| AHAT - Android Heap Analysis Tool |
| |
| Usage: |
| java -jar ahat.jar [-p port] FILE |
| Launch an http server for viewing the given Android heap-dump FILE. |
| |
| Options: |
| -p <port> |
| Serve pages on the given port. Defaults to 7100. |
| |
| TODO: |
| * Add more tips to the help page. |
| - Recommend how to start looking at a heap dump. |
| - Say how to enable allocation sites. |
| - Where to submit feedback, questions, and bug reports. |
| * Dim 'image' and 'zygote' heap sizes slightly? Why do we even show these? |
| * Let user re-sort sites objects info by clicking column headers. |
| * Let user re-sort "Objects" list. |
| * Show site context and heap and class filter in "Objects" view? |
| * Have a menu at the top of an object view with links to the sections? |
| * Include ahat version and hprof file in the menu at the top of the page? |
| * Heaped Table |
| - Make sortable by clicking on headers. |
| * For HeapTable with single heap shown, the heap name isn't centered? |
| * Consistently document functions. |
| * Show version number with --version. |
| * Show somewhere where to send bugs. |
| * Include a link to /objects in the overview and menu? |
| * Turn on LOCAL_JAVACFLAGS := -Xlint:unchecked -Werror |
| * Use hex for object ids in URLs? |
| |
| * [low priority] by site allocations won't line up if the stack has been |
| truncated. Is there any way to manually line them up in that case? |
| |
| * [low priority] Have a switch to choose whether unreachable objects are |
| ignored or not? Is there any interest in what's unreachable, or is it only |
| reachable objects that people care about? |
| |
| * [low priority] Have a way to diff two heap dumps by site. |
| This should be pretty easy to do, actually. The interface is the real |
| question. Maybe: augment each byte count field on every page with the diff |
| if a baseline has been provided, and allow the user to sort by the diff. |
| |
| Things to Test: |
| * That we can open a hprof without an 'app' heap and show a tabulation of |
| objects normally sorted by 'app' heap by default. |
| * Visit /objects without parameters and verify it doesn't throw an exception. |
| * Visit /objects with an invalid site, verify it doesn't throw an exception. |
| * That we can view the list of all objects in a reasonably short amount of |
| time. |
| * That we don't show the 'extra' column in the DominatedList if we are |
| showing all the instances. |
| * That InstanceUtils.asString properly takes into account "offset" and |
| "count" fields, if they are present. |
| * InstanceUtils.getDexCacheLocation |
| |
| Reported Issues: |
| * Request to be able to sort tables by size. |
| |
| Perflib Requests: |
| * Class objects should have java.lang.Class as their class object, not null. |
| * ArrayInstance should have asString() to get the string, without requiring a |
| length function. |
| * Document that getHeapIndex returns -1 for no such heap. |
| * Look up totalRetainedSize for a heap by Heap object, not by a separate heap |
| index. |
| * What's the difference between getId and getUniqueId? |
| * I see objects with duplicate references. |
| * A way to get overall retained size by heap. |
| * A method Instance.isReachable() |
| |
| Things to move to perflib: |
| * Extracting the string from a String Instance. |
| * Extracting bitmap data from bitmap instances. |
| * Adding up allocations by stack frame. |
| * Computing, for each instance, the other instances it dominates. |
| * Instance.isRoot and Instance.getRootTypes. |
| |
| Release History: |
| 0.4 Pending |
| Annotate char[] objects with their string values. |
| Show registered native allocations for heap dumps that support it. |
| |
| 0.3 Dec 15, 2015 |
| Fix page loading performance by showing a limited number of entries by default. |
| Fix mismatch between overview and "roots" totals. |
| Annotate root objects and show their types. |
| Annotate references with their referents. |
| |
| 0.2 Oct 20, 2015 |
| Take into account 'count' and 'offset' when displaying strings. |
| |
| 0.1ss Aug 04, 2015 |
| Enable stack allocations code (using custom modified perflib). |
| Sort objects in 'objects/' with default sort. |
| |
| 0.1-stacks Aug 03, 2015 |
| Enable stack allocations code (using custom modified perflib). |
| |
| 0.1 July 30, 2015 |
| Initial Release |
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