof(uint32_t));
// if there are 64-bit fields to add, make sure they are aligned
if (num_64 != 0 && size != RoundUp(size, 8)) { // for 64-bit alignment
if (num_32 != 0) {
// use an available 32-bit field for padding
size += sizeof(uint32_t); // either way, we are adding a word
DCHECK_EQ(size, RoundUp(size, 8));
// tack on any 64-bit fields now that alignment is assured
size += (num_64 * sizeof(uint64_t));
// tack on any remaining 32-bit fields
size += (num_32 * sizeof(uint32_t));
return size;
void ClassLinker::LoadClass(const DexFile& dex_file,
const DexFile::ClassDef& dex_class_def,
Class* klass,
const ClassLoader* class_loader) {
CHECK(klass != NULL);
CHECK(klass->dex_cache_ != NULL);
CHECK_EQ(Class::kStatusNotReady, klass->status_);
const byte* class_data = dex_file.GetClassData(dex_class_def);
DexFile::ClassDataHeader header = dex_file.ReadClassDataHeader(&class_data);
const char* descriptor = dex_file.GetClassDescriptor(dex_class_def);
CHECK(descriptor != NULL);
klass->klass_ = GetClassRoot(kJavaLangClass);
klass->descriptor_ = String::AllocFromModifiedUtf8(descriptor);
klass->access_flags_ = dex_class_def.access_flags_;
klass->class_loader_ = class_loader;
klass->primitive_type_ = Class::kPrimNot;
klass->status_ = Class::kStatusIdx;
klass->super_class_ = NULL;
klass->super_class_type_idx_ = dex_class_def.superclass_idx_;
size_t num_static_fields = header.static_fields_size_;
size_t num_instance_fields = header.instance_fields_size_;
size_t num_direct_methods = header.direct_methods_size_;
size_t num_virtual_methods = header.virtual_methods_size_;
klass->source_file_ = dex_file.dexGetSourceFile(dex_class_def);
// Load class interfaces.
LoadInterfaces(dex_file, dex_class_def, klass);
// Load static fields.
DCHECK(klass->sfields_ == NULL);
if (num_static_fields != 0) {
klass->sfields_ = AllocObjectArray<Field>(num_static_fields);
uint32_t last_idx = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < klass->NumStaticFields(); ++i) {
DexFile::Field dex_field;
dex_file.dexReadClassDataField(&class_data, &dex_field, &last_idx);
Field* sfield = AllocField();
klass->SetStaticField(i, sfield);
LoadField(dex_file, dex_field, klass, sfield);
// Load instance fields.
DCHECK(klass->ifields_ == NULL);
if (num_instance_fields != 0) {
klass->ifields_ = AllocObjectArray<Field>(num_instance_fields);
uint32_t last_idx = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < klass->NumInstanceFields(); ++i) {
DexFile::Field dex_field;
dex_file.dexReadClassDataField(&class_data, &dex_field, &last_idx);
Field* ifield = AllocField();
klass->SetInstanceField(i, ifield);
LoadField(dex_file, dex_field, klass, ifield);
// Load direct methods.
DCHECK(klass->direct_methods_ == NULL);
if (num_direct_methods != 0) {
// TODO: append direct methods to class object
klass->direct_methods_ = AllocObjectArray<Method>(num_direct_methods);
uint32_t last_idx = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < klass->NumDirectMethods(); ++i) {
DexFile::Method dex_method;
dex_file.dexReadClassDataMethod(&class_data, &dex_method, &last_idx);
Method* meth = AllocMethod();
klass->SetDirectMethod(i, meth);
LoadMethod(dex_file, dex_method, klass, meth, true);
// TODO: register maps
// Load virtual methods.
DCHECK(klass->virtual_methods_ == NULL);
if (num_virtual_methods != 0) {
// TODO: append virtual methods to class object
klass->virtual_methods_ = AllocObjectArray<Method>(num_virtual_methods);
uint32_t last_idx = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < klass->NumVirtualMethods(); ++i) {
DexFile::Method dex_method;
dex_file.dexReadClassDataMethod(&class_data, &dex_method, &last_idx);
Method* meth = AllocMethod();
klass->SetVirtualMethod(i, meth);
LoadMethod(dex_file, dex_method, klass, meth, false);
// TODO: register maps
void ClassLinker::LoadInterfaces(const DexFile& dex_file,
const DexFile::ClassDef& dex_class_def,
Class* klass) {
const DexFile::TypeList* list = dex_file.GetInterfacesList(dex_class_def);
if (list != NULL) {
DCHECK(klass->interfaces_ == NULL);
klass->interfaces_ = AllocObjectArray<Class>(list->Size());
DCHECK(klass->interfaces_type_idx_ == NULL);
klass->interfaces_type_idx_ = IntArray::Alloc(list->Size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < list->Size(); ++i) {
const DexFile::TypeItem& type_item = list->GetTypeItem(i);
klass->interfaces_type_idx_->Set(i, type_item.type_idx_);
void ClassLinker::LoadField(const DexFile& dex_file,
const DexFile::Field& src,
Class* klass,
Field* dst) {
const DexFile::FieldId& field_id = dex_file.GetFieldId(src.field_idx_);
dst->declaring_class_ = klass;
dst->name_ = ResolveString(dex_file, field_id.name_idx_, klass->GetDexCache());
// TODO: Assign dst->type_.
dst->access_flags_ = src.access_flags_;
void ClassLinker::LoadMethod(const DexFile& dex_file,
const DexFile::Method& src,
Class* klass,
Method* dst,
bool is_direct) {
const DexFile::MethodId& method_id = dex_file.GetMethodId(src.method_idx_);
dst->declaring_class_ = klass;
dst->name_ = ResolveString(dex_file, method_id.name_idx_, klass->GetDexCache());
int32_t utf16_length;
std::string utf8(dex_file.CreateMethodDescriptor(method_id.proto_idx_, &utf16_length));
dst->signature_ = String::AllocFromModifiedUtf8(utf16_length, utf8.c_str());
dst->proto_idx_ = method_id.proto_idx_;
dst->code_off_ = src.code_off_;
dst->shorty_ = dex_file.GetShorty(method_id.proto_idx_);
dst->access_flags_ = src.access_flags_;
dst->dex_cache_strings_ = klass->dex_cache_->GetStrings();
dst->dex_cache_resolved_types_ = klass->dex_cache_->GetResolvedTypes();
dst->dex_cache_resolved_methods_ = klass->dex_cache_->GetResolvedMethods();
dst->dex_cache_resolved_fields_ = klass->dex_cache_->GetResolvedFields();
dst->dex_cache_code_and_direct_methods_ = klass->dex_cache_->GetCodeAndDirectMethods();
dst->dex_cache_initialized_static_storage_ = klass->dex_cache_->GetInitializedStaticStorage();
dst->is_direct_ = is_direct;
// TODO: check for finalize method
const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item = dex_file.GetCodeItem(src);
if (code_item != NULL) {
dst->num_registers_ = code_item->registers_size_;
dst->num_ins_ = code_item->ins_size_;
dst->num_outs_ = code_item->outs_size_;
} else {
uint16_t num_args = dst->NumArgRegisters();
if (!dst->IsStatic()) {
dst->num_registers_ = dst->num_ins_ + num_args;
// TODO: native methods
void ClassLinker::AppendToBootClassPath(const DexFile& dex_file) {
AppendToBootClassPath(dex_file, AllocDexCache(dex_file));
void ClassLinker::AppendToBootClassPath(const DexFile& dex_file, DexCache* dex_cache) {
CHECK(dex_cache != NULL);
RegisterDexFile(dex_file, dex_cache);
void ClassLinker::RegisterDexFile(const DexFile& dex_file) {
RegisterDexFile(dex_file, AllocDexCache(dex_file));
void ClassLinker::RegisterDexFile(const DexFile& dex_file, DexCache* dex_cache) {
CHECK(dex_cache != NULL);
const DexFile& ClassLinker::FindDexFile(const DexCache* dex_cache) const {
for (size_t i = 0; i != dex_caches_.size(); ++i) {
if (dex_caches_[i] == dex_cache) {
return *dex_files_[i];
CHECK(false) << "Could not find DexFile";
return *dex_files_[-1];
DexCache* ClassLinker::FindDexCache(const DexFile& dex_file) const {
for (size_t i = 0; i != dex_files_.size(); ++i) {
if (dex_files_[i] == &dex_file) {
return dex_caches_[i];
CHECK(false) << "Could not find DexCache";
return NULL;
Class* ClassLinker::CreatePrimitiveClass(const char* descriptor) {
Class* klass = AllocClass(sizeof(Class));
CHECK(klass != NULL);
klass->super_class_ = NULL;
klass->access_flags_ = kAccPublic | kAccFinal | kAccAbstract;
klass->descriptor_ = String::AllocFromModifiedUtf8(descriptor);
klass->status_ = Class::kStatusInitialized;
bool success = InsertClass(descriptor, klass);
CHECK(success) << "CreatePrimitiveClass(" << descriptor << ") failed";
return klass;
// Create an array class (i.e. the class object for the array, not the
// array itself). "descriptor" looks like "[C" or "[[[[B" or
// "[Ljava/lang/String;".
// If "descriptor" refers to an array of primitives, look up the
// primitive type's internally-generated class object.
// "loader" is the class loader of the class that's referring to us. It's
// used to ensure that we're looking for the element type in the right
// context. It does NOT become the class loader for the array class; that
// always comes from the base element class.
// Returns NULL with an exception raised on failure.
Class* ClassLinker::CreateArrayClass(const StringPiece& descriptor,
const ClassLoader* class_loader)
CHECK(descriptor[0] == '[');
// Identify the underlying element class and the array dimension depth.
Class* component_type_ = NULL;
int array_rank;
if (descriptor[1] == '[') {
// array of arrays; keep descriptor and grab stuff from parent
Class* outer = FindClass(descriptor.substr(1), class_loader);
if (outer != NULL) {
// want the base class, not "outer", in our component_type_
component_type_ = outer->component_type_;
array_rank = outer->array_rank_ + 1;
} else {
DCHECK(component_type_ == NULL); // make sure we fail
} else {
array_rank = 1;
if (descriptor[1] == 'L') {
// array of objects; strip off "[" and look up descriptor.
const StringPiece subDescriptor = descriptor.substr(1);
component_type_ = FindClass(subDescriptor, class_loader);
} else {
// array of a primitive type
component_type_ = FindPrimitiveClass(descriptor[1]);
if (component_type_ == NULL) {
// failed
// DCHECK(Thread::Current()->IsExceptionPending()); // TODO
return NULL;
// See if the component type is already loaded. Array classes are
// always associated with the class loader of their underlying
// element type -- an array of Strings goes with the loader for
// java/lang/String -- so we need to look for it there. (The
// caller should have checked for the existence of the class
// before calling here, but they did so with *their* class loader,
// not the component type's loader.)
// If we find it, the caller adds "loader" to the class' initiating
// loader list, which should prevent us from going through this again.
// This call is unnecessary if "loader" and "component_type_->class_loader_"
// are the same, because our caller (FindClass) just did the
// lookup. (Even if we get this wrong we still have correct behavior,
// because we effectively do this lookup again when we add the new
// class to the hash table --- necessary because of possible races with
// other threads.)
if (class_loader != component_type_->class_loader_) {
Class* new_class = LookupClass(descriptor, component_type_->class_loader_);
if (new_class != NULL) {
return new_class;
// Fill out the fields in the Class.
// It is possible to execute some methods against arrays, because
// all arrays are subclasses of java_lang_Object_, so we need to set
// up a vtable. We can just point at the one in java_lang_Object_.
// Array classes are simple enough that we don't need to do a full
// link step.
Class* new_class = NULL;
if (!init_done_) {
if (descriptor == "[Ljava/lang/Object;") {
new_class = GetClassRoot(kObjectArrayClass);
} else if (descriptor == "[C") {
new_class = GetClassRoot(kCharArrayClass);
} else if (descriptor == "[I") {
new_class = GetClassRoot(kIntArrayClass);
if (new_class == NULL) {
new_class = AllocClass(sizeof(Class));
if (new_class == NULL) {
return NULL;
new_class->descriptor_ = String::AllocFromModifiedUtf8(descriptor.ToString().c_str());
Class* java_lang_Object = GetClassRoot(kJavaLangObject);
new_class->super_class_ = java_lang_Object;
new_class->vtable_ = java_lang_Object->vtable_;
new_class->primitive_type_ = Class::kPrimNot;
new_class->component_type_ = component_type_;
new_class->class_loader_ = component_type_->class_loader_;
new_class->array_rank_ = array_rank;
new_class->status_ = Class::kStatusInitialized;
// don't need to set new_class->object_size_
// because Object::SizeOf delegates to Array::SizeOf
// All arrays have java/lang/Cloneable and java/io/Serializable as
// interfaces. We need to set that up here, so that stuff like
// "instanceof" works right.
// Note: The GC could run during the call to FindSystemClass,
// so we need to make sure the class object is GC-valid while we're in
// there. Do this by clearing the interface list so the GC will just
// think that the entries are null.
// Use the single, global copies of "interfaces" and "iftable"
// (remember not to free them for arrays).
DCHECK(array_interfaces_ != NULL);
new_class->interfaces_ = array_interfaces_;
new_class->iftable_count_ = 2;
DCHECK(array_iftable_ != NULL);
new_class->iftable_ = array_iftable_;
// Inherit access flags from the component type. Arrays can't be
// used as a superclass or interface, so we want to add "final"
// and remove "interface".
// Don't inherit any non-standard flags (e.g., kAccFinal)
// from component_type_. We assume that the array class does not
// override finalize().
new_class->access_flags_ = ((new_class->component_type_->access_flags_ &
~kAccInterface) | kAccFinal) & kAccJavaFlagsMask;
if (InsertClass(descriptor, new_class)) {
return new_class;
// Another thread must have loaded the class after we
// started but before we finished. Abandon what we've
// done.
// (Yes, this happens.)
// Grab the winning class.
Class* other_class = LookupClass(descriptor, component_type_->class_loader_);
DCHECK(other_class != NULL);
return other_class;
Class* ClassLinker::FindPrimitiveClass(char type) {
switch (type) {
case 'B':
return GetClassRoot(kPrimitiveByte);
case 'C':
return GetClassRoot(kPrimitiveChar);
case 'D':
return GetClassRoot(kPrimitiveDouble);
case 'F':
return GetClassRoot(kPrimitiveFloat);
case 'I':
return GetClassRoot(kPrimitiveInt);
case 'J':
return GetClassRoot(kPrimitiveLong);
case 'S':
return GetClassRoot(kPrimitiveShort);
case 'Z':
return GetClassRoot(kPrimitiveBoolean);
case 'V':
return GetClassRoot(kPrimitiveVoid);
std::string printable_type(PrintableChar(type));
"Not a primitive type: %s", printable_type.c_str());
return NULL;
bool ClassLinker::InsertClass(const StringPiece& descriptor, Class* klass) {
size_t hash = StringPieceHash()(descriptor);
MutexLock mu(classes_lock_);
Table::iterator it = classes_.insert(std::make_pair(hash, klass));
return ((*it).second == klass);
Class* ClassLinker::LookupClass(const StringPiece& descriptor, const ClassLoader* class_loader) {
size_t hash = StringPieceHash()(descriptor);
MutexLock mu(classes_lock_);
typedef Table::const_iterator It; // TODO: C++0x auto
for (It it = classes_.find(hash), end = classes_.end(); it != end; ++it) {
Class* klass = it->second;
if (klass->descriptor_->Equals(descriptor) && klass->class_loader_ == class_loader) {
return klass;
return NULL;
bool ClassLinker::InitializeClass(Class* klass) {
CHECK(klass->GetStatus() == Class::kStatusResolved ||
klass->GetStatus() == Class::kStatusError);
Thread* self = Thread::Current();
ObjectLock lock(klass);
if (klass->GetStatus() < Class::kStatusVerified) {
if (klass->IsErroneous()) {
LG << "re-initializing failed class"; // TODO: throw
return false;
CHECK(klass->GetStatus() == Class::kStatusResolved);
klass->status_ = Class::kStatusVerifying;
if (!DexVerify::VerifyClass(klass)) {
LG << "Verification failed"; // TODO: ThrowVerifyError
Object* exception = self->GetException();
return false;
if (klass->status_ == Class::kStatusInitialized) {
return true;
while (klass->status_ == Class::kStatusInitializing) {
// we caught somebody else in the act; was it us?
if (klass->clinit_thread_id_ == self->GetId()) {
LG << "recursive <clinit>";
return true;
lock.Wait(); // TODO: check for interruption
// When we wake up, repeat the test for init-in-progress. If
// there's an exception pending (only possible if
// "interruptShouldThrow" was set), bail out.
if (self->IsExceptionPending()) {
LG << "Exception in initialization."; // TODO: ExceptionInInitializerError
return false;
if (klass->GetStatus() == Class::kStatusInitializing) {
DCHECK(klass->GetStatus() == Class::kStatusInitialized ||
klass->GetStatus() == Class::kStatusError);
if (klass->IsErroneous()) {
// The caller wants an exception, but it was thrown in a
// different thread. Synthesize one here.
LG << "<clinit> failed"; // TODO: throw UnsatisfiedLinkError
return false;
return true; // otherwise, initialized
// see if we failed previously
if (klass->IsErroneous()) {
// might be wise to unlock before throwing; depends on which class
// it is that we have locked
// TODO: throwEarlierClassFailure(klass);
return false;
if (!ValidateSuperClassDescriptors(klass)) {
return false;
DCHECK(klass->status_ < Class::kStatusInitializing);
klass->clinit_thread_id_ = self->GetId();
klass->status_ = Class::kStatusInitializing;
if (!InitializeSuperClass(klass)) {
return false;
Method* clinit = klass->FindDeclaredDirectMethod("<clinit>", "()V");
if (clinit != NULL) {
// JValue unused;
// TODO: dvmCallMethod(self, method, NULL, &unused);
ObjectLock lock(klass);
if (self->IsExceptionPending()) {
} else {
return true;
bool ClassLinker::ValidateSuperClassDescriptors(const Class* klass) {
if (klass->IsInterface()) {
return true;
// begin with the methods local to the superclass
if (klass->HasSuperClass() &&
klass->GetClassLoader() != klass->GetSuperClass()->GetClassLoader()) {
const Class* super = klass->GetSuperClass();
for (int i = super->NumVirtualMethods() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
const Method* method = super->GetVirtualMethod(i);
if (method != super->GetVirtualMethod(i) &&
!HasSameMethodDescriptorClasses(method, super, klass)) {
LG << "Classes resolve differently in superclass";
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < klass->iftable_count_; ++i) {
const InterfaceEntry* iftable = &klass->iftable_[i];
Class* interface = iftable->GetInterface();
if (klass->GetClassLoader() != interface->GetClassLoader()) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < interface->NumVirtualMethods(); ++j) {
uint32_t vtable_index = iftable->method_index_array_[j];
const Method* method = klass->GetVirtualMethod(vtable_index);
if (!HasSameMethodDescriptorClasses(method, interface,
method->GetClass())) {
LG << "Classes resolve differently in interface"; // TODO: LinkageError
return false;
return true;
bool ClassLinker::HasSameMethodDescriptorClasses(const Method* method,
const Class* klass1,
const Class* klass2) {
const DexFile& dex_file = FindDexFile(method->GetClass()->GetDexCache());
const DexFile::ProtoId& proto_id = dex_file.GetProtoId(method->proto_idx_);
DexFile::ParameterIterator *it;
for (it = dex_file.GetParameterIterator(proto_id); it->HasNext(); it->Next()) {
const char* descriptor = it->GetDescriptor();
if (descriptor == NULL) {
if (descriptor[0] == 'L' || descriptor[0] == '[') {
// Found a non-primitive type.
if (!HasSameDescriptorClasses(descriptor, klass1, klass2)) {
return false;
// Check the return type
const char* descriptor = dex_file.GetReturnTypeDescriptor(proto_id);
if (descriptor[0] == 'L' || descriptor[0] == '[') {
if (HasSameDescriptorClasses(descriptor, klass1, klass2)) {
return false;
return true;
// Returns true if classes referenced by the descriptor are the
// same classes in klass1 as they are in klass2.
bool ClassLinker::HasSameDescriptorClasses(const char* descriptor,
const Class* klass1,
const Class* klass2) {
CHECK(descriptor != NULL);
CHECK(klass1 != NULL);
CHECK(klass2 != NULL);
Class* found1 = FindClass(descriptor, klass1->GetClassLoader());
// TODO: found1 == NULL
Class* found2 = FindClass(descriptor, klass2->GetClassLoader());
// TODO: found2 == NULL
// TODO: lookup found1 in initiating loader list
if (found1 == NULL || found2 == NULL) {
if (found1 == found2) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
return true;
bool ClassLinker::InitializeSuperClass(Class* klass) {
CHECK(klass != NULL);
if (!klass->IsInterface() && klass->HasSuperClass()) {
Class* super_class = klass->GetSuperClass();
if (super_class->GetStatus() != Class::kStatusInitialized) {
bool super_initialized = InitializeClass(super_class);
// TODO: check for a pending exception
if (!super_initialized) {
return false;
return true;
bool ClassLinker::EnsureInitialized(Class* c) {
if (c->IsInitialized()) {
return true;
return !Thread::Current()->IsExceptionPending();
StaticStorageBase* ClassLinker::InitializeStaticStorageFromCode(uint32_t type_idx, Method* referrer) {
ClassLinker* class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
Class* klass = class_linker->ResolveType(type_idx, referrer);
if (klass == NULL) {
UNIMPLEMENTED(FATAL) << "throw exception due to unresolved class";
if (!class_linker->EnsureInitialized(klass)) {
UNIMPLEMENTED(FATAL) << "throw exception due to class initializtion problem";
return klass;
void ClassLinker::InitializeStaticFields(Class* klass) {
size_t num_static_fields = klass->NumStaticFields();
if (num_static_fields == 0) {
DexCache* dex_cache = klass->GetDexCache();
// TODO: this seems like the wrong check. do we really want !IsPrimitive && !IsArray?
if (dex_cache == NULL) {
const std::string descriptor(klass->GetDescriptor()->ToModifiedUtf8());
const DexFile& dex_file = FindDexFile(dex_cache);
const DexFile::ClassDef* dex_class_def = dex_file.FindClassDef(descriptor);
CHECK(dex_class_def != NULL);
const byte* addr = dex_file.GetEncodedArray(*dex_class_def);
if (addr == NULL) {
// All this class' static fields have default values.
size_t array_size = DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&addr);
for (size_t i = 0; i < array_size; ++i) {
Field* field = klass->GetStaticField(i);
JValue value;
DexFile::ValueType type = dex_file.ReadEncodedValue(&addr, &value);
switch (type) {
case DexFile::kByte:
field->SetByte(NULL, value.b);
case DexFile::kShort:
field->SetShort(NULL, value.s);
case DexFile::kChar:
field->SetChar(NULL, value.c);
case DexFile::kInt:
field->SetInt(NULL, value.i);
case DexFile::kLong:
field->SetLong(NULL, value.j);
case DexFile::kFloat:
field->SetFloat(NULL, value.f);
case DexFile::kDouble:
field->SetDouble(NULL, value.d);
case DexFile::kString: {
uint32_t string_idx = value.i;
String* resolved = ResolveString(dex_file, string_idx, klass->GetDexCache());
field->SetObject(NULL, resolved);
case DexFile::kBoolean:
field->SetBoolean(NULL, value.z);
case DexFile::kNull:
field->SetObject(NULL, value.l);
LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown type " << static_cast<int>(type);
bool ClassLinker::LinkClass(Class* klass, const DexFile& dex_file) {
CHECK_EQ(Class::kStatusLoaded, klass->status_);
if (!LinkSuperClass(klass)) {
return false;
if (!LinkMethods(klass)) {
return false;
if (!LinkInstanceFields(klass)) {
return false;
if (!LinkStaticFields(klass)) {
return false;
CHECK_EQ(Class::kStatusLoaded, klass->status_);
klass->status_ = Class::kStatusResolved;
return true;
bool ClassLinker::LoadSuperAndInterfaces(Class* klass, const DexFile& dex_file) {
CHECK_EQ(Class::kStatusIdx, klass->status_);
if (klass->super_class_type_idx_ != DexFile::kDexNoIndex) {
Class* super_class = ResolveType(dex_file, klass->super_class_type_idx_, klass);
if (super_class == NULL) {
LG << "Failed to resolve superclass";
return false;
klass->super_class_ = super_class; // TODO: write barrier
if (klass->NumInterfaces() > 0) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < klass->NumInterfaces(); ++i) {
uint32_t type_idx = klass->interfaces_type_idx_->Get(i);
klass->SetInterface(i, ResolveType(dex_file, type_idx, klass));
if (klass->GetInterface(i) == NULL) {
LG << "Failed to resolve interface";
return false;
// Verify
if (!klass->CanAccess(klass->GetInterface(i))) {
LG << "Inaccessible interface";
return false;
// Mark the class as loaded.
klass->status_ = Class::kStatusLoaded;
return true;
bool ClassLinker::LinkSuperClass(Class* klass) {
const Class* super = klass->GetSuperClass();
if (klass->GetDescriptor()->Equals("Ljava/lang/Object;")) {
if (super != NULL) {
LG << "Superclass must not be defined"; // TODO: ClassFormatError
return false;
// TODO: clear finalize attribute
return true;
if (super == NULL) {
LG << "No superclass defined"; // TODO: LinkageError
return false;
// Verify
if (super->IsFinal()) {
LG << "Superclass " << super->descriptor_->ToModifiedUtf8() << " is declared final"; // TODO: IncompatibleClassChangeError
return false;
if (super->IsInterface()) {
LG << "Superclass " << super->descriptor_->ToModifiedUtf8() << " is an interface"; // TODO: IncompatibleClassChangeError
return false;
if (!klass->CanAccess(super)) {
LG << "Superclass " << super->descriptor_->ToModifiedUtf8() << " is inaccessible"; // TODO: IllegalAccessError
return false;
return true;
// Populate the class vtable and itable.
bool ClassLinker::LinkMethods(Class* klass) {
if (klass->IsInterface()) {
// No vtable.
size_t count = klass->NumVirtualMethods();
if (!IsUint(16, count)) {
LG << "Too many methods on interface"; // TODO: VirtualMachineError
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
klass->GetVirtualMethod(i)->method_index_ = i;
} else {
// Link virtual method tables
// Link interface method tables
// Insert stubs.
return true;
bool ClassLinker::LinkVirtualMethods(Class* klass) {
if (klass->HasSuperClass()) {
uint32_t max_count = klass->NumVirtualMethods() + klass->GetSuperClass()->vtable_->GetLength();
size_t actual_count = klass->GetSuperClass()->vtable_->GetLength();
CHECK_LE(actual_count, max_count);
// TODO: do not assign to the vtable field until it is fully constructed.
klass->vtable_ = klass->GetSuperClass()->vtable_->CopyOf(max_count);
// See if any of our virtual methods override the superclass.
for (size_t i = 0; i < klass->NumVirtualMethods(); ++i) {
Method* local_method = klass->GetVirtualMethod(i);
size_t j = 0;
for (; j < actual_count; ++j) {
Method* super_method = klass->vtable_->Get(j);
if (local_method->HasSameNameAndDescriptor(super_method)) {
// Verify
if (super_method->IsFinal()) {
LG << "Method overrides final method"; // TODO: VirtualMachineError
return false;
klass->vtable_->Set(j, local_method);
local_method->method_index_ = j;
if (j == actual_count) {
// Not overriding, append.
klass->vtable_->Set(actual_count, local_method);
local_method->method_index_ = actual_count;
actual_count += 1;
if (!IsUint(16, actual_count)) {
LG << "Too many methods defined on class"; // TODO: VirtualMachineError
return false;
CHECK_LE(actual_count, max_count);
if (actual_count < max_count) {
// TODO: do not assign to the vtable field until it is fully constructed.
klass->vtable_ = klass->vtable_->CopyOf(actual_count);
} else {
uint32_t num_virtual_methods = klass->NumVirtualMethods();
if (!IsUint(16, num_virtual_methods)) {
LG << "Too many methods"; // TODO: VirtualMachineError
return false;
// TODO: do not assign to the vtable field until it is fully constructed.
klass->vtable_ = AllocObjectArray<Method>(num_virtual_methods);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_virtual_methods; ++i) {
klass->vtable_->Set(i, klass->GetVirtualMethod(i));
klass->GetVirtualMethod(i)->method_index_ = i & 0xFFFF;
return true;
bool ClassLinker::LinkInterfaceMethods(Class* klass) {
int pool_offset = 0;
int pool_size = 0;
int miranda_count = 0;
int miranda_alloc = 0;
size_t super_ifcount;
if (klass->HasSuperClass()) {
super_ifcount = klass->GetSuperClass()->iftable_count_;
} else {
super_ifcount = 0;
size_t ifcount = super_ifcount;
ifcount += klass->NumInterfaces();
for (size_t i = 0; i < klass->NumInterfaces(); i++) {
ifcount += klass->GetInterface(i)->iftable_count_;
if (ifcount == 0) {
DCHECK(klass->iftable_count_ == 0);
DCHECK(klass->iftable_ == NULL);
return true;
klass->iftable_ = new InterfaceEntry[ifcount * sizeof(InterfaceEntry)];
memset(klass->iftable_, 0x00, sizeof(InterfaceEntry) * ifcount);
if (super_ifcount != 0) {
memcpy(klass->iftable_, klass->GetSuperClass()->iftable_,
sizeof(InterfaceEntry) * super_ifcount);
// Flatten the interface inheritance hierarchy.
size_t idx = super_ifcount;
for (size_t i = 0; i < klass->NumInterfaces(); i++) {
Class* interf = klass->GetInterface(i);
DCHECK(interf != NULL);
if (!interf->IsInterface()) {
LG << "Class implements non-interface class"; // TODO: IncompatibleClassChangeError
return false;
for (size_t j = 0; j < interf->iftable_count_; j++) {
CHECK_EQ(idx, ifcount);
klass->iftable_count_ = ifcount;
if (klass->IsInterface() || super_ifcount == ifcount) {
return true;
for (size_t i = super_ifcount; i < ifcount; i++) {
pool_size += klass->iftable_[i].GetInterface()->NumVirtualMethods();
if (pool_size == 0) {
return true;
klass->ifvi_pool_count_ = pool_size;
klass->ifvi_pool_ = new uint32_t[pool_size];
std::vector<Method*> miranda_list;
for (size_t i = super_ifcount; i < ifcount; ++i) {
klass->iftable_[i].method_index_array_ = klass->ifvi_pool_ + pool_offset;
Class* interface = klass->iftable_[i].GetInterface();
pool_offset += interface->NumVirtualMethods(); // end here
for (size_t j = 0; j < interface->NumVirtualMethods(); ++j) {
Method* interface_method = interface->GetVirtualMethod(j);
int k; // must be signed
for (k = klass->vtable_->GetLength() - 1; k >= 0; --k) {
Method* vtable_method = klass->vtable_->Get(k);
if (interface_method->HasSameNameAndDescriptor(vtable_method)) {
if (!vtable_method->IsPublic()) {
LG << "Implementation not public";
return false;
klass->iftable_[i].method_index_array_[j] = k;
if (k < 0) {
if (miranda_count == miranda_alloc) {
miranda_alloc += 8;
if (miranda_list.empty()) {
} else {
int mir;
for (mir = 0; mir < miranda_count; mir++) {
Method* miranda_method = miranda_list[mir];
if (miranda_method->HasSameNameAndDescriptor(interface_method)) {
// point the interface table at a phantom slot index
klass->iftable_[i].method_index_array_[j] = klass->vtable_->GetLength() + mir;
if (mir == miranda_count) {
miranda_list[miranda_count++] = interface_method;
if (miranda_count != 0) {
int old_method_count = klass->NumVirtualMethods();
int new_method_count = old_method_count + miranda_count;
klass->virtual_methods_ = klass->virtual_methods_->CopyOf(new_method_count);
CHECK(klass->vtable_ != NULL);
int old_vtable_count = klass->vtable_->GetLength();
int new_vtable_count = old_vtable_count + miranda_count;
// TODO: do not assign to the vtable field until it is fully constructed.
klass->vtable_ = klass->vtable_->CopyOf(new_vtable_count);
for (int i = 0; i < miranda_count; i++) {
Method* meth = AllocMethod();
memcpy(meth, miranda_list[i], sizeof(Method));
meth->klass_ = klass;
meth->access_flags_ |= kAccMiranda;
meth->method_index_ = 0xFFFF & (old_vtable_count + i);
klass->SetVirtualMethod(old_method_count + i, meth);
klass->vtable_->Set(old_vtable_count + i, meth);
return true;
void ClassLinker::LinkAbstractMethods(Class* klass) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < klass->NumVirtualMethods(); ++i) {
Method* method = klass->GetVirtualMethod(i);
if (method->IsAbstract()) {
LG << "AbstractMethodError";
// TODO: throw AbstractMethodError
bool ClassLinker::LinkInstanceFields(Class* klass) {
CHECK(klass != NULL);
size_t field_offset;
if (klass->GetSuperClass() != NULL) {
field_offset = klass->GetSuperClass()->object_size_;
} else {
field_offset = OFFSETOF_MEMBER(DataObject, fields_);
return LinkFields(field_offset,
bool ClassLinker::LinkStaticFields(Class* klass) {
CHECK(klass != NULL);
size_t allocated_class_size = klass->class_size_;
size_t field_offset = OFFSETOF_MEMBER(Class, fields_);
bool success = LinkFields(field_offset,
CHECK_EQ(allocated_class_size, klass->class_size_);
return success;
bool ClassLinker::LinkFields(size_t field_offset,
size_t& num_reference_fields,
size_t num_fields,
ObjectArray<Field>* fields,
size_t& size) {
CHECK((num_fields == 0) == (fields == NULL));
// Move references to the front.
num_reference_fields = 0;
size_t i = 0;
for ( ; i < num_fields; i++) {
Field* pField = fields->Get(i);
char c = pField->GetType();
if (c != '[' && c != 'L') {
for (size_t j = num_fields - 1; j > i; j--) {
Field* refField = fields->Get(j);
char rc = refField->GetType();
if (rc == '[' || rc == 'L') {
fields->Set(i, refField);
fields->Set(j, pField);
pField = refField;
c = rc;
} else {
if (c != '[' && c != 'L') {
field_offset += sizeof(uint32_t);
// Now we want to pack all of the double-wide fields together. If
// we're not aligned, though, we want to shuffle one 32-bit field
// into place. If we can't find one, we'll have to pad it.
if (i != num_fields && (field_offset & 0x04) != 0) {
Field* pField = fields->Get(i);
char c = pField->GetType();
if (c != 'J' && c != 'D') {
// The field that comes next is 32-bit, so just advance past it.
DCHECK(c != '[');
DCHECK(c != 'L');
field_offset += sizeof(uint32_t);
} else {
// Next field is 64-bit, so search for a 32-bit field we can
// swap into it.
bool found = false;
for (size_t j = num_fields - 1; j > i; j--) {
Field* singleField = fields->Get(j);
char rc = singleField->GetType();
if (rc != 'J' && rc != 'D') {
fields->Set(i, singleField);
fields->Set(j, pField);
pField = singleField;
field_offset += sizeof(uint32_t);
found = true;
if (!found) {
field_offset += sizeof(uint32_t);
// Alignment is good, shuffle any double-wide fields forward, and
// finish assigning field offsets to all fields.
DCHECK(i == num_fields || (field_offset & 0x04) == 0);
for ( ; i < num_fields; i++) {
Field* pField = fields->Get(i);
char c = pField->GetType();
if (c != 'D' && c != 'J') {
for (size_t j = num_fields - 1; j > i; j--) {
Field* doubleField = fields->Get(j);
char rc = doubleField->GetType();
if (rc == 'D' || rc == 'J') {
fields->Set(i, doubleField);
fields->Set(j, pField);
pField = doubleField;
c = rc;
} else {
// This is a double-wide field, leave it be.
field_offset += sizeof(uint32_t);
if (c == 'J' || c == 'D') {
field_offset += sizeof(uint32_t);
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Make sure that all reference fields appear before
// non-reference fields, and all double-wide fields are aligned.
bool seen_non_ref = false;
for (i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) {
Field *pField = fields->Get(i);
char c = pField->GetType();
if (c == 'D' || c == 'J') {
DCHECK_EQ(0U, pField->GetOffset() & 0x07);
if (c != '[' && c != 'L') {
if (!seen_non_ref) {
seen_non_ref = true;
DCHECK_EQ(num_reference_fields, i);
} else {
if (!seen_non_ref) {
DCHECK_EQ(num_fields, num_reference_fields);
size = field_offset;
return true;
// Set the bitmap of reference offsets, refOffsets, from the ifields
// list.
void ClassLinker::CreateReferenceInstanceOffsets(Class* klass) {
klass->reference_instance_offsets_ = 0;
if (klass->HasSuperClass()) {
klass->reference_instance_offsets_ = klass->GetSuperClass()->GetReferenceInstanceOffsets();
// If our superclass overflowed, we don't stand a chance.
if (klass->reference_instance_offsets_ == CLASS_WALK_SUPER) {
void ClassLinker::CreateReferenceStaticOffsets(Class* klass) {
klass->reference_static_offsets_ = 0;
void ClassLinker::CreateReferenceOffsets(uint32_t& reference_offsets,
size_t num_reference_fields,
const ObjectArray<Field>* fields) {
// All of the fields that contain object references are guaranteed
// to be at the beginning of the fields list.
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_reference_fields; ++i) {
// Note that byte_offset is the offset from the beginning of
// object, not the offset into instance data
const Field* field = fields->Get(i);
size_t byte_offset = field->GetOffset();
CHECK_EQ(byte_offset & (CLASS_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT - 1), 0U);
if (CLASS_CAN_ENCODE_OFFSET(byte_offset)) {
uint32_t new_bit = CLASS_BIT_FROM_OFFSET(byte_offset);
CHECK_NE(new_bit, 0U);
reference_offsets |= new_bit;
} else {
reference_offsets = CLASS_WALK_SUPER;
String* ClassLinker::ResolveString(const DexFile& dex_file,
uint32_t string_idx,
DexCache* dex_cache) {
String* resolved = dex_cache->GetResolvedString(string_idx);
if (resolved != NULL) {
return resolved;
const DexFile::StringId& string_id = dex_file.GetStringId(string_idx);
int32_t utf16_length = dex_file.GetStringLength(string_id);
const char* utf8_data = dex_file.GetStringData(string_id);
String* string = intern_table_.Intern(utf16_length, utf8_data);
dex_cache->SetResolvedString(string_idx, string);
return string;
Class* ClassLinker::ResolveType(const DexFile& dex_file,
uint32_t type_idx,
DexCache* dex_cache,
const ClassLoader* class_loader) {
Class* resolved = dex_cache->GetResolvedType(type_idx);
if (resolved != NULL) {
return resolved;
const char* descriptor = dex_file.dexStringByTypeIdx(type_idx);
if (descriptor[0] != '\0' && descriptor[1] == '\0') {
resolved = FindPrimitiveClass(descriptor[0]);
} else {
resolved = FindClass(descriptor, class_loader);
if (resolved != NULL) {
Class* check = resolved->IsArrayClass() ? resolved->component_type_ : resolved;
if (dex_cache != check->GetDexCache()) {
if (check->GetClassLoader() != NULL) {
LG << "Class resolved by unexpected DEX"; // TODO: IllegalAccessError
return NULL;
dex_cache->SetResolvedType(type_idx, resolved);
} else {
return resolved;
Method* ClassLinker::ResolveMethod(const DexFile& dex_file,
uint32_t method_idx,
DexCache* dex_cache,
const ClassLoader* class_loader,
bool is_direct) {
Method* resolved = dex_cache->GetResolvedMethod(method_idx);
if (resolved != NULL) {
return resolved;
const DexFile::MethodId& method_id = dex_file.GetMethodId(method_idx);
Class* klass = ResolveType(dex_file, method_id.class_idx_, dex_cache, class_loader);
if (klass == NULL) {
return NULL;
const char* name = dex_file.dexStringById(method_id.name_idx_);
std::string signature(dex_file.CreateMethodDescriptor(method_id.proto_idx_, NULL));
if (is_direct) {
resolved = klass->FindDirectMethod(name, signature);
} else {
resolved = klass->FindVirtualMethod(name, signature);
if (resolved != NULL) {
dex_cache->SetResolvedMethod(method_idx, resolved);
} else {
// DCHECK(Thread::Current()->IsExceptionPending());
return resolved;
Field* ClassLinker::ResolveField(const DexFile& dex_file,
uint32_t field_idx,
DexCache* dex_cache,
const ClassLoader* class_loader,
bool is_static) {
Field* resolved = dex_cache->GetResolvedField(field_idx);
if (resolved != NULL) {
return resolved;
const DexFile::FieldId& field_id = dex_file.GetFieldId(field_idx);
Class* klass = ResolveType(dex_file, field_id.class_idx_, dex_cache, class_loader);
if (klass == NULL) {
return NULL;
const char* name = dex_file.dexStringById(field_id.name_idx_);
const char* type = dex_file.dexStringByTypeIdx(field_id.type_idx_);
if (is_static) {
resolved = klass->FindStaticField(name, type);
} else {
resolved = klass->FindInstanceField(name, type);
if (resolved != NULL) {
dex_cache->SetResolvedfield(field_idx, resolved);
} else {
// DCHECK(Thread::Current()->IsExceptionPending());
return resolved;
size_t ClassLinker::NumLoadedClasses() const {
MutexLock mu(classes_lock_);
return classes_.size();
} // namespace art