blob: a33b6df2364f804d4c0e7169937eece45cf28202 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "debugger_interface.h"
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include "base/array_ref.h"
#include "base/bit_utils.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/mutex.h"
#include "base/time_utils.h"
#include "base/utils.h"
#include "dex/dex_file.h"
#include "jit/jit.h"
#include "jit/jit_code_cache.h"
#include "jit/jit_memory_region.h"
#include "runtime.h"
#include "thread-current-inl.h"
#include "thread.h"
#include <atomic>
#include <cstddef>
// Debug interface for native tools (gdb, lldb, libunwind, simpleperf).
// See
// There are two ways for native tools to access the debug data safely:
// 1) Synchronously, by setting a breakpoint in the __*_debug_register_code
// method, which is called after every modification of the linked list.
// GDB does this, but it is complex to set up and it stops the process.
// 2) Asynchronously, by monitoring the action_seqlock_.
// * The seqlock is a monotonically increasing counter which is incremented
// before and after every modification of the linked list. Odd value of
// the counter means the linked list is being modified (it is locked).
// * The tool should read the value of the seqlock both before and after
// copying the linked list. If the seqlock values match and are even,
// the copy is consistent. Otherwise, the reader should try again.
// * Note that using the data directly while is it being modified
// might crash the tool. Therefore, the only safe way is to make
// a copy and use the copy only after the seqlock has been checked.
// * Note that the process might even free and munmap the data while
// it is being copied, therefore the reader should either handle
// SEGV or use OS calls to read the memory (e.g. process_vm_readv).
// * The seqlock can be used to determine the number of modifications of
// the linked list, which can be used to intelligently cache the data.
// Note the possible overflow of the seqlock. It is intentionally
// 32-bit, since 64-bit atomics can be tricky on some architectures.
// * The timestamps on the entry record the time when the entry was
// created which is relevant if the unwinding is not live and is
// postponed until much later. All timestamps must be unique.
// * Memory barriers are used to make it possible to reason about
// the data even when it is being modified (e.g. the process crashed
// while that data was locked, and thus it will be never unlocked).
// * In particular, it should be possible to:
// 1) read the seqlock and then the linked list head pointer.
// 2) copy the entry and check that seqlock has not changed.
// 3) copy the symfile and check that seqlock has not changed.
// 4) go back to step 2 using the next pointer (if non-null).
// This safely creates copy of all symfiles, although other data
// might be inconsistent/unusable (e.g. prev_, action_timestamp_).
// * For full conformance with the C++ memory model, all seqlock
// protected accesses should be atomic. We currently do this in the
// more critical cases. The rest will have to be fixed before
// attempting to run TSAN on this code.
namespace art {
static Mutex g_jit_debug_lock("JIT native debug entries", kNativeDebugInterfaceLock);
static Mutex g_dex_debug_lock("DEX native debug entries", kNativeDebugInterfaceLock);
extern "C" {
enum JITAction {
// Public/stable binary interface.
struct JITCodeEntryPublic {
// Atomic to ensure the reader can always iterate over the linked list
// (e.g. the process could crash in the middle of writing this field).
std::atomic<JITCodeEntry*> next_;
JITCodeEntry* prev_; // For linked list deletion. Unused in readers.
const uint8_t* symfile_addr_; // Address of the in-memory ELF file.
uint64_t symfile_size_; // Beware of the offset (12 on x86; but 16 on ARM32).
// Android-specific fields:
uint64_t register_timestamp_; // CLOCK_MONOTONIC time of entry registration.
// Implementation-specific fields (which can be used only in this file).
struct JITCodeEntry : public JITCodeEntryPublic {
// Unpacked entries: Code address of the symbol in the ELF file.
// Packed entries: The start address of the covered memory range.
const void* addr_ = nullptr;
// Allow merging of ELF files to save space.
// Packing drops advanced DWARF data, so it is not always desirable.
bool allow_packing_ = false;
// Whether this entry has been LZMA compressed.
// Compression is expensive, so we don't always do it.
bool is_compressed_ = false;
struct JITDescriptor {
uint32_t version_ = 1; // NB: GDB supports only version 1.
uint32_t action_flag_ = JIT_NOACTION; // One of the JITAction enum values.
JITCodeEntry* relevant_entry_ = nullptr; // The entry affected by the action.
std::atomic<JITCodeEntry*> head_{nullptr}; // Head of link list of all entries.
// Android-specific fields:
uint8_t magic_[8] = {'A', 'n', 'd', 'r', 'o', 'i', 'd', '1'};
uint32_t flags_ = 0; // Reserved for future use. Must be 0.
uint32_t sizeof_descriptor = sizeof(JITDescriptor);
uint32_t sizeof_entry = sizeof(JITCodeEntryPublic);
std::atomic_uint32_t action_seqlock_{0}; // Incremented before and after any modification.
uint64_t action_timestamp_ = 1; // CLOCK_MONOTONIC time of last action.
// Check that std::atomic has the expected layout.
static_assert(alignof(std::atomic_uint32_t) == alignof(uint32_t), "Weird alignment");
static_assert(sizeof(std::atomic_uint32_t) == sizeof(uint32_t), "Weird size");
static_assert(alignof(std::atomic<void*>) == alignof(void*), "Weird alignment");
static_assert(sizeof(std::atomic<void*>) == sizeof(void*), "Weird size");
// GDB may set breakpoint here. We must ensure it is not removed or deduplicated.
void __attribute__((noinline)) __jit_debug_register_code() {
// Alternatively, native tools may overwrite this field to execute custom handler.
void (*__jit_debug_register_code_ptr)() = __jit_debug_register_code;
// The root data structure describing of all JITed methods.
JITDescriptor __jit_debug_descriptor GUARDED_BY(g_jit_debug_lock) {};
// The following globals mirror the ones above, but are used to register dex files.
void __attribute__((noinline)) __dex_debug_register_code() {
void (*__dex_debug_register_code_ptr)() = __dex_debug_register_code;
JITDescriptor __dex_debug_descriptor GUARDED_BY(g_dex_debug_lock) {};
struct DexNativeInfo {
static constexpr bool kCopySymfileData = false; // Just reference DEX files.
static JITDescriptor& Descriptor() { return __dex_debug_descriptor; }
static void NotifyNativeDebugger() { __dex_debug_register_code_ptr(); }
static void* Alloc(size_t size) { return malloc(size); }
static void Free(void* ptr) { free(ptr); }
struct JitNativeInfo {
static constexpr bool kCopySymfileData = true; // Copy debug info to JIT memory.
static JITDescriptor& Descriptor() { return __jit_debug_descriptor; }
static void NotifyNativeDebugger() { __jit_debug_register_code_ptr(); }
static void* Alloc(size_t size) { return JitMemory()->AllocateData(size); }
static void Free(void* ptr) { JitMemory()->FreeData(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr)); }
static jit::JitMemoryRegion* JitMemory() ASSERT_CAPABILITY(Locks::jit_lock_) {
jit::JitCodeCache* jit_code_cache = Runtime::Current()->GetJitCodeCache();
CHECK(jit_code_cache != nullptr);
jit::JitMemoryRegion* memory = jit_code_cache->GetCurrentRegion();
return memory;
ArrayRef<const uint8_t> GetJITCodeEntrySymFile(JITCodeEntry* entry) {
return ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(entry->symfile_addr_, entry->symfile_size_);
// Mark the descriptor as "locked", so native tools know the data is being modified.
static void ActionSeqlock(JITDescriptor& descriptor) {
DCHECK_EQ(descriptor.action_seqlock_.load() & 1, 0u) << "Already locked";
descriptor.action_seqlock_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
// Ensure that any writes within the locked section cannot be reordered before the increment.
// Mark the descriptor as "unlocked", so native tools know the data is safe to read.
static void ActionSequnlock(JITDescriptor& descriptor) {
DCHECK_EQ(descriptor.action_seqlock_.load() & 1, 1u) << "Already unlocked";
// Ensure that any writes within the locked section cannot be reordered after the increment.
descriptor.action_seqlock_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
template<class NativeInfo>
static JITCodeEntry* CreateJITCodeEntryInternal(
ArrayRef<const uint8_t> symfile,
const void* addr = nullptr,
bool allow_packing = false,
bool is_compressed = false) {
JITDescriptor& descriptor = NativeInfo::Descriptor();
// Make a copy of the buffer to shrink it and to pass ownership to JITCodeEntry.
uint8_t* copy = nullptr;
if (NativeInfo::kCopySymfileData) {
copy = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(NativeInfo::Alloc(symfile.size()));
if (copy == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to allocate memory for native debug info";
return nullptr;
memcpy(copy,, symfile.size());
symfile = ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(copy, symfile.size());
// Ensure the timestamp is monotonically increasing even in presence of low
// granularity system timer. This ensures each entry has unique timestamp.
uint64_t timestamp = std::max(descriptor.action_timestamp_ + 1, NanoTime());
JITCodeEntry* head = descriptor.head_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
void* memory = NativeInfo::Alloc(sizeof(JITCodeEntry));
if (memory == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to allocate memory for native debug info";
if (copy != nullptr) {
return nullptr;
JITCodeEntry* entry = new (memory) JITCodeEntry();
entry->symfile_addr_ =;
entry->symfile_size_ = symfile.size();
entry->prev_ = nullptr;
entry->, std::memory_order_relaxed);
entry->register_timestamp_ = timestamp;
entry->addr_ = addr;
entry->allow_packing_ = allow_packing;
entry->is_compressed_ = is_compressed;
// We are going to modify the linked list, so take the seqlock.
if (head != nullptr) {
head->prev_ = entry;
}, std::memory_order_relaxed);
descriptor.relevant_entry_ = entry;
descriptor.action_flag_ = JIT_REGISTER_FN;
descriptor.action_timestamp_ = timestamp;
return entry;
template<class NativeInfo>
static void DeleteJITCodeEntryInternal(JITCodeEntry* entry) {
CHECK(entry != nullptr);
const uint8_t* symfile = entry->symfile_addr_;
JITDescriptor& descriptor = NativeInfo::Descriptor();
// Ensure the timestamp is monotonically increasing even in presence of low
// granularity system timer. This ensures each entry has unique timestamp.
uint64_t timestamp = std::max(descriptor.action_timestamp_ + 1, NanoTime());
// We are going to modify the linked list, so take the seqlock.
JITCodeEntry* next = entry->next_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
if (entry->prev_ != nullptr) {
entry->prev_->, std::memory_order_relaxed);
} else {, std::memory_order_relaxed);
if (next != nullptr) {
next->prev_ = entry->prev_;
descriptor.relevant_entry_ = entry;
descriptor.action_flag_ = JIT_UNREGISTER_FN;
descriptor.action_timestamp_ = timestamp;
// Ensure that clear below can not be reordered above the unlock above.
// Aggressively clear the entry as an extra check of the synchronisation.
memset(entry, 0, sizeof(*entry));
if (NativeInfo::kCopySymfileData) {
void AddNativeDebugInfoForDex(Thread* self, const DexFile* dexfile) {
MutexLock mu(self, g_dex_debug_lock);
DCHECK(dexfile != nullptr);
const ArrayRef<const uint8_t> symfile(dexfile->Begin(), dexfile->Size());
void RemoveNativeDebugInfoForDex(Thread* self, const DexFile* dexfile) {
MutexLock mu(self, g_dex_debug_lock);
DCHECK(dexfile != nullptr);
// We register dex files in the class linker and free them in DexFile_closeDexFile, but
// there might be cases where we load the dex file without using it in the class linker.
// On the other hand, single dex file might also be used with different class-loaders.
for (JITCodeEntry* entry = __dex_debug_descriptor.head_; entry != nullptr; ) {
JITCodeEntry* next = entry->next_; // Save next pointer before we free the memory.
if (entry->symfile_addr_ == dexfile->Begin()) {
entry = next;
// Size of JIT code range covered by each packed JITCodeEntry.
static constexpr uint32_t kJitRepackGroupSize = 64 * KB;
// Automatically call the repack method every 'n' new entries.
static constexpr uint32_t kJitRepackFrequency = 64;
static uint32_t g_jit_num_unpacked_entries = 0;
// Split the JIT code cache into groups of fixed size and create single JITCodeEntry for each group.
// The start address of method's code determines which group it belongs to. The end is irrelevant.
// New mini debug infos will be merged if possible, and entries for GCed functions will be removed.
static void RepackEntries(bool compress, ArrayRef<const void*> removed)
REQUIRES(g_jit_debug_lock) {
DCHECK(std::is_sorted(removed.begin(), removed.end()));
jit::Jit* jit = Runtime::Current()->GetJit();
if (jit == nullptr) {
// Collect entries that we want to pack.
std::vector<JITCodeEntry*> entries;
entries.reserve(2 * kJitRepackFrequency);
for (JITCodeEntry* it = __jit_debug_descriptor.head_; it != nullptr; it = it->next_) {
if (it->allow_packing_) {
if (!compress && it->is_compressed_ && removed.empty()) {
continue; // If we are not compressing, also avoid decompressing.
auto cmp = [](JITCodeEntry* lhs, JITCodeEntry* rhs) { return lhs->addr_ < rhs->addr_; };
std::sort(entries.begin(), entries.end(), cmp); // Sort by address.
// Process the entries in groups (each spanning memory range of size kJitRepackGroupSize).
for (auto group_it = entries.begin(); group_it != entries.end();) {
const void* group_ptr = AlignDown((*group_it)->addr_, kJitRepackGroupSize);
const void* group_end = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(group_ptr) + kJitRepackGroupSize;
// Find all entries in this group (each entry is an in-memory ELF file).
auto begin = group_it;
auto end = std::find_if(begin, entries.end(), [=](auto* e) { return e->addr_ >= group_end; });
CHECK(end > begin);
ArrayRef<JITCodeEntry*> elfs(&*begin, end - begin);
// Find all symbols that have been removed in this memory range.
auto removed_begin = std::lower_bound(removed.begin(), removed.end(), group_ptr);
auto removed_end = std::lower_bound(removed.begin(), removed.end(), group_end);
CHECK(removed_end >= removed_begin);
ArrayRef<const void*> removed_subset(&*removed_begin, removed_end - removed_begin);
// Bail out early if there is nothing to do for this group.
if (elfs.size() == 1 && removed_subset.empty() && (*begin)->is_compressed_ == compress) {
group_it = end; // Go to next group.
// Create new single JITCodeEntry that covers this memory range.
uint64_t start_time = MicroTime();
size_t live_symbols;
std::vector<uint8_t> packed = jit->GetJitCompiler()->PackElfFileForJIT(
elfs, removed_subset, compress, &live_symbols);
<< "JIT mini-debug-info repacked"
<< " for " << group_ptr
<< " in " << MicroTime() - start_time << "us"
<< " elfs=" << elfs.size()
<< " dead=" << removed_subset.size()
<< " live=" << live_symbols
<< " size=" << packed.size() << (compress ? "(lzma)" : "");
// Replace the old entries with the new one (with their lifetime temporally overlapping).
CreateJITCodeEntryInternal<JitNativeInfo>(ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(packed),
/*addr_=*/ group_ptr,
/*allow_packing_=*/ true,
/*is_compressed_=*/ compress);
for (auto it : elfs) {
DeleteJITCodeEntryInternal<JitNativeInfo>(/*entry=*/ it);
group_it = end; // Go to next group.
g_jit_num_unpacked_entries = 0;
void AddNativeDebugInfoForJit(const void* code_ptr,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& symfile,
bool allow_packing) {
MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), g_jit_debug_lock);
DCHECK_NE(symfile.size(), 0u);
if (Runtime::Current()->IsZygote()) {
return; // TODO: Implement memory sharing with the zygote process.
CreateJITCodeEntryInternal<JitNativeInfo>(ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(symfile),
/*addr=*/ code_ptr,
/*allow_packing=*/ allow_packing,
/*is_compressed=*/ false);
<< "JIT mini-debug-info added"
<< " for " << code_ptr
<< " size=" << PrettySize(symfile.size());
// Automatically repack entries on regular basis to save space.
// Pack (but don't compress) recent entries - this is cheap and reduces memory use by ~4x.
// We delay compression until after GC since it is more expensive (and saves further ~4x).
if (++g_jit_num_unpacked_entries >= kJitRepackFrequency) {
RepackEntries(/*compress=*/ false, /*removed=*/ ArrayRef<const void*>());
void RemoveNativeDebugInfoForJit(ArrayRef<const void*> removed) {
MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), g_jit_debug_lock);
RepackEntries(/*compress=*/ true, removed);
// Remove entries which are not allowed to be packed (containing single method each).
for (JITCodeEntry* it = __jit_debug_descriptor.head_; it != nullptr; it = it->next_) {
if (!it->allow_packing_ && std::binary_search(removed.begin(), removed.end(), it->addr_)) {
DeleteJITCodeEntryInternal<JitNativeInfo>(/*entry=*/ it);
size_t GetJitMiniDebugInfoMemUsage() {
MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), g_jit_debug_lock);
size_t size = 0;
for (JITCodeEntry* it = __jit_debug_descriptor.head_; it != nullptr; it = it->next_) {
size += sizeof(JITCodeEntry) + it->symfile_size_;
return size;
Mutex* GetNativeDebugInfoLock() {
return &g_jit_debug_lock;
} // namespace art