blob: 7c1bd0d5917393a8d040b30b1e5126b76ba35fc7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "art_method.h"
#include "lambda/art_lambda_method.h"
#include "lambda/closure.h"
#include "lambda/closure_builder.h"
#include "lambda/closure_builder-inl.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include <numeric>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <type_traits>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
// Turn this on for some extra printfs to help with debugging, since some code is optimized out.
static constexpr const bool kDebuggingClosureTest = true;
namespace std {
using Closure = art::lambda::Closure;
// Specialize std::default_delete so it knows how to properly delete closures
// through the way we allocate them in this test.
// This is test-only because we don't want the rest of Art to do this.
template <>
struct default_delete<Closure> {
void operator()(Closure* closure) const {
delete[] reinterpret_cast<char*>(closure);
} // namespace std
namespace art {
// Fake lock acquisition to please clang lock checker.
// This doesn't actually acquire any locks because we don't need multiple threads in this gtest.
struct SCOPED_CAPABILITY ScopedFakeLock {
explicit ScopedFakeLock(MutatorMutex& mu) ACQUIRE(mu)
: mu_(mu) {
~ScopedFakeLock() RELEASE()
MutatorMutex& mu_;
namespace lambda {
class ClosureTest : public ::testing::Test {
ClosureTest() = default;
~ClosureTest() = default;
static void SetUpTestCase() {
virtual void SetUp() {
// Create a completely dummy method here.
// It's "OK" because the Closure never needs to look inside of the ArtMethod
// (it just needs to be non-null).
uintptr_t ignore = 0xbadbad;
fake_method_ = reinterpret_cast<ArtMethod*>(ignore);
static ::testing::AssertionResult IsResultSuccessful(bool result) {
if (result) {
return ::testing::AssertionSuccess();
} else {
return ::testing::AssertionFailure();
// Create a closure that captures the static variables from 'args' by-value.
// The lambda method's captured variables types must match the ones in 'args'.
// -- This creates the closure directly in-memory by using memcpy.
template <typename ... Args>
static std::unique_ptr<Closure> CreateClosureStaticVariables(ArtLambdaMethod* lambda_method,
Args&& ... args) {
constexpr size_t header_size = sizeof(ArtLambdaMethod*);
const size_t static_size = GetArgsSize(args ...) + header_size;
EXPECT_GE(static_size, sizeof(Closure));
// Can't just 'new' the Closure since we don't know the size up front.
char* closure_as_char_array = new char[static_size];
Closure* closure_ptr = new (closure_as_char_array) Closure;
// Set up the data
closure_ptr->lambda_info_ = lambda_method;
CopyArgs(closure_ptr->captured_[0].static_variables_, args ...);
// Make sure the entire thing is deleted once the unique_ptr goes out of scope.
return std::unique_ptr<Closure>(closure_ptr); // NOLINT [whitespace/braces] [5]
// Copy variadic arguments into the destination array with memcpy.
template <typename T, typename ... Args>
static void CopyArgs(uint8_t destination[], T&& arg, Args&& ... args) {
memcpy(destination, &arg, sizeof(arg));
CopyArgs(destination + sizeof(arg), args ...);
// Base case: Done.
static void CopyArgs(uint8_t destination[]) {
// Create a closure that captures the static variables from 'args' by-value.
// The lambda method's captured variables types must match the ones in 'args'.
// -- This uses ClosureBuilder interface to set up the closure indirectly.
template <typename ... Args>
static std::unique_ptr<Closure> CreateClosureStaticVariablesFromBuilder(
ArtLambdaMethod* lambda_method,
Args&& ... args) {
// Acquire a fake lock since closure_builder needs it.
ScopedFakeLock fake_lock(*Locks::mutator_lock_);
ClosureBuilder closure_builder;
CaptureVariableFromArgsList(/*out*/closure_builder, args ...);
EXPECT_EQ(sizeof...(args), closure_builder.GetCaptureCount());
constexpr size_t header_size = sizeof(ArtLambdaMethod*);
const size_t static_size = GetArgsSize(args ...) + header_size;
EXPECT_GE(static_size, sizeof(Closure));
// For static variables, no nested closure, so size must match exactly.
EXPECT_EQ(static_size, closure_builder.GetSize());
// Can't just 'new' the Closure since we don't know the size up front.
char* closure_as_char_array = new char[static_size];
Closure* closure_ptr = new (closure_as_char_array) Closure;
// The closure builder packs the captured variables into a Closure.
closure_builder.CreateInPlace(closure_ptr, lambda_method);
// Make sure the entire thing is deleted once the unique_ptr goes out of scope.
return std::unique_ptr<Closure>(closure_ptr); // NOLINT [whitespace/braces] [5]
// Call the correct ClosureBuilder::CaptureVariableXYZ function based on the type of args.
// Invokes for each arg in args.
template <typename ... Args>
static void CaptureVariableFromArgsList(/*out*/ClosureBuilder& closure_builder, Args ... args) {
int ignore[] = {
(CaptureVariableFromArgs(/*out*/closure_builder, args),0)... // NOLINT [whitespace/comma] [3]
// ClosureBuilder::CaptureVariablePrimitive for types that are primitive only.
template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if<ShortyFieldTypeTraits::IsPrimitiveType<T>()>::type
static CaptureVariableFromArgs(/*out*/ClosureBuilder& closure_builder, T value) {
static_assert(ShortyFieldTypeTraits::IsPrimitiveType<T>(), "T must be a shorty primitive");
closure_builder.CaptureVariablePrimitive<T, ShortyFieldTypeSelectEnum<T>::value>(value);
// ClosureBuilder::CaptureVariableObject for types that are objects only.
template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if<ShortyFieldTypeTraits::IsObjectType<T>()>::type
static CaptureVariableFromArgs(/*out*/ClosureBuilder& closure_builder, const T* object) {
ScopedFakeLock fake_lock(*Locks::mutator_lock_);
// Sum of sizeof(Args...).
template <typename T, typename ... Args>
static constexpr size_t GetArgsSize(T&& arg, Args&& ... args) {
return sizeof(arg) + GetArgsSize(args ...);
// Base case: Done.
static constexpr size_t GetArgsSize() {
return 0;
// Take "U" and memcpy it into a "T". T starts out as (T)0.
template <typename T, typename U>
static T ExpandingBitCast(const U& val) {
static_assert(sizeof(T) >= sizeof(U), "U too large");
T new_val = static_cast<T>(0);
memcpy(&new_val, &val, sizeof(U));
return new_val;
// Templatized extraction from closures by checking their type with enable_if.
template <typename T>
static typename std::enable_if<ShortyFieldTypeTraits::IsPrimitiveNarrowType<T>()>::type
ExpectCapturedVariable(const Closure* closure, size_t index, T value) {
EXPECT_EQ(ExpandingBitCast<uint32_t>(value), closure->GetCapturedPrimitiveNarrow(index))
<< " with index " << index;
template <typename T>
static typename std::enable_if<ShortyFieldTypeTraits::IsPrimitiveWideType<T>()>::type
ExpectCapturedVariable(const Closure* closure, size_t index, T value) {
EXPECT_EQ(ExpandingBitCast<uint64_t>(value), closure->GetCapturedPrimitiveWide(index))
<< " with index " << index;
// Templatized SFINAE for Objects so we can get better error messages.
template <typename T>
static typename std::enable_if<ShortyFieldTypeTraits::IsObjectType<T>()>::type
ExpectCapturedVariable(const Closure* closure, size_t index, const T* object) {
EXPECT_EQ(object, closure->GetCapturedObject(index))
<< " with index " << index;
template <typename ... Args>
void TestPrimitive(const char *descriptor, Args ... args) {
const char* shorty = descriptor;
ASSERT_EQ(strlen(shorty), sizeof...(args))
<< "test error: descriptor must have same # of types as the # of captured variables";
// Important: This fake lambda method needs to out-live any Closures we create with it.
ArtLambdaMethod lambda_method{fake_method_, // NOLINT [whitespace/braces] [5]
descriptor, // NOLINT [whitespace/blank_line] [2]
std::unique_ptr<Closure> closure_a;
std::unique_ptr<Closure> closure_b;
// Test the closure twice when it's constructed in different ways.
// Create the closure in a "raw" manner, that is directly with memcpy
// since we know the underlying data format.
// This simulates how the compiler would lay out the data directly.
SCOPED_TRACE("raw closure");
std::unique_ptr<Closure> closure_raw = CreateClosureStaticVariables(&lambda_method, args ...);
if (kDebuggingClosureTest) {
std::cerr << "closure raw address: " << closure_raw.get() << std::endl;
TestPrimitiveWithClosure(closure_raw.get(), descriptor, shorty, args ...);
closure_a = std::move(closure_raw);
// Create the closure with the ClosureBuilder, which is done indirectly.
// This simulates how the interpreter would create the closure dynamically at runtime.
SCOPED_TRACE("closure from builder");
std::unique_ptr<Closure> closure_built =
CreateClosureStaticVariablesFromBuilder(&lambda_method, args ...);
if (kDebuggingClosureTest) {
std::cerr << "closure built address: " << closure_built.get() << std::endl;
TestPrimitiveWithClosure(closure_built.get(), descriptor, shorty, args ...);
closure_b = std::move(closure_built);
// The closures should be identical memory-wise as well.
EXPECT_EQ(closure_a->GetSize(), closure_b->GetSize());
std::min(closure_a->GetSize(), closure_b->GetSize())) == 0);
template <typename ... Args>
static void TestPrimitiveWithClosure(Closure* closure,
const char* descriptor,
const char* shorty,
Args ... args) {
EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(ArtLambdaMethod*) + GetArgsSize(args...), closure->GetSize());
EXPECT_EQ(sizeof...(args), closure->GetNumberOfCapturedVariables());
EXPECT_STREQ(descriptor, closure->GetCapturedVariablesTypeDescriptor());
TestPrimitiveExpects(closure, shorty, /*index*/0, args ...);
// Call EXPECT_EQ for each argument in the closure's #GetCapturedX.
template <typename T, typename ... Args>
static void TestPrimitiveExpects(
const Closure* closure, const char* shorty, size_t index, T arg, Args ... args) {
ASSERT_EQ(ShortyFieldType(shorty[index]).GetStaticSize(), sizeof(T))
<< "Test error: Type mismatch at index " << index;
ExpectCapturedVariable(closure, index, arg);
EXPECT_EQ(ShortyFieldType(shorty[index]), closure->GetCapturedShortyType(index));
TestPrimitiveExpects(closure, shorty, index + 1, args ...);
// Base case for EXPECT_EQ.
static void TestPrimitiveExpects(const Closure* closure, const char* shorty, size_t index) {
UNUSED(closure, shorty, index);
ArtMethod* fake_method_;
TEST_F(ClosureTest, TestTrivial) {
ArtLambdaMethod lambda_method{fake_method_, // NOLINT [whitespace/braces] [5]
"", // No captured variables // NOLINT [whitespace/blank_line] [2]
"", // No captured variables
std::unique_ptr<Closure> closure = CreateClosureStaticVariables(&lambda_method);
EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(ArtLambdaMethod*), closure->GetSize());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, closure->GetNumberOfCapturedVariables());
} // TEST_F
TEST_F(ClosureTest, TestPrimitiveSingle) {
TestPrimitive("Z", true);
TestPrimitive("B", int8_t(0xde));
TestPrimitive("C", uint16_t(0xbeef));
TestPrimitive("S", int16_t(0xdead));
TestPrimitive("I", int32_t(0xdeadbeef));
TestPrimitive("F", 0.123f);
TestPrimitive("J", int64_t(0xdeadbeef00c0ffee));
TestPrimitive("D", 123.456);
} // TEST_F
TEST_F(ClosureTest, TestPrimitiveMany) {
TestPrimitive("ZZ", true, false);
TestPrimitive("ZZZ", true, false, true);
TestPrimitive("BBBB", int8_t(0xde), int8_t(0xa0), int8_t(0xff), int8_t(0xcc));
TestPrimitive("CC", uint16_t(0xbeef), uint16_t(0xdead));
TestPrimitive("SSSS", int16_t(0xdead), int16_t(0xc0ff), int16_t(0xf000), int16_t(0xbaba));
TestPrimitive("III", int32_t(0xdeadbeef), int32_t(0xc0ffee), int32_t(0xbeefdead));
TestPrimitive("FF", 0.123f, 555.666f);
TestPrimitive("JJJ", int64_t(0xdeadbeef00c0ffee), int64_t(0x123), int64_t(0xc0ffee));
TestPrimitive("DD", 123.456, 777.888);
} // TEST_F
TEST_F(ClosureTest, TestPrimitiveMixed) {
true, false,
int8_t(0xde), int8_t(0xa0),
uint16_t(0xbeef), uint16_t(0xdead),
int16_t(0xdead), int16_t(0xc0ff),
int32_t(0xdeadbeef), int32_t(0xc0ffee),
0.123f, 555.666f,
int64_t(0xdeadbeef00c0ffee), int64_t(0x123),
123.456, 777.888);
} // TEST_F
} // namespace lambda
} // namespace art