blob: ab8e12bfb9be949a574bf2e5ed7fdc7ee21864f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Android Runtime APEX module.
// Modules listed in LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES for module art-runtime in art/
// - Base requirements (binaries for which both 32- and 64-bit versions are built, if relevant).
art_runtime_base_binaries_both = [
// - Base requirements (binaries for which a 32-bit version is preferred).
art_runtime_base_binaries_prefer32 = [
// - Base requirements (libraries).
art_runtime_base_native_shared_libs = [
// - Fake library that avoids namespace issues and gives some warnings for nosy apps.
art_runtime_fake_native_shared_libs = [
// FIXME: Does not work as-is, because `libart_fake` is defined in libart_fake/,
// and because a module defined in a Blueprint file cannot depend on a module defined in a
// Makefile. To support `libart_fake` as a dependency of this APEX module, we can either
// (probably in that order of preference):
// a. translate that logic into Blueprint; or
// b. write the whole Android Runtime APEX generation logic in; or
// c. introduce an `art_apex` module type extending the `apex` module type and write the
// corresponding Go logic to handle this extra dependency.
// - Debug variants (binaries for which a 32-bit version is preferred).
// FIXME: These modules are optional (the built product can decide to include them or not).
// Should they be moved to another APEX file?
art_runtime_debug_binaries_prefer32 = [
art_runtime_debug_native_shared_libs = [
// Modules listed in LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES for module art-tools in art/
art_tools_common_binaries = [
art_tools_device_binaries = [
// Host-only modules listed in LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES for module art-tools in art/
// TODO: Include these modules in the future "host APEX".
art_tools_host_binaries = [
// FIXME: Does not work as-is, because `ahat` is defined in tools/ahat/
// (same issue as for `libart_fake` above).
// ...
art_tools_binaries = art_tools_common_binaries + art_tools_device_binaries
apex_key {
name: "",
public_key: "",
private_key: "",
// TODO: Introduce `apex_defaults` to factor common parts of `apex`
// module definitions below?
// Release version of the Runtime APEX module (not containing debug
// variants nor tools), included in user builds. Also used for
// storage-constrained devices in userdebug and eng builds.
apex {
name: "",
compile_multilib: "both",
manifest: "manifest.json",
native_shared_libs: art_runtime_base_native_shared_libs
+ art_runtime_fake_native_shared_libs,
multilib: {
both: {
// TODO: Add logic to create a `dalvikvm` symlink to `dalvikvm32` or `dalvikvm64`
// (see `symlink_preferred_arch` in art/dalvikvm/Android.bp).
binaries: art_runtime_base_binaries_both,
prefer32: {
binaries: art_runtime_base_binaries_prefer32,
first: {
binaries: [],
key: "",
// TODO: Also package a `ld.config.txt` config file (to be placed in `etc/`).
// ...
// "Debug" version of the Runtime APEX module (containing both release and
// debug variants, as well as additional tools), included in userdebug and
// eng build.
apex {
name: "",
compile_multilib: "both",
manifest: "manifest.json",
native_shared_libs: art_runtime_base_native_shared_libs
+ art_runtime_fake_native_shared_libs
+ art_runtime_debug_native_shared_libs,
multilib: {
both: {
// TODO: Add logic to create a `dalvikvm` symlink to `dalvikvm32` or `dalvikvm64`
// (see `symlink_preferred_arch` in art/dalvikvm/Android.bp).
binaries: art_runtime_base_binaries_both,
prefer32: {
binaries: art_runtime_base_binaries_prefer32
+ art_runtime_debug_binaries_prefer32,
first: {
binaries: art_tools_binaries,
key: "",
// TODO: Also package a `ld.config.txt` config file (to be placed in `etc/`).
// ...
apex {
name: "",
compile_multilib: "both",
payload_type: "zip",
// TODO: We need this and the multilib is different from above b/c ART sets
// different prefer32 on host and device. We should change this.
host_supported: true,
device_supported: false,
// The files are the same on both.
manifest: "manifest.json",
native_shared_libs: art_runtime_base_native_shared_libs
+ art_runtime_fake_native_shared_libs
+ art_runtime_debug_native_shared_libs,
multilib: {
both: {
// TODO: Add logic to create a `dalvikvm` symlink to `dalvikvm32` or `dalvikvm64`
// (see `symlink_preferred_arch` in art/dalvikvm/Android.bp).
binaries: art_runtime_base_binaries_both,
first: {
// TODO: oatdump cannot link with host linux_bionic due to not using clang ld
binaries: art_tools_common_binaries
+ art_runtime_base_binaries_prefer32
+ art_runtime_debug_binaries_prefer32,
key: "",