blob: 3323564c65d84036d871d0382c21344a4fc445f5 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "asm_support.h"
.balign 4
/* Deliver the given exception */
.extern artDeliverExceptionFromCode
/* Deliver an exception pending on a thread */
.extern artDeliverPendingException
* Macro that sets up the callee save frame to conform with
* Runtime::CreateCalleeSaveMethod(kSaveAll)
* callee-save: s0-s8 + ra, 10 total + 2 words
addiu sp, sp, 48
sw ra, 44(sp)
sw s8, 40(sp)
sw s7, 36(sp)
sw s6, 32(sp)
sw s5, 28(sp)
sw s4, 24(sp)
sw s3, 20(sp)
sw s2, 16(sp)
sw s1, 12(sp)
sw s0, 8(sp)
@ 2 open words, bottom will hold Method*
* Macro that sets up the callee save frame to conform with
* Runtime::CreateCalleeSaveMethod(kRefsOnly). Restoration assumes non-moving GC.
* Does not include rSUSPEND or rSELF
* callee-save: s2-s8 + ra, 8 total + 4 words
addiu sp, sp, 48
sw ra, 44(sp)
sw s8, 40(sp)
sw s7, 36(sp)
sw s6, 32(sp)
sw s5, 28(sp)
sw s4, 24(sp)
sw s3, 20(sp)
sw s2, 16(sp)
@ 4 open words, bottom will hold Method*
lw ra, 44(sp)
addiu sp, sp, 48
lw ra, 44(sp)
jr ra
addiu sp, sp, 48
* Macro that sets up the callee save frame to conform with
* Runtime::CreateCalleeSaveMethod(kRefsAndArgs). Restoration assumes non-moving GC.
* a1-a3, s2-s8, ra, 11 total + 1
addiu sp, sp, 48
sw ra, 44(sp)
sw s8, 40(sp)
sw s7, 36(sp)
sw s6, 32(sp)
sw s5, 28(sp)
sw s4, 24(sp)
sw s3, 20(sp)
sw s2, 16(sp)
sw a3, 12(sp)
sw a2, 8(sp)
sw a1, 4(sp)
@ 1 open word, bottom will hold Method*
lw ra, 44(sp) @ restore ra
lw a1, 4(sp) @ restore non-callee save a1
lw a2, 8(sp) @ restore non-callee save a2
lw a3, 12(sp) @ restore non-callee save a3
addiu sp, sp, 48 @ strip frame
* Macro that set calls through to artDeliverPendingExceptionFromCode, where the pending
* exception is Thread::Current()->exception_
SETUP_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves for throw
move a0, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
b artDeliverPendingExceptionFromCode @ artDeliverPendingExceptionFromCode(Thread*, SP)
move a1, sp @ pass SP
lw t0, THREAD_EXCEPTION_OFFSET(rSELF) @ load Thread::Current()->exception_
bnez t0, 1f @ success if no exception is pending
jr ra
bnez v0, 1f @ success?
jr ra @ return on success
beqz v0, 1f @ success?
jr ra @ return on success
.global art_update_debugger
.extern artUpdateDebuggerFromCode
* On entry, a0 and a1 must be preserved, a2 is dex PC
move a3, a0 @ stash away a0 so that it's saved as if it were an argument
move a0, a2 @ arg0 is dex PC
move a1, rSELF @ arg1 is Thread*
move a2, sp @ arg2 is sp
jal artUpdateDebuggerFromCode @ artUpdateDebuggerFromCode(int32_t, Thread*, Method**)
jr ra
move a0, a3 @ restore original a0
.global art_do_long_jump
* On entry a0 is uint32_t* gprs_ and a1 is uint32_t* fprs_
* FIXME: just guessing about the shape of the jmpbuf. Where will pc be?
l.s f0, 0(a1)
l.s f1, 4(a1)
l.s f2, 8(a1)
l.s f3, 12(a1)
l.s f4, 16(a1)
l.s f5, 20(a1)
l.s f6, 24(a1)
l.s f7, 28(a1)
l.s f8, 32(a1)
l.s f9, 36(a1)
l.s f10, 40(a1)
l.s f11, 44(a1)
l.s f12, 48(a1)
l.s f13, 52(a1)
l.s f14, 56(a1)
l.s f15, 60(a1)
l.s f16, 64(a1)
l.s f17, 68(a1)
l.s f18, 72(a1)
l.s f19, 76(a1)
l.s f20, 80(a1)
l.s f21, 84(a1)
l.s f22, 88(a1)
l.s f23, 92(a1)
l.s f24, 96(a1)
l.s f25, 100(a1)
l.s f26, 104(a1)
l.s f27, 108(a1)
l.s f28, 112(a1)
l.s f29, 116(a1)
l.s f30, 120(a1)
l.s f31, 124(a1)
lw at, 4(a0)
lw v0, 8(a0)
lw v1, 12(a0)
lw a1, 20(a0)
lw a2, 24(a0)
lw a3, 28(a0)
lw t0, 32(a0)
lw t1, 36(a0)
lw t2, 40(a0)
lw t3, 44(a0)
lw t4, 48(a0)
lw t5, 52(a0)
lw t6, 56(a0)
lw t7, 60(a0)
lw s0, 64(a0)
lw s1, 68(a0)
lw s2, 72(a0)
lw s3, 76(a0)
lw s4, 80(a0)
lw s5, 84(a0)
lw s6, 88(a0)
lw s7, 92(a0)
lw t8, 96(a0)
lw t9, 100(a0)
lw k0, 104(a0)
lw k1, 108(a0)
lw gp, 112(a0)
lw sp, 116(a0)
lw fp, 120(a0)
lw ra, 124(a0)
lw a0, 16(a0)
move v0, rzero @ clear result registers r0 and r1
jr ra @ do long jump
move v1, rzero
.global art_deliver_exception_from_code
* Called by managed code, saves most registers (forms basis of long jump context) and passes
* the bottom of the stack. artDeliverExceptionFromCode will place the callee save Method* at
* the bottom of the thread. On entry r0 holds Throwable*
move a1, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
b artDeliverExceptionFromCode @ artDeliverExceptionFromCode(Throwable*, Thread*, SP)
move a2, sp @ pass SP
.global art_throw_null_pointer_exception_from_code
.extern artThrowNullPointerExceptionFromCode
* Called by managed code to create and deliver a NullPointerException
move a0, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
b artThrowNullPointerExceptionFromCode @ artThrowNullPointerExceptionFromCode(Thread*, SP)
move a1, sp @ pass SP
.global art_throw_div_zero_from_code
.extern artThrowDivZeroFromCode
* Called by managed code to create and deliver an ArithmeticException
move a0, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
b artThrowDivZeroFromCode @ artThrowDivZeroFromCode(Thread*, SP)
move a1, sp @ pass SP
.global art_throw_array_bounds_from_code
.extern artThrowArrayBoundsFromCode
* Called by managed code to create and deliver an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
move a2, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
b artThrowArrayBoundsFromCode @ artThrowArrayBoundsFromCode(index, limit, Thread*, SP)
move a3, sp @ pass SP
.global art_throw_stack_overflow_from_code
.extern artThrowStackOverflowFromCode
move a1, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
b artThrowStackOverflowFromCode @ artThrowStackOverflowFromCode(method, Thread*, SP)
move a2, sp @ pass SP
.global art_throw_neg_array_size_from_code
.extern artThrowNegArraySizeFromCode
move a1, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
b artThrowNegArraySizeFromCode @ artThrowNegArraySizeFromCode(size, Thread*, SP)
move a2, sp @ pass SP
.global art_throw_no_such_method_from_code
.extern artThrowNoSuchMethodFromCode
move a1, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
b artThrowNoSuchMethodFromCode @ artThrowNoSuchMethodFromCode(method_idx, Thread*, SP)
move a2, sp @ pass SP
.global art_throw_verification_error_from_code
.extern artThrowVerificationErrorFromCode
move a2, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
b artThrowVerificationErrorFromCode @ artThrowVerificationErrorFromCode(kind, ref, Thread*, SP)
move a3, sp @ pass SP
* All generated callsites for interface invokes and invocation slow paths will load arguments
* as usual - except instead of loading arg0/a0 with the target Method*, arg0/a0 will contain
* the method_idx. This wrapper will save arg1-arg3, load the caller's Method*, align the
* stack and call the appropriate C helper.
* NOTE: "this" is first visable argument of the target, and so can be found in arg1/a1.
* The helper will attempt to locate the target and return a 64-bit result in v0/v1 consisting
* of the target Method* in v0 and method->code_ in v1.
* If unsuccessful, the helper will return NULL/NULL. There will bea pending exception in the
* thread and we branch to another stub to deliver it.
* On success this wrapper will restore arguments and *jump* to the target, leaving the lr
* pointing back to the original caller.
.macro INVOKE_TRAMPOLINE c_name, cxx_name
.global \c_name
.extern \cxx_name
SETUP_REF_AND_ARGS_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case allocation triggers GC
lw a2, 48(sp) @ pass caller Method*
move a3, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
sw sp, 0(sp) @ pass SP
jal \cxx_name @ (method_idx, this, caller, Thread*, SP)
move t0, v1 @ save v0->code_
bnez v0, 1f
jr t0
INVOKE_TRAMPOLINE art_invoke_interface_trampoline, artInvokeInterfaceTrampoline
INVOKE_TRAMPOLINE art_invoke_interface_trampoline_with_access_check, artInvokeInterfaceTrampolineWithAccessCheck
INVOKE_TRAMPOLINE art_invoke_static_trampoline_with_access_check, artInvokeStaticTrampolineWithAccessCheck
INVOKE_TRAMPOLINE art_invoke_direct_trampoline_with_access_check, artInvokeDirectTrampolineWithAccessCheck
INVOKE_TRAMPOLINE art_invoke_super_trampoline_with_access_check, artInvokeSuperTrampolineWithAccessCheck
INVOKE_TRAMPOLINE art_invoke_virtual_trampoline_with_access_check, artInvokeVirtualTrampolineWithAccessCheck
.global art_work_around_app_jni_bugs
.extern artWorkAroundAppJniBugs
* Entry point of native methods when JNI bug compatibility is enabled.
@ save registers that may contain arguments and LR that will be crushed by a call
addiu sp, sp, -32
sw a0, 28(sp)
sw a1, 24(sp)
sw a2, 20(sp)
sw a3, 16(sp)
sw ra, 12(sp)
move a0, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
jal artWorkAroundAppJniBugs @ (Thread*, SP)
move a1, sp @ pass SP
move t0, v0 @ save target address
lw a0, 28(sp)
lw a1, 24(sp)
lw a2, 20(sp)
lw a3, 16(sp)
lw ra, 12(sp)
jr t0 @ tail call into JNI routine
addiu sp, sp, 32
.global art_handle_fill_data_from_code
.extern artHandleFillArrayDataFromCode
* Entry from managed code that calls artHandleFillArrayDataFromCode and delivers exception on
* failure.
SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case exception allocation triggers GC
move a2, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
jal artHandleFillArrayDataFromCode @ (Array* array, const uint16_t* table, Thread*, SP)
move a3, sp @ pass SP
bnez v0, 1f @ success?
jr ra @ return on success
.global art_lock_object_from_code
.extern artLockObjectFromCode
* Entry from managed code that calls artLockObjectFromCode, may block for GC
SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case we block
move a1, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
jal artLockObjectFromCode @ (Object* obj, Thread*, SP)
move a2, sp @ pass SP
.global art_unlock_object_from_code
.extern artUnlockObjectFromCode
* Entry from managed code that calls artUnlockObjectFromCode and delivers exception on failure.
SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case exception allocation triggers GC
move a1, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
jal artUnlockObjectFromCode @ (Object* obj, Thread*, SP)
move a2, sp @ pass SP
.global art_check_cast_from_code
.extern artCheckCastFromCode
* Entry from managed code that calls artCheckCastFromCode and delivers exception on failure.
SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case exception allocation triggers GC
move a2, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
jal artCheckCastFromCode @ (Class* a, Class* b, Thread*, SP)
move a3, sp @ pass SP
.global art_can_put_array_element_from_code
.extern artCanPutArrayElementFromCode
* Entry from managed code that calls artCanPutArrayElementFromCode and delivers exception on
* failure.
bnez a0, 1f @ return if element == NULL
jr ra
SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case exception allocation triggers GC
move a2, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
jal artCanPutArrayElementFromCode @ (Object* element, Class* array_class, Thread*, SP)
move a3, sp @ pass SP
.global art_initialize_static_storage_from_code
.extern artInitializeStaticStorageFromCode
* Entry from managed code when uninitialized static storage, this stub will run the class
* initializer and deliver the exception on error. On success the static storage base is
* returned.
SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
move a2, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
@ artInitializeStaticStorageFromCode(uint32_t type_idx, Method* referrer, Thread*, SP)
jal artInitializeStaticStorageFromCode
move a3, sp @ pass SP
.global art_initialize_type_from_code
.extern artInitializeTypeFromCode
* Entry from managed code when dex cache misses for a type_idx
SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
move a2, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
@ artInitializeTypeFromCode(uint32_t type_idx, Method* referrer, Thread*, SP)
jal artInitializeTypeFromCode
move a3, sp @ pass SP
.global art_initialize_type_and_verify_access_from_code
.extern artInitializeTypeAndVerifyAccessFromCode
* Entry from managed code when type_idx needs to be checked for access and dex cache may also
* miss
SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
move a2, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
@ artInitializeTypeFromCode(uint32_t type_idx, Method* referrer, Thread*, SP)
jal artInitializeTypeAndVerifyAccessFromCode
move a3, sp @ pass SP
.global art_get32_static_from_code
.extern artGet32StaticFromCode
* Called by managed code to resolve a static field and load a 32-bit primitive value
SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
lw a1, 48(sp) @ pass referrer's Method*
move a2, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
jal artGet32StaticFromCode @ (uint32_t field_idx, const Method* referrer, Thread*, SP)
move a3, sp @ pass SP
.global art_get64_static_from_code
.extern artGet64StaticFromCode
* Called by managed code to resolve a static field and load a 64-bit primitive value
SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
lw a1, 48(sp) @ pass referrer's Method*
move a2, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
jal artGet64StaticFromCode @ (uint32_t field_idx, const Method* referrer, Thread*, SP)
move a3, sp @ pass SP
.global art_get_obj_static_from_code
.extern artGetObjStaticFromCode
* Called by managed code to resolve a static field and load an object reference
SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
lw a1, 48(sp) @ pass referrer's Method*
move a2, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
jal artGetObjStaticFromCode @ (uint32_t field_idx, const Method* referrer, Thread*, SP)
move a3, sp @ pass SP
.global art_get32_instance_from_code
.extern artGet32InstanceFromCode
* Called by managed code to resolve an instance field and load a 32-bit primitive value
SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
lw a2, 48(sp) @ pass referrer's Method*
move a3, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
jal artGet32InstanceFromCode @ (field_idx, Object*, referrer, Thread*, SP)
sw sp, 0(sp) @ pass SP
.global art_get64_instance_from_code
.extern artGet64InstanceFromCode
* Called by managed code to resolve an instance field and load a 64-bit primitive value
SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
lw a2, 48(sp) @ pass referrer's Method*
move a3, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
jal artGet64InstanceFromCode @ (field_idx, Object*, referrer, Thread*, SP)
sw sp, 0(sp) @ pass SP
.global art_get_obj_instance_from_code
.extern artGetObjInstanceFromCode
* Called by managed code to resolve an instance field and load an object reference
SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
lw a2, 48(sp) @ pass referrer's Method*
move a3, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
jal artGetObjInstanceFromCode @ (field_idx, Object*, referrer, Thread*, SP)
sw sp, 0(sp) @ pass SP
.global art_set32_static_from_code
.extern artSet32StaticFromCode
* Called by managed code to resolve a static field and store a 32-bit primitive value
SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
lw a2, 48(sp) @ pass referrer's Method*
move a3, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
jal artSet32StaticFromCode @ (field_idx, new_val, referrer, Thread*, SP)
sw sp, 0(sp) @ pass SP
.global art_set64_static_from_code
.extern artSet32StaticFromCode
* Called by managed code to resolve a static field and store a 64-bit primitive value
SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
lw a1, 48(sp) @ pass referrer's Method*
move t0, sp @ save SP
addui sp, sp, -16
sw rSELF, 0(sp) @ pass Thread::Current and sp
jal artSet64StaticFromCode @ (field_idx, referrer, new_val, Thread*, SP)
sw t0, 4(sp)
addui sp, #16 @ release out args
.global art_set_obj_static_from_code
.extern artSetObjStaticFromCode
* Called by managed code to resolve a static field and store an object reference
SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
lw a2, 48(sp) @ pass referrer's Method*
move a3, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
jal artSetObjStaticFromCode @ (field_idx, new_val, referrer, Thread*, SP)
sw sp, 0(sp) @ pass SP
.global art_set32_instance_from_code
.extern artSet32InstanceFromCode
* Called by managed code to resolve an instance field and store a 32-bit primitive value
SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
lw a4, 48(sp) @ pass referrer's Method*
move t0, sp @ save SP
addui sp, sp, -16
sw rSELF, 0(sp) @ pass Thread::Current and sp
jal artSet32InstanceFromCode @ (field_idx, Object*, new_val, referrer, Thread*, SP)
sw t0, 4(sp)
addiu sp, sp, 16 @ release out args
.global art_set64_instance_from_code
.extern artSet32InstanceFromCode
* Called by managed code to resolve an instance field and store a 64-bit primitive value
SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
move t0, sp @ save SP
addui sp, sp, -16
sw rSELF, 0(sp) @ pass Thread::Current and sp
jal artSet64InstanceFromCode @ (field_idx, Object*, new_val, Thread*, SP)
sw t0, 4(sp)
addiu sp, sp, 16 @ release out args
.global art_set_obj_instance_from_code
.extern artSetObjInstanceFromCode
* Called by managed code to resolve an instance field and store an object reference
SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
lw a3, 48(sp) @ pass referrer's Method*
move t0, sp @ save SP
addui sp, sp, -16
sw rSELF, 0(sp) @ pass Thread::Current and sp
jal artSetObjInstanceFromCode @ (field_idx, Object*, new_val, referrer, Thread*, SP)
sw t0, 4(sp)
addiu sp, sp, 16 @ release out args
.global art_resolve_string_from_code
.extern artResolveStringFromCode
* Entry from managed code to resolve a string, this stub will allocate a String and deliver an
* exception on error. On success the String is returned. R0 holds the referring method,
* R1 holds the string index. The fast path check for hit in strings cache has already been
* performed.
SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
move a2, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
@ artResolveStringFromCode(Method* referrer, uint32_t string_idx, Thread*, SP)
jal artResolveStringFromCode
move a3, sp @ pass SP
.global art_alloc_object_from_code
.extern artAllocObjectFromCode
* Called by managed code to allocate an object
SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
move a2, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
jal artAllocObjectFromCode @ (uint32_t type_idx, Method* method, Thread*, SP)
move a3, sp @ pass SP
.global art_alloc_object_from_code_with_access_check
.extern artAllocObjectFromCodeWithAccessCheck
* Called by managed code to allocate an object when the caller doesn't know whether it has
* access to the created type
SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
move a2, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
jal artAllocObjectFromCodeWithAccessCheck @ (uint32_t type_idx, Method* method, Thread*, SP)
move a3, sp @ pass SP
.global art_alloc_array_from_code
.extern artAllocArrayFromCode
* Called by managed code to allocate an array
SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
move a3, r9 @ pass Thread::Current
@ artAllocArrayFromCode(uint32_t type_idx, Method* method, int32_t component_count, Thread*, SP)
jal artAllocArrayFromCode
sw sp, 0(sp) @ pass SP
.global art_alloc_array_from_code_with_access_check
.extern artAllocArrayFromCodeWithAccessCheck
* Called by managed code to allocate an array when the caller doesn't know whether it has
* access to the created type
SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
move a3, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
@ artAllocArrayFromCodeWithAccessCheck(type_idx, method, component_count, Thread*, SP)
jal artAllocArrayFromCodeWithAccessCheck
sw sp, 0(sp) @ pass SP
.global art_check_and_alloc_array_from_code
.extern artCheckAndAllocArrayFromCode
* Called by managed code to allocate an array in a special case for FILLED_NEW_ARRAY
SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
move a3, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
@ artCheckAndAllocArrayFromCode(uint32_t type_idx, Method* method, int32_t count, Thread* , SP)
jal artCheckAndAllocArrayFromCode
sw sp, 0(sp) @ pass SP
.global art_check_and_alloc_array_from_code_with_access_check
.extern artCheckAndAllocArrayFromCodeWithAccessCheck
* Called by managed code to allocate an array in a special case for FILLED_NEW_ARRAY
SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
move a3, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
@ artCheckAndAllocArrayFromCodeWithAccessCheck(type_idx, method, count, Thread* , SP)
jal artCheckAndAllocArrayFromCodeWithAccessCheck
sw sp, 0(sp) @ pass SP
.global art_test_suspend
.extern artTestSuspendFromCode
* Called by managed code when the value in rSUSPEND has been decremented to 0
bnez a0, 1f
jr ra
move a0, rSELF
SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves for stack crawl
jal artTestSuspendFromCode @ (Thread*, SP)
move a1, sp
.global art_proxy_invoke_handler
.extern artProxyInvokeHandler
* Called by managed code that is attempting to call a method on a proxy class. On entry
* r0 holds the proxy method; r1, r2 and r3 may contain arguments
sw a0, 0(sp) @ place proxy method at bottom of frame
move a2, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
jalr artProxyInvokeHandler @ (Method* proxy method, receiver, Thread*, args...)
addui a3, sp, 12 @ pointer to r2/r3/LR/caller's Method**/out-args as second arg
lw t0, THREAD_EXCEPTION_OFFSET(rSELF) @ load Thread::Current()->exception_
@FIXME - offsets here are probably wrong
lw ra, 44(sp) @ restore ra
lw v0, 12(sp)
lw v1, 14(sp)
bnez r0, 1f
addui sp, sp, 48 @ pop frame
jr ra
.global art_trace_entry_from_code
.extern artTraceMethodEntryFromCode
* Routine that intercepts method calls
addui sp, sp, -16
sw a0, 0(sp)
sw a1, 4(sp)
sw a2, 8(sp)
sw a3, 12(sp)
move a2, ra @ pass ra
jalr artTraceMethodEntryFromCode @ (Method*, Thread*, LR)
move a1, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
move t0, v0 @ t0 holds reference to code
lw a0, 0(sp)
lw a1, 4(sp)
lw a2, 8(sp)
lw a3, 12(sp)
jalr t0 @ call method
addui sp, sp, 16
/* intentional fallthrough */
.global art_trace_exit_from_code
.extern artTraceMethodExitFromCode
* Routine that intercepts method returns
addui sp, sp, -16
sw v0, 0(sp)
jalr artTraceMethodExitFromCode @ ()
sw v1, 4(sp)
move ra, v0 @ restore link register
lw v0, 0(sp)
lw v1, 4(sp)
jr ra @ return
addui sp, sp, 16
.global art_shl_long
* Long integer shift. This is different from the generic 32/64-bit
* binary operations because vAA/vBB are 64-bit but vCC (the shift
* distance) is 32-bit. Also, Dalvik requires us to ignore all but the low
* 6 bits.
* On entry:
* a0: low word
* a1: high word
* a2: shift count
/* shl-long vAA, vBB, vCC */
sll v0, a0, a2 @ rlo<- alo << (shift&31)
not v1, a2 @ rhi<- 31-shift (shift is 5b)
srl a0, 1
srl a0, v1 @ alo<- alo >> (32-(shift&31))
sll v1, a1, a2 @ rhi<- ahi << (shift&31)
or v1, a0 @ rhi<- rhi | alo
andi a2, 0x20 @ shift< shift & 0x20
movn v1, v0, a2 @ rhi<- rlo (if shift&0x20)
jr ra
movn v0, zero, a2 @ rlo<- 0 (if shift&0x20)
.balign 4
.global art_shr_long
* Long integer shift. This is different from the generic 32/64-bit
* binary operations because vAA/vBB are 64-bit but vCC (the shift
* distance) is 32-bit. Also, Dalvik requires us to ignore all but the low
* 6 bits.
* On entry:
* a0: low word
* a1: high word
* a2: shift count
sra v1, a1, a2 @ rhi<- ahi >> (shift&31)
srl v0, a0, a2 @ rlo<- alo >> (shift&31)
sra a3, a1, 31 @ a3<- sign(ah)
not a0, a2 @ alo<- 31-shift (shift is 5b)
sll a1, 1
sll a1, a0 @ ahi<- ahi << (32-(shift&31))
or v0, a1 @ rlo<- rlo | ahi
andi a2, 0x20 @ shift & 0x20
movn v0, v1, a2 @ rlo<- rhi (if shift&0x20)
jr ra
movn v1, a3, a2 @ rhi<- sign(ahi) (if shift&0x20)
.balign 4
.global art_ushr_long
* Long integer shift. This is different from the generic 32/64-bit
* binary operations because vAA/vBB are 64-bit but vCC (the shift
* distance) is 32-bit. Also, Dalvik requires us to ignore all but the low
* 6 bits.
* On entry:
* r0: low word
* r1: high word
* r2: shift count
/* ushr-long vAA, vBB, vCC */
sra v1, a1, a2 @ rhi<- ahi >> (shift&31)
srl v0, a0, a2 @ rlo<- alo >> (shift&31)
sra a3, a1, 31 @ a3<- sign(ah)
not a0, a2 @ alo<- 31-shift (shift is 5b)
sll a1, 1
sll a1, a0 @ ahi<- ahi << (32-(shift&31))
or v0, a1 @ rlo<- rlo | ahi
andi a2, 0x20 @ shift & 0x20
movn v0, v1, a2 @ rlo<- rhi (if shift&0x20)
jr ra
movn v1, a3, a2 @ rhi<- sign(ahi) (if shift&0x20)