blob: cab18daed1d719cefe530b52aed625011a128b5f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <jni.h>
#include "native_loader_namespace.h"
#include "nativeloader/dlext_namespaces.h"
namespace android {
namespace nativeloader {
using ::testing::Return;
using ::testing::_;
// gmock interface that represents interested platform APIs on libdl_android and libnativebridge
class Platform {
virtual ~Platform() {}
// These mock_* are the APIs semantically the same across libdl_android and libnativebridge.
// Instead of having two set of mock APIs for the two, define only one set with an additional
// argument 'bool bridged' to identify the context (i.e., called for libdl_android or
// libnativebridge).
typedef char* mock_namespace_handle;
virtual bool mock_init_anonymous_namespace(bool bridged, const char* sonames,
const char* search_paths) = 0;
virtual mock_namespace_handle mock_create_namespace(
bool bridged, const char* name, const char* ld_library_path, const char* default_library_path,
uint64_t type, const char* permitted_when_isolated_path, mock_namespace_handle parent) = 0;
virtual bool mock_link_namespaces(bool bridged, mock_namespace_handle from,
mock_namespace_handle to, const char* sonames) = 0;
virtual mock_namespace_handle mock_get_exported_namespace(bool bridged, const char* name) = 0;
virtual void* mock_dlopen_ext(bool bridged, const char* filename, int flags,
mock_namespace_handle ns) = 0;
// libnativebridge APIs for which libdl_android has no corresponding APIs
virtual bool NativeBridgeInitialized() = 0;
virtual const char* NativeBridgeGetError() = 0;
virtual bool NativeBridgeIsPathSupported(const char*) = 0;
virtual bool NativeBridgeIsSupported(const char*) = 0;
// To mock "ClassLoader Object.getParent()"
virtual const char* JniObject_getParent(const char*) = 0;
// The mock does not actually create a namespace object. But simply casts the pointer to the
// string for the namespace name as the handle to the namespace object.
reinterpret_cast<struct android_namespace_t*>(const_cast<char*>(str))
reinterpret_cast<struct native_bridge_namespace_t*>(const_cast<char*>(str))
#define TO_MOCK_NAMESPACE(ns) reinterpret_cast<Platform::mock_namespace_handle>(ns)
// These represents built-in namespaces created by the linker according to ld.config.txt
static std::unordered_map<std::string, Platform::mock_namespace_handle> namespaces = {
// The actual gmock object
class MockPlatform : public Platform {
explicit MockPlatform(bool is_bridged) : is_bridged_(is_bridged) {
ON_CALL(*this, NativeBridgeIsSupported(_)).WillByDefault(Return(is_bridged_));
ON_CALL(*this, NativeBridgeIsPathSupported(_)).WillByDefault(Return(is_bridged_));
ON_CALL(*this, mock_get_exported_namespace(_, _))
.WillByDefault(testing::Invoke([](bool, const char* name) -> mock_namespace_handle {
if (namespaces.find(name) != namespaces.end()) {
return namespaces[name];
std::string msg = android::base::StringPrintf("(namespace %s not found)", name);
// The strdup'ed string will leak, but the test is already failing if we get here.
return TO_MOCK_NAMESPACE(TO_ANDROID_NAMESPACE(strdup(msg.c_str())));
// Mocking the common APIs
MOCK_METHOD3(mock_init_anonymous_namespace, bool(bool, const char*, const char*));
mock_namespace_handle(bool, const char*, const char*, const char*, uint64_t,
const char*, mock_namespace_handle));
bool(bool, mock_namespace_handle, mock_namespace_handle, const char*));
MOCK_METHOD2(mock_get_exported_namespace, mock_namespace_handle(bool, const char*));
MOCK_METHOD4(mock_dlopen_ext, void*(bool, const char*, int, mock_namespace_handle));
// Mocking libnativebridge APIs
MOCK_METHOD0(NativeBridgeInitialized, bool());
MOCK_METHOD0(NativeBridgeGetError, const char*());
MOCK_METHOD1(NativeBridgeIsPathSupported, bool(const char*));
MOCK_METHOD1(NativeBridgeIsSupported, bool(const char*));
// Mocking "ClassLoader Object.getParent()"
MOCK_METHOD1(JniObject_getParent, const char*(const char*));
bool is_bridged_;
static std::unique_ptr<MockPlatform> mock;
// Provide C wrappers for the mock object. These symbols must be exported by ld
// to be able to override the real symbols in the shared libs.
extern "C" {
// libdl_android APIs
bool android_init_anonymous_namespace(const char* sonames, const char* search_path) {
return mock->mock_init_anonymous_namespace(false, sonames, search_path);
struct android_namespace_t* android_create_namespace(const char* name, const char* ld_library_path,
const char* default_library_path,
uint64_t type,
const char* permitted_when_isolated_path,
struct android_namespace_t* parent) {
mock->mock_create_namespace(false, name, ld_library_path, default_library_path, type,
permitted_when_isolated_path, TO_MOCK_NAMESPACE(parent)));
bool android_link_namespaces(struct android_namespace_t* from, struct android_namespace_t* to,
const char* sonames) {
return mock->mock_link_namespaces(false, TO_MOCK_NAMESPACE(from), TO_MOCK_NAMESPACE(to), sonames);
struct android_namespace_t* android_get_exported_namespace(const char* name) {
return TO_ANDROID_NAMESPACE(mock->mock_get_exported_namespace(false, name));
void* android_dlopen_ext(const char* filename, int flags, const android_dlextinfo* info) {
return mock->mock_dlopen_ext(false, filename, flags, TO_MOCK_NAMESPACE(info->library_namespace));
// libnativebridge APIs
bool NativeBridgeIsSupported(const char* libpath) {
return mock->NativeBridgeIsSupported(libpath);
struct native_bridge_namespace_t* NativeBridgeGetExportedNamespace(const char* name) {
return TO_BRIDGED_NAMESPACE(mock->mock_get_exported_namespace(true, name));
struct native_bridge_namespace_t* NativeBridgeCreateNamespace(
const char* name, const char* ld_library_path, const char* default_library_path, uint64_t type,
const char* permitted_when_isolated_path, struct native_bridge_namespace_t* parent) {
mock->mock_create_namespace(true, name, ld_library_path, default_library_path, type,
permitted_when_isolated_path, TO_MOCK_NAMESPACE(parent)));
bool NativeBridgeLinkNamespaces(struct native_bridge_namespace_t* from,
struct native_bridge_namespace_t* to, const char* sonames) {
return mock->mock_link_namespaces(true, TO_MOCK_NAMESPACE(from), TO_MOCK_NAMESPACE(to), sonames);
void* NativeBridgeLoadLibraryExt(const char* libpath, int flag,
struct native_bridge_namespace_t* ns) {
return mock->mock_dlopen_ext(true, libpath, flag, TO_MOCK_NAMESPACE(ns));
bool NativeBridgeInitialized() {
return mock->NativeBridgeInitialized();
bool NativeBridgeInitAnonymousNamespace(const char* public_ns_sonames,
const char* anon_ns_library_path) {
return mock->mock_init_anonymous_namespace(true, public_ns_sonames, anon_ns_library_path);
const char* NativeBridgeGetError() {
return mock->NativeBridgeGetError();
bool NativeBridgeIsPathSupported(const char* path) {
return mock->NativeBridgeIsPathSupported(path);
} // extern "C"
// A very simple JNI mock.
// jstring is a pointer to utf8 char array. We don't need utf16 char here.
// jobject, jclass, and jmethodID are also a pointer to utf8 char array
// Only a few JNI methods that are actually used in libnativeloader are mocked.
JNINativeInterface* CreateJNINativeInterface() {
JNINativeInterface* inf = new JNINativeInterface();
memset(inf, 0, sizeof(JNINativeInterface));
inf->GetStringUTFChars = [](JNIEnv*, jstring s, jboolean*) -> const char* {
return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(s);
inf->ReleaseStringUTFChars = [](JNIEnv*, jstring, const char*) -> void { return; };
inf->NewStringUTF = [](JNIEnv*, const char* bytes) -> jstring {
return reinterpret_cast<jstring>(const_cast<char*>(bytes));
inf->FindClass = [](JNIEnv*, const char* name) -> jclass {
return reinterpret_cast<jclass>(const_cast<char*>(name));
inf->CallObjectMethodV = [](JNIEnv*, jobject obj, jmethodID mid, va_list) -> jobject {
if (strcmp("getParent", reinterpret_cast<const char*>(mid)) == 0) {
// JniObject_getParent can be a valid jobject or nullptr if there is
// no parent classloader.
const char* ret = mock->JniObject_getParent(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(obj));
return reinterpret_cast<jobject>(const_cast<char*>(ret));
return nullptr;
inf->GetMethodID = [](JNIEnv*, jclass, const char* name, const char*) -> jmethodID {
return reinterpret_cast<jmethodID>(const_cast<char*>(name));
inf->NewWeakGlobalRef = [](JNIEnv*, jobject obj) -> jobject { return obj; };
inf->IsSameObject = [](JNIEnv*, jobject a, jobject b) -> jboolean {
return strcmp(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(a), reinterpret_cast<const char*>(b)) == 0;
return inf;
} // namespace nativeloader
} // namespace android